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Series: RWBY

Characters: Weiss, Ruby, Blake, Yang

Contains: Weight gain


Weiss was in deep thought as she walked down the halls of Beacon. Two months passed since she told her teammates of her desire to form a mutual relationship. She would pay for all the snacks they wanted, and in exchange, Weiss would get to grope their bellies all she pleased. The results after the first two weeks were impressive. Each of her teammates had gotten soft, malleable bellies that were pleasant to the touch and a grace to the eyes. Ruby, Blake, and Yang had also been quite receptive. They didn’t seem worried about gaining weight, they enjoyed the snacks and meals they were treated to, and they never hesitated to let Weiss fondle them.

Yang continued to take down large meals with ease while letting Weiss sit on her lap. She had even been able to grope Yang’s chest a few more times, but the blonde’s teasing remarks kept Weiss on her toes. Blake was very quick to plump up as she did most of her snacking as she read her books. Weiss had played a clever move and decided to buy Blake all the books she wanted along with the snacks and sushi she requested. Blake had also changed out her snug, compressive pants for more “loose-fitting” shorts. That allowed the true size of her plush rear to be visible more often. Weiss also occasionally laid with Blake as the girl read, but like with Yang, Weiss was trepidatious as Blake was harder to read and could flip to a surprisingly dominant state at times. Then there was Ruby. As long as Weiss gave her cookies, she would eat them. The calories went to work throughout her body, and she had developed a shape that Weiss figured would bloom into a well-rounded apple. Ruby was also the only one Weiss had confessed her desire to make them much larger. Weiss didn’t worry much when it came to Ruby. She was adorable and very receptive to affection and hand-feedings. It was why she had made so much progress over the two months.

Weiss was suddenly bumped into. She looked to her right and saw Ruby who stared intently at the box in her hands. It was enough to make Weiss giggle which snapped Ruby to attention.

“Did I say something out loud?” Weiss asked, unsure if she had been verbalizing any of her thoughts.

“Wha? O-oh, sorry!” Ruby apologized and rubbed the back of her head. Weiss’s keen eye spotted how her friend’s arm jiggled gently in the sleeve of her school uniform. It wasn’t much, but it would at least be enough for Weiss to pinch with a few fingers. By the time the arm lowered, Ruby’s attention was back on the bag.

It was no surprise. These cookies were from a special bakery on the other side of the kingdom. They had just been delivered in a dust-powered storage container. They were slowly baked over the trip and would taste as if they were fresh from the oven. Ruby’s belly growled desperately as she tried to wait for the cookies.

Ruby had grown a decent amount in the short time. Her chest saw a small increase, but it was hardly anything compared to Yang’s. The more prominent aspect of her body was her belly. It looked to be roughly basketball-shaped, but it had gotten wider with time. Confined within her blouse, it was held aloft lightly when it should have drooped over her skirt’s waistband. Small love handles bunched up at her side, and Weiss couldn’t resist the urge to gently poke them with one, slender finger. Ruby’s hips had gotten a noticeable bit wider too. She didn’t have a butt that sagged from the edges of her seat, but there was a notable squishy texture spotted whenever she sat on a firm seat. Weiss also took notice of the growth of Ruby’s muffin top whenever she wore her pajama pants. The mere thought made Weiss’s fingers involuntarily pinch the air. Ruby’s butt had gotten much softer, but Weiss hadn’t properly tested it. Ruby had just accidentally backed into her and Weiss ensured to mentally document every detail. Then her thighs, Ruby had delicately soft, squishy thighs. Her old leggings were stretched thin, and Weiss had a sized-up pair waiting. She would wait until Ruby ripped her current pair before handing them over.

‘I love how soft they’re getting, but I need more. Not just more fat, which I do still need, but I want to do other things! I want to cuddle, I want to experience romance! I want to kiss them…’ Weiss thought and mentally sighed.

“Rrgg…” Ruby grunted which drew Weiss’s attention. The girl’s fat fingers struggled to undo the bottom buttons of her blouse. One by one they popped open and more of her belly was exposed. The sight made Weiss blush as red as a tomato.

