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Series: RWBY

Characters: Emerald, Pyrrha, Jaune

Contains: Female weight gain, smothering

Reward for MinotaurSlayer


Emerald laid back with a smug grin. She didn’t know how this day could get any better. Her current stream was raking in tons of lien while she sat back on her fat ass. She could keep going for hours and the money would continue to pour in. That wasn’t the sole reason she enjoyed this day though. Jaune feeding her various pastries was nice too, but it wasn’t what made everything perfect.

Emerald enjoyed herself so thoroughly because she had Pyrrha Nikos, her streaming and technically romantic rival, fanning her with a large palm leaf while dressed in nothing but her underwear. Sure, Emerald was mostly naked too, but that was mostly to lounge and show off her tanned blubber to her viewers. It was all part of the bet the two put into play when they last collaborated. That was when Emerald proved heavier than Pyrrha during their weigh-in.

Both of the streamers were exceptionally obese. Their audiences rose as their waistlines were expanded. The money they earned also ensured they had plenty of food to stuff down their throats. Neither had many reasons to be physically active anymore either. The occasional waddling outside stream drew a good audience, but they were too short to justify. Emerald got tired easily while Pyrrha was still a tad embarrassed by her girth.

Many viewers found it amusing that the popular streamers had conflicting body types. Emerald was a bottom-heavy bombshell with an ass that could crush most things while Pyrrha was more top-heavy with breasts that looked ready to burst free at any second.

“Pyrrha, I think it’s time you describe the goddess again. Be sure to go very into detail.” Emerald giggled into the back of her hand while Pyrrha’s eyebrow visibly twitched with agitation.

“Well, your hips are so wide that they overflow your chair. Their weight is far too intense for simple wood furniture which is why all of yours are reinforced with metal. Even then, you still cause them to creak excessively. There is so much fat that it rolls over itself which is why the sides of your hips have folds. The mint green lingerie you wear seems to struggle to stretch across the vast circumference of your waistline, and the waistband has dug deep into your flesh.”

Emerald’s hips were wide enough to smother the cushions of a two-person couch on their own. They would even manage to roll partially onto the armrests. It was a testament to how much Emerald decided to sit on her ass and let herself grow fatter. Pyrrha’s were smaller by comparison, but still managed to get caught in doorways. Pyrrha also had smoother hips without the rolls at their apex. There was an indent where her red lingerie panties dug into her hips though.

“Then those curves connect smoothly to your abundantly ample posterior. Two cheeks so thick and weighty that their curves manage to touch both the small of your back as well as the back of your knees. They are broad and luxurious as well as softer than any cushion made by man. While your hips limit your access to doors and furniture, it is your ass that truly decides if a seat or passageway is worthy. Those that are not useable end up broken into pieces. It is unsurprising given the fact your cheeks are bigger than yoga balls. Hmm, yet those cannot compare. Not only is your butt bigger, but the shape doesn’t fit either. For a time your cheeks were bubbly and round, but now their curves are too broad and texture too loose. A boxier shape is more fitting, but that doesn’t mean their shape is inferior. In fact, I, and most, could say they are better this way.” Pyrrha put plenty of effort into her role, but on the inside, she was boiling with rage. It was all for her beloved Jaune. If she didn’t play her role, then Emerald would find a way to taunt her by using Jaune somehow.

Pyrrha had a substantially large butt. No one except for Emerald had her beat. Though Pyrrha did have saggier, more saddlebag-like cheeks. They wobbled whereas Emerald’s swayed and bounced. That wounded Pyrrha slightly, but she still had plenty of mass. Though she did tire of getting stuck in doors so often, and it wasn’t too comfortable when her butt cheeks sagged from the sides of chairs.

“Your thighs are like sculpted, marble pillars that hold your weight up proudly and help you move with elegance,” Pyrrha said despite not meaning any of it. Emerald’s thighs were immensely thick and squished together. Rolls stacked atop each other before her knees were buried and more rolls consumed the stretch from them to her cankles. They also didn’t carry the girl with anything close to elegance. Emerald was tired just from standing, and when she did move it was with a very obvious waddle. Somehow it did make her hips sway in an alluring pattern which hid the awkwardness of her tired legs.

