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Series: RWBY
Characters: Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang
Contains: Weight gain

Reward for TheMaximumCaliber

The car continued down the road, but all members of Team RWBY felt ready to pass out. They had made numerous pitstops for snacks or small meals. Those added up as well as the piles of wrappers in the floorboard. They were all on the verge of a food coma, but thankfully Yang kept plenty of caffeine in her body so she could drive safely. Weiss, Blake, and Ruby though were either on the verge of passing out or already had their eyes closed.

Ruby’s head swayed in the air before it landed softly on Blake’s shoulder. Her eyes had shot open by the time her plump cheek bounced off of Blake’s shoulder. It felt like she had landed on a soft pillow, and she almost felt the urge to put her head back down. Instead, a rational thought sprang to her. “Eheh…sorry.” She apologized and shifted in her seat. The backseat of the car was crowded as Ruby and Blake’s hips took up all the space offered. They were squished hip to hip as well as hip to the car door.

Blake took up more of the room due to her wider lower body, but Ruby took up every other available inch of space. Incredibly soft fat was squished together with enough force to be pressed flat. There wasn’t any room to wiggle and if either tried then they would send ripples through each other’s bodies. Both girls had heavy, thick butt cheeks that had to be squished against their seats which caused the fat to rise to the small of their backs. Whenever they stood, there was a bit of a curve or barely noticeable sag to their rumps purely due to their egregious weight. Ruby had a larger and rounder belly, but Blake’s was still large enough to press against the seat in front of her. The car the group had for their vacation wasn’t an ideal size, but Ruby and Yang insisted it was reliable.

There was some room in the floorboards but each girl had to keep their legs close together. Separating their thighs was impossible as Blake’s were about as thick as telephone poles while Ruby’s were only a few inches thinner. Both had thighs of unimaginable softness that still somehow managed to carry them about. The legs of Blake’s shorts dug into her thighs with a deep indent. Ruby avoided this as she still had her skirt on, although the waistband already dug into her waist, and her leggings caused a similar effect as her thighs rolled over the top of them.

Seatbelts were awkwardly drawn over each of their busts. The straps squished against one supple orb before they stretched across part of their belly, but failed to make contact until they had to loop around and try to buckle. That had been an incredible struggle for Ruby and Blake as they had to reach around each other’s masses to try and blindly force the seatbelt closed. Their sausage fingers were barely nimble enough to deal with buttons, so trying to secure a seatbelt took time. That was also why they didn’t unbuckle during their many stops. Thankfully the group relied on drive-through experiences to satisfy their bellies.

Weiss had more space riding shotgun, but it wasn’t as much as she cared for. Her white sundress also left her plenty of space and freed her from any restrictive clothing. It was easy for her to doze in and out too as she supported her round cheek with one hand. That hand was connected to a plump arm with plush fat running from her wrist to shoulder. She had no issue with her seatbelt over her chest as she had the smallest breasts in the group. They weren’t oversized in any sense of the word. Just plump lumps attached to her chest that could only fill the palm of her hand. No one would point that out though.

Weiss’s belly completely covered her lap as well as spilled over her thighs and past her knees. Fat squished against the glove box and smooshed against the middle console. It rose and fell with her steady breaths as she began to drift into sleep. It was a giant lump of fat for the most part, but it curved and tucked into malleable love handles that rested atop her hips. Currently, Weiss’s right hip touched the car door, but there would have been some space between her and Yang even if the middle console had been lifted. With it there, Weiss’s left hip was smooshed against it. Still, she had more room than Blake and Ruby.

Pale thighs were hidden from the sun by Weiss’s belly, but they were squished together like two pillars made of marshmallow fluff. Weiss did seem like a giant marshmallow in a way with her complexion. She was often teased for such things too. For most of the trip, her plush rear had made the car seat bearable, but even in her sleep, Weiss began to feel uncomfortable. Her cheeks were the size of pillows, but unlike pillows, they had feelings.

Yang put up with her less-than-comfortable accommodations and focused on getting her team to the beach. She was pumped for the trip, and it took an extreme amount of self-control to not shout out in joy. She did however lightly nod her head to the summer jams coming from the radio. The movement made her breasts bounce and wobble, even clashing together like a gelatinous Newton’s Cradle. It wasn’t unnatural seeing as Yang had breasts the size of watermelons. A fair amount of the bounce also came from her round belly which her breasts bounced off of. This occasionally caused her to pull her yellow crop top down over her breasts while she left her belly uncovered. She was fine showing off the big mass of fat. She liked it.

