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Series: RWBY
Characters: Blake, Sun
Contains: Female weight gain, suspense, a sense of danger, and mystery

Reward for Nick

Sun stood next to the window and looked out of his apartment. The passage was open and allowed the smoke from his cigarette to waft out. He looked at the streets with determination.

“This city isn’t what it used to be. Sure, it might have always been dark and warped, but now you’ve got shadows within shadows. Like vipers lashing out at each other while the innocent John and his dame always managed to catch the fangs.” Sun murmured before he heard footsteps behind him. He knew the footsteps well.

Even if they were heavier than they had been lately.

Blake stepped out of her bedroom and looked over at Sun. “Who are you talking to?” She asked and waddled forward. She had a dark leisure robe wrapped around her, but it still hugged her portly form tightly.

Sun blushed and looked back out the window. “Sorry, but I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just having a morning smoke.”

“Then give me one too,” Blake murmured as she finally made it to the window. The fresh air made her ache for the chance to go out, but a quick nicotine fix would help her. She reached into Sun’s pocket and pulled out the cigarettes. Elegant yet puffy fingers carried one to her mouth. She grabbed Sun by his shoulder and pulled him close so that the lit end of his cigarette would ignite hers.

‘Blake Belladonna, a dame on the run. A mysterious yet enchanting young woman…with an appetite unmatched.’ Sun thought and blushed brighter after the close contact with the woman under his protection. Her belly had pressed against his flat stomach. The texture was so soft that it flattened against him while the edges almost flowed around his sides. ‘With killers after her due to some hot information, Blake was buried under a heap of stress. Yet with her desire to dine out, I’ve found myself under a mountain of receipts.’

Blake looked at Sun with a raised eyebrow. “Are you monologuing? You get this face when you do that.” She said and started to smile. This was mostly because Sun quickly tried to look even further away from her.


That was enough to make Blake chuckle. It was a good sign that she could do that as Sun had seriously doubted if his charge found anything amusing. The only time she seemed happy was when she was eating something. It was no understatement that she had put on weight at a staggering pace. Three large meals a day with snacks scattered in between were enough to make anyone pack on the pounds. Added to the fact that Blake couldn’t leave the apartment, she gained weight faster than anyone else normally would.

Blake’s stomach filled her lap like a lump of soft dough. It rolled forward until it reached her knees and partially drooped over the sides of her thighs. The fat might have managed to sag more if it weren’t for the fact that Blake’s legs were so thick around that she couldn’t fit one leg within both of her hands. As she sat on the windowsill, half of one fleshy butt cheeks sagged outside while the cheek onside was completely unsupported. Sun was impressed that Blake could balance herself despite her weight. Her sides had soft love handles while her back had gotten plusher than the robe she currently wore. The young woman’s chest was robust and forced the top of her robe to be left more open than she preferred. It exposed smooth, pale skin and the inner quarter of her cleavage. She seemed comfortable though as Sun wasn’t the type to make a pass at her.

She could easily shove him out the window if he tried.

By the time they had both finished their morning smoke, Blake grabbed Sun’s wrist. “Do you need some help up?” He asked.

“No…actually yes, but that’s not what I want to talk about,” Blake replied and took Sun’s other hand as he helped pull her to her feet. She could have done it herself, but the help was appreciated. The two were briefly pressed against each other again. This time it was Blake who blushed away as her soft belly was pressed to Sun’s firm torso. She had gotten a few peaks at him. They were innocent enough seeing as they shared this apartment, but she knew fully well that the detective assigned as her bodyguard was chiseled.

Blake shook her head quickly. She had let herself get distracted. “I want to go outside.”

Sun stepped back. “Now you know we can’t do that. You could be spotted and-“ He was cut off as Blake pushed forward. She bumped her chest against his assertively. With her extra weight, she easily shoved him back. She didn’t stop until they reached the dining room table. Sun found himself with his back arched as Blake loomed over him.

“I’ve put on a few hundred pounds and I’ll wear a disguise! If I have to stay inside for one more day without a little bit of freedom, then I’ll go crazy.” Blake glared at Sun and grabbed him by his shirt. Her expression softened before she slowly backed up. She no longer pushed Sun against the table, but she had yet to let go of him. “I know this wasn’t your idea, and you were randomly selected to watch over me…So, I’ll take the heat if you get in trouble. You can come with me too. I just need this.”

Sun felt a large twinge of sympathy in his heart. “Alright, we’ll take you out. On two conditions.” Sun waited but Blake didn’t object. “We stay within a block of the apartment building, and you don’t leave my side.”

Blake grinned. “Deal.”

