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Series: My Dress Up Darling

Characters: Marin Kitagawa

Contains: Female weight gain, clothes ripping


“Maaaaan that was so good!” Marin Kitagawa exclaimed as she leaned back on her futon. The cushions were pressed flat beneath her rump while the metal frame croaked as more weight was foisted upon it. She had just finished her lunch, so she was seated upright and had part of her weight shifted off the furniture. Now all of her bulk weighed upon the barely sturdy enough frame. She started to slowly kick her feet back and forth, the sides of her calves managing to brush against each other. A short reach brought her phone to her hands, and she quickly opened her photos app. A photo of the meal she had eaten flashed before her. It was a heaping bowl of naoto fried rice with fried chicken and hotdogs on it. She had accompanied it with some cup ramen as well as soda and tea. Her stomach groaned at the sight despite just being filled. That meal had always been a comfort food for her, and she had been especially comfortable as of late.

A sudden crash in metabolism, simple overeating, or overindulgence in a new snack company despite its shady nature, there wasn’t simply one reason to blame for Marin’s sudden and drastic increase in weight. It wasn’t noticed at first. Marin was her normal, popular, and cheery self. It was just at one point she realized her uniform felt snug, and her friends pointed out that she looked a little “puffy.” Puffy turned into fat, fat continued into obesity, and it wound up at what should be considered “morbid,” but Marin was just as active and upbeat as normal. No one treated her differently. Although Marin had noticed Gojo being especially twitchy as of late. She shrugged it off and continued to do her thing. Her thing happened to be wearing cute clothes, eating tons of snacks, and being obsessed with all her favorite anime, manga, and video game characters.

“Hmm…” Marin leaned her head back. “It’s been a while since I did a cosplay. Gojo’s still on break.” She pursed her lips and pouted. There was an upcoming competition for young hina doll creators. Marin understood how important that was to him, so they agreed to take a break from cosplays so he could focus on that. Still, the itch to cosplay tormented her!

Well, nothing could change that. Something that could be dealt with was Marin’s increasingly noisy stomach. “I’ve got some pudding…nfff cups in the frrrrrridge!” She groaned as she tried to get up. She tried to lean forward, but her belly was squished between her chest and lap. Her lap had gotten much wider thanks to her broad and meaty thighs. Each was so encased in fat that it would take both of her arms to fully wrap around one. Doing that she could at least grab her wrists. Marin’s cheeks shifted about as she got her feet to the floor. After a few attempted bounces, Marin got to her feet and shimmied around her table. Her chins had a soft coat of fat on them, but it wouldn’t tickle to bash them against the corner of her table.

Marin’s body wobbled as she moved. Each step caused a hip to bounce and a butt cheek to wobble. Fat filed onto her hips like an avalanche of fluffy dough. Her pajama pants struggled to stretch over the expanse, and a roll of pale flab rolled over the tortured elastic waistband. The fabric was pulled to the very limit across her butt cheeks which were like jumbo-sized pillows in mass and softness. They had decent perks to them, but gravity didn’t ignore the lumps. The semi-loose, semi-firm texture gave them the perfect combination of bounce, perk, and softness. Marin was somewhat proud of it. In the sense of a person who was confident with their looks but not obsessive or narcissistic. Her belly swung back and forth as it eclipsed the middle of her thighs. Breasts wider than her formerly thin torso bounced as Marin lifted her arms above her head and stretched. Each twitch caused them to wobble a little. Seeing as Marin was home alone, there was no need for a bra. Her cute floral tank top was more than enough to keep her girls covered. The sleeveless design let her puffy arms remain free too. Soft shoulders sloped into the heavy appendages with sagging bingo wings and thickened forearms. At the end of chubby hands were perfectly manicured nails which scratched the sides of her belly.

Marin reached the kitchen and grabbed the handle of her fridge. She opened the door only for it to stop. She tried again only for it to open slightly. When she looked down, she saw the door squish against her belly. “Wow, I’ve got a serious apron going on here.” Both hands settled on the side of her stomach and rubbed slowly. Her palms and fingers sank into the malleable fat with surprising ease. Marin wasn’t surprised she was overweight, but she kept finding ways her body got in the way. Not in a bad way necessarily though. There were some (a lot) of doorways she had to be careful with, her hips had bumped a few tables or chairs over, and now she knew that she had to change the way she stood in front of the fridge door if she wanted her precious snacks. These were natural things when one’s belly was like a beanbag chair. Still, it was smooth and pretty warm. It could often act like a table for snacks and comic books. Marin grinned and patted her belly before she stepped slightly to the side of the fridge door. Now she could open it toward her before she twirled on one foot and stood before her now-open fridge.

