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Series: RWBY
Characters: Kali, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang
Contains: Weight gain, groping

Reward for MinotaurSlayer

The last few months had been strange for Kali. A little before the strangeness was a time to celebrate. Blake had returned home and brought all of her friends. Kali had a full house that she could dote on. In her natural way, she fed them well and made sure they got to relax. Now that caused them to get a little chubby, but that was perfectly acceptable! Kali’s way of showing affection was loving hugs, kisses, and plenty of food!

Things became strange when Blake and her friends started to dote on Kali like that. One breakfast in bed led to the girls working together to prepare all the meals. Kali was instructed to relax and the only thing she did was eat. It didn’t take long for her body to thicken. First, her flat stomach billowed out into a soft muffin top. Her already curvaceous hips had become more padded and soft. She got a fat butt that was enough to make her blush, and her chest seemed heavier too. Her arms and legs had gained a few inches too. Kali reasoned that she could go on a few long walks or perhaps do some aerobics, but Blake and her friends wouldn’t allow it. Kali was back on the couch with plenty of snacks and hugs from her guests. It was so bizarre for her, the host, to be the one getting spoiled.

That led to where she was now.

Kali had been seated on the couch for so long that she was certain it had obtained a permanent outline of her butt. The thought embarrassed her, but it was just a drop in the bucket. “Oh, I’ve let things go on far too long.” She said as she moved her arms to the side of her belly and patted it. Ripples traveled through the area her soft hands gently smacked, but they didn’t travel very far. “I was supposed to spoil my daughter and her adorable friends, but here I am. The one being overfed and coddled is me.”

The thought of standing had occurred, but many factors would get in the way. Getting past her egregiously fat belly would be the first issue. Then, Kali wondered if her legs could carry her weight. Then they were so thick that it seemed like it would be difficult to move one past the other. Her butt which hung low and swung above the ground would be difficult to lug around too. Kali had lost her motherly body and now seemed more like a person destined to stuff her face and take up space.

“Maybe I can try. Just stand up, sit down, and repeat. Maybe I can lose some of this weight?” Kali questioned herself before she heard footsteps approach. She smiled nervously. “Oh is that my beloved daughter and her friends again? I wonder what they’ll bring me this time.”

It was like clockwork. The girls appeared, fed Kali, rubbed her belly, or snuggled against her body, then they would exit to prepare the next snack or meal.

The door finally opened and Blake entered first. Her time home had caused her to get a little plump. Most of the additional weight was at her hips and butt which was large enough to sway with her steps. She could have been as thin as a supermodel compared to her mother though. Behind her was Ruby who seemed a little round no matter where you looked. She was such an easy one to feed. A large appetite and weakness for cookies meant Kali could flex her skills on the household staples. Next was Yang who was busty enough that no one noticed the rest of the chub that coated from her at first. Kali had an easy time with her as well. Yang loved any dish with meat, and Kali would never say no to roasting something if it led to a happy guest. Finally, there was Weiss. She was a tough nut to crack at first. After a little cuddling, Weiss had melted into an adorable little doughy lump. Yet Kali didn’t have the time needed to help that dough rise. She was just like her friends, a little chubby but not quite fat.

Whereas Kali was barely mobile. Though a glance would make someone think she was well past that point. She just smiled as the girls approached. Yang pushed a cart loaded with food which distracted her enough before she felt something land on her stomach. She looked down and saw Ruby sinking into her belly. See wasn’t quite right though. She only caught a glimpse from between her beach ball-sized breasts. The globes rested heavily atop her stomach and blocked most things beneath eye level. Their size was paltry compared to the impressive mass of her belly. It was one, giant, smooth mound that stretched more than twice as far as her arms could reach in front of her. It was so large that it would take three of the girls to wrap their arms around the front. It was heavy and sloped forward until it touched the floor, but there was an otherworldly softness to it. Ruby knew that more than anyone as she liked to lean against it. This was likely Kali’s fault as she had gotten the girl used to hugs upon her arrival. A part of her heart beat excitedly to be hugged like this. Her arms twitched as instincts tried to push them forward.

Kali could move her arms. They were soft and heavy, but they weren’t immovable. The underarms were the softest area with a sagging mass of fat that her robes squeezed tightly. She had to admit that the fat on her shoulders made them feel awfully stiff at times. Suddenly, Kali felt hands on her shoulders. They began to knead the fat like dough as well as massage the buried muscle. Kali’s cat ears went flat atop her head and she groaned in pleasure.

“Figured you needed a shoulder rub!” Yang said cheerfully as she tried to keep her breasts from laying on Kali’s head. It wasn’t easy with how large they were or how they gently sloped downward.

