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Sorry, Saturday posts aren't the usual, so I forgot to upload this!


Series: RWBY
Characters: Blake, Glynda
Contains: Instant weight gain, immobility

Reward for Julian

Blake looked down at the notebook before her once more. The inscription still rang in her head. It was so comical that she didn’t truly believe it.


‘To the one who has discovered this journal, you have come across an object of great power. The name of anyone written within this journal with a desired weight will be transformed before the user’s eyes. Take heed though for anyone who dares use this journal will be doomed with a hefty fate.’

It was so cheesy that Blake almost snorted. Still, it would be interesting to fool around with it during class. Glynda Goodwitch had already stood at the front of the classroom, and she glared at the students who were still talking. She was always strict and had every student on their best behavior for fear of punishment. Blake frowned as she watched Glynda chew out a student for eating in class too.

‘Guess I can try.’ Blake looked down at the fat note and started to write.

‘Glynda Goodwitch is 600 pounds.’

Blake felt silly writing it down as if anything would happen. Her eyes shot open when she looked up to see that Glynda Goodwitch was six hundred pounds.

Glynda’s face still had a stern expression, but the new softness of her cheeks and the more pronounced curve of her chin undercut it somehow. It was hard to see her as intimidating with such a soft and squishy face. Though Blake supposed the rest of her professor’s girth made up for it.

Glynda’s shoulders were visibly wider and stacked with fat. Her arms were never noticeably toned, but now her sleeves were forced to stretch around the thick layers of fat that coated them. The upper arms were lopsided with the undersides having heavy bingo wings that looked as if they were forcefully stuffed into the sleeves. This caused them to take up most of the room whereas the upper sides had a thinner coating of fat. Despite how tight the fabric was, Glynda’s hammy underarms wobbled whenever she moved them. Blake’s eyes tracked that movement before she realized that her professor’s forearms were thicker now too. It was roughly half the size of her upper arm, but that still resulted in thick fat that terminated in a soft hand with slightly thickened fingers. These definitely weren’t the arms of a huntress.

Blake was careful with what she stared at next. Glynda’s breasts were ridiculous. The keyhole shape cut into her blouse was now the size of Blake’s textbook. It started under the button that linked Glynda’s collar and stretched out in a diamond pattern. This revealed a long stretch of cleavage before the fabric closed near the middle of Glenda’s breasts. Each glob was more than twice the size of her head, and their weight made them look like overfilled water balloons laid upon a shelf. That shelf, of course, was her belly. They had exquisite curves that started at the sides and squished against her upper arms. The curve sloped and tucked in a much wider curve that slightly conformed to the surface of her belly, but had some structural support from Glynda’s bra. It was easy to tell that the fabric struggled to hold the sizable breasts back as the white fabric appeared slightly transparent. Blake could only tell because she saw Glynda every day, and her professor always wore the same style of blouse. Another sign was how the keyhole cut gently sank into her cleavage. It was like someone gently wrapped a piece of string around freshly baked bread. Blake couldn’t help but think how the supple fat would likely spring back to shape if Glynda tugged at the hem of the fabric.

There was more to look at. Blake’s eyes moved over Glynda’s belly. This area was normally covered partially by her blouse with the rest being within her high-waisted pencil skirt. The outfit didn’t agree with her new body as the skirt’s highest bronze button. This created an area to cradle the fat of her upper belly. This lump started under her chest and would have been smoothly connected to the rest of her gut if not for the wardrobe malfunction. It was only a small portion of her stomach though. The rest consisted of a giant glob of dough that hung to the middle of her thighs and stretched just as far as her arms could reach in front of her. At her sides were love handles so thick, they rose from the start of her hips to the middle of her ribs. They were less like a “handle” and more like a slab of fatty flesh.

Her hips were more than three times their original width. Fat piled on further and further and ended in a curve that was cut into by her skirt. Glynda’s skirt should have gone to just above her knees, but now it only reached the top of her hips. Thankfully her leggings kept everything covered, but her skirt was obscenely tight. When she turned around to write on the board, Blake spotted the outline of her panties under the black fabric. That also allowed her to stare freely at Glynda’s butt. Pillowy was a word to describe it as the cheeks seemed just as large and soft as overstuffed pillows.

Glynda’s thighs were almost as big around as barrels, but they were still wider than most of the trees around Beacon. If for some reason the stern teacher were to let someone as slender as Blake sit on her lap, then there would be enough room for her and likely three copies of her. Black leggings clung to the meaty pillars like a second skin and cast every contour in perfect detail. Thighs gave way to bulbous knees which thinned slightly into fat calves and soft shins before they reached meaty cankles.

All Blake had to do was write it down, and Glynda had turned into an obese dough ball of a woman. The strangest part was no one, Glynda included, seemed to notice. They all paid attention, or not, to the lesson as if it were normal. Blake looked at the notebook and thought about it. She must have been spared some sort of mind-bending spell. There would be widespread shock if someone suddenly gained hundreds of pounds in the blink of an eye, so the book must have bent people’s minds as easily as it bloated Glynda’s body.

Blake smiled. She would have so much fun with this. Her pen was ready in her hand as she thought of what to do. Glynda was huge now, but what was the limit? How massive could Blake make her? Would Glynda’s clothes keep up if they already lagged behind? Would it create conflicting thoughts if she made the woman immobile or too fat to have ever gotten into the room? Blake thought on it more and more as her writing hand itched to put down something.

She knew that she had to keep her eyes on Glynda this time. Her hands slowly and clearly wrote what she wanted, but she wouldn’t look away from Glynda until she saw the change happen.

‘Glynda Goodwitch weighs over 1,000 pounds.’

