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Series: RWBY
Characters: Pyrrha, Jaune
Contains: Centaur

Reward for Gardefan

Pyrrha had been a centaur all her life. Her upper half was human with olive skin and a fairly toned build. She wore a tan, leather corset to cover her chest. Her bright red hair was done up in a ponytail with a bronze circlet rested upon her head. She possessed piercing, emerald-colored eyes that wowed many. Her lower half was that of a horse with fur that matched the hair on her head.

Since the days of her youth, she competed in various competitions as well. She displayed feats of strength and agility all while maintaining a noble air to herself. Beneath that exterior though was a lonely girl who hadn’t a friend in the world. No one she could call her equal, no one she could relax with, and no one to simply be her friend.

Pyrrha had just returned from yet another victorious tournament, and she now rested in her stable. Her upper half leaned out an open window while her horse half remained inside. She sighed and looked across the farm she inhabited. Seeing as she was a popular show winner, not just any farmhand was allowed to approach her. The ones who did treated her with so much respect, that she felt they didn’t see her as a person. She felt they saw her as someone so above them, that she wouldn’t want their time. The truth was, Pyrrha did. The thought drew another sigh from her as she closed her eyes.

“Good morning, Pyrrha!”

A sudden voice sounded. It was new, one Pyrrha hadn’t heard before. When she opened her eyes and looked down slightly. A young man was standing there. He had soft-looking blonde hair and blue eyes. He was dressed modestly with a Pumpkin Pete hoodie on. He looked at Pyrrha curiously, no doubt because she glared back with the same confusion.

“You ok?” The boy asked. “Oh, where are my manners? I’m Jaune Arc. I was just hired today. My boss said I should come over and visit with you.” Jaune explained.

“Visit…with me?” Pyrrha asked. No one had ever “visited” with her. She was only tended to, interviewed, or transported to shows. Even other centaurs didn’t take the time to make idle chit-chat with her. A warm sensation started to grow in her chest as she settled down. “It’s nice to meet you, Jaune. You’ve just started here?”

Jaune nodded. “Yep! I have some farming background, but I’ve never been to a place this big. So, I’m a bit nervous. Though when the boss said my first task was to just talk with you, then I figured it wouldn’t be so bad.” He smiled warmly and purely. It was enough to make Pyrrha blush a little.

He didn’t seem to know who she was. That made Pyrrha happy for some reason. Though it was obvious. Someone stood before her, looked her in the eyes, and didn’t put her on a pedestal.

“Um,” Pyrrha started and nervously began to play with her hair. “It’s so impersonal to talk in this fashion. Would you like to come into my stable?” She slowly backed away from the window. This wasn’t a retreat though.

“Can do,” Jaune said as he began to walk around the barn. In about a minute, he entered and looked into Pyrrha’s stable. It was a modestly-sized room, larger than a standard horse stable. There was something like a mixture of a shelf and a fridge so that Pyrrha could easily retrieve whatever snacks the farm owner approved for her. The floor was padded in one corner so that Pyrrha could lie down to sleep if she wanted. The weight of her equine half was too much for any practical bed. Jaune was particularly confused by one large, rectangular pillow at the other corner of the room. Yet the confusion was dispelled when Pyrrha sat on it.

Pyrrha balanced her horse stomach over the cushion and bent her knees. It looked like she kneeled over it before the cushion made contact with her. She managed to balance on it with ease. So Jaune realized it must have been the centaur equivalent of a cushioned chair.

Jaune leaned against the wall next to Pyrrha and smiled at her. “This seems pretty cozy.” He joked and laughed. He didn’t realize how the sound enchanted Pyrrha though. He just knew she giggled in return. His eyes wandered before he found a brush. “Do you mind if I?”

Jaune picked up the brush and moved to Pyrrha’s side. He looked at her and waited. When she nodded her approval, he ran his hand gently down the back of her horse half. Her hair felt soft, even for horse hair. After one pass, he began to brush gently. “You have a very pretty coat. It matches your hair perfectly too.” He complimented and patted her back.

Pyrrha couldn’t decide whether to look forward or back. Her face was overcome with a blush and she couldn’t stop smiling. “Thank you very much, Jaune.” Pyrrha had been brushed plenty of times, but no one talked as they did it. Everyone else treated it as a methodical process that merely had to be done. Jaune seemed to enjoy it though. He’d run the brush over her, then follow it with his hand.

“I was so nervous about this job, honestly.” Jaune started. “But knowing that I can just talk and work with you makes me excited. The horses back on my farm never talked.” He laughed. This got Pyrrha to fully turn and face him.

Pyrrha couldn’t hold her words back. “You really want to talk with me?” She asked and took one of Jaune’s hands in hers.

“Of course,” Jaune replied. “Jeez, these big farms must be different. Does no one really ever talk with you? Well, that changes now!” He said with determination and smiled again. “I hope we have a lot of fun working together! There will be plenty of time too. I mean, my job says I only tend to you.”

“Only me?” Pyrrha felt a twinge of pride hit her chest. Her own personal attendant and he was a sweet young man who treated her like an equal. “I look forward to working with you, Jaune.” Pyrrha felt that her lonely days were behind her and that the path ahead would be one of joy and companionship.




I always welcome any Arkos wholesomeness.