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The young woman looked down at her hand where a large bite wound was still present. She winced lightly and recalled the origin of the wound. At first, she thought it was a bear, but it seemed far too canine, like a giant wolf...only thicker.

She shook her head and sighed. Things had been strange since then. Maybe it was because her body was fighting an infection or something, but her appetite had ramped up. She couldn't make it through a day with only three meals. Snacks between them weren't enough. She needed to eat almost constantly throughout the day. That didn't agree with her waistline, so she had gotten a tad soft in her middle. 

Her appetite grew more and more ravenous through the month. Now she just grumbled and walked through her dark home with her third after-dinner snack. Something started to feel strange. She felt jumpy. Her skin tingled, her stomach growled, and she couldn't stop drooling. She felt drawn to the window. Once she looked out, she realized it was a full moon.

Then, the change took her.

The woman dropped the bowl of whatever she had been eating, she had just grabbed the closest thing in the fridge, and it shattered on the floor. She then collapsed onto her hands and knees, no longer able to stand as a surge of energy assailed her. Suddenly, her body felt hot, almost scalding to the touch. Her belly growled like a ravenous creature before it started to swell. She had been eating much more lately, but her stomach shouldn't be that big. It shouldn't be growing like that! There was no possible way that a slightly chubby tummy should bloat and swell until it touched the floor. 

The strange, surging sensation spread further. Now, the woman's entire body tingled with newfound energy. Fat piled on everywhere it could while, at the same time, her limbs began to elongate. Her skin was forced to stretch around fat or to accommodate larger bones. Her belly fat squished against the floor and spread outward while her hips and butt thickened. Her breasts soon touched the floor too as she panted heavily. It was at this point that her clothes had been torn off which left her naked. However, she became covered in a thick fur a few moments later. Despite how much longer her limbs became or how her legs changed in shape, they became packed with fat. Her upper arms were so meaty that they squished against the sides of her breasts while her thighs squished together despite her feet being placed apart. Finally, her face stretched out into a wolf-like snout before her cheeks puffed and rounded with fat until they were jowls. 

Slowly and awkwardly, the now transformed woman rose to her feet. Her body was so heavy, so thick, so obese that she shouldn't be able to stand with such ease. Her human form would have been unable to adjust to the drastic increase in weight. The creature could handle it as if it were nothing, though. 

Her mind was subdued by the call of the moon, but she looked strikingly similar to the beast that bit her. So thick and meaty that it could be mistaken for a bear but too canine in its facial features. The heavy, sagging stomach of the obese werewolf growled loudly. The creature sniffed the air and picked up the scent of something nearby. 

Windows shattered, and parts of the nearby wall were knocked away as she leaped through them. She had been like a wrecking ball of destruction before she rolled, got on all fours, and rushed into the night, ready to feast. 


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