Weiss stumbled on her words. “W-what are you doing you dolt?!” She finally exclaimed before Ruby grabbed her hand by the wrist. Her hand sank into the soft mass of Ruby’s belly. It was warm to the touch and the fat enveloped her fingers with ease. “Not in the hallway!”

Ruby looked surprised. “I thought you weren’t going to give me the cookies until I let you rub my belly.” She looked a little bashful yet held Weiss’s hand in place.

“No, I was waiting until we got to our dorm.” Weiss almost groaned before an idea came to her. She held the cookies out. “I also want something different today. You can have these after you give me a kiss.”

By the time Weiss finished her sentence, Ruby had grabbed her by the sides of her face. Suddenly, Ruby’s puffy face was coming in fast. Lips collided as Ruby gave a strong, yet playful kiss.

“MmmmmmmmmmWHA~!” Ruby pulled back and easily got the cookies from a very stunned Weiss’s hand. “Thanks, Weiss!” She cheered and stuffed a few cookies in her mouth. Weiss’s promise was true, and the cookies were as soft and warm as freshly baked ones. “These are soooooo good!” Ruby exclaimed as she stuffed more cookies into her mouth and waddled happily along her way.

Weiss followed in a bit of a stupor. ‘Her lips were so soft and warm…Just like the rest of her’ She thought as the sensation lingered in her mind. Still, she followed Ruby albeit with less steadiness as her mind was still hazy.

Once in the dorm, Ruby was quick to discard her uniform in favor of her upsized pajamas. The pants pulled across her body with a small margin of space to stretch yet enough tautness to closely outline the curves of her lower body. Her belly was exposed as her pajama top managed to cover her chest but little else. By the time Ruby was settled on the couch, Weiss had regained her senses and sat beside her.

Ruby grinned and leaned against Weiss. She had gotten very used to being spoiled, and a part of her was just happy to spend so much time with Weiss. She even liked the belly rubs too! Of course, she couldn’t quite explain why she enjoyed them so much though.

Weiss grabbed one cookie and held it in front of Ruby’s mouth. She brought her other hand around and gently traced her fingers along Ruby’s soft chin as the girl took a bite of the cookie. When it was gone, her hands moved to the pudgy girl’s belly and rubbed it soothingly. The soft, springy texture fully brought Weiss back to her senses and relaxed her. She merely allowed her hands to swoop around the curves of Ruby’s belly while occasionally squeezing it. Though as she had the mass of fat cupped in both hands, she remembered how her face had been grabbed similarly. She blushed and looked down.

The two were now in awkward silence as Ruby stopped eating. “Uh…Weiss? I get that you’re still a bit embarrassed, but so am I. That was my first kiss after all.” Ruby blushed a bright shade of red. “But um…I’m happy it was with you. Wei-mfff!” She was cut off as Weiss stuffed cookies into her mouth.

“Yes, it was a very nice kiss and I enjoyed it quite a lot. Thank you now eat your cookies. I want to lie down when you’re done.” Weiss stood up and witnessed as Ruby scooped up the remaining cookies. They were barely contained in her cupped hands, but she stuffed them all into her mouth. She noisily devoured them as crumbs and stray chocolate chips fell from her mouth, vanished between her boobs, or tumbled down her belly.

The escapees were soon found as Ruby’s fingers nimbly snatched them up and tossed them into her mouth. She was stopped when Weiss started to dab at her cheeks with a handkerchief. “Agh hey knock it off! You’re not my mom!” She exclaimed before she spotted a smirk on Weiss’s face. The rich girl was technically a sugar mama now.

Thankfully Weiss just turned and walked toward her bed without pushing the issue further. She sat on the edge of the bed before Ruby got up and walked over. There wasn’t a noticeable waddle in her step yet, but Weiss easily saw how Ruby’s thighs rubbed past each other while her hip bounced slightly.

“Are you not changing?” Ruby asked. Weiss was still in her school uniform. “Come on, put on some pajamas!” She exclaimed and started to unbutton Weiss’s blouse. It was an innocent act to her, but it quickly made Weiss blush. She was used to undoing buttons over soft bellies she intended to rub, not having someone undress her.