Her arms soon joined the rhythm and drummed on the steering wheel. This made her bingo wings wobble erratically. They were the size of large purses, so it was no surprise. She could lift them with ease thanks to deeply buried muscles, but anyone who saw her arms would be surprised to see her lift them for more than a few seconds. Though like with the rest of her, the bodacious blonde didn’t care at all. She was comfortable in her skin and all the fat that came with it.

Yang’s lower body was thickly coated with fat just like her upper half. It was at least pulled back to a degree that she was the most comfortable in her seat out of everyone in the car. Her hips were wide enough to touch the car door and middle console, and they could have used some extra space, but she had more wiggle room than the other girls. Her rump was fat and soft with squishy cheeks that stretched her pants, but they were just the right level of softness to make her seat feel much more comfortable. Plush thighs were squished together, but there was still room to work the pedals. Yang was even able to tap one of her feet to the music on the radio while the other easily adjusted or maintained their speed.

Yang reached across the cab and patted Weiss’s belly. “You pumped for the trip?” She asked with a large grin. Any drowsiness was dispelled from the heiress as she slowly looked over at Yang.

“Yes, I have been looking forward to it, but this drive is taking longer than I’d like. I was willing to hire a private airship. We could have soared through the sky and enjoyed a comfortable lounge area all the way.” Weiss sighed and looked as Yang’s hand remained on her belly. She started to blush when she saw how easily her friend’s fingers sank into her belly.

“Ha! If we did that, then we’d have to roll you off the ship.” Yang squeezed a roll of Weiss’s belly which almost drew a yelp from the other girl. “Part of the trip is the traveling to get there. Didn’t you have fun stopping at all these nice places to eat? We would have totally missed them if we flew all the way!” Yang’s grin widened. “And you would have missed out on that rib place. You sucked the bones clean!” The blonde laughed boisterously and started to smack Weiss’s belly.

Weiss’s face was now red with agitation as well as embarrassment. She watched her belly bounce and wobble like some sort of giant water balloon before she swatted at Yang’s hand. Yang took it as a teasing smack and retracted her hand. “Fine, you’ve made your point. Though I’ll convince you to let us fly back before this trip is over, understand?”

“Ooh, how are you gonna do that? Gonna put some moves on me?” Yang asked and looked over at Weiss who looked out the opposite window. That didn’t hide the reflection of her bright red face. “You’ll have plenty of chances. Treat me to some steak by the seaside and I might even give you a big ki-OW OW OW!” Yang started to shout as Weiss reached over and pinched a roll of her belly fat.

Weiss pinched and twisted. It wasn’t enough to seriously hurt, but no one would want someone to do that to them. “This will teach you to tease me! You have some nerve, Yang Xiao Long!” She huffed and continued to squeeze. At one point Yang started to swerve which jostled the fatties in the back seat.

Ruby’s head shot up. “Huh? Wha? We there yet or another snack break?” She asked and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. When there was no reply and she realized the car was still moving, she leaned back to her left. That caused her shoulder to sink into Blake’s shoulder while her belly fat squished against the other girl’s. It took a few moments before Ruby realized what she was snuggled against. “Eh…”

“It’s fine, Ruby,” Blake replied as she looked at Ruby. The girl was soft and warm on top of being her friend. That meant there was no reason to shove her off. She was still tired too and only woke up because the car had swerved. With a yawn, Blake stretched both arms above her head. One rested on her belly while the other wrapped around Ruby’s back. She shifted her weight and leaned more onto her right butt cheek. That squished the left one more firmly against the door, but most of Blake’s weight had shifted right. Her and Ruby’s bellies smooshed together as a soft cheek rested on the team leader’s head. “Hmmm, but I’m gonna cuddle back. Payback for leaning on me the past hour…” Blake quickly fell asleep after she nuzzled Ruby one more time.

Back in the front, Yang whined and rubbed the sore spot on her belly. “Jeez, I was just teasing, Weiss.” She looked at the passenger seat where Weiss had her arms crossed over her chest. It was pretty easy seeing as her boobs were so, comparatively, small. “Y’know if you keep acting this fussy, then you won’t be able to relax at the beach. A little flirting won’t kill you.”

“Yang?” Weiss asked and slowly turned to the blonde. “I will pinch you again.”

“…Note taken.” Yang looked back to the road. Suddenly, her eyes lit up. “That’s our turn!” She slammed on the break and jerked the wheel. Even with the excessive weight in the car, the vehicle tipped onto the left two wheels before they slammed back down.

“Y-YAAAAAAANG!” Weiss screeched as she tried to grab onto anything. Her right hand got the panic bar while her left fumbled around and grabbed her belly.

“Not again!” Ruby tipped over on Blake to the point her belly fully laid atop Blake’s lap. That made Blake blush and occupied her mind more than the panic of Yang’s erratic driving. It didn’t take long for the car to slam back onto all four wheels which sent Blake almost on top of Ruby.