Pyrrha’s thighs also touched, but they were more smooth in texture. They still managed to be half as thick as a standard doorway. Emerald’s were thicker than a standard doorway though. Whereas Pyrrha could be said to have legs as thick as an oak tree, Emerald’s were as thick as a far more ancient tree that possibly had hundreds of years to grow. Seeing as how Emerald had put on this weight in about a year made many wonder how gargantuan she would one day become.

Emerald had gotten much fatter since her and Pyrrha’s weigh-in. Pyrrha had been in her own throws of despair at having lost what she thought was sure to be her victory, but Emerald celebrated heartily. She did a long stream where her fans could order in food for her. The glutton ensured that she had eaten all of it. It was enough to make her noticeably larger than Pyrrha aside from just their competing proportions.

“Your belly has gotten bigger lately.” Pyrrha reached down and groped a handful of Emerald’s belly. “Ever since your victory and that celebration stream of yours. It surprises even me that your belly is the largest between us now. It’s become a somewhat uneven landscape of folds and mounds of fat. Whether you lay on your back or on your side, your belly will overflow the edges of your chair. It buries your lap and has started to cover up your thighs. The blubber flows so far forward that it's at the middle of your shins. I could even think that there’s as much fat here,” Pyrrha patted Emerald’s gut which made the entire mass wobble in a slow, hypnotic roll. “As there is on your butt. That certainly is a feat worthy of praise.” There was so much tanned fat that Pyrrha would have plenty of space to sit down if she so chose. Though Emerald preferred to squash as opposed to being squashed. Plus, her superior mass would let her throw Pyrrha off with ease.

Of course, Emerald was too absorbed in her praises to notice any potential openings she left exposed.

Pyrrha took a moment to look down at her belly. It was quite round and reached her knees. The sides gradually transitioned into love handles that looked puny compared to the slabs of fat Emerald had on her sides. Still, Pyrrha liked the smooth contours of her belly as compared to the chaotic disorder of Emerald’s folds. Though if it meant she could be larger than Emerald, then Pyrrha would gladly accept as many rolls that would fit on her body. Her belly wasn’t small though, only compared to Emerald’s. No one could forget that Pyrrha was a streamer too, and a fair bit of her audience was there to watch her eat and grow larger. It was her determined will and their funds that allowed the spartan to grow a belly as full and round as an oversized yoga ball.

Emerald’s mint green lingerie top looked ready to burst. The lacy fabric complimented her tanned bosom and cast a beauty that had even made Pyrrha reluctantly blushed. Neither girl could easily put lingerie on by themselves, so they had opted for convenient front hook pairs. That way they could at least, with incredible effort, bend their blubbery arms to clasp the tops. Emerald’s breasts lacked the round and perky nature of Pyrrha’s, but they had gone to finally beat her in mass. That irked Pyrrha unimaginably.

Pyrrha visibly seemed agitated and her eye twitched. “A-and your breasts. They are just oh so tremendous!” The words seemed to burn Pyrrha as she spoke them. “They have surpassed my meager bosom. Their supple texture might be conceived as being saggy, but truly they are just so heavy that gravity weighs them down. Though your belly serves as a pedestal to hold them aloft. Pillows cannot compare to their heaviness, and they are each almost as wide as a twin mattress. Anyone would be lucky to gaze upon them while they helplessly ponder how warm and soft their texture is.”

Like her belly, Pyrrha’s chest was large and round. Though her bra felt more like a sling to hold her breasts. They were more than twice the size of her head, larger than melons and prize-winning pumps too. She still felt proud of hers even if they appeared smaller than Emerald’s. She had shape, a slightly firm texture, and plenty of bounce and perk. Emerald’s breasts were softer but they would sag tremendously if not for her bra and belly to support them.