Weiss gulped nervously as her flat stomach was exposed. Soon her bra was revealed too which made Ruby politely glance away. “Fine, fine I’ll handle the rest.” Weiss finally spoke up. She waited for Ruby to move and turn around. She then undressed and put on her nightgown. ‘Ruby is getting bold. The way she kissed me, even though I asked for it, and now this…’ Weiss sighed aloud which Ruby took as the signal to turn. Weiss was quickly enveloped in a hug as Ruby nuzzled against her.

“See? Isn’t this so much better?” Ruby asked and moved toward the bed with Weiss still in her arms. The two dropped onto the mattress which squeaked and bounced them slightly. The mattress never truly quieted down from then on. Ruby was too excited and squirmed constantly. She would giggle and nuzzle against Weiss while her soft arms squeezed her friend as hard as possible. “This is so much fun! I know we share a dorm and all so every night is like a sleepover, but something just feels more cozy about today!”

“Yes, it’s quite nice,” Weiss replied and tried to get Ruby to stay still. She wrapped her arms around the other girl, got in close, she relished the feeling of Ruby’s belly morphing around her flat stomach, but Ruby continued to squirm and wiggle about. It was adorable, no doubt about it. Yet Weiss had hoped for a more relaxed session. There had been a whole day of classes before this, and she merely wanted to snuggle with a soft, warm body. ‘Perhaps I need to find my perfect cuddle partner elsewhere?’ Weiss thought. She would still feed Ruby plenty of cookies, and the girl had a belly that was incredibly fun to play with. Then, aside from two instances earlier, Weiss was the more dominant one in the dynamic. Ruby was still like a puppy in some regards though. When she was happy, she would bounce and wobble around. It warmed Weiss’s heart, but she lacked the stamina to keep up.

Weiss leaned in and surprised Ruby with a quick peck on the lips. It stopped her for a moment as she stared back in slight awe. A second later, Ruby giggled, kissed Weiss back with fervor, and resumed her excited wiggling. Weiss decided to indulge Ruby for now.


“Here you are, a jumbo double-patty Burger Hog Burger with the limited-time cheese-filled patties and spicy chili topping. Oh yes, and the crispy onions and extra thick-cut bacon. I think that means there’s extra bacon and it’s cut thick. I can’t remember the full name of it, but this is what you wanted, right?” Weiss asked as she held up a bag up. It felt like it weighed more than ten pounds and grease dripped from the paper.

Yang’s eyes lit up as she grabbed the bag. She looked at it as if she gazed upon the most precious thing in the world. “Thank’s Weiss, you’re the best!” Yang pulled the burger out to reveal the ten-inch wide monstrosity. She was about to unwrap it before Weiss cleared her throat and looked at her expectantly. “Oh yeah, gotta pay my tab.” Yang used one free hand to smack her belly. She was dressed in her leisurewear already, so the orange tank top left her midsection exposed.

Yang’s gut was the perfect definition of a potbelly. Nice and round, protruding in front of her with enough mass to curl over the waistband of her shorts, but it didn’t drape itself over her thighs and sagged the least of the entire team. Still, it was a soft lump that had buried her formerly toned stomach. She had a decent pair of love handles at her sides, and Yang often fondled them unintentionally. Whenever her hands came to rest on her hips, which were notably wider than they used to be, she subconsciously dug her thumbs into the soft little roll.

Her thighs were almost as thick as Weiss’s waist and the legs of her shorts dug into them. They were plenty thick, but it was more notable that Yang’s arms were plush with their sagging bingo wings. From her elbow to her wrist was soft, and her wrists too were notably thicker. Her upper arms were just more favored when fat settled onto them. A thick layer was affixed to the upper side near her shoulder while the underside accumulated and sagged in a supple mass of fat.

