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Managed to wrap this up so consider it a bonus story for the month


Series: RWBY
Character: Reader, Yang, Ruby
Contains: Second person POV, female weight gain


It was warm that afternoon and you saw the sun shin brightly above. Despite that, the girl to your right was still in sweatpants and a matching red hoodie. You had asked her earlier if she would be fine standing outside in that. The girl only responded that her outfit was comfy. The memory made you chuckle as you leaned against the short and much softer body.

Ruby Rose, your former childhood friend and currently girlfriend nuzzled her head against you in response. The two of you had reunited two weeks ago, and Ruby confessed her long-hidden feelings on the very same day. The time since then had mostly been spent hanging out, playing video games, and binge-watching shows.

Honestly, you couldn’t think of a better time.

There was one other thing though. Eating. Ruby ate a lot. So, it was unsurprising that she was almost as wide as she was tall. You loved every inch and pound of her though. It also made her ripe for teasing and squeezing. The trade off was that Ruby tended to win debates and playful arguments by sitting on you and refusing to move until you conceded.

Today was a special day. It was the day you were to reunite with another childhood friend. It was Ruby’s older half-sister, Yang Xiao Long. The reunion made you feel nervous which was one of the reasons you leaned against Ruby. The other reason was that your girlfriend just happened to be too cute.

“Bwoop.” You sounded as you squished Ruby’s cheeks in one hand. She giggled in response and leaned more of her weight on you. Your knees quickly began to shake as Ruby weighed over five hundred pounds. That estimate was generous.

“Yang should be here any minute. Maybe she ran into some traffic or stopped to get something?” Ruby suggested and stood up straight. Her hand moved to hold yours. You felt her puffy digits squeeze your palm tightly. “She wanted to hang out sooner, but she was busy with work. Heh, but she went crazy when I said you moved in nearby.”

You chuckled. “Yeah, I was excited to hear she lived in the same city too. Doesn’t surprise me too much seeing as you two were always super close.” You hadn’t talked to Yang since you graduated, and that included the past two weeks. Something about seeing each other in person again to talk felt better than any phone call could. “Although I wonder how she feels about,” You patted Ruby’s belly. It wobbled in response as its owner chuckled. “This?”

“Yeah yeah she knows, she knows,” Ruby replied and bumped you with her hip. Thankfully you were used to the display of affection. Part of you auto-corrected your posture in preparation for it each time. That way you weren’t thrown to the ground.

“Honestly it’s so crazy. Yang was always like a pseudo big sis to me too. Probably because you and I always hung out. Where there’s Ruby, Yang is never too far.” You sighed and squeezed Ruby’s hand tightly. “Shit now I’m nervous.”

“Bah, don’t be.” Ruby turned you to face her. She looked up and smiled that big beaming smile that could melt anyone’s heart. “Yang missed you just as much as I did. You two are gonna have a totally awesome time hanging out. THEN you can come back and we’re gonna have pizza and watch all of our old favorite movies.”

You leaned in and hugged Ruby. Her heavy arms wrapped around your back and squished you into her doughy belly. “The bad ones?” You asked.

“Oh yeah. The bad ones that are still kinda good.” Ruby replied as you two hugged each other tighter.

Suddenly you heard the hum of a motorcycle engine in the distance. A turn of your head showed a long head of blonde hair flowing as a rather thick body sped closer.

“Of course…” You murmured as you realized that it wasn’t just distance that made it seem like Yang got bigger as she drew closer. Just like your childhood friend, Yang had packed on plenty of weight. It almost looked like she was just as big as Ruby only proportioned differently.

“Yeah…” Ruby looked at you and smiled nervously. She had intentionally excluded this information when getting you up to speed with what Yang had been doing since you last saw her.

The bike came to a stop and the portly figure somehow managed to gracefully swing one leg over it. Yang waddled over with a healthy amount of bounce in her step. She had a big smile plastered on her face which got larger as she approached.

