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Series: RWBY
Characters: Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Pyrrha, Nora, Coco, Velvet, Penny
Contains: Massive weight gain, impossibly mobile

Reward for SymmetryFats

The hallways were noisy as eight girls moved through them like a herd of elephants. Nora led them and used her belly to bash open the large double doors that led into a large ballroom. She waddled in the furthest before she spun around to view the girls that had gathered in a large line. It was hard not to giggle at how the various sizes and shapes of the girls made them look like a cryptic mountain ridge. When the door closed she took a deep breath and spoke loudly from her belly.

“Alright!” Nora’s voice carried powerfully through the large room. “Is everyone ready for belly battle?!”

Coco raised a curious eyebrow. “Velvet and I still haven’t been cued in on what belly battle exactly is. Are the pajamas necessary though because if this is a sleepover then I kind of sleep naked?” The diva said as she managed to stand there despite her impossibly obese frame. The word impossible felt strange when one considered that every girl in the room was far fatter than any living being could possibly be. Most of them weighed as much as an orca after all. Despite their immense mass they managed to stand even as their bellies and butts dragged on the ground. They even managed to wear massive sets of clothes with Coco’s pajamas being composed of brown silk shorts and a slightly lighter-colored tank top. The shorts covered a decent portion of her butt yet a quarter of the flesh formed a muffin top-like shape. Her top covered her breasts but not much else. The fabric hugged her curves dangerously close too.

Her signature beret and sunglasses also remained on her head.

Nora grinned and would have lifted a hand to her chin if it weren’t for the fact the appendages were far too bulbous and thick to move. “Belly battles are surely soon to be a sport known throughout the land. It is both simplistic and elegant yet primal in nature!” Nora went on in a longer sentence than her usual blurted exclamations. She visibly jiggled with excitement, and it was almost enough to make her pink shorts and t-shirt burst. Some girls could see stretched stitches with little bubbles of fat poking through them. “The battles are one on one, each combatant will put their butts to an opposite wall, and then they rush at each other! Your goal is to push your opponent past a marked spot on the floor. It’s about half of the distance you charge.” Nora spun on her heels with an elegance that she should not have had. Her belly heaved up and slammed onto the floor. This served to gesture to a duct tape line on the floor. It had been placed back when Nora and Team RWBY could actually bend over and place it there. “Oh and absolutely NO SEMBLANCES!” Nora bellowed and waddled off to the side.

Ruby giggled and jiggled with excitement. It had been a while since the last belly battle, and she was certain she would win. There was also the fact she felt super comfy in her pajamas. The tank top covered most of her chest, but the fabric at least didn’t pinch her. The same could be said for her pajama pants which constantly battled to contain the veritable ocean of butt fat she possessed. The waistband sank into the fat and left the upper half of the cheeks exposed. “I can’t contain it! I wanna win so bad!”

“I won’t just let you win, sis.” Yang laughed and bumped her hip against Ruby’s. Jiggles carried through them as both continued to laugh. While Ruby had her chest covered, Yang came dangerously close to being exposed as her orange top barely reached past her nipples. Her black shorts hardly kept her covered either.

Weiss looked at Blake. “I don’t have much hope for us.” She murmured and sighed. Her nightgown was draped over her like a sheet. She had more skin covered than most of the other girls, but there was a lot of butt and thigh fat exposed as well as the lowest parts of her belly.

Blake glanced between herself, Weiss, and the other girls. “We can try at least. Ruby and Yang won’t let us not participate.” Blake’s pajamas had many issues with her size and weight. The sash used to tie the front closed was so long that it could just manage to reach around Ruby’s circumference. It was drawn tight over her belly and caused a false double-belly shape. The front of the robe wasn’t fully closed and exposed the inner halves of her breasts and a long, vertical strip of belly fat. There was also the issue that half of her butt was exposed. She didn’t quite care though.

Pyrrha did seem slightly nervous. She didn’t understand the whole appeal of belly battles, but the other girls liked them. That didn’t mean she hated the sport, but she was simply easily flustered. Her pajamas also didn’t seem ready for strenuous activity as there was a foot-wide gap between each button. The pants were stretched and stained at every stitch, and Pyrrha felt a big step or sudden move would shred her clothes.

Velvet seemed excited if her ears were any indicator. They twitched through the top of the hoodie sewn into her pajamas. Velvet never showed off her pajamas, and many were surprised that the girl possessed a massive onesie. She swore her mother made them for her all the time, and the tailoring seemed so precise that only a mother could truly know. There were even holes cut in the hood for Velvet’s rabbit ears to poke through. The girl who was tied for fattest in the room somehow had the pajama that fit the best. It was not skin-tight, had room to grow, and didn’t seem like it could burst into tatters in the immediate future.

The groups ceased their chatter when the floor started to shake. No one else knew about the gathering, and there was no reason for anyone to just waddle past the ballrooms. The door slowly pushed open and a pale belly came into view. As more of the door was pushed open, more of the new fatty could be seen. The first thing everyone noticed was that this figure was also dressed in pajamas. She wore a green nightgown with pink outlines of cat paws. A few seconds later and a head of orange hair appeared.

Ruby was the first to recognize the figure. Her eyes widened with excitement as she started to rush over with a hasty waddle. “Penny!” She cried out joyfully before her belly collided with Penny’s.

“Ruby!” Penny cheered back and continued to move forward. This caused her and Ruby’s belly fat to squish together. “I had suspected this was where you would be. I only recently arrived, but I detected a number of incredibly obese girls here so I decided to investigate!”

“That’s cool but…how did you get so big?! You were so tiny when I last saw you.” Ruby looked over Penny as best she could. The girl had managed to go from skinny to fatter than Blake and Weiss! She wasn’t quite as large as Pyrrha, but she managed to be at least more than half the size of Ruby. That was an impressive feat.

Penny nodded. “Yes, I can understand your surprise, but unfortunately the methods of obtaining my weight are top secret.” She chirped back.

“So cool,” Ruby murmured at the thought of some sort of top-secret weight gain plan. Of course, she was also just happy that another of her friends was massively obese.

