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Series: Totally Spies
Characters: Alex, Sam, Clover, Inga Bittersweet

Reward for Axios

Deep inside the Bittersweet factory, Sam and Alex quietly skulked through the halls. They had escaped the feeding machine that Inga Bittersweet had locked them in. The evil mastermind had intended for the girls to be force-fed cookies until they were too helplessly obese to stop her. It partially worked as Sam and Alex were unable to convince Clover to leave with them. Clover was already too addicted to the cookies, so she remained in the machine and was being fed at that very moment.

So it was up to the two to save the day. Though they had still eaten a few and the effects were not invisible. The cravings for more cookies lingered with them, and their previously flat stomachs had a slight curve to them. It was hardly anything cared to Clover who was well onto her way of looking like a sumo wrestler.

The duo approached a large door with the label F1 on it. They quietly slipped through the giant doors and saw a large room with rows of catwalks and giant vats of liquified cookie dough. Some of the vats tilted over and the liquid was poured into chutes that ferried it onto baking sheets. Those baking sheets were carried on conveyor belts into giant ovens.

“This must be one of the production factories,” Sam whispered as she and Alex made their way down the stairs.

Alex ignored the growl that came from her stomach. “We can’t do much here. If this is F1 then there’s bound to be others. We might be able to disable them all from the master control room.” She started to clinch her fist as she walked past a chute that ran parallel to the stairs. It took all of her will to resist the urge to taste some. ‘It wouldn’t be that bad if I just got a bit on my fingertips. Just one little dab of cookie dough…’

Sam fought the same battle. There were freshly baked cookies coming out of the ovens. Steam rose off of them in the chilly factory. ‘They probably taste even better fresh from the oven.’ She thought and tried to walk away from the cookies. However, she couldn’t seem to steer herself away. They got closer and closer while her hand reached out with a mind of its own. “I just want to grab one for evidence. Maybe we can find the secret ingredient that makes them so addictive?”

Sam felt her plan was rational. A part of her thought that the secret ingredient was added later. The last thought she had before she put the cookie into her mouth was that it would be the only one. Her willpower was shattered though. Now Sam stuffed multiple cookies into her mouth. One at a time became two at a time. Soon it was by the fistful. Her belly bulged outward and rapidly expanded. It completely bypassed the stuffed, round shape and turned into a soft, sagging belly. Her green jumpsuit stretched around the growing mass of fat and hugged its curves. A darker spot denoted the spot of her belly button which became deeper as fat piled outward. Her developing love handles became thicker by the second and soon became too thick to fit in her hands.

As calories rushed into Sam’s body like an uncontrollable torrent, her belly claimed most of them. Somehow her jumpsuit stretched without issue even as her belly became as large as a yoga ball. No part of her mind maintained a thought about stopping or turning away from the sheets of freshly baked cookies. She continued to eat and gorge herself which made her belly expand more.

Her legs spread apart to stabilize her balance as the weight of her stomach started to pull her forward. Each leg thickened from her thighs down to her ankles. The thickest portion of her thigh was as wide as her waist used to be, and the fat slightly thinned at her knees. Her calves curved out in a soft lump of fat that wobbled as her legs shook. Her shins weren’t much thicker, but there was a fat cap that formed over the bone.

Sam’s hips expanded but at a much slower rate than her stomach. The fat was held up by her form-fitting outfit, and her butt maintained a round, bubbly shape. Of course, they were still the hips and cheeks of a woman rapidly approaching four hundred pounds. It even seemed like her lower body was trying to play catch up with her belly. The same could be said for the rest of her upper body. The growth of her breasts came at a similar rate as her hips and butt. While full inches sprung from her belly, her bust gained centimeters at a time. It looked like she had water balloons stuffed in her chest as they slowly grew and slightly changed in shape. They started to develop teardrop shapes until her outfit shaped them into rounder spheres the same size as her head. Purse-sized arms wobbled as she crammed cookies into her mouth, and her cheeks had begun to bounce with her rapid chewing.

Alex didn’t notice her friend fall into gluttony. She was too busy digging through her set of gadgets until she found it, a hair clip that doubled as a small EMP. She stuck it to the conveyer belt where it pulsed. The electronics that ran the conveyer belt were shorted out and it stopped. Alex didn’t do this to slow the production of the cookies, and it wouldn’t stop more from being baked and placed in front of Sam. Alex disabled the conveyer belt and watched as the liquid cookie dough began to pool on the still conveyer belt. She then hopped onto it and placed her face in front of the rapid flow. This was her plan. She was now free to chug as much of the addictive chocolate slurry as she wanted.

