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Series: Akame ga Kill
Characters: Leone, Wave, Kurome, Esdeath
Contains: Female weight gain

Reward for LoverofRamen

Deep within the dungeons of the capital, Leone felt her body rest heavily on the floor while her arms were shackled and held above her head. She didn’t know how long she had been there as there was no light to judge the passing of days. She couldn’t count by the meals they fed her either as those were used for some new torture method.

Esdeath had decided to try out various methods that all involved food. She stuffed Leone for hours on end by use of her hands, tubes, or other manner of machines or devices. Her powerful and toned body had been bloated and misshapen into a lump of fat. Given that she didn’t need to stand for anything, Leone often wondered if she could still do it.

Her arms were thick and meaty, a far cry from what they used to be. Each upper arm was as thick around as a tree’s trunk and had enough ass to squish against the sides of her chubby cheeks. Leone felt like it’d be hard to throw punches in the future, but that wasn’t because of the masses of her arms alone.

Leone’s breasts, which had always been worthy of noting, were now utterly massive. Each was as big as beach balls albeit not quite as round. She felt their heft just sitting in her cell. Her every breath felt like a workout as she lifted the heavy mass of tit fat. Thankfully her black tube top stretched to cover them. She felt it’d be annoying if she had to leave her chest hanging out.

Beneath Leone’s chest was a massive belly which she still felt was stuffed from her last meal. The girthy mass of blubber and lard helped prop her chest up, but it also stretched beyond her feet. It was something that made her question her mobility. If she could stand, then her stomach would touch the floor. Every step would have to push it forward, then she’d need to not fall when it swung back at her. That would be a struggle too as her legs were already as broad as kegs. She knew that for certain because Esdeath often brought in a barrel or two and made her chug the entire thing in one go. Fat had piled on her legs until her thighs were as thick around as the wooden containers.

Along with her weight assets came a set of broad hips. They were so broad that Leone didn’t know how she’d squeeze through her cell doors. That was if she could break her hands free and stand up though. Part of her did like how fat her ass was though. All of her mass could have its uses when she adjusted, but one thought that kept her going was smothering Tatsumi’s lap with her butt cheeks when she saw him. Each cheek was big enough to bury his lap along, so she guessed that she could cover a lot of him with both. Another bonus was that she never seemed to get sore from sitting 24/7.

Leone looked up as two figures entered her cell. “Just you two? Thought Esdeath was back early.” She leaned back enough to feel her back fat squished against the cell wall. The figures before her weren’t anything to be afraid of.

Wave and Kurome looked at the obese prisoner. Wave looked notably taken aback while Kurome stared blankly as she munched on cookies. The sight was enough to make Leone laugh.

“You’re just like your big sis.” Leone chortled as she watched Kurome. “Honestly, I wish I had a metabolism half as good as yours.” She nodded downward, gesturing to her gelatinous body with her extra chin.

Kurome didn’t bother to reply and continued to eat. Her eyes did subtly glance over Leone’s body though. ‘Soft. I wonder if she’d make a good chair?’

“We just came to check on you, General Esdeath’s orders,” Wave said. Leone could tell from his tone that he was a good kid. He reminded her a bit of Tatsumi. That made her chuckle too. Wave suddenly pulled out a piece of paper. “She gave me a checklist. Do you feel like you’re in pain?”

“Agony,” Leone replied jokingly.

“Do you suffer any discomfort?”

“Floor is a bit chilly.”

“Are you begging for death?”

“By chocolate maybe. Last meal left me with a crazy sugar rush, but I think I could take it on again.” Leone sighed and stretched her legs out. She remembered her last meal which was a gauntlet of sweets. She didn’t understand this torture method at all. The closest she was to any danger was when she almost choked a few times. Esdeath didn’t seem to notice those moments at all. ‘I guess my imperial arms is keeping me going. It’s not active though.’ She thought to herself and smirked. ‘Or I’m just that good.’

Kurome nudged Leone’s gut as she noticed the woman’s happiness. “I’m pretty sure she’s lying.” It was obvious that Leone was. “I say we tell Esdeath to up the serving sizes. More meals too. Then the prisoner will either fill up every inch of her cell or explode.”

That possibility took the pep out of Leone. “Or we can just not do that. I’m pretty sure I’ll crack any day now!” Leone idly kicked her legs about which caused her entire mass to jiggle. The movement carried through her in slow, rolling waves like a calm ocean.

“Nah,” Kurome said and turned around. She grabbed Wave by his sleeve and dragged him out with her.

“Hey, I wasn’t done with the questions yet!” Wave said as he was dragged away. That left Leone alone again.

Leone waited in silence for a second. “Yeah, I waited too long to ask what day it was.” She sighed and leaned her head back until the fat of her neck bunched up and formed a cushion-like roll. “Eh, maybe I’ll get rescued before that whole, filling the cell thing happens. Hmm but maybe Tatsumi could carry me out? Probably…probably.” She trailed off and murmured as she thought about the idea of Tatsumi carrying her out of the capital. It was funny enough to keep her going another day.



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