Though there was a part of Yang that took the spotlight. Her breasts had grown exceptionally well as she continued to put on weight. They were larger than her head now, and they stretched the confines of her tank top. Currently, there was no bra beneath as Yang preferred to go without one unless she planned to go out. She had also asked if Weiss would purchase her a bra that fit. The normally confident and cheery blonde had actually been nervous when she asked Weiss who had only ever bought her food up to that point. She was thankful yet surprised when Weiss eagerly did so. It was just part of the change in their relationship. Weiss primarily bought food so the girls would get fatter, but she also bought other things to make their lives easier or more comfortable. That was why Yang was so willing to let Weiss grope her belly before she got to eat the highly anticipated burger in her hand.

“Actually,” Weiss placed her hand on her chest. She tried to make it appear like a confident pose, but in reality, she tried to settle her rapidly beating heart. “Today I would like a kiss. I already got one from Ruby, so I figured I should try one with you.” She waited but no kiss came. Yang didn’t even move near her.

Yang grinned with one cocked eyebrow. “Oh? You kissed Ruby?” She asked skeptically and chuckled as Weiss instantly turned as red as a tomato. “What’re you waiting for? You can have all the kisses you want if you’re willing to come get them.” Yang held her arms open for Weiss. “Ooh one more thing, I’m taking a bite of this burger in ten seconds no matter what. So get a kiss now before my lips are soaked in grease.” She winked.

Weiss slowly got closer to Yang who slowly swayed her hips. The gentle movement sent slight tremors through her body which included her breasts. They swayed counter to her hips in a synchronized movement. Weiss soon got close enough that Yang’s chest touched hers. She had to lean in a little more before she felt the blonde’s belly.

“These the same moves you put on my sister? Or did she grab your face and smooch you?” Yang asked. The twitch that ran through Weiss answered the question. Still, she admired that Weiss leaned in, so she brought one heavy arm around her waist. Soft arm fat squished against’s Weiss’s back and gently pressured forward. She wouldn’t let Weiss get away.

Weiss’s hands settled on Yang’s hips with her thumbs nudging her love handles. When it felt awkward, she let her arms slink around Yang’s back. She took a brief glance at Yang’s softened cheeks before she closed her eyes. Yang had done the same and their lips gently came to touch.

‘So soft…and warm.” Weiss leaned into the kiss which Yang accepted and gently applied pressure back. She blushed and felt her heart accelerate as her back was arched. Yang took charge and leaned in with enough force to push Weiss back. Now she clung to the gently softened curves of Yang’s back as her legs began to tremble.

Yang pulled back and grinned. “You’re a better kisser than I thought ice queen!” She laughed and took a bite of her burger which had remained in her offhand. Grease started to run down her chin and dribbled onto her cleavage. She had to take multiple smaller bites to seize up the strings of cheese that stretched as her head pulled away. Somehow Yang tactically stuffed the bits of burger into her cheeks so that she could lick some of the chili that threatened to run down her wrist. “Mmfff thish ish the besht.” A labored swallow preceded a content sigh. “So, round two?”

Weiss gently pushed back on Yang. “No, that is enough for now. Eat, I’ll rub your belly when you’re done…Yang, no, don’t you dare! You will wipe your mouth before you kiss me again! YANG! You have chili on your lips!” Weiss squirmed her way free as Yang laughed before focusing on her burger as its contents tried to escape the fluffy bun that confined them.

Then things returned to normal. Yang sat on the couch and devoured her burger bite after bite while Weiss leaned against her side and rubbed her belly. The combination had Yang feeling amazing as she had come around to enjoy the belly rubs. Sometimes she was left quite stuffed after the lunches Weiss bought her. She managed to chuckle through a mouthful and leaned against Weiss. This caused her right boob to squish against Weiss’s chest.

As Yang ate more of her burger, the sheer size of it took effect on her stomach. The orb became more rounded and taut as her stomach stretched to fit the burger inside of it. Weiss felt the change in texture and watched the swelling in time. She wished that Yang’s belly would stay that size, but she knew it would shrink slightly after digesting the calorie-dense meal. Though there was solace in the fact that a little of the extra mass would stay, and she would work hard to increase that mass every day.

