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I had the poll tier suggest then vote for ideas. Here's big Glynda and Winter


Series: RWBY
Characters: Glynda, Winter
Contains: Weight gain


The announcement had been sudden. Ozpin and General Ironwood, the headmasters of two of the most prestigious huntsmen academies in all of Remnant, retired. That left Glynda Goodwitch and Winter Schnee to step up and take the roles. That came with just as much stress as it did luxuries. Higher pay, better standard of living, and an abundance of high-quality food. Their new jobs made them fat. Students and teachers alike watched and easily tracked how both women grew outward. Stomachs softened, hips widened, butt cheeks thickened, thighs became broader, breasts heavier, arms were doughy, and their strict faces now had soft cheeks and extra chins.

Their popularity and approachability increased, surpassingly. Both had reputations for being incredibly terrifying. It was hard to be as intimidating when they looked like big, fluffy dough balls. More time passed and they got even more obese. They adjusted to their positions and relied on each other to run both academies more efficiently. Many thought these meetings were crucial and that the things discussed there practically held the fate of both kingdoms.

They were wrong.


Glynda and Winter laughed as they tapped their wine glasses together before taking a drink. They had opened the first of many bottles. All would certainly be drained before their “meeting” was done. The large table that many suspected would be covered with paperwork was instead lined from end to end with food. This was not a meeting and more of a get-together to unwind.

“Here’s to another meeting,” Glynda said before she downed her glass of wine. She followed it with a few fried shrimp from the table. The woman swung her hip to the side as she chewed. A muffled THWAP sounded as her hip bumped against Winter’s. Both women wobbled and laughed softly. Winter had her mouth stuffed with little club sandwiches. Still, she swung her hip back and returned the first hip check with an equally powerful bump.

Winter washed her sandwiches down with some wine. “They’re the only thing keeping me going.” She said and rubbed her belly. The first thing she had done when Glynda’s office door had closed was open her jacket. That allowed her heavy, flabby belly to hang freely. This double belly was the product of numerous being eating sessions and more desk riding than fighting. It was like she had a jumbo-sized flesh-colored beanbag chair. There was so much fat that she could barely reach her belly button. The lower mass of her belly managed to stretch half a foot further than that. It was quite difficult to manage the glob of fat, but Winter liked the heft and heat that came from it.

Glynda had done the same and had unbuttoned her blouse. Her belly was larger than Winter’s though. While it wasn’t as wide and didn’t have as meaty love handles as the Atlesian headmistress, her gut reached further and sagged past her knees. There was also no hope that she could ever reach her belly button. If she stretched her arms as far as they could go and struggled to make her fingers crawl across the ample expanse of fat, then she might at least bring the crevice in the center of her belly within a foot of her thick digits.

“I just wish we could combine the academies though. I don’t have a body built to travel anymore.” Winter said and grabbed a fork. She didn’t intend to use the utensil to feed herself though. She reached her hand under her belly which required her arm to stretch as far it would go. The fork hooked the button of her pants and pried it off. The surge of fat from her lower belly forced her zipper down. Then she merely shook her hips until her fat ass eagerly leaped out of the pants. It was enough for now and drew a pleased sigh from Winter. “These have been killing me lately.” She groaned and dropped herself onto a reinforced chair. It practically could have been a loveseat suited for two people, but her butt and hips took up all the space. Ass fat as big and round as a truck tire pressed against the backrest while her hips warped and bent the armrests outward.

Glynda laughed and leaned against Winter’s belly. “Oh but isn’t the trip worth it? Plus I fear we would both become much larger if we were together for too long.” A chuckle rose in her thickly encased throat as she pressed her belly to Winter’s. These two had missed each other. Glynda had the larger belly of the pair, but Winter claimed the widest hips and fattest ass. One way to prove it was that the chair Winter occupied was Glynda’s, and the blonde could properly fit in it. For now, at least. They were half a foot thinner than Winter’s, but their curves were rounder. That didn’t mean her skirt wasn’t on the verge of being torn down the middle. It hardly stretched to the middle of her thighs, and it was pulled so taut across her butt that the outline of her panties was visible at all times.

It was hard to compare Winter and Glynda’s thighs. They were both so thick that they were hardly recognizable as legs. Only their position clued in on their function, which they barely performed these days. Their thighs were as thick around as barrels which ended at fat-encased knees. The stretch from their knees to their cankles was hardly any thinner.

“Glynda, I don’t think your chair will withstand both of our weights,” Winter murmured as Glynda leaned further. The other women leaned in more and more until their breasts touched. This was another area where Glynda had Winter beat. Winter’s breasts were twice the size of her head. Even now they were barely contained in her bra with fat rolling over the top of the garment.

Glynda’s breasts were barely smaller than beach balls. Her bra was practically a joke that barely concealed her nipples, and Winter had no idea how they did that much. The creamy smooth mounds were stuffed so tightly into Glynda’s bra that they were pressed up to be level with her extra chins. “I’m sure it will be fine.” Glynda reached one soft hand forward and stuffed another sandwich into Winter’s mouth. “We should just worry about eating more.”