The rush of chocolate caused Alex to inflate like a balloon. Yet this was no air or liquid. The second the calories hit her belly, Alex was expanded with pure fat. The most prominent part of her gain was her rear. Yellow fabric was stretched around the two cheeks as they became like giant boulders. Basketballs, beach balls, and yoga balls, all quickly lost the ability to be compared to Alex’s cheeks. Her butt had become far too large. The twin squishy globes grew bigger and bigger by the second, stuffed tightly in the confines of her suit which refused to rip despite the amount of tanned blubber trapped within it. Her hips became wide enough that they rolled over the edges of the conveyer belt. The furthest points raced outward in both directions and made her wider. Rolls began to form and stack atop each other. The fabric was caught in them in the rapid growth which made it look like bars of gold…or wheels of cheese.

Alex’s legs were enveloped in so much fat that they were unable to move. One would struggle to call them legs at this point seeing as they were too thick to move. They were like stacks of tires with the thickest rolls being so wide that the entire trio of spies would be unable to get their arms around them. The rolls, like Alex’s butt and waistline, thickened at a rate far more rapid than the rest of her. Her thighs were swallowed up by a trio of rolls whereas her knees bloated into their own lumps far too thick to bend. Anything between her knees to her feet was enveloped in slightly smaller rolls before they completely covered her feet. Even the tips of her heels were covered in fat.

While her butt and waist continued to climb higher like fleshy mountains, there was more that affected her position on the conveyer belt. Her belly groaned and gurgled as it grew. The fat pressed against the flat surface and started to lift her up. Like her legs, her belly was covered in rolls that thickened by the second and stretched out her jumpsuit. No matter how much liquid cookie dough filled it, she didn’t seem to feel full. All that ran through her mind was the desire to devour more and more. She would eat until it became physically impossible to continue. That desire caused her to grow at the same rapid rate.

Her chest billowed forward and further helped prop her head in place. Alex’s breasts were thick and round naturally, with her enhanced weight, but they were currently squished into a pancake-like shape. That didn’t stop their growth or make them appear anywhere near small. They didn’t receive the majority of her growth, but they rapidly acquired enough mass to make them appear ludicrously large.

Alex’s arms had already been limp at her sides, but they became fully immobile as time passed. Everything from her shoulder to her elbow was enveloped in blubber. Her elbow was completely absent from sight, her wrist rolled over her hands and left a deep divot, and her upper and lower arms were now amorphous spheres squished so tightly together that it was nearly impossible to distinguish them from each other.

Her face, coated with chocolate, had swelled with two giant cheeks that now appeared more like jowls. Her chins descended like a staircase with each as thick as a sausage. All of the fat rested atop a giant ring of her neck that had filled out and rested against the lumps of her shoulders.

The spy’s back was host to many rolls that got thicker the further down her back they went. Though with the way her body was rested with her rump highest in the air, it looked like the rolls got thicker the higher you looked.

Both spies helplessly gorged themselves, but it was obvious that Alex maintained the lead with her method of stuffing. She was immobile and moving toward a mere blob of flesh while Sam only had her hands to feed her. This made her excessively obese, but she could still stand.

For now.

Sam’s belly touched the ground and her legs started to buckle. She reached further and further to grab more cookies, but it soon became impossible to continue. Her legs trembled more frantically before she landed on the floor. Her butt, now wide enough to crush a two-person couch, collided with the floor. A loud THWAP sounded and echoed through the factory. Sam didn’t think of how that could alert the guards, as she was more upset that she couldn’t reach more cookies…


“Oh hey, there you two are!” Clover cheered as her friends were moved back to the feeder machine with the use of wheeled carts. The engines of the mobile platforms audibly whined as they struggled to move the immobile duo. Clover hardly heard it over the sound of her chewing. With only one person to feed, the machine had started to focus only on her. That meant she was being fed three times as fast. That resulted in the spy being an immense mass of blubber, larger than Sam and Alex combined.