Even though she was an android, Penny seemed to be fat. Ruby could tell the blubber felt real too. Penny had a very balanced fat distribution. Her face was as round as a tire with her fat cheeks and a row of plump chins. The curves were incredibly smooth as if they were designed, but the squishiness seemed comfortable and not forcefully conformed. Her neck was swallowed up in a large roll of fat that rested above the girl’s shoulders and below her face.

Her arms were giant puffy mounds at her sides. They were nestled atop stacks of fat rolls that lined her sides, and her hands remained visible. The upper and lower arm had been conjoined into one giant vaguely donut-shaped mound of fat.

Penny had breasts like giant mattresses. They weren’t perfectly round, but they also avoided being comedically flat. Each looked like a soft, squishy plateau that a skinny person could lie upon with their arms and legs outstretched. Beneath them were a pair of belly wings that fit between some of Ruby’s rolls like pieces of a puzzle. The larger girl had to take a few steps back in order to see the rest of Penny’s belly.

The fabric of Penny’s pajamas soon ended up where her belly button was. The divot in an otherwise wide expanse of blubber was deep and dark. Ruby could have easily fit her head in if it weren’t for her fat cheeks. The rest of her gut was wide enough that it touched both sides of the doorway which were large enough for two cars to drive through side-by-side with some room to spare. Her hips managed to be just a bit wider to the point they had to be squished through the entrance.

Such massive hips helped to support an egregiously fat butt that dragged behind Penny everywhere she went. The cheeks had a pleasant curve to them and were dotted with freckles here and there. The highest curve crested a little below her head, but it would rise above her orange locks when she sat down.

Penny seemed so precise with her movements. As she waddled further into the room, she was aware of where everyone else was. She carefully managed to not bump into anyone else. It was impressive to watch as her legs pushed against her belly and dragged all of her weight with ease. It was thanks to the fact she was an android with advanced sensory systems, but the fact she had aura and a titanium skeleton to support her weight helped too. Her legs were thick with thighs that rolled past her knees and nearly touched the ground, but the mechanical devices within didn’t slow a bit.

Penny was designed as an artificial huntress and fulfilled that role as easily as she filled up space.

“Oh before I forget! Why are we gathered in a ballroom? Are we going to dance? I have downloaded some new moves that really test how much my body can jiggle!” Penny spoke so enthusiastically and sincerely that every girl felt like they suffered a sugar overdose.

Ruby leaned against Penny. It was the equivalent of a skinny person gently taking someone by the arm. “Um well, Penny we were about to do a thing…a uh thing called…” Ruby suddenly felt flustered. Belly battles were an inside sport, so it wasn’t embarrassing to talk about them with her team and Nora. The thought of telling Penny had her flustered for some reason. “Belly battles. We sort of just run at each other and slam our guts together.”

Penny’s eyes widened. “That sounds fantastic! However, it seems my arrival makes the number of contestants difficult. Perhaps I can observe? I will analyze the performance and participate next time!” Everyone seemed content with Penny’s suggestion. She appeared to be in thought for a moment before an audible ding sounded. “Round 1 will be Ruby vs Pyrrha! Next, we have Weiss vs Velvet, Blake vs Coco, and finally Yang vs Nora! Oh, and this was all decided by a random number-generating algorithm in my head!” Penny winked after the last part.

‘Having a robot friend is so cool.’ Ruby thought to herself as she nuzzled against Penny’s side. Her fat flowed over Penny’s in some areas. It looked like she could flop over and almost completely bury the girl.

The order had been decided, and so everyone got into position. Ruby and Pyrrha stood on opposite walls, their fat butts squished against the flat surfaces as they waited. Penny sat at another wall to properly observe while every other girl waited at the fourth wall. It was easy to understand that this seemingly silly game could be just as chaotic as actual combat training. Girls who weighed multiple tons were about to slam their bulbous, gelatinous bodies together like elephant seals.

If the seals were twice the size of actual elephants.

“Begin!” Nora shouted.

Ruby and Pyrrha launched themselves toward each other, and the entire ballroom shook with each of their heavy footfalls. The sheer force and weight behind each stomp of their feet as well as the impacts of their butts and bellies as they bounced caused force equal to a small earthquake. The shockwaves were enough to jiggle and unsteady any of the standing spectators. The tremors intensified before the two behemoths collided with one another.

A loud THWAP sounded upon impact, and both girls felt the skin on their bellies sting. However, neither of them faltered. They both pushed forward as their belly fat squished and morphed around each other. Fat rolls interlocked, large mounds were squished flat, and Ruby’s blubbery gut seemed to push past the sides of Pyrrha’s smaller midsection. Ruby was the larger combatant, but she still struggled with Pyrrha. The supple spartan’s legs were immensely powerful. Deep under the thick fat were tense, powerful muscles and sturdy bones.

Pyrrha quickly shifted to the defense as soon as she hit Ruby. It wasn’t visible because of how her cankles obscured her feet, but she was on the tips of her fat toes and remained still. Ruby hadn’t managed to gain an inch on her assault.

Ruby’s feet slid on the carpet and she felt friction start to build. Pyrrha was smaller than her, but she knew her mass alone wouldn’t win. She just thought it would at least give her the prevailing momentum at first. ‘This isn’t good…I’m at a full stop already!’ She thought to herself and began to sweat from nerves and strain. It would be harder for her to get moving again than it would be for Pyrrha.

A sudden realization hit Ruby. If it would be hard to move after being stopped, then she just had to not stop moving. A grin spread across her face as she suddenly leaned back. Her belly receded like a wave and Pyrrha fell forward against it. Though it felt more like she fell into it as Ruby’s doughy mass seemed to partially swallow her up.

Pyrrha had her arms and stance wide, so when Ruby backed up she was pulled down by simple gravity. She blushed as her face sank into fat. Belly fat covered her chins, cheeks, and mouth while her vision was filled with the color of Ruby’s skin. It felt like her entire body could fall right through Ruby with how soft she was.