Yang hadn’t yet learned of how big Weiss exactly wanted her, but she was fine with their arrangement. She crammed as much of her burger into her mouth as she could. At the beginning of this sugar mama thing, Yang would hardly finish half of this burger. She’d be utterly stuffed after that too. Now, she was used to this amount of food and easily pushed her limits of fullness. Each bite followed the other smoothly, and the only struggle was opening her jaw wide enough to properly sink her teeth into her meal. More grease stained her chin and some of the droplets managed to hit her top. Yang still didn’t care though and focused on eating. Whenever a drop of chili or cheese hit her chest though, she used a finger to dab it up and lick it clean.

Meanwhile, Weiss toyed with Yang’s stomach in a similar way to Ruby’s. Long, slow caresses with the flat of her palms while her fingers traced along. She would gently apply pressure in various areas to test the texture. This time she also traced her finger around Yang’s belly button which drew a small laugh from the blonde. ‘She’s a little ticklish? Interesting.’ Weiss thought and ran her hand under Yang’s belly and weighed it in her hand. Full and heavy. ‘One day it’ll be so soft that it should just fold around my hands. One day…’ Next, she gently pinched Yang’s love handles and drew a twitch from her. ‘Very ticklish.’

Weiss moved her hands to one of Yang’s thighs. She hadn’t touched these yet. Yang had very smooth skin. She took care of it which wasn’t a secret. Her thighs were also softer than Weiss had expected. There was plenty of muscle beneath them, but the fat that capped them was springy yet supple.

“Ahhh thanks for the meal!” Yang leaned back after she had finished. “Phew I could go for a nap…” She added with a heavy sigh.

That caught Weiss’s attention. “Hmm, perhaps I’ll join you.” There was a pause.

Yang’s head perked up. “Really? Wow, you’re awfully clingy today. I can’t say I dislike that, but don’t think you’re moving past second base just yet.” She laughed as Weiss turned red once more. This was too easy.

The two got up from the couch and Yang made her way to her bed. Weiss wanted to do away with the precarious bunk beds. She slept under Ruby whom she intended to fatten quite a lot, and as much as she liked that, she didn’t want to be crushed in her sleep. Her heart nearly leaped from her chest as Yang jumped to her top bunk.

“Maybe I’ll pass on laying down.” Weiss stepped back before Yang reached an arm out for her.

“Don’t get cold feet on me now, come here.” Yang grinned and waited for Weiss to hold out her hand. She grasped it firmly and pulled her up in a powerful, swift motion. Weiss felt weightless for a moment before the mattresses settled beneath her. The arm that pulled her up now wrapped around her as Yang kept her close.

Yang had looped her arm around Weiss’s waist and tucked her against her side. This left Weiss’s arms at the perfect level to access her belly while Yang could also press the side of her right boob against the other girl’s chest. She didn’t say anything though. Instead, she grabbed the hose attached to the soda keg Weiss had installed beside her bunk. Yang then rested her head on her pillow and started to idly drink her high-brand soda.

That left Weiss to nuzzle against Yang’s side. It was soft which was to be expected, but Weiss quickly realized that Yang was hot. Physically. Her body was incredibly warm and it soon felt a little sweltering. ‘Just bear with it Weiss. Perhaps this will be great for winter time?’ She thought and slowly brought one of her legs over Yang’s while her left arm wiggled beneath her back. Her right arm rested on Yang’s round belly and caressed it.

‘Oh? It feels more firm…rounder too!’ Weiss slid her hand around the curves of Yang’s belly. As she sucked down more soda, her belly became rounder and more taut. Weiss pressed her fingertips against it until she drew a groan from Yang. That made her grin maliciously. “Oh? Is something wrong? You teased me so much earlier. Perhaps I need to pay you back~” Weiss pressed her hand against Yang’s belly again. She even pressed her chin against Yang’s boob as she did. With her lips near Yang’s chin, she blew on it gently.

Weiss was suddenly surprised when Yang grabbed and moved her. Now Weiss was on top of Yang with her face sandwiched between Yang’s breasts with their stomachs pressed together. Yang’s arms wrapped around her back and held her still.

A smug chuckle rose in Yang’s throat before she closed her eyes. She had Weiss held tight, she couldn’t get away.