“Now let’s see…ooh pudding yum!” Marin grabbed a cup in each. She backed away and bumped the door closed with her hip. It slammed harder than she expected, and she heard items being jostled about. She paused for a long moment. “I’ll leave that to future Marin.” She murmured and waddled back to her futon.


Marin had already opened one cup and used the attached spoon to carry the tasty snack to her mouth. The second cup was placed between her breasts where it was gently jostled about like the rest of her. She was so happy in that moment that she put an extra bounce in her step. Her feet kicked out to the side and she hummed a small tune.


Marin stopped cold. It was obvious that some piece of fabric had ripped. Where was the question. Spoon still in her mouth, Marin looked over her tank top. She pinched the front with her free hand and pulled slightly. No tears there. One arm was lifted so she could see the side of her top, then she repeated the process on her other side. The legs of her pajama pants were fine too. Horribly stretched, but not torn.

That was when Marin spotted something in a standing mirror. She slowly rotated her body and peeked over her shoulder. There was a large, vertical tear across the seat of her pants. It was enough to expose her panties and a portion of her pale butt cheeks.

“Ah, shit! Ok, I guess that last kick was a little much, but seriously? Ugh, I really liked these too.” Marin pouted and mourned the loss of her comfiest pair of pajama pants. After a pause, she sighed and scratched her soft chin. “Well, that’s what happens when you get too chunky. I’ll just order a new pair and…”

A larger realization hit Marin. Yes, she knew she was fat. Yes, she understood that her big ol’ butt had just ripped her pajama pants open. Perhaps this realization had been dulled and pushed away because she couldn’t handle it. How would her old cosplays fit?

“SHIIIIIIIIT!” Marin screamed. She finished her opened cup of pudding and set the other one down. “No, they’ve got to still fit! I mean please, please fit!” She quickly pulled her tank top off and tossed it aside while she desperately wiggled her legs to help her pants shimmy down before she kicked them away.

All of her cosplays were tucked away in her closet. She swung the door open and grabbed the combined ensemble of Black Lobelia. Her fingers desperately widened the corset to as wide as it could possibly go. Despair filled her when she realized that the widest the garment could stretch was far too small for her torso. “I don’t think I could fit this over like even one of my thighs…” She groaned and placed it on her bed.

Marin grabbed the high-waisted swimsuit bottom that filled the leotard-like portion of Black Lobelia’s costume. It wouldn’t be possible to fit her stomach in this, but she hoped it could at least get around her hips. She sat on the edge of her bed and leaned forward. It was a struggle to get past her stomach, but she managed to get both of her feet into the swimsuit. Then all she had to do was lean back, and her weight helped pull the snug piece of fabric over her thighs. After that, she got back to her feet and wiggled to help pull up the last few inches. She bounced in place or shifted her weight from one hip to the other. That caused her entire body to wobble as well as her stamina to drop like a stone. Now panting, Marin looked back at her mirror.

“Ugh, my butt is eating this up!” Marin groaned as she looked at her reflection. Hardly any of her butt was covered except by her panties which she still had on. The swimsuit bottom was almost entirely concealed between her cheeks. The sides had a heavy roll of fat muffin topping over them while her belly hid everything from the front. Dejected, Marin slowly pulled the garment off and looked at the boots. “No way…” She murmured and instead grabbed her jacket.

The idea of stuffing sausages came to mind as Marin tried to force her doughy arms into the very narrow sleeves. There was very little process until it suddenly felt much easier. Marin’s arm practically shot forward. However, that was only because she had torn the sleeve open. The only part that was properly in the sleeve was her wrists. Marin simply shook her head and pulled the jacket across her back as she tried to fit her other arm into the surviving sleeve. “Come on, please just give me something.” She murmured before another RIIIIIIPPPPP sounded. The back of the jacket had split open now. It was simply impossible for it to stretch her more broad and now roll-covered back. It was hard to fight back the tears, but fought them back she did! Marin placed the remains of the outfit down and clapped her hands together in mock prayer. “Please forgive me Black Lobelia.”

Marin returned to her closet. “How about Liz-kyun? The top just needs to cover my chest and arms, and those sleeves were super baggy too! Yeah, this should totally work!” Marin cheered and pulled the outfit out of her closet. To prevent the risk of ruining it, which Marin was naively optimistic she wouldn’t, she would just focus on the top for now.



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