That was until Ruby rocked her weight back in the other direction. That much weight hit hard, and Pyrrha was knocked back. She quickly regained her balance and prepared to lean into Ruby once more, but the other girl had already leaned back. Pyrrha simply sank into her stomach again before the next wave hit. Ruby leaned back and then forward in an unsteady or predictable rhythm. Pyrrha was losing ground now as she felt like she was battling the ocean. It only stopped when she took a firm step forward and grunted with effort. She wished she could use her arms to grapple Ruby, but the best she could do was wiggle the fat lumps and try to push them against something solid. There wasn’t a single solid spot on Ruby.

‘It’s working!’ Ruby thought and soaked up the cheers from the spectators. ‘It isn’t hard to just let my body do the wobbling either. Just a little movement and there it goes!’ She continued, unfazed at Pyrrha’s second wave of defense. It was back to a stalemate, but only one of them burned a drastic amount of energy to keep up.

Pyrrha strained and groaned as she tried with all her might to hold Ruby back. It was unimaginably difficult to keep her balance and not fall forward or be pushed back. She continued to push and push until she heard a rip. The seat of her pajama pants ripped to expose her red panties. Pyrrha let out a small eep before some of her buttons began to pop. Now she struggled to hold Ruby back and her clothes on. Thankfully, with her chest pushed against Ruby’s gut, not much of her was exposed.

Ruby still took advantage of Pyrrha’s falter and charged forward. Pyrrha fumbled, but it was too late. She was pushed past the line before she dropped to her back. The last of her pajama shirt’s buttons flew into the air. They either landed on their owner’s belly and tumbled down or sides or immediately hit the floor with soft little thuds. One managed to fall into her belly button though. It vanished from sight like a torch being dropped into a bottomless pit.

Despite being flustered with a vast amount of cleavage exposed, Pyrrha slowly got up and slightly bowed her head. “An excellent match Ruby. Your strategy was impeccable.”

Confidence swelled in Ruby’s chest. “Heh, thanks…OH, but you were going to beat me at first! I can’t believe how strong you are sometimes!” Ruby cheered and waddled to Pyrrha. She leaned against her friend in the closest thing she could do to a hug. “Let’s belly battle again sometime!”

Weiss had felt a pit sink in her stomach the second she was told she’d face Velvet. If she could use her semblance, then maybe she had a chance. Without it, there was no way she could overpower Velvet’s mass. The upperclassman was more than twice her size. All she could do was sigh and prepare herself.

There was a notable blush on Velvet’s face. She was partially embarrassed to be in her giant bunny onesie, but she also pondered if she could run. ‘How long has it been since I tried?’ She thought as she pressed her butt against the wall. The surface groaned and felt as if it bent in some areas.

The battle was set to begin any second now, but at the sidelines, Penny asked a question. “What is the purpose of belly battle?” She asked Ruby who had taken a seat beside her.

“It’s just really fun. It’s something we can do that’s easier than sparring matches.” Ruby leaned back and thought hard for a moment. “I think another part is that we just love being huge. So, it can make you feel proud when you win, or you can just enjoy getting squished up against another fatty.”

“Do you like being squished against other fatties, Ruby?” Penny asked with a sweetly sincere voice.

Ruby blushed and cleared her throat. “I think they’re about to start…” She murmured and glanced at Penny. The other girl sat about a head shorter than Ruby due to less padding on her butt. The two sat close enough that their flab pressed against each other in a soft, squishy texture.

“Begin!” Nora shouted again.

“You’ve got this Weiss!” Ruby cried out in support.

“She may be big, but you’ve got spirit!” Yang added.

Blake glanced at Weiss and slowly shook her head.

The ground shook again as Velvet started to waddle forward. It was nowhere near a run, and it was barely faster than her usual waddle. Weiss still felt as if she were charging a living, breathing wall. She just closed her eyes and continued the charge forward.

Weiss bounced off of Velvet’s belly the second she hit it. She flailed her arms before she landed on her back. It was like combat class all over again. Her belly had flopped back so it blocked the overhead lights, and her butt was exposed as her nightgown slid up her cheeks.

Velvet panted with exhaustion as she sluggishly continued forward. She didn’t even see that Weiss had been flipped over, but she felt their bodies touching. “Just keep pushing…this is terrible…if I win do I have to do this again?” She asked and wheezed as she slowly but steadily pushed Weiss towards the line. “Maybe I can…just give up?”

“Don’t you dare, Velvet!” Coco huffed. Velvet merely whined in response.

It only took a few seconds before Weiss was pushed past the threshold and her defeat was official. However, it was hard to say who truly won when Velvet dramatically flopped onto her side the second she won.

No one had expected the round to end so quickly. Ruby and Pyrrha had set a precedent for how intense belly battles could be. Yet, Weiss was much smaller than Velvet, a fatty equal in size to Ruby. Now eyes settled on Blake who was also a smaller combatant compared to Coco.

“Great.” Blake sighed and started to waddle to the position. Nora had already rolled Weiss out of the way just as Velvet had. She heard a dizzy, confused groan from her friend as she got into position. Weiss had been right in the shower. They were drastically behind the others. ‘I guess I should get something to eat before dinner.’

In her thought, Blake was almost caught off guard as Coco loudly slammed her butt against the opposite wall. The fatter girl seemed eager to engage in her first bout of belly battles. It was intimidating as her sunglasses blocked her eyes and any sense of what she was thinking. Blake just saw a wide grin that was framed by cheeks as thick as truck tires. She was up to something. Whatever it was, Blake couldn’t begin to guess.

“Beg-UUUUURRRRRRPPPP! Whoops, excuse me!” Nora giggled. “Begin!”

Coco took off with surprising speed. It was enough that Blake almost faltered. A woman twice her size managed to move just as fast as her. Coco’s speed was enough that her belly and butt bounced off the ground. Like with Ruby and Pyrrha’s battle, this made the entire room shake.

Each thud also managed to throw Blake off of her balance. It felt like she could lift off of the floor each time Coco stomped down. She knew that she could end up just like Weiss if she ran right into Coco’s belly, but there weren’t many other options. She hoped that as long as she stayed low, then she had a chance.