It took nearly fifteen minutes for Blake to squeeze into her clothes. The leggings were her greatest struggle as she had to reach past her belly to pull them up. Fabric stretched as best it could, but small holes and rips began to appear across her thighs. No one would see those however as she pulled on a black trench coat. It was what she had worn when she first arrived, and it had extra fabric when she first got it. That was hardly enough to counter her increased circumference, however. The belt was drawn tight, but the buttons had to be left undone. Only the ones over her chest were fastened, and it was a mildly uncomfortable state. She was balanced awkwardly on her black high-heeled shoes as she had not worn them in a long while. Her weight obviously had its hand in the matter, but no one dared speak of it. To complete her disguise, Blake had a black shawl tied over her head to hide her cat ears, and a pair of dark sunglasses to cover her eyes.

Now dressed, the two made their way outside. Blake shifted nervously in the elevator to the point the entire cart started to shake. Sun quietly worried that they would take a sudden plunge to the ground floor. He didn’t say anything about that though on the chance that Blake wouldn’t appreciate such a comment.

Blake bounded through the gap as soon as the elevator doors started to open. She underestimated how narrow the partially opened doors were as her sides were temporarily caught. Once the doors opened a little wider, she hastily waddled outside. Sun rushed after her in a panic but stopped short.

Blake took a deep breath of fresh air. She had gotten this through an open window before, but to be outside and feel the breeze over her entire body was rapturous. Her hair flowed in the wind while her cat ears twitched under her shawl.

Sun couldn’t help but smile at the sight. ‘She really needed this.’ He thought and chuckled. It was loud enough that Blake turned to look at him.

“What is it?” Blake asked and looked around as if trying to see what was so funny.

“Just thinking about how Chief Glynda would kill me for letting you do this.” Sun shrugged and continued to grin. “Eh if I do kick the bucket, then I guess you’ll have more space in the apartment.” That line made Blake giggle. “Now, where to?”

Blake looked down the street. “I know the exact place.” She grabbed Sun’s hand and pulled him along. Her brisk pace surprised the detective, and she yanked on him hard enough that he nearly toppled over. Such quick movements also caused her hips and butt to wobble while her belly swayed and her chest bounced. Most of her body jiggled from the simple act, but she didn’t want to stop.

“Sun?” A sudden voice called out.

Blake immediately froze and prepared herself for anything. Yet when she looked over her shoulder she only saw Sun standing next to a little old lady. It didn’t help her heart settle as she felt increasingly nervous.

Sun seemed fine though. “Hello, Mrs. Althea! How’re you doing today?” He asked as the old woman smiled.

“It is you! I was surprised to see you, but then I realized you were with a young lady.” The old woman seemed to smile wider. “Can I assume that you haven’t been seen about as of late because you got married?”

Blake blushed and her cat ears shot up so quickly that it nearly knocked her shawl off. Thankfully Sun laughed the assumption off. “No, no this is just a visiting friend of mine.” He explained before he and the woman continued to converse. Then the two were off again.

“Who was that?” Blake finally asked. She had gotten ahold of Sun’s hand again. The hefty girl knew where she was going, but she didn’t know the path to get there. After all this time, Blake had never gotten to explore, but she did memorize the address of her favorite takeout place.

“A nice lady who I helped after her purse got nabbed,” Sun replied. He opened his mouth to speak again before more people recognized him on the street. They exchanged words, but Blake continued to move. She even tugged on Sun’s arm whenever he stopped walking. “Stay out of trouble you two! Hey ow, you’re squeezing my arm pretty tight.”

Blake had wrapped her arm around Sun’s. The thick appendage squeezed tightly so that he couldn’t so much as turn away. “Do you know everybody around here?” She asked impatiently.

“Pretty much.” Sun’s chest puffed out with pride. “I’m a pretty good detective.” He said before Blake stopped. When he looked up at a sign that read, ‘Flower Garden Cafe.’ The second after that, Blake pulled the two of them inside.

“Welcome!” A hefty redheaded woman exclaimed from behind the counter. Nora was a large woman, almost as large as Blake. Though her thighs were obviously thicker than the flabby Faunus’s. “Oh heya, Detective Sun!” She leaned against the counter and grinned. Her eyes then glanced over Blake and the smile grew. “So this is who all those orders have been. I knew you couldn’t have eaten all of that on your own. Now I wonder if you ever got anything!”

Blake blushed but sat down on a barstool. Both sides of her butt hung off of the sides of the stool while part of her belly squished against the counter. “I’ve enjoyed your cooking so much, so I needed to come here in person.” She explained as her belly growled. The entire restaurant smelled incredible and she tapped her fat fingers impatiently against her belly.

Nora laughed so hard that her belly bounced. “I could tell after we started to deliver more than ten times a week! Thanks for all the business!” Nora slapped a ticket on a small window behind her. “I assume you want your regular? I always get your order to you pretty quick, but I’m sure you’re gonna love it more when it's fresh out of the oven!”