“Your arms are too heavy to properly feed yourself for long. That is why you have me do the laborious task instead.” Pyrrha looked over Emerald’s arms. They made her feel utter fury not because of their size, but because of the head of blond hair that was revealed within them. Emerald had one of her bloated, lumpy arms wrapped around Jaune. The rest of his body was buried under her lard-encased mass. “Your arms are so…wonderfully large. People would be lucky to so much as touch one of your bingo wings though they may wish to be pulled into a soft embrace. Their lowest curve sags well to the middle of your torso while fat has managed to roll over your elbow. Everything from there to your wrist is a puffy, cone-like mass that terminates in adorably puffy hands and thick fingers.”

Pyrrha’s arms used to be so strong. She knew they were weaker now, but she could at least feed herself. She also felt her arms might have thinned slightly from how much she had to feed Emerald. Her upper arms had less cellulite and only sagged a few inches past her armpits. Her elbow was unimpeded by any fat and her forearms were puffy yet much more slim compared to Emerald’s.

Emerald sighed contently and squeezed Jaune with one of her giant arms. His legs and most of his torso were beneath her, buried under her slabs of back fat and one of her titanic butt cheeks. His upper torso sank into her softened sides while anything left was caught in her arm. She’d keep him there for a few hours and maybe end the stream with a smothering and bouncing session. Until then, she wanted to make Pyrrha wait on her hand and foot. It was something she would never get tired of.

Emerald did wish the palm leaf Pyrrha fanned her with worked better. She could feel the sweat roll down her many plateaus of adipose. Heat was nothing that couldn’t be dealt with by a cold drink though. “Pyrrha, give me another drink,” Emerald commanded with a snap of two thick fingers.

Right away my goddess.” Pyrrha grabbed a bottle of strawberry soda and leaned over Emerald. Her belly rolled across Emerald’s before their breasts were squished together. Pyrrha winced when she felt Emerald’s spare hand smack her butt. Both of their bodies wobbled like jello in response to the smack. It was enough to make Pyrrha stuff the soda bottle into Emerald’s mouth. The fatter girl didn’t mind and chugged the fizzy drink while viewers bombarded the chat with donations. Emerald’s fat-encased neck undulated as she guzzled soda. It was hard to tell that her cheeks bulged slightly as they were already the size of softballs. The fat was smooth though and Emerald avoided having flabby jowls. It was the same for Pyrrha though her face was altogether more angular with only a noticeable amount of puffiness.

Pyrrha was about to move off of Emerald before she felt both of her cheeks being groped. She couldn’t help but blush, but she did nothing at the moment. It was embarrassing to be fondled by her enemy. That was far worse than it being witnessed by thousands of viewers.

Emerald burped and laughed. “This is honestly hilarious. Normally you have the fatty bitch smothering a skinny or smaller fat ass, but you look ridiculous on top of me. It must feel like you’re on a water bed or something, huh?” She asked and teasingly smacked Pyrrha once more.

It was enough to drive the redhead off of Emerald. Pyrrha then stood over and glared at the reclined blob. The shifting that resulted from Pyrrha’s sudden rise was enough to get Jaune’s face free from Emerald’s arm fat.

“Oh calm down. The viewers loved that!” Emerald rubbed her belly slowly. Her thick fingers gently sank into her belly fat which left small trails before the supple texture caused the lard to spring back into the proper shape. “Say what, hop back on top of me and I’ll let you play with Jaune after. Sound good?”

Jaune saw Pyrrha’s eye twitch. Her face clearly expressed how angry she was. Pyrrha only let herself seem angry when she was at the brink of letting loose. “Hey Pyrrha, let’s just calm down. This is all in good fun!” Jaune tried to explain before Emerald squished his cheeks between her arm and side boob.

Pyrrha didn’t shout. Neither did she scream, growl, or curse. Instead, Pyrrha chuckled. She laughed with what mostly sounded like an innocent cadence though there was an undertone of maliciousness. “Oh don’t worry Jaune, although I am sorry you’ll be caught up in this.”