Coco had other plans. As the two got closer to each other, she started to turn. One especially heavy stomp was used to stabilize her body. She then spun on that heel and her rump quickly came into view. Blake tried to stop and dug her heels into the carpet, but her momentum carried her forward. Like a truck skidding on ice towards a snow bank, Blake slammed into Coco’s right butt cheek. Her belly, then her chest, and finally her face made contact with the blubbery mass before its springy texture threw her back.

Weiss had simply bounced and flipped onto her back. Blake, however, was thrown into the air. She flailed and tried to direct her body. It wasn’t possible as Blake was just a giant mass of fat. Blubber wobbled and flapped as she soared through the air only to be brought to a halt when she hit the wall. Her aura absorbed the impact easily, but a spider web of cracks spread through the wall. A second later, her bulk hit the floor with a thud which left her disoriented.

“That cannot be allowed!” Weiss exclaimed.

Nora squinted. “Coco is new to belly battle, and her strategy was refreshing.”

“Refreshing?” Yang whispered and glanced at Pyrrha who shrugged silently.

“I will allow it! Coco wins…unless Blake wants a rematch?” Nora asked.

“No,” Blake answered quickly as she waddled over to the spectators. Her movements were sluggish as the two hard impacts with the wall and floor drained a substantial amount of her aura. She huffed and wheezed as sweat ran down her brow. If she so much as tried to waddle a little faster, then all of her aura would be exhausted. So, Blake dropped onto her fat butt, leaned her head back onto her thick neck, and closed her eyes. Hopefully, she’d wake up when the tournament was over, and she could get her dinner. Of course, her cat ears twitched when a rowdy voice shouted out.

“Now it is time for the creator of belly battle to take the field!” Nora boasted and leaped up with her usual athletic prowess despite her size. She skipped to her spot and stood opposite Yang. “I’ll also demonstrate that smaller fatties can still win!” Her eyes narrowed as they locked with Yang’s.

Yang grinned. “You sure seem confident, but I bet you can’t beat all of this!” She wobbled her body from side to side. A few seconds later, she decided it was best to stop as some flakes from the cracked wall began to rain down on her. ‘Yeah, even I don’t want a wall to fall on me.’ She thought and waited.

This time it was Pyrrha who called for the battle to start.

Something was immediately noticeable. While Yang bounced toward her opponent with powerful steps, Nora seemed much lower to the ground. It wasn’t obvious at first, but Nora had gotten into a position close to a crouch. She had gotten close to a position like someone who was about to run track. One foot had pushed off of the wall while she kept her chins nestled in her breasts. Her breasts were then pushed down on her belly and kept it on the ground.

Ruby, Weiss, and even Blake wanted to alert Yang to this, but it was far too loud for any words to reach Yang. Nora hit Yang at a lower angle, and her belly slid right under the bigger blonde’s. Yang tried to stretch her legs and touch the floor, but her toes only squished into Nora’s belly fat.

Nora quickly took advantage and pushed forward. She was easily strong enough to carry her weight as well as a woman which weighed much more than her. Yang’s kicks and wobbles barely did anything to slow Nora.

This was not a good situation to be caught in. Yang would lose at this rate. She had an idea, but it became riskier by the second. ‘Nora’s got me where she thinks I can’t move at all…but I can move backward.’ She thought and sighed before she tried to risk it. Yang leaned all of her weight forward. Her belly rolled across Nora’s and its underside squished the girl’s face. Yang even had her face pressed into her breasts as she prepared her emergency maneuver.

Yang threw all of her weight back. It was the only way to pull momentum out of nowhere. Her belly lifted, reached a critical point, and she began to roll backward. Like a whale breaching the surface, Yang crashed down hard. To the uninitiated, this appeared like a deliberate failure, but Yang kicked her legs hard enough that her butt followed through on the flip. Now she was back upright and Nora was out from under her.

The furthest curve of Yang’s enormously fat ass was a mere inch away from the line. Nora would only need to push her back slightly to beat her, but Yang wouldn’t let that happen. She quickly took the same stance as Nora and leaned forward into her body. Her face was framed by her breasts, her breasts pushed down on her belly, and all of the fat took on a tense texture.

Now both girls slammed into each other with sheer brute force and thousands of pounds of weight. Deep, guttural groans escaped their lips as both focused on nothing but victory. Yang’s mass quickly gave her the advantage as Nora could no longer get under it. Yang’s bigger belly morphed around Nora’s. The girl was being pushed back rapidly, and her fat-encased feet couldn’t stop it.

Yang was victorious in a matter of seconds, and round one of the tournament came to an end.

Nora didn’t seem upset though. She was proud of the strategy she came up with, but something about having it escaped and be used against her was exhilarating. She cheered and bounced her way back to the sidelines as Yang soaked up her victory.

“Great job sis!” Ruby exclaimed and used her semblance to quickly zip over and bump her sister with her gut. “This means we might get the chance to belly battle. As long as you win against Coco.”

Yang playfully scoffed. “Of course I’ll win. She might be bigger than me, but I’m confident in my strength.” She remarked smugly and hip-checked Ruby. “Let’s just see if you can beat Velvet. She’s like a giant, squishy tank.”

Weiss and Blake remained on the sidelines. They found some solace in the fact half of their team won their matches.

“This is just a game though. It’s not like the Vytal Tournament.” Weiss said despite being upset that she was beaten so easily. It was obvious as she sulked into her chins.

“Bring us to victory.” Blake’s comment sounded in her normal monotone voice. It was too loud to get any sleep, so she would tough it out and at least support her teammates by being awake. “Weiss, is there time to order snacks?” She asked.

“Of course there is,” Weiss replied, her scroll already held in one pudgy hand. She felt that the final battles between such behemoths wouldn’t be over so quickly.

Ruby and Velvet lined up. Though different in proportions, their weight was about the same. This was the one fight that no one could tell the winner before it started.