Ruby hugged Kali’s belly which sent her arms deeper into the blubber. “We wanted to get here sooner, but we had to plan the rest of the week. There’s some new restaurants we’re going to start ordering from, and Weiss found a place that makes plus-sized furniture!”

“I-Is that so?” Kali asked, nervousness returning to her chest. ‘Plus-sized furniture? So, they probably want me to keep getting fatter.’ She mentally sighed. Her chair was a three-person couch, and her hips almost stretched to the armrests. There were even a few ottomans beneath her because the mass of her butt cheeks were enough to take up the entirety of the couch cushions. Much like the rest of her, Kali’s girth had expanded outward at her sides and behind her just as much as it did in front of her. The lowest curve of her butt cheeks was equal to the middle of her calves and rose to the small of her back. It went higher when she was seated. That put it at the perfect height for her back fat to squish against. Kali was aware that she always had an additional smattering of extra cushion to her rump, but this was ridiculous. Her butt alone weighed more than twice what she used to.

At least it was comfy…

“Speaking of that,” Kali spoke up. “I was hoping we could talk about our arrangement. I appreciate how well you’ve been treating me, but perhaps I should get back to work? If I just laze around like this, then I won’t be able to get up…ever.”

The girls were silent. It was Weiss who finally broke the silence. She sat to Kali’s left and leaned against her side. One hand rubbed the side of the woman’s belly while her face leaned against the side of her breast. Kali’s fat seemed to readily accept Weiss’s smaller form in an almost innately mother-like fashion. “Kali, you did an excellent job making us feel welcomed. We merely want to return the favor. You shouldn’t worry about lifting so much as a finger.” She spoke calmly but with an underlying tone that could be summed up as, “No.”

Kali sighed. She looked at Blake and smiled. Perhaps her daughter would be a voice of reason. Her smile wavered as Blake wheeled the cart over, and she positioned herself on the side opposite Weiss. She kneeled against the area where Kali’s thighs met her hips.

Like the rest of Kali, her thighs were exceptionally thick and padded with fat. They were as wide around as barrels. The same length from her elbow to her fingertips was equal to the distance from her furthest curve to the buried bones. Things were hardly slimmed down beneath Kali’s knees. They weren’t even reduced by a quarter, and the supple flesh rolled over the sides of her feet and her heels. Kali was certain that her legs would lose all of their mobility if she didn’t exercise them somehow.

Kali looked at Blake who held a shrimp in one hand. She opened her mouth and accepted it. “I’m just saying that perhaps you all would like a turn being spoiled again?” She asked only to be fed the next shrimp. They were fried and crispy. It became harder to resist after each one.

“You should give it a rest at this point,” Blake said, not meaning to sound so harsh. “I was the one who had you so stressed all this time, so I can’t just sit around and let you spoil me. I should be the one spoiling you. So come on, open up.”

“Hey, you can’t just say it like that!” Ruby crawled up Kali’s stomach and shifted so that she straddled it between her thighs. She grabbed one of the shrimp and held it in front of Kali’s mouth. “Here it comes, aaaaaah~” She cooed like a mother feeding her child. It caused everyone but Ruby to blush lightly.

Now Weiss shifted in her position and grabbed a plate from the cart. She grabbed a crab cake and pushed it against Kali’s mouth with much less gentleness than Blake or Ruby. She pushed the entire thing past Kali’s lips which prompted her to start chewing. Weiss merely huffed and prepared the next one. It intercepted the shrimps that Blake and Ruby tried to feed the woman. A small battle had broken out on who was feeding Kali. No words were exchanged, but food was mashed into the obese woman’s mouth.

Kali did her best to keep up. It wasn’t easy as her mouth was so full of seafood that it was a struggle to chew. By the time she swallowed, more food was stuffed into her cheeks. “Girlsh? Shwo dmffff.” Kali’s words were reduced to muffled noises as she was fed faster. ’I can’t get a single word out. I have half the mind to ground these three when I finally get up!’

Suddenly, two soft mounds squished against the back of Kali’s head. Yang had leaned down and pressed her breasts to Kali. “Here, I bet she wants some of this! Can’t have her fill up on just the appetizers!” She exclaimed and tried to fit a whole grilled fish filet into Kali’s mouth. There were so many flavors that Kali couldn’t tell what type of fish it was, but she knew it was delicious.

Kali’s belly began to groan as so much food was quickly sent into it. She tried to wave her hands but they tired too quickly. She could just lean back and try to keep up. Though she swore that she could feel her body swell as she was fed. That was likely due to how all the food was laced with dust. Custom-made dietary dust was the best way to change someone’s shape. It was possibly the only way to make Kali so fat in so little time.