Emerald cocked an eyebrow. Yet before she could speak, Pyrrha grabbed the top of her belly.

Two fat fingers pulled on what first seemed to be skin. Then it was revealed to be fabric that perfectly matched Pyrrha’s skin tone. “I asked Weiss if she could make me a sort of girdle. Well, she went above and beyond my expectations in inventing this incredibly fat compressing one.” Pyrrha swiftly pulled her arm away from her body. The girdle ripped and the girl doubled in size within mere seconds.

Emerald’s chair was knocked back as Pyrrha’s belly fat surged forward like a tsunami. A heavy THWAP sounded as Pyrrha’s belly hit the floor. It reached more than three times her arm's length in front of her. The fat also stacked atop itself to stand just barely shorter than her chest height. Her belly was like a wide, flabby wall. There was no way for her gut to maintain its smooth, dome-like shape at this size. Rolls formed as the fat rolled over itself or bunched up at her sides. All of her belly fat alone was more than half of Emerald’s weight.

Her hips were just as wide as her gut in a staggering distance that was almost even with her height. The fat was so heavy that it sagged to be level with her knees with the furthest curve having a stack of three rolls. Behind her was a much saggier and fat ass that stretched the lingerie to a point thought impossible. The cheeks dwarfed Emerald’s and seemed like enough to crush a three-person couch with ease. Thighs so broad and wide that Pyrrha’s entire arm span couldn’t stretch halfway around somehow managed to keep her up. They appeared incredibly soft and there was hardly any muscle within them. It took all of Pyrrha’s strength to remain upright, and she felt like she could fall at any second. Yet she had to remain strong for the time being. One foot barely lifted from the ground. To an outside view, it would seem as if she merely slid it forward across the ground.

Emerald felt a very strange sense of deja vu as the gargantuan Pyrrha loomed over her. She looked over the girl and her eyes fell on titanic breasts that seemed ready to smother her. Pyrrha had always had a set of fat tits, and Emerald had only recently beaten her in that category. Now though, Pyrrha’s breasts were like beanbag chairs and it intimidated Emerald in many ways. Though beyond the valley of cleavage was a very fat face with a sinister grin. Pyrrha’s cheeks were like basketballs and her chins had grown to five thick rolls.

Hands so thick with fat that they could hardly flex their bloated fingers ran along Pyrrha’s body. “Well? Do you still think you’re the best between us?” She asked and moved her hands about. This caused her fat arms to rub against her sides. Her lower arms were almost as thick as Emerald’s thighs while her upper arms were much thicker than the wannabe goddess’s legs.

Emerald was about to try and bargain her way out of the situation, but there was no time. Pyrrha spun around and used some hidden reserve of strength to jump back. All Emerald could do was squeeze Jaune nervously and desperately. The scrawny blond returned the embrace as they both watched Pyrrha slam down on top of them. Emerald’s lounge chair was smashed and the duo almost completely vanished beneath Pyrrha. There was nothing of Jaune to see, but some of Emerald’s fat remained exposed under Pyrrha. The chat had gone even crazier than before at Pyrrha’s sudden reveal and then how she flipped the script of Emerald and turned into a much more dominant woman than they expected.

Pyrrha was intent to lay there for at least an hour. She would ensure Emerald knew not to play with her emotions or embarrass her in the future. There was also the fact that Pyrrha had more fun doing this than she expected. She waved at the camera and smiled as she gently bounced on top of Emerald and Jaune. ‘I’m sorry Jaune, but you did sort of ask for this.’ Pyrrha thought as she directed a small bit of resentment toward the boy who hadn’t acknowledged her feelings toward him. Perhaps he would feel more fond of her after being smothered. It was what got him with Emerald after all.

She would ask him after the hour. That was if she could actually move that was.




Yes! Pyrrha Superiority! Let's hope she wins Jaune in the end.