Velvet still felt winded from having to run earlier, so she wasn’t eager to do it again. She understood that a full-speed slam into Ruby likely would give her a quick victory. Especially if Ruby rushed in full speed, all Velvet had to do was hit hard and she should send Ruby back.

Though Ruby anticipated that, speed wouldn’t help her against someone the same size as her. It would do the opposite instead. If she ran as fast as she could, or just too fast in general, then she’d push Velvet onto her butt. There was no way the giant cheeks would allow the bunny girl to roll onto her back, so the force would rebound and hit Ruby. The force slamming back into her would be enough to give Velvet an opening to steamroll her past the line.

“BEGIN!” Nora shouted.

The room shook with more intensity than it had with any of the previous fights. Some weakened areas of the walls groaned while any present cracks spread wider in spiderweb patterns. Both fatties rushed toward each other. Many were surprised that Ruby didn’t cross the distance faster. The younger blob matched pace with Velvet. That didn’t mean their collision wasn’t any less chaotic.


Their bellies struck with an echoing smack. They were then stuck in place as they tried to push back against each other. This was a clash that made Velvet actually fight back. She had gotten it easy by merely pushing Weiss out, but Ruby would not budge the same way. Their fat, roll-covered guts morphed and squished against each other, but no one could tell who was winning. It just looked like two walls of blubber being squished together with no other movement. Their feet were pressed to the floor yet remained concealed by the heavy wreaths of fat that made up their cankles. Soon they pressed against each other with enough force that their chests managed to touch. That made it seem like Velvet might have the lean, but it was only because her larger breasts folded over the top of Ruby’s. They were still trapped in a deadlock where neither gained nor lost ground. It couldn’t last forever though as both blobs consumed abundant energy to maintain their ground.

That was what could lead to Velvet’s victory. Ruby was a prodigy when it came to packing on pounds, but Velvet had been this massive for much longer. She had the endurance to just barely outlast Ruby. Jiggling around like she had with Pyrrha would only hurt Ruby’s strategy too.

Ruby smiled. “You’re incredible, Velvet! I’ve never had this much trouble in a belly battle!” She cheered.

Velvet blushed. “Thanks, Ruby. You’re doing great too…well I’ve never done this before so I can’t tell much…but in general! You’re a freshman but still managed to get as fat as me. You’ll probably be bigger than Glynda by the time you graduate.”

“You mean it?!” Ruby’s eyes shone as she felt a second wind hit her. The idea of her being an even bigger mass of wobbly fat than their enormous professor was something right from a dream. It encouraged her to try harder. Her strategy with Pyrrha wouldn’t work, but it didn’t mean a similar one wouldn’t.

Without backing off, Ruby used a short burst of her semblance to push against Velvet. Then, without allowing Velvet’s belly to send the energy back, Ruby aimed at a different spot and used her semblance again.

The immense, blobby shape and size of the girls made many think their bodies were uncoordinated and sluggish. That wasn’t the case thanks to their aura. As long as they had enough energy, then they could carefully and precisely move specific areas of them. Ruby did that to bump Velvet, then she almost seemed to dodge the part of her opponent that tried to strike back. Ruby bumped Velvet harder and harder until she started to gain ground.

Velvet couldn’t find a way to counter this and she started to be pushed back. She blushed as her body uncontrollably wobbled. She even took a few strikes to her face from her breasts. This not only hurt a very little bit, but it also blocked all of her forward view. She could only see the fabric of her pajamas or complete darkness when the fabric was pushed against her face.

Ruby had seized the momentum and caused Velvet to slide back. She shoved and pushed and slammed herself against her equal-sized opponent with all her might. It seemed like she would win until her aura started to lower. The rapid-fire burst use of her semblance expended too much energy. It was the exact reason she hadn’t done this when facing off against Pyrrha. Thankfully Velvet was tired too, so the stalemate pretty much resumed.

“You almost had me there.” Velvet huffed and leaned forward. Her chins and neck fat bunched up as she sighed tiredly. ‘Kind of wish she did. I’m too tired.’ She thought to herself and idly felt Ruby push back.

The response that came was a wheeze. Ruby felt herself becoming coated with sweat. Her cheeks turned pink as she exerted herself with more physical energy instead of purely aura-assisted movement. Her feet pressed as hard as they could into the carpet as she tried to push Velvet forward. With all the wobbling having ended, the two were once more squished against each other like two giant marshmallows.

At the sidelines, Weiss and Blake nibbled on their snacks. Weiss sighed and looked at a timer she had set. The battle had gone on for almost ten minutes. “If we call mercy rule, then Ruby wins.”

“Not a chance!” Coco exclaimed loud enough to spook the snacking duo. “Velvet is about to get her second wind-“

“I’m not!” Velvet exclaimed but Coco ignored her.

“She’ll gain all the lost ground back, then push Ruby past her line!” The fashionista finished.

Yang snorted in response. “Sure she will. For someone so obsessed with my sister, you’re kind of forgetting how awesome she was.” The two bashed their hips together and glared at each other.

“Yes, Ruby is incredibly large and I am interested in her, but I won’t look away from blatant cheating! She’s using her semblance right now! Nora, that’s against the rules, right?!” Coco exclaimed and tapped one foot impatiently. The simple movement was enough to send a wave through her enormous body.

Nora hummed. She made a motion that was the equivalent of someone rubbing their chin in thought. This was in the form of thick fingers idly drumming on the side of her boob. The act also scrunched up Nora’s abundance of arm fat. “Hmmmmm…nah I’ll let it slide.”

“WHAT?!” Coco stomped toward Nora. Each thud of her feet was followed by a deeper WHAP as her ass cheeks slammed against the floor with more force. She bumped her stomach against Nora who didn’t seem intimidated at all by the significantly larger fatty.

“In the beginning rounds, sure it makes sense, but this is the semi-finals.” Nora reasoned. “If you pass round one of belly battles, you’ve proven your raw strength. Now you have to focus on ingenuity! Then in the final round, anything goes!”

Coco’s eye twitched. She thought this was a total load of bs. Though Nora was as stubborn as a mule sometimes. “Fine, but if that’s the case, then I won’t hold anything back in my next match.” She huffed and turned around. She made her to swing her body in a way that slammed the right side of her butt against Nora with enough force to flip the fatty like a pancake.