Just her waistline was as long as a city bus while her ass was stacked over ten feet tall with fat. Somehow, her jumpsuit stretched across it all, but it had started to appear more transparent in some areas. It was natural as it stretched across multiple tons of butt fat. From the base of Clover’s back to the furthest curve of her butt cheeks was easily thirty-five feet. Clover didn’t seem to think anything was wrong with that either. She just watched as her friends were put back in their assigned spots as the feeder machine continued to stuff cookies into her mouth. Most of her mind was consumed by the desire to eat more cookies, the other part felt that if she hadn’t burst at that point, then she probably never would.

Clover’s arms and legs could hardly be recognized as such. They were just conjoined masses of lumps and rolls that couldn’t move. Red fabric stretched across them which helped accentuate how foreign they looked to her body. If one looked at them alone and not the rest of her, they could mistake them for some weird, trendy furniture. Her upper arms formed an oblong circle of sorts with the fat of her shoulder and upper arm having a smaller, more tucked curve while her underarms formed a much larger, flabbier curve. This entire mass was larger than a tractor tire, and it stretched a greater distance than her upper arms used to. That created a bowl-shaped indent for her forearms to rest in. Squished by the surrounding fat, Clover’s upper arms almost buried her fat hands which were useless due to how puffy her fingers were. She’d never grasp a gadget again. Honestly, she’d never be able to feed herself either. Thankfully the machine took care of that.

The Spy’s legs were even larger. From one end of her thigh to the other was a staggering distance of over ten feet. Ten feet of pure fat in width with the thickness from the outermost curve to the buried muscle and bone was just over half of that. Clover’s legs were now just mounds of blubber that helped prop her up. They couldn’t jiggle on command let alone hopefully move the spy anywhere. Her lower legs were wider than she used to be tall. The fat continued before it rolled in on itself. There it formed an indent that marked where her feet had been buried. There was easily over three feet worth of fat before the buried appendage could be found.

Clover’s stomach was engorged by the cookies she gluttonously devoured. It rolled and stretched forward past her feet, further than her arms could reach, and continued for another dozen feet. It contained more fat than an adult blue whale, and Clover had come to be very fond of it. Pleased groans and gurgles sounded from it as she ate more. The addiction had a hold of her so powerful that she never wanted to stop. Even the seconds between cookies were too much to bear now. Such gluttony, added to the fact she couldn’t avoid the feeding machine, was what allowed her belly to become so massive. Rolls were outlined by the tortured fabric of her jumpsuit. They followed the curves and nearly tucked themselves into formed rolls.

Clover’s face was mostly obscured from any lower angles by her breasts which were so heavy and laden with fat that round was an impossible shape for them now. They were wide and like thick pancakes. They draped themselves atop her belly and rolled past the midpoint of the plateau. Their thickness and the height of each boob, combined with the support her belly gave them, created blubber walls that hid her multiple rolls of neck and chin fat as well as the cheeks that were larger than her entire face.

Of the entire group, Clover seemed to be doing the best. She eagerly devoured more cookies which made her fatter and fatter. There was never a chance for her to escape, and her friends had lost the ability to rescue her.

Sam and Alex were put back in the same areas they had broken free from although now their massive butts buried the chairs that used to fit them. The mechanical arms started to feed them cookies which caused them to moan in delight. Their minds were just as hopelessly addicted as Clovers’s. Each cookie added more fat to their already impossibly obese frames. They became larger and larger with asses that flowed far behind them and bellies that rolled until they all met in the middle. Blubber buried their already ruined limbs and further morphed them into gelatinous, roll-coated shapes. Their suits stretched and stretched along with their bodies while their minds were left in dull states. The only thoughts that came to them were about the cookies fed to them. The only hope to stop Passion Patties from being released into the world was effectively vanquished. Madame Bittersweet had won, and her vengeance would be enacted around the globe as the populace would end up reduced to the same blobs that had tried to save them.

Clover, Sam, and Alex were too elated to think of that though. They would go on to eat as long as they were fed. That was one way that Madame Bittersweet failed. This machine was supposed to bring about “death by cookie.” Her captives hadn’t burst or had their hearts give out. They surpassed what she thought was possible.

Actually, her supply was getting reduced at an alarming rate. She would need to repair the parts of the factory Sam and Alex broke if she wanted to continue to try and rid herself of these pesky lard masses once called spies as well as decimate the populace.

Maybe crime wouldn’t pay if the Totally Spies bankrupted their enemy first…




Should probably add on "alternate ending" to make it easier to find when it makes it in your DA gallery next month