Yang had a wide hourglass shape to her. Her face had soft, rounded cheeks and an extra chin, but that was very little compared to the rest of her. Padded shoulders sloped into puffy upper arms with bingo wings the size of pillows. Her biceps seemed to be coated with more dense fat that had less of a noticeable jiggle than her supple underarms. Her elbows looked slightly bulbous and fat coated from her forearms to wrist. The biker gloves she wore looked ready to burst at their seams as even her hands were pudgy.

You weren’t one to ogle people, but it was impossible not to look Yang up and down. You hadn’t seen her in years, and now she was exceptionally obese. There was an abundance of mass that you had to visually process. The motion of it all made it especially hard to resist.

Your cheeks began to feel warm as you glanced at Yang’s chest. The difficult part was wherever your eyes moved, Yang’s breasts seemed to bound in that direction. To say they were large was an understatement. Just one was almost as wide as your shoulder width. They were stuffed into an orange tank top which squished them together. Some fat was pushed up and tried to roll over the neck hole of the shirt while more sagged from the gaps meant for her arms. They were well supported by the top and Yang’s gut which was segmented into threes. The uppermost was a small, ball-shaped paunch tucked right under Yang’s cleavage. The middle segment was a thicker roll of fat that ran from Yang’s side under her armpits and sloped slightly to the middle of her abdomen just above her belly button. It was visibly soft and fully exposed due to how her shirt was occupied only by her breasts and uppermost belly fat. You were shocked but the two upper rolls of Yang’s belly combined were smaller than the lowers portion of her belly. Soft fat piled atop her hips to make love handles so thick that they couldn’t properly be handled. It was a solid six-inch stack of fat that sloped down to her upper thighs in a heavy, flabby roll of blubber that protruded in front of her. It bounced and swayed with her steps in a rhythm that seemed unique to the stacked blonde.

Yang’s hips flared out dramatically much like Ruby’s although Yang’s weren’t near half her height. They were just wide enough that she obviously couldn’t slide through a single doorway with ease. It was also just enough to look silly when she had straddled the seat of her bike. Still, they appeared soft and were stuffed into a pair of blue jeans. Her thighs were very broad but pleasantly rounded and smooth. They thinned slightly at her knees and continued in a cone shape until they reached her cankles. Yang didn’t seem to struggle in waddling though. Ruby was quick to complain when her legs were tired or when her feet hurt while Yang looked like she could support her weight with ease. Behind the bodacious blonde was a rump that swayed and bounced with each step just like her bust and belly. The cheeks were stuffed into her jeans and took up most of the space. There might have been room for Yang’s belly to be stuffed into the front of her jeans, but you theorized that the posture she took when riding had caused her gut to wobble out. Though with the way the pillowy butt cheeks looked ready to leap out of her pants, you weren’t sure.

By the time you had taken in the last of Yang’s details, she was upon you and wrapped you in a tight hug. Her giant arms smooshed against your back and pushed you right into her soft core. Her breasts pressed against your chest while your flat stomach sank deep into her unimaginably soft belly.

“Jeez, what’s the hold up? Hug me back! You better mean it too or I’ll have to hug harder!” Yang laughed as she squeezed you enough to force some air from your lungs. You didn’t have to be told though as your arms had already looped under Yang’s and sank into her sides.

You didn’t care if Yang was fat. It was just a big surprise, as it had been with Ruby, but she was still an old, trusted friend and you had missed her. You hugged back as hard as you could which sent your arms deeper into Yang’s fat. You heard a chuckle rise in her throat as she managed to hug you tighter too. “It’s good to see you again, Yang.” You murmured.

“Right back at ya!” Yang let the hug linger. That caused a small, yet rising, groan of jealousy to sound from Ruby. Yang felt thick little fingers pinch her sides with increasing intensity.

“Alright, that’s enough. You can let go now.” Ruby puffed her cheeks out adorably. That was enough to make Yang reach over and pinch one. The younger sister responded by playfully, yet firmly swatting the hand away.

Yang kept one arm around you. “Come on sis, I promise I won’t crush him!” She said yet still slowly loosened her grip on you. “I haven’t seen him for what, four years? You’ve had him all to yourself for two weeks.”