The fight had not progressed much. Ruby and Velvet continued to push against each other as their aura levels decreased. Their physical strength dropped rapidly too. Their clash brought to mind elephant seals the size of true elephants as they pushed and shoved each other. Their moves were less coordinated as their energy depleted further. Velvet’s just managed to drop a little faster than Ruby’s.

As time passed on, Velvet started to slip back. She was too tired and couldn’t remain perched on the tips of her toes. Ruby had her pushed back on her heels. Then the sweat that rolled off of her body had dampened the carpet. She started to slip back which was when Ruby let loose one more burst from her semblance. The powerful push caught Velvet off guard, and she felt her belly fat being compressed. That force shot her back like a spring. Yet when her butt touched the floor, fat was squished and scrunched up. It tried to deflect the force, but there was too much. Velvet’s body flipped up and stood perpendicular to the ground. Precariously balanced for just a moment, Ruby’s continued push caused Velvet to fall back. She just managed to see her belly fat collapse toward her from her cleavage. Velvet couldn’t so much as gasp thanks to how her boobs were squished to her cheeks.

Darkness quickly enveloped Velvet as she was in a position one could call on her back. Of course, her back was mostly covered by the raised cheeks of her butt. The top of her belly and her breasts also touched the ground, so technically this wasn’t her on her back.

Velvet sighed and knew she had lost. One thing she didn’t know was why she felt so much weight on her. Her aura was still active, barely. Though she felt much heavier than she should have. Somehow, Ruby had ended up on top of Velvet. Her momentum pushed her forward and she slipped on top of Velvet. Now she was poorly balanced atop the blobby bunny.

“Wait, I didn’t mean to do this!” Ruby exclaimed and flapped her arms as best she could. The only thing it resulted in was bouncing the heavy rings of fat that concealed her arms. She teetered left, right, forward, and back. If she went anywhere but backward then she would fall beyond the line and lose. Worse case, she could fall further than Velvet and be announced the loser by technicality. “Come on blubber! Moooooove baaaaack!” Ruby exclaimed and focused as much as she could on rolling backward.

Thanks to the weight of Ruby’s butt, she started to fall backward. Her cheeks slammed into the floor and bounced her slightly. She crashed down on the floor in the same position as Velvet. The impact shook more than the room. Almost the entire wing of the building shook while the fatties inside bounced off the floor. The lighter fatties, Blake and Weiss, were thrown the highest into the air. Thankfully their body landed on Yang and rolled off instead of just being slammed against the floor, an impact which would have depleted their aura.

Nora cleared her throat. “Ruby has fallen back into bounds while Velvet remains outside! That means Ruby is the winner!”

The majority of the group was still jostled from the shockwave that launched them into the air. Coco remained seated and looked slightly annoyed. She would put her energy toward her upcoming match instead of arguing.

A very muffled, “Yay!” Sounded from Ruby who didn’t have the strength to flip.

“Do not worry friend Ruby! I am on my way!” Penny zipped to Ruby’s side and firmly grasped the rolls housed there. “Three!”

“Penny wait!” Ruby squeaked.


“Hold on a second!” Weiss called out.

“One!” Penny pulled up with all her might. That was more than enough to flip Ruby and send her higher into the air. Ruby felt her body barely tap the ceiling before she started to fall. Everyone knew it was coming, but they didn’t know how to react in time. So they did nothing but watch.

Ruby hit the floor and threw everyone back into the air. Velvet was no exception, and even the mid-weight blobs were tossed high into the air.

Yet what goes up must come down.

The group all crashed at the same time. The floor cracked, the walls crumbled, and the roof fell in. Auras were able to protect the blobs, but after that, they were shattered. All the blobs were immobile aside from Penny who poked her head out of the rubble.

“Oh my!” Penny spoke with complete sincerity and innocence.

Thankfully the night was young and there were more places where that belly battle could continue. It just had to wait until the girls could move again…


The intermission had lasted over an hour. It took time for the fatties to let their aura regenerate and then crawl out of the rubble. They were incentivized to hurry though as the destruction had been noisy, and no one wanted to be present when a teacher showed up.

Once freed and a good distance from any evidence of the crime, most of the girls made quick trips to their rooms for any essentials. This was mostly snacks or replacements for damaged clothes. They then reconvened at the courtyard.

Nora stood in the middle and slapped her belly on the ground. It worked like a gavel and got everyone’s attention. “Alright! We learned that the semi-finals between such behemoths cannot take place in a ballroom. So, we have the extended arena!” She made a motion like trying to open her arms, but her arms were already fully extended. The fat mounds just wobbled while her tubby fingers extended to their max lengths. “For the flabby fighter to my left!” Nora swung her belly in Yang’s direction. “If your butt touches the statue, you’re out! To the fatty on my right!” Nora swung to face Coco. “If your butt touches the landing pad, then you’re out! If it's just a light tap then meh. I’m talking about if it's a full squish. If one roll folds over, then you lose!”

No one raised any complaints. The spectators had split into two sides to properly watch each barrier in case they needed to verify a loss. Weiss and Blake remained in Yang’s corner while Velvet and Pyrrha were in Coco’s. Ruby stayed in the center and sat next to Penny. The blobby girl did her best not to laugh as Penny managed to watch both barriers with her eyes facing in different directions.

“Oh yeah, and semblances allowed yada yada BEGIN!” Nora shouted and skipped back with agility that still baffled the group.

No one focused on Nora for long though. They watched as Yang and Coco charged forward. The ground shook with each footfall, and the sound of their butts and guts hitting the ground echoed through the open space.

Both blobs met in the middle and everyone was surprised to see it was Yang who got shoved back. Coco was the fatter girl, but the multiple feet she shoved Yang back was unexpected. Even Yang looked shocked as she dragged her feet and cankles against the ground. She regained traction, but Coco had already closed the distance and hit her again. The smack was quieter than the first clash, and it was joined by another sound. The second sound was more like a boom…

Velvet immediately understood. Her heightened hearing had almost picked it up on the first clash, but now she knew exactly what Coco had done. She didn’t know if it would give her friend the victory though.