Blake’s stomach rumbled as she almost began to drool uncontrollably. She was incredibly excited to be in her favorite restaurant. The aroma from her delivery had always enchanted her, but now she was in the actual establishment. The scents were more powerful and encompassed the space around her. The entire room smelled delicious. Aside from her, Sun, and Nora the room was empty. Blake preferred that, but she imagined the space must be very popular. Maybe she could still blend in if she decided to visit in the future.

Sun sat next to Blake and leaned against the counter. He looked at Nora who still grinned at him. “Oh yeah, this is my friend. She’s visiting from out of the country.” He explained. Nora just continued to grin. Her smirk seemed to get larger, actually.

“That friend of yours got a name?” Nora asked.

“Of course,” Sun replied. The brief response made Nora cock an eyebrow.

“Which is?” She asked and slowly rotated her wrist to get her mysterious visitor or the local detective to talk more. The subtle movement of her wrist made her arm jiggle slightly. Some energy was even transferred into one meaty boob that squished against that arm.

Sun and Blake looked at each other. They never planned for this because THIS was never supposed to happen. Sun opened his mouth. Drawing a blank he started to form a B.

“Blakella,” Blake murmured. It was the quickest thing she could come up with, but she immediately scolded herself. It was either that or minced pork dumpling seeing as it was the only other thing on her mind. Her stomach took up most of her energy and left her mental faculties dampened.

“Can I call ya Blake for short?” Nora asked and suppressed a giggle. These two had made her shift all the more lively. She turned around, her butt bumping the counter, and she reached into a warming box. Out from it, she pulled a bowl full of dumplings. The wrapping for each seemed so delicate, but they were stuffed to bursting with meat. Nora placed the bowl before Blake. “Have a snack while you wait. If your tummy keeps rumbling, then mine is gonna start.”

Blake quickly grabbed one of the dumplings. She wanted to stuff the entire thing into her mouth, but it was the size of a softball. Part of her brain said to try anyway, but she didn’t want to risk losing any of the delicious fillings. She cupped the dumpling in her hand and took a large bite. A shudder ran through her as steam wafted off of the dumpling’s surface. The texture, seasoning, moisture, everything was utterly perfect. Blake mewled before she went in for another bite.

Sun didn’t watch Blake eat much. He was often busy or at work when Blake and her meals. The most he saw was some of her snacking when he was home. As he watched her devour the dumpling, he understood how she got so big. ‘No reason to judge. I’m not the one cooped up all day.’ Sun thought. His job was stressful, but the satisfaction from it tended to keep him sane. Plus, he was the rough, tough detective of this town. His stress relief was knocking back a glass of scotch after solving a hard case. It was just unfortunate that he hated scotch.

Blake was still in her own little world. The bowl she was given held six large dumplings. She was already on her fourth. Each bite was just as good as the last, and her shawl was nearly knocked off as her cat ears twitched uncontrollably. Her soft belly didn’t show it well, but it was slightly round and stuffed from the amount of food she had eaten. Blake grabbed her fifth dumpling, and she wanted to size up the sixth. That was when a sense of realization hit her. She slid the bowl toward Sun. Her arm fat swayed gently from the small movement.

“I’m good. It’s all yours.” Sun said and tried to wave Blake off. Still, she glared at him from the corner of her eye. “You probably want it more than I do-“

“My Renny’s dumplings aren’t good enough for ya?” Nora asked. She put her fists on her hips. Even with hardly any pressure applied, her knuckles sunk into her padded hips.

Sun took a bite from the dumpling. First his boss, then Blake, and now Nora. He was getting bossed around by a lot of large women lately.

A bell rang and Nora quickly spun on her heels. Her body was so blubbery and gelatinous that the simple movement caused her entire body to wobble. She was so fast and light on her feet despite obviously being over five hundred pounds. A few seconds later, Blake had her first entree before her. Tuna steaks had been cut into chunks and gently placed atop fresh flatbread. They were then topped with a savory, creamy sauce. They were meant to be a platter shared amongst a dinner party, but Blake had designated them as decent snack food. Her thick fingers nimbly snatched them up and stuffed them into her mouth. She savored the first one, but the subsequent ones vanished in the blink of an eye.

Blake leaned against the countertop. Most of her belly flowed under the surface, but a roll was squished atop it. She subconsciously leaned forward so that she could stuff her face quicker. It was impossible to resist the seared fish and fluffy bread. Even the sauce stirred excitement in her as it dazzled her tongue.

As Blake leaned forward, her rump was stuck out behind her.  Her trench coat kept it covered, but the curtain of fabric still outlined her sizable rump. Occasionally, Blake also twitched uncontrollably when one bite was just especially delicious. That caused her butt to bounce and subsequently wobble.