“Haha, we’re just about there! Hold on, girls!” Yang exclaimed as she gunned it down the straight road while the rest of her team panicked.


The car came to a gradual stop. The weight of the passengers was enough to make the car slide forward a few feet despite the brakes being pressed firmly. The horn was inadvertently honked as Yang’s breasts were pressed against the steering wheel by inertia. Weiss would have smacked her chin against the glove box if not for her tightened seatbelt and pillow belly. She lacked the chest to cushion any potential impact like Yang did. Ruby and Blake were squished against the backs of the driver and passenger seat as their seatbelts nearly snapped from trying to hold their weight back.

The straps sank deep into the groups’s bellies and chests, but they managed to hold until the car stopped. Then, surprisingly quickly, Weiss, Blake, and Ruby undid their seatbelts and flopped out of their corresponding car doors. Gelatinous bodies landed on the pavement with slight bounces as they all groaned. Yang’s driving for the last portion of the trip had been horrifying. So much speeding, so many sharp turns, and a near miss with a food truck because the blonde had gotten distracted.

The sight of the girls lying there was reminiscent of partially melted ice cream. Distinct, larger lumps of Ruby and Blake’s butts in the air while Weiss’s stomach did the same. Their lower folds then squished and spread across the warm sand beneath them.

Yang was the last out of the car and the only one on their feet. She stretched her heavy arms above her head and let out a groan. Her back arched and her chest was thrust out. The low-cut neck hole left plenty of the upper halves of her breasts exposed, and the sun shone down on them. “Whoo finally! I was getting stiff.” She looked at her friends. “What, your legs fall asleep?” She asked and nudged the side of Blake’s belly with her foot.

Blake was the first to stand up, but she needed to lean against the back of the car. The suspension groaned and part of the car dipped down. Her upper belly flowed across the surface of the trunk and her hips wobbled due to how her knees trembled. The trembling was partly due to her nervousness, but it was also physical strain from pulling her bulk upright. “Someone else should drive on the way back.” She murmured as Yang put a hand to her chest and mock gasped.

“I second that,” Ruby murmured and slowly got herself seated upright. She set to work dusting the sand off of her, but she struggled to reach the furthest curves of her belly. In the end, she got to her feet and started to shake herself like a wet dog. This got some of the sand off of her while her fat swung about and jiggled violently.

Weiss was the last to start moving. “No, I am now adamant that we will be flying home.” She looked around. “At least Yang parked next to our stop.” Weiss looked at the large beach house right next to their parked car. She reasoned that their things could be moved later, but she was desperate to get inside. Without sunscreen on, she was bound to burn just standing there.

The group waddled behind her after Yang helped Ruby to her feet. Wooden steps squeaked under their feet as they ascended onto the porch. Weiss fetched the keys and unlocked the door. Cool air washed over them the second the door opened. They entered into a large living room with a sectional couch and a flat-screen TV. The coffee table had an assortment of welcome snacks laid out. The snacks were quickly descended upon by Yang and Ruby. Weiss busied herself reading a list of amenities and brief rules. She had it memorized already, but she wanted to be sure. Blake stood there idly. The snacks called to her, but the idea of sitting down and reading tempted her too.

Weiss placed the paper down. “Well, we might as well move our bags in. Perhaps we can change into our bathing suits too?” She suggested and placed her hands on her hips which readily let her fingers sink into them. “I don’t want to go to the ocean yet, but there is a pool and hot tub.”

“Sounds great!” Yang cheered boisterously. “I might swing by a store and grab some beers too. We can have a barbecue tonight. Kick off the celebration with a-“

“Don’t you say it.” Weiss glared at Yang.

“A Yang.” Yang finished.

Weiss sighed. “There’s beer already in the fridge. Get me one.” Weiss had only started to drink beers after meeting Yang. It was clear she was going to need one soon to put up with the obese blonde.

Ruby looked at Blake and smiled. “Will you go swimming if I do?” She asked and looked at her friend with big, innocent eyes.

Honestly, Blake would rather read a book. Perhaps she could rest in the water and read at the edge though? The water would help support plenty of her weight too as an added bonus. “Sure,” She agreed and smiled as Ruby made a small jump for joy. Blake then had to grab Ruby by her shoulders to keep her from falling over. They both ignored how their bellies squished together at the moment. By the time Ruby was steady again, they had already moved and started to waddle outside.

Weiss watched them go before she was poked on her lower back by something cold. She gasped and spun around just to have Yang push a can of beer in her hands. She accepted it.

“Here’s to the start of our vacation!” Yang winked and held the can up. She bumped it against Weiss’s and chugged the contents.



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