Penny’s eyes snapped to the rift between Coco and Yang. Ruby failed to hold in a snort as she watched her friend’s eyes go from out of to in sync. “Coco is using dust,” Penny murmured. It was loud enough for the spectators to hear though.

Velvet nodded. “Coco’s semblance enhances dust. I guess she lined her rolls with it before coming down here.”

Each time Coco slammed into Yang there was a small boom. Yang continued to lose ground, but she managed to regain her stance before the next hit came. That kept her from falling and sliding on her butt. She at least had the chance to think of a counterattack. Plus, she realized that each of Coco’s hits started to move her less. Coco was running out of dust.

But Coco knew that. The next hit packed plenty of force as well as the added shove from her hidden dust. As Yang slid back, Coco didn’t immediately charge in. She planted her feet and spun on them. Her ass swung with enough force that it lifted off the ground slightly. Yang couldn’t react in time and the full weight of the cheek hit her. She slid back further and immediately rushed in, only to catch a hit from the side of Coco’s belly.

Things didn’t look good for Yang. She was being pushed closer and closer to the statue and a loss. She didn’t give up though. The blonde blob charged in and slammed her belly against Coco. She was the smaller of the two which caused some of Coco’s fat to roll over onto her. She put her strength into her shoves, but Coco’s superior weight started to push her back.

The furthest curve of Yang’s butt got closer and closer to the statue’s edge. It looked like she was seconds from a loss before her hair started to glow golden. A smirk spread across her face as she activated her semblance.

Coco felt Yang push deeper into her belly. ‘Dammit, I wanted to beat her before she could do this…and I’m completely out of dust.’ She thought to herself and sighed. She pushed all her weight forward in the hopes she could get one inch of Yang’s fat ass to fold over the base of the statue. Then the win would be hers.

But she already felt herself being pushed back…

With an explosion of force, Yang pushed herself forward. Coco was on the defense now, but she couldn’t stop Yang. She groaned and felt her feet, ass, and belly drag against the ground as Yang effortlessly pushed her back. Part of Coco knew it was futile to resist, another part was impressed at the smaller fatty for beating her, and the rest was moderate frustration that her clever dust plan didn’t work.

‘Oh well, I guess I just need to get even fatter.’ Coco smirked as she felt her rump hit the edge of the landing pad. A little more pressure caused a roll to fold onto the platform’s edge, and her defeat was announced.

“Yang is the winner!” Nora cheered and leaped into the air. “And you all know what that means! Our final opponents are gonna be Yang and Ruby! Sister vs sister! An unstoppable force will meet…another unstoppable force?” Nora trailed off. “Ah who cares, Yang gets a quick break, then we get started!”

Yang waddled over to Weiss and Blake while Ruby joined a few moments after. Yang held her head high, which was difficult to spot as her fat already boosted her to the point smaller fatties couldn’t see her head. That wasn’t to mention how her fat wreath of neck fat concealed any movement. It was clear that she wanted some praise though.

“Excellent job,” Weiss said, almost too focused on her snacks to notice Yang.

Blake nodded. “You took that hip check better than I did. Coco certainly didn’t pull any punches with the rest of her attacks either.”

Ruby leaned against Yang’s side in the closest thing to a hug she could do. “Yeah! That was super incredible. I almost thought she had you there, but now we get to go against each other in the finals!” She giggled and bumped her bulky form against her sister’s.

Yang’s smile grew and she bumped Ruby right back. “I’m excited too! But I’m pretty sure I just showed everyone that size doesn’t decide the winner in belly battle!” Her and Ruby’s playful bumps started to seem more like a shoving match as both squished against each other. Weiss and Blake were quick to back away as they worried the match could start right there.

Penny observed silently for a moment before she gasped. “Ruby, I have a question! Do all belly battles only take place on margins across an x-axis?”

“Wha?” Ruby asked.

Weiss groaned. “Ruby, please.” She knew her friend and team leader was…endearing, but she wasn’t stupid. “Yes, Penny, the barriers in belly battle have always been behind each participant. It’s very much a one-lane system.”

Penny nodded. “Could that rule be changed for the final match? Semblances were allowed when previously prohibited. Wouldn’t the final match be much more interesting if we allowed Ruby and Yang to use a circle barrier?”

“Ooh!” Nora had joined the group when no one was looking. That prompted a slight jump from them when she finally spoke. “I love that idea! We’ve got plenty of fatties to act as marking points too! You hear that blubber butts! Spread out! The statue and landing pad still count as barriers, so let’s make two big arcs!”

“I don’t feel like being squished again.” Weiss sighed and slowly got up. She had just gotten comfy too. That wasn’t to mention how difficult it would be to move her snacks.

Blake wasn’t too thrilled about moving either. She shared a look with Weiss that gave off the impression of, ‘We need to get fatter to avoid these issues.’ The odds of being smothered at Beacon closely correlated to someone’s weight. The fatter you were, the less likely you would be smothered. Yet, that wouldn’t help them gather their snacks and move.

Ruby and Yang shared one more look. The sisters were excited and more than eager to clash. With the increased parameters and their semblances allowed, they would truly see who was superior when it came to belly battles.

The fatties spread out. Velvet and Coco sat opposite of each other and served as large markers like the statue and landing pad. Nora, Pyrrha, Weiss, Blake, and Penny divided the remaining space and settled in. There were still large gaps that either girl could be pushed past. That was considering the smaller fatties wouldn’t be steamrolled by whoever got shoved out of the ring.

“Let the final match!” Nora paused. “Begin!” She finally shouted.

Ruby didn’t hesitate and used her semblance. She leaned forward which tucked her face into her breasts and squished her breasts atop her belly. This helped keep her belly on the ground as she sped up as well as not bounce off of her thighs with each step.