‘You win this round, Yang Xiao Long,’


Weiss giggled and pushed another piece of sushi into Blake’s mouth. “You’re such a good eater, Blake~” She cooed and used her free hand to pat Blake’s belly. The faunus had been eating for over an hour without any sign of stopping Weiss. That had the heiress giggling constantly as she imagined how easy it would be to fatten Blake to the sizes she desired. Of course, a large part of her excitement was because she got to sit on Blake’s lap. She straddled her feeder’s hips and gently dug her knees into the side of a fat, round belly.

Blake was the heftiest of the girls after all. Ruby looked like an early leader, but Blake quickly surpassed her. The most prominent areas were her hips and butt. There was enough fat there to properly pinch in a handful. The few extra inches formed a fat cap that Weiss eagerly squeezed between her thighs. She would try and get her hands on them later. Above them was a developing love handle that managed to fold over the waistband of her shorts. It wasn’t incredibly thick at this point and was mostly caused by how the too-small shorts dug into the area. Currently squished into the mattress, Blake’s butt had thickened incredibly. She had kept such luscious cheeks hidden at first with her sweat pants, and it was only revealed when she had gotten annoyed with Weiss’s pinches and sat on her face. Weiss quickly wiped some drool away from her mouth as she reminisced. Blake’s butt was pillowy soft and had a hypnotic wobble to it. Each cheek was as wide as a dinner plate at this point, and they remained mostly bubbly in shape. Yet as they grew thicker and fatter, all thanks to Weiss’s generous supplying of food, their curves started to broaden. This made Weiss think they would become boxier in the future as Blake put on more weight.

Weiss was worried she would have to take some special measures to push Blake along as she mostly ate fish. Though Blake naturally branched out and tried more fried foods. At first, it was limited to popcorn shrimp and taiyaki, but soon she would eat other fried cuts and Weiss had seen her inhale calamari rings.

Weiss was so proud of her pudgy kitty and showed that appreciation as she kneaded Blake’s belly like dough. It was still round, but Weiss knew that would change. There was an indent between the uppermost curve of her love handle and a small patch of fat beneath her underarms. Weiss theorized that that would be the foundational divide. After each girl hit a certain weight, they would bloom into their own unique body type. Weiss couldn’t wait to see them so she could love each and every one.

“Weiss?” Blake asked as she looked up at Weiss. She had a glazed look in her eyes and an open-mouth grin plastered across her face. “There’s still more sushi, right?”

“Hmm? Oh, yes, of course!” Weiss fed Blake a premium cut of tuna on a bed of fluffy rice. “Sorry, I got distracted. I can’t help it with such a plump, adorable belly in front of me. Your skin is so soft and smooth~ I just want to squeeze and play with it every second of the day. I just can’t get enough of you which makes me want to make MORE of you!”

Blake’s belly was past basketball-sized at this point, but it was softer in shape. Even with her stomach packed to the brim with fish and rice, she kept soft curves and a pliable texture. That showed that the layers of fat building up around it were thicker. It would only get larger and squishier as time went on.

Blake had other soft areas too. Her thighs had continued to thicken until they were more than twice as wide as they used to be. They squished together most of the time unless Blake actively tried to separate them. Her arms had a notable coating in fat, but she wasn’t fat enough to get fat flabby arms. Yang was a different story due to her different body type. While neither, Ruby included, hadn’t “bloomed” outward yet, they had the starts, the inklings of what they would soon become.

“You’re doing that face again,” Blake murmured and smacked Weiss on her thigh. “Is there something on your mind?”

Weiss twitched as she was caught fantasizing again. “N-nothing interesting enough to talk about.” She stuttered and started to rub Blake’s belly. She occasionally fed her another piece of sushi too. “Although, I did kiss Ruby and Yang recently.”

It was Blake’s turn to twitch in surprise. The way she stared at Weiss, cat ears fully erect, made the heiress blush.