Kali’s bulk started to expand out in all directions. Her belly slowly crept across the floor while her hips stretched until they touched the edges of the couch. Her butt squished against the backrest and rose higher to the middle of her back while her legs became thicker to the point her feet were obscured from the top. She let her arms rest at the rolls on her side which she could tell got thicker as her meal went on. She also noticed that a pair of hands massaged the meaty clumps of fat that sagged from her arms.

Through all of this, Kali felt a strange sense of excitement. Her heart thumped away at a brisk pace for more reasons than just her sheer size. Having Ruby sit on her belly was so cute that she couldn’t contain it, the way Weiss snuggled against her side was adorable seeing as she was so cold at first, Yang was so helpful and her shoulder massages felt divine, and just having Blake home was enough to keep Kali in a cheery mood no matter what. So perhaps she could let this continue. If she did end up immobile, then that was an excuse to keep these girls here. That was enough to give her a second wind.

The girls realized that Kali was eating faster. Instead of deciding to feed her one at a time, each girl doubled their efforts to feed Kali more. Such a rapid pace meant that the food didn’t last long. Eventually, the cart was emptied and Kali’s stomach was completely full.

Kali sighed once she finally had the chance to take a nice, deep breath. “Thank you…oof…thank you girls. That was all very delicious.” She murmured and felt a wave of tiredness come over her. “I think it’s about nap time though.” Kali suddenly let out a small, low moan as she felt two hands press against her belly.

Yang had walked around to Kali’s front and started to massage her stomach. She pressed her hands firmly against the fat that started to envelop them. Her hands then moved in large circles that always came back to the center of her stomach. Meanwhile, Weiss had tucked herself back into Kali’s side and snuggled against the warm rolls. Ruby stayed on top of Kali’s belly, but she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around the woman’s thick neck in a gentle hug. She didn’t seem to care that her entire body fit within Kali’s cleavage either. Kali was happy and eagerly nuzzled her cheek against Ruby’s which made the girl giggle.

The feeding was something Kali was slowly coming around to in a sort of on and off cycles. But this? This was something she loved. Kali would get as fat as possible if it meant she could do things like this every day. “You girls spoil me so much! I just want to repay you somehow.”

Kali felt a hand rest on her chest. She looked and saw it was Blake’s. “You don’t need to repay us. We’re doing this for you because we want to.” She leaned in and wrapped her arms as far around her mother as she could. One arm was tucked under one breast while the other looped under her arm and stopped on a roll of back fat. She squeezed tightly which sent her arms deeper into the soft mass of her mother’s body.

Kali didn’t cry, but she felt her eyes start to grow warm. She did her best and lifted one arm. It wrapped around Blake and pulled her close. “I have the best daughter in the whole world! As for you three, I have half the mind to adopt you on the spot. So you had better be careful from now on!” She exclaimed and tried to wrap Weiss and Ruby in the hug too. Yang was too far away, but if it were possible, then Kali would hug her too.

The girls stepped out of the room after they had finished hugging and doting on Kali. Ruby had to be pulled away by Yang as she continued to claim she wasn’t done hugging Kali’s belly. Even Kali seemed a little upset when Ruby was finally pried off of her. The door closed and they walked down the hallway to ensure they were out of earshot.

“Do we need to keep feeding her like this?” Yang asked. “I mean, she’s pretty huge as is. We could at least slow down a bit.”

Blake shook her head. “No, if we don’t make sure she can’t get up, then she’ll turn the tables on us.” She had been adamant about that since before the team had arrived.

“I think your mom is super nice though!” Ruby interjected. “So what if she wanted to cook for us? I doubt we would have gotten anywhere like that!” She jerked her head back in the direction of Kali’s room. It was a living room, but it had basically become Kali’s room as she hardly left it. She was too wide for the doors at this point too.

Weiss pinched Ruby’s belly. “I doubt it. You ate the most out of any of us when we arrived. It isn’t farfetched to picture you as the one on that couch.”

Yang cleared her throat. “Um, isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black?” She cocked an eyebrow and grinned as she looked at the perfectly rounded lump of Weiss’s stomach. That quickly launched an argument about who was the weakest to Kali’s motherly charms.

“That’s enough,” Blake sighed. “We need to get the next snacks ready. Just another few days and mom will be less of a threat.”

“Getting hugged isn’t a threat,” Ruby murmured under her breath only to be heard. She looked away and whistled innocently as Blake glared at her.

After that, the group returned to the kitchen and continued their plot.



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