Yang was the opposite. Her thighs had to lift her belly as she tried to run toward Ruby. Ruby slammed into her before the elder sister could reach the middle of their arena. That was to be expected. Yang did her best to counter by pushing off the ground at the last moment. She managed to clear the lower part of Ruby’s belly that would have hit her and landed so that her stomach covered Ruby’s face.

“Agh! I can’t see!” Ruby’s shout was muffled as she skidded to a stop. She felt Yang’s weight press down on her before the pressure increased. Yang jumped off of her a few seconds later and landed with a heavy THWAP behind her. Ruby quickly strafed to the side to avoid Yang’s counterattack. It didn’t mean much as Yang was already in hot pursuit of her. Ruby used a small burst of her semblance to throw her body in the opposite direction, but Yang easily turned on her heels and slammed into her side. Yang’s belly fat struck Ruby’s left hip with enough force to lift it into the air.

Yang grinned. “Nice try sis, but I can change direction way easier than you!” She laughed and retreated a few steps. Yang wasn’t as agile as Nora, but her altered fighting style put a lot of importance on quick pivots and directional changes. Now that she was fighting in a circle instead of a line, she could make full use of this.

Ruby’s semblance was good, but she weighed a few tons more than Yang. That meant she built up a lot of inertia, and just one simple boost to change directions took a lot of aura. ‘She’s right, but I can hit her faster than she can turn.’ Ruby boosted away from Yang and rotated herself at the same time. She faced Yang as she let her butt act as a pair of brakes. The fabric of her pajamas started to tear as they dragged against the cobblestones beneath her. Once she slowed down enough, Ruby boosted herself forward. She had enough speed to hit Yang before she could dodge. The strike shoved her sister back which gave Ruby a chance to breathe. “You might be able to shift around a lot, but I definitely hit harder!” She boasted proudly. ‘Of course, I can only pack that much punch when I move in a straight line though.’

Ruby could likely drift or use her semblance along a curve, but the latter had gotten harder as she gained weight. Sliding across the ground had already worn her clothes down, and her aura would protect her if her skin dragged against the stones. That was an issue though. She needed every ounce of her aura to go to her semblance as well as her regular mobility. Yang was Ruby’s toughest opponent, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.

“Hey Ruby, come at me with all you got! I’m gonna do the same!” Yang puffed her chest up, an action hardly visible due to how much meat already coated her body. She planted her feet and leered at her sister, ready to meet her with a head-on charge.

Ruby felt giddy and nodded which made her chins waggle. “You got it!” She lined up and felt every pound of her body yearn to charge. She launched forward with the aid of her semblance, she neared Yang, and then the blonde dodged.

“Psych!” Yang stuck her tongue out teasingly as she saw Ruby zoom past her.

“Traitor!” Ruby squealed and started to drag her feet as she neared Weiss who seemed desperate to doge, but unsure of which way to go. Thankfully, Ruby came to a stop just before her belly would have touched Weiss’s. She didn’t have time to wait, nor did she need to look behind her to know Yang was coming in for the finisher. Ruby propelled herself backward, her butt cheeks leading the way with the force of two fleshy wrecking balls. She felt them hit something, and she managed to use the bounce back to turn.

Yang was in the air and landed on her butt hard enough to crack some of the stone beneath her. She rolled over her shoulders, stood balanced on her belly, and finally came to rest back on her rump. A triumphant smirk spread across her face as she opened her eyes to reveal they were red.

“Uh oh…” Ruby gulped. Yang had planned a clever trap. It could have been from the start of the fight, but it was certainly thought out at the moment she called to Ruby for a mutual charge. That last hit Ruby had landed along with the right landing was all Yang needed to cash in on her semblance.

The attack came a second later. Yang launched herself at Ruby who could only retaliate with all the force she had. The two forces slammed into each other and were thus absorbed by each other’s fat and aura. Things had turned into a battle of attrition. Ruby’s aura quickly drained from the overuse of her semblance, and Yang was no different. Fat squished together and tried to push the other blob back. Yang sank into Ruby’s gut, but she couldn’t push her sister back. Ruby couldn’t manage to gain an inch on Yang either. All she could do was try and keep herself from being shoved back.

The battle carried on as both girls wobbled, jiggled, and groaned as they vied for dominance. The spectators couldn’t pull their eyes away either. Of all the possible fights that could have occurred in the finale, everyone was hard-pressed to picture them being more grand than this.

Ruby and Yang were very in tune with each other. Whenever one was about to deliver a powerful push, the other would counter in kind. However, this meant their auras wouldn’t last. The glow of Yang’s hair started to dim, and she felt her feet slide across the ground. That was all it took to let her know she had lost. She didn’t make the last push easy for Ruby. Yang did everything short of sitting down, but Ruby pushed her out of the ring pair and square. After that, she gave her sister the closest thing to a hug that she could manage.

“Nice one sis. I’m  proud of you.” Yang murmured while Ruby shook her body about excitedly.

“Ruby is the winner!” Nora proclaimed as the rest of the group cheered. Penny leaped excitedly in the air, Weiss seemed to radiate pride that her partner was the victor, Blake couldn’t help but laugh softly as she watched the sisters celebrate, Pyrrha felt rather giddy herself at the moment and partially wished she had gotten a fight on that scale, Velvet’s bunny ears twitched about excitedly, and Coco felt that her confidence in Ruby was well founded.

The celebration continued before a light nearby came on. Everyone turned and saw the utterly gargantuan mass of Glynda Goodwitch there. She was dressed in a purple nightgown that could easily double as a circus tent. They could all see the prominent scowl on her face. “Belly battles again? May I assume this is what caused an entire ballroom to collapse?” No one replied and Glynda smiled. “Very well then.”

“Scatter!” Ruby cried out and tried to run, but she had already been lifted off the ground. Everyone had been snatched up and floated around Glynda. “A-and by scatter, I meant to go and get some cleaning supplies so we can fix the mess we made!”

“Very likely.” Glynda glared at the sweat-coated fatty mound of a student in front of her. She was proud of how large Ruby had gotten, and she planned to watch her development closely. That being said, she didn’t intend to let her get off easy. “Though you can do that…after detention.”



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