“I’d prefer if you don’t look at me that way. It wasn’t anything too serious. Although it was very nice, and we cuddled after. Hmm, but those two aren’t quite what I’m looking for in that way. I care about them dearly, and I won’t cut them off but…Ruby is too energetic to simply lie down with, and Yang is too hot! Her skin is warm to the touch at first, but then it feels like I’m being slow-roasted. Now that might be nice for winter but now? Not a chance.” Weiss went on as if this were a normal conversation. “Then there’s you, Blake. You’re such a good, composed girl.”

Blake blushed and looked away. It wasn’t normal for her to get flustered enough that she couldn’t so much as look at someone. “Thank you…Weiss.” She looked back as Weiss caressed her cheek with one hand. She had come to realize that Weiss had incredibly soft skin too. Even through combat training, her hands were as soft as silk.

“Blake~” Weiss squeezed Blake’s waist between her thighs tightly. “Could I ask you something? More so permission for something?”

Blake’s heart began to beat rapidly. She moved her hands to Weiss’s thighs and squeezed them gently. She felt her cheeks warm up, and she swallowed hard. “Go ahead.” She replied in a breathy voice.

“Can I touch your ears?” Weiss asked in a tone of voice that betrayed her previous one. Now she seemed both nervous and excited like a child who asked for permission to go out and play.

“What?” Blake asked. She thought she would be asked to kiss or cuddle. Instead, Weiss wanted to touch her ears? It was obvious the request was directed to her cat ears.

Weiss seemed taken aback. “I’m sorry, was that not ok? I knew it wasn’t something I could just ask for until we were both ready. My thought was that I’ve been rubbing your belly and even your butt for so long. That’s different though. Fat is fat, fantastic and amazing, yes, but your ears are so much more important to who you are and-“ Blake grabbed Weiss’s hands and moved them to her cat ears. Weiss’s eyes instantly lit up as she caressed them gently between her thumbs and forefingers.

“Thank you so much, Blake! I know we had our disagreements when we first met, but I’m happy we’ve become friends. Perhaps I could say we’ve become even more now?” Weiss continued to feel Blake’s ears which drew purrs and small, quiet moans from the faunus. “I promise I’ll be gentle with them, but they’re just so cute. They feel more firm than I thought. That’s funny seeing as there aren’t many ‘firm’ parts of you left.” Weiss giggled before she suddenly felt Blake grip her thighs hard. “Blake, are you ok?”

Mere milliseconds after Weiss finished her sentence, she was flipped onto her back. The positions had reversed and Blake was on top of her. Her wrists were pinned above her head, her slender waist was squeezed between pillowy thighs, and a heavy belly pressed against her flat stomach. Blake even leaned close enough so that her breasts utterly dominated Weiss’s.

“Did I do something wrong? I’m sorry if I did, but we can act reasonably here. How about I get you an expensive tuna? No? Maybe some salmon too? I-I can get you a whole tuna! Fresh from the ocean, resting on a bed of the fattest salmon you’ve ever seen, and I’ll even bring in an armada of shrimp to go with it all!” Weiss tried to bribe her way out of what she thought was a furious Blake. She was cut off before the next offer could sprout from her lips by Blake smashing theirs together.

Blake kissed Weiss deeply, she pushed her tongue into the other girl’s mouth, and she moaned freely into the kiss. Stuffed with fish, bombarded with compliments, and then having her ears played with wasn’t enough to make Blake act like this. Weiss had spoken so casually about her kisses with the rest of their team. Blake thought that would lead to her being asked for a kiss, but she was asked about her ears first. That frustration made her kiss Weiss harder. She held the kiss until her lungs begged for air.

Weiss sputtered and coughed when Blake pulled back. “Blake Belladonna, what has gotten into you?!” She was forced to look up as Blake’s face was pushed to her neck. Now she was being kissed and nibbled down to her collarbones. The sensation of Blake’s lips dancing over her skin felt like gentle butterfly wings, and the small nibbles stirred some strange sensation in Weiss’s heart. “O-oooooh ok y-you can get away w-with this a little…mmm a little longer~” Weiss panted and clenched her fingers tightly as her toes curled. A growing part of her was VERY ok with Blake’s behavior.

Blake did lose her lead position for cuddle consideration though. Ruby was too energetic, Yang too physically hot, and Blake…

Blake was too sexy.



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