Ruby’s tried to remain pouty yet couldn’t help but giggle. “Well, I did hug him a long time when I first saw him.” She admitted and started to drum on her belly. It was a little idle habit she took up.

“Eh, I like hugs so you won’t hear me complain.” You said and slipped out from under Yang’s arm. “Though I am surprised how you two could get so big in four years.” You joked and shook your head.

“Bad metabolism.” Both said in unison.

You wanted to roll your eyes but didn’t. “It doesn’t matter. The gang is back together. Though I wonder if I need a certain blonde to play big sister to me. I’ve become quite independent on my own.” You puffed your chest out with a joking air of smugness. Yang just grabbed you by your shoulder and pulled you close. You were quickly seized in a headlock that you couldn’t escape.

“So what did you have planned?” Ruby asked her sister as she ignored how you kicked and squirmed.

“Just a quick ride around and then we’ll stop at my favorite bar. We won’t be out too long.” Yang easily carried the conversation while holding you tightly. Her arms might have been as big as hams, but her strength was unparalleled. Another reason to hold on was she admittedly liked how it felt when your body was squished against her side.

Yang let you go and you said a quick set of goodbyes to Ruby. The goodbyes turned into a tight hug and then a few cheek kisses. Yang began to become impatient when the cheek smooches turned into a few pecks on the lips. She was about to go and grab you before you broke from Ruby and hurried over.

“Sorry about that!” You said as you jogged over to Yang’s bike. She had already mounted by the time you arrived. You looked at the seat and paused. There was no room for you to sit. Yang’s butt took up all but a sliver of space. “Uh…”

“What’s the hold up? Hop on!” Yang said cheerfully.

“How?” You asked.

“There’s still some space back there.” Yang looked over her shoulder and only saw the curve of her back fat and ass.

“WHERE?!” You asked and threw your arms into the air. Yang suddenly grabbed your hand and pulled you in close. You gently squished against her side as her arm moved to hook around your waist.

Yang smiled warmly at you. “Remember when I used to give you piggyback rides? It’ll be just like that. Get as close as you can, wrap your arms as far around me as they’ll go, and squeeze me real tight. Just as tight as you hugged me earlier.” She slowly let go of you and winked.

You blushed and pivoted one of your legs over the bike. You quickly started to fall back before you grabbed Yang’s shoulders. She didn’t so much as make a noise while you sighed and squished yourself against her back. That meant you had to press yourself against her butt far before your chest touched her back. Even then, you had to lean forward, leaving a gap close to a triangle shape between you. A gap between your chest, Yang’s back, and the base was the upper curve of her butt.

Yang didn’t start her bike. She hadn’t so much as raised the kickstand. Your eye twitched when you realized why. “Seriously?” You asked and received no reply. You slipped your arms under Yang’s and reached as far around as you could. They settled on the sides of your belly where you firmly gripped some fat.

Only then did Yang raise the kickstand and start the bike. She revved the engine a few times before she quickly sped off. You were glad you held on as tight as you did because you still felt like you were about to fly off. It made you lean harder against Yang and try your best to stretch your arms further. Your arms quickly found the thinnest part of Yang’s torso, the area just under her breasts, and you interlocked your fingers. You didn’t care that your hands and arms were sandwiched between Yang’s underboob and belly. You just didn’t want to fall off.

Ruby watched you and her sister speed off. She waited a few moments and looked at her scroll. “I could totally order some pizzas and eat most on my own. Less to share later.” She grinned and decided to do just that before she waddled inside.

It was hard to hear as the wind rushed past your ears, but Yang shouted and cheered as she zipped through the streets and past other cars. Her hair fluttered in the wind while a few hard turns managed to make her jiggle. Yang was used to her weight, so she knew just how far to lean to perfectly hook a corner. You weren’t aware of that and felt like your heart was about to explode. Your chin remained tucked into Yang’s shoulders while you struggled to keep your eyes open. At least a part of you knew that Yang would never purposefully put you in danger. So, she had to know what she was doing.