Blake felt that wasn’t too much of a leap. Her teacher was already 600 pounds, easily a 500 increase to her normal weight. Blake was just adding a little less than before. The sight was something to behold indeed. Fat surged quickly across Glynda’s form. Buttons shot off of her blouse, but no one besides Blake noticed. The collar around Glynda’s neck and everything below it had lost its buttons, so now her blouse hung open to reveal all of her belly. It was a heavy apron of a gut that sagged to the floor. It flowed past her thighs and rested atop her feet. Though it was so soft that it flowed around her feet and touched the floor. Rolls formed across the expanse of fat as the blubber continued to accumulate while space to accommodate ran out. The same happened with her sides which had doubled in width. Her love handles served as the base while slightly smaller rolls lined her sides up to her underarms.

Speaking of arms, Blake noticed how heavy and lard-laden Glynda’s arms were. Her sleeves had been split open and allowed the sagging underarms to hang freely. The fat was pale and glistened thanks to a coating of sweat. Blake thought there was no way Glynda lifted her arms to write on the board. Each underarm was the size of a pillow, and they likely weighed thirty pounds at the least.

Glynda’s legs didn’t look much thicker, but they were hard to see thanks to how her belly hung. Blake could just make out that there were rolls along them and they certainly had gained another inch or two. It was in looking at this that Blake realized Glynda was leaning on her desk. Her ass covered most of its length and the cheeks almost reached the edge behind her. That sight caused something in Blake to break.

Forget Glynda at 1,000 pounds. Blake needed to go much further. Glynda seemed fine at this weight. She was exhausted from standing, but the weight didn’t seem to hurt her. So it was fine to add more.

‘Glynda Goodwitch is an immobile mass of fat.’

Blake’s eyes widened as the change brought about more than she ever imagined. Glynda’s already immense girth more than doubled in size. The room shook as her massive ass slammed against the floor, crushing her desk underneath it. If someone other than Blake had been aware of these changes, then they would be shocked as the professor looked practically nothing like her former self. The only thing that guaranteed Blake looked at the same woman was her blonde hair and green eyes.

Glynda’s face was bloated and misshapen with fat. Her cheeks were round and supple like perfectly shaped balls of dough while her chin had softened into a small lump that squished against a heavy wreath of neck fat. Her lips parted as she wheezed and panted heavily. No words left her mouth though. She just opened wider so that she could use her semblance to stuff food down her throat.

That interested Blake. Glynda’s body and personality were changed, but so were her actions. This was supposed to be a lecture, but Glynda just gorged on food. This could have been going on for hours.

Glynda’s clothes were gone aside from her bra and panties. Though Blake could only spot one stretched, narrow purple piece of fabric from the undergarments. Glynda’s bra only held the lowest portion of her breast. Her nipples were concealed in this which made it seem like her breasts were folded over on themselves. The elastic quietly creaked before it snapped and Glynda’s bra was sent flying. It soared over Blake’s head and fell out of sight. She was too busy staring at Glynda’s breasts to realize. They were each the size of beanbag chairs and sloped heavily. They drifted in opposite directions and would have sagged further if not for the support her stomach still provided them. There was enough space for someone to be completely buried between them as well. The sweat that ran into the canyon of cleavage could be seen too.

Her belly started with a large slab that stretched out from the middle of her abdomen. It stretched and curved forward until it tucked in a wavy roll that rested atop the lower mass of her gut. The lower mass was much larger and had a cleft at the bottom in line with her belly button. It could better be referred to as a mound of blubber instead of a stomach. It stretched beyond her feet and was so wide that it forced her legs apart. All together her gut was a giant, pillowy soft mass larger than two king-sized beds sewn together. The numerous rolls on her sides had combined and merged seamlessly with the sides of her belly.

The fat on Glynda’s side served as the perfect place for her bare underarms to rest. Just one gelatinous, fat-filled underarm was as big as one of her breasts, but the shape was more lumpy. This fat took up so much space that her upper arm alone couldn’t hold it. The fat rolled past her elbows and left the bloated limbs unable to bend. From her wrist to the middle of her forearms was a round bump of fat with a puffy hand resting at the end.

The width of Glynda’s hips were more than twice her height. Her hips stretched further and further before the curves rounded and tucked under her immense bulk. From the ground to the highest curve of her hips was equal to waist height if the woman was standing. There was enough space from where Glynda’s side fat ended to where her hips curved to serve as a seat with room for someone to prop their feet up. The width of her hips was matched by her ass. Two thick, tall, wide, and dense butt cheeks remained planted to the ground and would likely stay there for good. There was enough weight and mass to crush a three-person could with the ease of stepping on an eggshell. Glynda also seemed very comfortable on her giant ass.

From her hips emerged Glynda’s thighs. It was more appropriate to specify thighs as there was not much else other than the globular upper legs. Her thighs rolled forward like an indomitable wave and swallowed up everything past her knee and came to a stop at her feet. From one edge to another was slightly shorter than the height of her hips, but that was because their weight had misshaped them. Glynda’s thighs were wider than their height thanks to their heavy weight and position of them. The inner side of her thighs was squished against her gut which put a slight bump in the long, lower curve of her stomach.

Blake felt like her heart could leap out of her chest. This Fat Note was incredible, and the possibilities seemed endless. She swallowed hard and looked at her teacher. She had turned the woman into a gluttonous blob with only a few sentences.

A bell rang and Blake snapped too. She gathered her things, stood up, and let her gaze linger on Glynda. ‘I wonder who I should do next?’ The thought appeared in her mind. Glynda was great, and Blake could certainly have more fun with her later. In the meantime, there were a lot of other potential victims. She smiled and left the classroom, listening to Glynda eating as she went.