Like the rest of them, these women had soft, flabby arms. It was to the point they could hardly handle paperwork anymore. Glynda was lucky enough to have telekinesis as her semblance while Winter had to rely on secretaries to fulfill necessary paperwork. From soft shoulders to heavily sagging bingo wings, past thick elbows, and along fat stretches to their wrists that ended with puffy hands and fat fingers. They didn’t have arms that one would attribute to warriors. The only exercise they undertook was stuffing their faces, and that become more of a struggle every day.

Winter awkwardly spread her legs and tried to wrap them around Glynda’s hips. All she could do was use her calves to squeeze Glynda as her thighs were too thick and the other woman was too wide to get closer. There was also the issue of how massive their bellies were. This was the best they could do, but both had plenty of fun. They pressed their fat together, laughed, and occasionally moaned.

This continued for a few minutes before Winter was surprised by a floating piece of flatbread with salmon on it. The food was shoved into her mouth by an invisible source. She looked past the curve of her and Glynda’s breasts to see the other headmistress with a smug smile on her round face. It was already time for Glynda to use her semblance. Her bulky arms were either already tired, or their owner was too excited. Winter didn’t care which was the true answer and opened her mouth.

Glynda used her semblance to feed them both. Food was pulled up from the table and floated toward their mouths. They had just enough time to chew and swallow before the next item arrived. Eating this way was neat, clean, and efficient. Those were some reasons Glynda loved it so much. Another reason was she was simply lazy these days.

The more the two ate, the larger their bellies became. It was hard to tell as they were already so fat, but anyone could notice the pale, rolling masses swelled with new fat. Winter’s belly seemed to get wider as Glynda’s reached out further. Their rolls squished together like puzzle pieces which allowed them to keep their positions. With their hands freed, both also took the time to grope each other tenderly. Glynda leaned more of her weight onto Winter despite the groans that came from the chair. This squishing finally allowed her to caress the side of Winter’s belly. Winter reached up and clapped her hands against the sides of Glynda’s breasts. The heavy mounds wobbled and almost leaped out to flash her.

As the feast continued, threads started to audibly rip and any buttons that remained had finally popped off. Neither woman could hear it over their eating though. It didn’t matter too. They always needed entirely new wardrobes after these meetings. It wasn’t unusual for both to be completely naked by the end.


The clasp of Glynda’s bra soared over Winter’s head and her breasts flopped freely on top of the other woman’s chest. Without the fabric holding them back, it was as if they unfurled and now extended to Winter’s chins. If Glynda leaned any more forward, then Winter would be practically motorboating her.

“Well, these certainly got bigger.” Winter gently pinched one of Glynda’s breasts. “Though that’s a given when every part of us has gotten bigger.” She shrugged and grabbed the side of Glynda’s belly and pulled her up higher. Her face ended up pressed against Glynda’s breasts while food slid between them to still reach her mouth.

Glynda chuckled through her mouthful of food as she tried to climb onto Winter’s lap. There should have been plenty of space to sit, especially as Winter’s thighs became so fat that they split the legs of her pants, but all of that real estate was occupied by Winter’s growing belly.


Both women felt like they were suddenly falling. A second later, they landed on the floor. Winter’s soft back and butt collided first. Glynda briefly sank into Winter’s belly before it sprung back and she rolled off to the side. The sudden movements caused the rest of their clothes to rip. Sleeves were torn open and allowed jiggling arm fat to spill out, waistbands snapped before fabric quickly split open, and blubber wobbled freely and chaotically. Just about when their bodies stopped jiggling, a muted THWIP sounded as the clasp for Winter’s bra finally gave in and popped. Now, aside from clothes fragments, the two were in nothing but their underwear.

“You were right,” Glynda murmured. “The chair couldn’t hold up. I think I’ll just have some mattresses piled up. Then I can replace them when the springs are flattened.” She mused aloud and reached over to rub the side of Winter’s belly. “Though that’s just my excuse to finally go immobile. Be an immense blob and bask in my tons of fat all day, every day.”

Glynda couldn’t see but Winter was blushing. “Why must you say things that get me stirred up? I would love to gorge until I was nothing but a heaving blob of dough. Travel would be such an issue though. There’s also the fact that I don’t have the luxury of telekinesis.”

“Mm well then maybe I’d be fine merging our academies.” Glynda rolled onto her side and smiled as she watched how her belly fat cascaded over Winter’s. “In exchange, I think I’ll make you my chair for a year. Then, once we retire, I intend to catch up with you.” She used her semblance to push her closer, so close that she could kiss Winter’s cheek. That meant her breasts sandwiched one of Winter’s arms. Even for a fat, bloated limb, it fit perfectly in Glynda’s cleavage. “And then I’ll fatten us further, and further, and further. We’ll get so large that we might need an academy dedicated to holding us. Ooh, perhaps that’s what we’ll repurpose Atlas for?”

Winter could feel her cheeks burning. She was short of breath for a reason despite her weight. Glynda knew just how to tease her, but that speech felt sincere. “It’s a deal.” She murmured before the two kissed.




Victory is a sweet taste and I'm sure these two have also been tasting some equally sweet things as well, besides each other I mean.