Although one sharp turn that resulted in sparks as a piece of metal dragged across the pavement made your legs shoot up to wrap around Yang’s waist. That managed to make her twitch which you felt as a ripple that ran through her fat. You weren’t used to this sort of activity. The only thing close to this was riding bikes as a kid, and you don’t remember going over a hundred miles per hour through afternoon traffic.

Yet something strange happened after a certain point. Whether it was Yang’s warmth or how you started to feel her heartbeat through one of your hands, a part of you began to feel safe. That feeling radiated through the rest of you. You managed to raise your head and watch the city pass you by. Before you knew it, laughter rose in your throat and you started to cheer with Yang. Your grip remained firm but lacked the feeling of terror. You accidentally nuzzled your chin against Yang’s shoulder, but she repaid the action by rubbing her cheek against yours.

The ride continued a little longer before Yang gradually slowed down and pulled into a park. She stopped her bike and powered off the engine. “Phew, that was a heck of a ride huh? You squeezed me pretty tight too~” She nudged you with her elbow. You took that as the cue to let go. That quickly meant you had to get off the bike as there was still very little seat for you. “Let’s find a spot to sit and just chat for a bit if you don’t mind.” She got off her bike and started to waddle toward a bench.

You followed and watched Yang drop onto the bench. It squeaked loudly as her bulk landed on it. She also took up most of the space, but there was enough room for you. You just had to squeeze in a little.

Both of you were silent for a while.

“So you and Ruby, huh?” Yang asked and looked at the sunset.

You glanced at Yang from the corner of your eye. She looked forward and not at you. “Yeah…me and Ruby…or Ruby and I? Doesn’t matter.” You and Yang chuckled. “I didn’t see it coming. I didn’t even know this was where the two of you moved. I just ended up here for work, then I saw Ruby online when I was playing a video game. Guess our pages auto-updated our locations because we were close…and we just wanted to hang out.” Part of you felt nervous. You loved Ruby, but something felt strange talking about it. You were here with Yang, and it felt…wrong to talk about romance stuff. The girl was like a big sister to you. Somehow the energy just felt strange. “She confessed and I guess I realized my feelings too?”

“Mmhmm.” Yang hummed. It was no real answer to what she heard. “Yeah, it sucks that we had to move away. We made such a good group. I just thought, I’m the big sister y’know? I needed to keep a cool head and accept it. Ruby? No, she cried for weeks. Then she seemed to accept it too, and her cheery attitude came back pretty quick.” Yang smiled softly. “That’s just like her.” She nudged you with her elbow with decent force. It only hurt a little, but you felt the emotion in it. “I missed you too though. Would have been nice if you’d called me sooner.”

You looked away as a tight pain filled your chest. “Yeah, I should have. It is a crazy coincidence though! I move to the city, and both of you are still here! That’s got to be fate or something?” You chuckled but Yang didn’t. Your smile faded and you reached for Yang’s arm. You stopped as she started to talk.

“I was worried about you. We never had to go all radio silence.” Yang murmured and you noticed she turned her head away from the sunset and you. She had her arms crossed and her fingers sank deep into them.

“Still acting like a big sis, huh?” You asked and leaned against Yang. You placed one hand on your stomach and rested your head on her shoulder. “I missed you too. If it makes you feel better, I don’t plan on moving for a long time. So, we can hang out again. A lot more even.”

That was enough to pull a small chuckle from Yang. She suddenly turned her head and kissed you on the cheek. It was enough to make you blush and caught you completely off guard. You were as still as a statue for a moment. After a pause, Yang stood up and looked down at you. Her smile had returned and she offered you her hand. “I’m gonna hold you to that! Just because you’re dating my sister doesn’t mean she gets to take all of your free time!”

“Eh, that’s something you’ll have to talk to her about.” You smiled just as brightly, took Yang’s hand, and did a small twirl as she pulled you up. Both of you hooked an arm around each other’s side and walked toward Yang’s bike.

“We might be fat now, but I can still beat her at wrestling. I’ll make sure to show her I mean business. That can wait though! First, I’m gonna take you to my favorite bar so we can cut loose!” Yang cheered and squeezed you tightly.

The group was back together and good times were on the horizon.



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