“Anything for you detective, or are you just gonna watch?” Nora asked. “I mean I won’t judge ya.” She added and shrugged.

Sun blushed and looked away from Blake. He had gotten a little caught up in watching her eat. “Yeah, just the house tea.” He murmured.

Nora giggled as she poured Sun a glass before she turned her attention back to Blake. Running the restaurant with her husband was her greatest joy and passion, aside from throwing out the occasional punk who caused a ruckus, and it made her happy to see someone enjoy the food so much.

Another bell rang and Nora spun again. This time though, Nora’s rump bumped the countertop. Not only did it cause her body to wobble, but the energy made Blake jiggle while everything on the countertop was jostled. Sun thankfully grasped his cup before its contents could be spilled.

“And here’s the main course!” Nora cheered as she placed a large bowl of ramen in front of Blake. It was filled with as many noodles as possible, a savory broth, and a variety of fish filets and shrimp. Blake’s eyes beamed as she saw her reflection in the broth. She was so distracted that it took multiple attempts for Nora to put the chopsticks between her thick fingers.

Once Blake had a grip on the chopsticks, she plunged them into the bowl and carried a large portion of noodles to her mouth. She then noisily slurped them into her mouth and down her throat before she followed it up with a large chunk of fish. The entire experience was so divine that she audibly mewled while her cat ears twitched so much that her shawl finally came off. Brief panic overcame her and Sun’s faces.

Nora noticed this but didn’t understand. “Wha?” She asked with a shrug of her meaty shoulders.

Sun slowly grabbed the shawl and handed it to Blake. She debated tying it onto her head and looked at Sun. He rubbed the back of his head. “Well…I won’t make you.” He said and smiled. Blake smiled back at him and placed the shawl on the countertop.

Then Blake went back to ravenously devouring her ramen. She sucked the noodles down with so much force that droplets of broth were thrown through the air. Most of the drops landed on the counter while some hit Blake’s outfit. Sun noticed at least two drops hit his tea. He just shrugged and continued to drink it. Blake was happy and that was all that mattered.

Blake’s stomach swelled as she made progress through her giant bowl of ramen. The belt of her trench coat dug into her belly until the knot that tied it started to come undone. Little by little it slipped until the knot was fully undone and the fabric opened. Blake’s belly was still covered by her dress, but there was a quick lurch as the mass of fat claimed the extra space provided to it. The fabric of Blake’s dress hugged the mass tightly. The curves and folds at the side were clearly outlined in perfect detail. As Blake’s stomach became larger, the fabric was stretched further. Some areas started to look more transparent and seemed like they would rip at any second.

Meanwhile, Blake’s hips hung further off the side of her seat. She didn’t care though and continued to fill her belly with the unimaginably delicious ramen. The portions at this restaurant were one of the reasons Blake loved it so much. The food was made with love and skill while the portions were enough to satisfy her ever more demanding belly. Coming here in person had been a strong desire of hers for a long time. So, she was resolved to eat until the entire bowl was empty. She had half the mind to order another one after.

When every noodle and bit of seafood had been cleared, Blake grasped the bowl and lifted it to her lips. She gulped mouthfuls of the broth which caused her belly to swell faster and take on a more rounded shape. Waves of fullness assailed her, but she continued to guzzle from the bowl until it was empty. She placed the bowl down with a heavy thud and sighed.

Blake gasped for air as she had gone without it for almost a minute. She rubbed her belly slowly and tried to soothe it. She wanted to lean back in her seat, but it groaned loudly which quickly made her stop.

“I know that look. Can’t decide if you want another or not?” Nora grinned and reached over to pat Blake’s belly. “How about I send another bowl over later, on the house of course. I’ve got to reward such a loyal customer.” Nora looked to Sun. “Now you had better help her home before she slips into a nap. Unless you want to roll her?” She asked and cocked an eyebrow.

Sun placed some lien on the table and stood up. “Yeah, I doubt she’d like that one, so we should get going now. Need some help?” Sun asked.

Blake was too full to respond with words. She just reached an arm around Sun’s shoulder and slowly got to her feet. The stuffed cat had to lean most of her weight on Sun. He struggled to support it, but he at least managed to not drop Blake. By the time they made it out the front door and waved goodbye to Nora, she murmured a soft, “Thank you.” With a small smile on her face. Today had been one of the most eventful days since she got here. She hoped that she could get to do something like this again soon. For now, she focused on the immediate future and waddled her way home.

What the two didn’t realize as they stepped into the apartment building was they that had been followed. Someone had spotted and recognized Blake as she left the restaurant. They tailed the duo all the way back, ensuring they kept a good distance and stuck near the shadows. They pulled a phone from their pocket and texted three simple words.

‘I found her.’



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