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The broken glass test tube quickly vanished from view, replaced by a tan, growing mass. Dr. Edwards gripped her stomach and grimaced. She knew she should have PPE of at least grade C. 

But it was late and she was tired. All she had to do was transfer a few samples from one shelf to anothere. Edwards thought there was no need to fret over it. One stumble later and she was exposed to the newest and most experimental chemical her company had developed. The turquoise liquid quickly evaporated into invisible fumes. Holding her breath would do nothing. The gas could pass through her skin with ease. Then, seeing as she was putting on weight rapidly, there was a lot more skin for it to absorb through.

Her brain came up with only one solution. Seeing as she couldn't stop her growth, and there was no way she could get to the door in time to still fit through it, as well as the fact that everyone else had gone home already, she needed to document this. Her hand dove into her snug-feeling pocket and pulled out a tape-recorder.

"Effects occured immedialty upon exposure to substance 6130. Subject's stomach is already the size of a beach ball, and weight of it is quite visible. M-my..." Edwards paused and almost panted. She slipped up and reffered to herself before resuming the proper scientific documentation she was used to writing so often. "Subject's body is reacting to this with heightened sensitivity."

The scientist looked down at her stomach which she had rested atop a counter. It rolled across the cool surface quickly. Dr. Edwards had always tried to maintain a diet and active lifestyle, but now she looked like a regular couch potato. The lower buttons of her shirt had all popped off which made it very easy to observe the new curves to her midsection. 

"Growth is spreading throughout the body. The chest had increased three cup-sizes and is growing rapidly." The top buttons of her shirt rapid fired away before her bra flew along with it. Dr. Edwards blushed as she looked at her breasts which quickly surpassed the size of her head as they raced to melon-sized. "Subject's breasts look like models seen in...particular magazines." She sighed. Her back already hurt just looking at these. Though that wouldn't matter soon as she'd undoubtedly lose the ability to walk before this was over.

Her labcoat held on better than her shirt. The sleeves were stuffing with pillow-sized mounds of arm fat and ready to burst, but they held on, still. The lower part of the coat draped over the top of her rapidly thickening butt and hips like a tablecloth.

"Lower body has grown to proportions that make walking difficult. Legs are showing signs of collapse and..." Dr. Edwards gripped the table's edge as her knees wobbled. She was so heavy that it almost hurt to stand. All of her new weight was pressing her knees firmly against the tops of her shins and it didn't tickle. Her skin did though. Her skin felt like it was tingling all over. "Subject's thighs are roughly twenty inches in diameter...likely circumference of roughly sixty inches. Growth is continous, so calculations are diffic-woah!"

Dr. Edwards fell as her legs finally gave out on her. She hit the floor hard thanks to her weight, but the landing was soft. Her padded butt broke her fall, but her pants practically exploded in the process. Plain, white panties somehow survived but were stretched as much as they could manage. "Subject's...posterior has broken their fall. All but their underwear has been unwillingly removed. Dimensions of...posterior are unknown. Possibly large enough to...larger than..." Dr. Edwards groaned in frustration. Her ass was growing too fast to keep up with! "Larger than a three person couch!" She finally growled and leaned back. Thankfully her butt had risen in height enough to serve as a backrest. 

"Subject is fully immobile. Arms appear to be too heavy to lift, legs are completely stationary, and fat continues to build. The rate of growth has increased by at least three." She gulped nervously. "Subject will likely pass one ton within the minute. There are no signs of stopping."

And Dr. Edwards did not stop growing. Her body gained more and more fat. Her belly rolled over the table she had it rested on earlier, her butt pressed against the wall behind her while her hips stretched out to a width more than three times her height. Both of her arms and legs were so helplessly thick and puffy that they couldn't move an inch. Dr. Edwards didn't even have the strength to make them jiggle.

"S-subject has passed...at least...perhaps more than...beyond four tons. Subject can still b-bweafe and shhh..." Dr. Edwards struggled to speak as her face billowed outward. Her cheeks were larger than basketballs. Just opening her mouth was a workout as she had to displace more than a hundred pounds of chin fat. "Sho...fwat...hewp..." She finally gave in and begged for help despite the fact it wouldn't come. She just hoped she would stop as a room-filling blob. It was mortifying to know her coworkers would see her like this, but she preffered this to smashing the entire lab. 

The room got darker as her fat climbed to the ceiling and obscured the lights. She panted and wheezed through fat lips as she watched her fat creep into more of her vision. The last thought she had before her body smothered the last sliver of light was the strong wish that she hadn't disregarded proper lab safety.


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