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Series: Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Characters: Mio, Eunie, Sena, Manana, Alexandria, Noah, Lanz, Taion, Riku
Contains: Rapid weight gain, sweating, gas, light slob

Reward for SymmetryFats

Once more, the female members of Ouroboros found themselves in a struggle for their very lives. The girls had to waddle throughout the country in search of more colonies to free from the Mobius. Every day the struggle to waddle became more and more taxing. It was all because each meal they ate made them fatter. Even light snacks seemed to pack pounds onto their frames.

Thankfully the weather wasn’t as hot as it had been. It allowed the girls to waddle and sweat only a moderately alarming amount. When the heat had been harsher, the girls could barely move without some sort of refreshment. It also turned out that Manana’s choice of fruit juices somehow packed as many calories as her meals.

“Why is it always like this?” Mio groaned at what seemed to be a never-ending journey. She would waddle until she was ready to drop, rest, relax, eat, and do it all over again. Then there was the issue of how she continued to gain weight and thus struggle even more.

Mio’s cankles had reached the point they rolled until they touched the ground. Above that were thicker rolls all stacked atop each other and drenched in sweat. Mio’s legs became thicker and thicker to the point her lower legs were broader than Lanz’s shoulders while her thighs were as thick around as barrels. Then her hips had nearly reached a width equal to her height if not for how they sagged under their weight. Each step caused the rolls to bounce atop each other and flick droplets of sweat through the air. Almost everyone on the team had looked up curiously to see if there was rain approaching before they realized it was just more of Mio’s sweat.

Her belly had taken a massive hit from the meal at Ethel’s colony. The giant, flabby gut with its multiple rolls and folds was now larger than she had been when she was skinny. The blubber rolled forward until it reached her knees, and it noisily slapped against them with her every step. Secretly she was glad to have something to counterbalance her butt which was now large enough to be a bench for three people. The cheeks were heavy and sagged into a saddlebag-like shape. They were far too heavy to be bubbly or even boxy in shape. Her skirt hardly covered a quarter of the lardy expanse, and the colossal cat girl wondered when they’d ever stumble upon any new clothes.

One solace of it all was that her arms weren’t too fat compared to the rest of her. They were heavily encased in fat, but she had somewhat gotten used to them. Her chest wasn’t overly big either and only rarely got in her way. Though her face was still burdened by extra chins and abundant cheek fat. Chewing sometime felt like a workout to her.

“Are you ok, Mio?” Noah asked. He slowed his pace so he was beside Mio, but made sure he was far enough to not be bumped by her hips. Noah didn’t let his stare linger on his friend, but he did take the occasional glance at the girl. It was hard not to though given how huge she was.

The first thing to come out of Mio’s mouth was an exasperated sigh. “Oh you know…never been better.” She murmured as her cat ears drooped flat against her head. “I think I’ll feel better once we reach the next colony. Though I’d like it if we could take a rest first on the off chance we have to fight…again.”

Noah chuckled softly. “I could try and go straight for the flame clock when we get there. It’d cut out a majority of the fight.” He suggested jokingly. Now that made Mio laugh. Even a gentle giggle was enough to make her belly roll in a series of waves.

“That reminds me of a joke Sena made. She said you could just bounce off of me, and you’d get high enough to hit the clock.” Mio continued to laugh and smacked her gut. Noah had fallen quiet and blushed while he tried to only make the occasional glance at Mio’s moving flab.

Sena struggled more than she had previously. Her belly had become too massive for her shorts to contain, so the giant gut hung past her knees and nearly rested atop her feet. It was flabbier at the sides with the center being more round. It still served as a small perch for her breasts which were mostly contained within her top. They looked minuscule compared to her gut though. The shapely yet heavy orbs were puny compared to Sena’s belly which was like a blubbery wall in front of her. It had gotten so heavy that her plump arms failed to even lift it. Sena was still impressively strong, even compared to her teammates, but the puffy limbs were no match for her belly. Her upper arms were so thick that they couldn’t rest perfectly at her sides, and her lower arms were plump enough that it was hard to bend her arm at the elbow. The two segments of fat would touch and refuse to give way to each other.

Sena’s hips weren’t as wide as Mio’s, but their lessened weight prevented them from sagging as much. That meant the full width of her hips was equal to her height. Rolls collected on them, stacked atop each other, then met with the first roll of her thighs. They continued in a stack of three until her puffed-up knees seemed barely able to move. The girl was just as tired as her fat friends, but she tried to remain positive. If she didn’t, then her knees would buckle, and she would fall flat on her belly. ‘At least it would be a soft landing.’ Sena thought and chuckled to herself.

“You ok?” Lanz asked, having overheard the chuckle.

“Sure am! Just thinking about how buff I’m gonna be when I turn all this blubber into muscle!” Sena exclaimed proudly and did her best to place her hands on her hips. Her arms just squished into the fat rolls that clung to her sides.

Lanz stared for a moment. “I think you’d look like a brick if you turned all of that into muscle.” He finally spoke and gestured around Sena with his hands.

Sena scoffed. “You already look like a brick!” She exclaimed and rammed herself into Lanz’s side. It was enough to knock him to the ground while she continued to waddle forward.

Eunie’s back felt like it was ready to break in half as she forced herself to waddle along. She brought up the rear of the group and idly trudged along the path. Each step made her feel like she would topple over to the left or right. This was due to her chest which was now the widest part of her body. The combined mass of her breasts was equal to Sena’s belly, but the two masses of fat were much more difficult to manage. Her belly wasn’t big enough to fully serve as a shelf. The dome of fat attached to her abdomen could only support up to the middle of Eunie’s breasts. The rest rolled and sagged off the sides while her modified top held on for dear life. Her arms were so thick with fat that she couldn’t lift them level to her shoulders. Most of the time they just hung at her side, cradled against her soft sides. Bingo wings sagged, shoulder fat was as thick as a sandbag, her elbow had been covered in a roll of fat, and from there to her wrist was just a thick tube that had already started to press against the base of her palm.

Her hips were wide enough to give her basic support, and her butt was more than enough to crush any normal seat. Unfortunately, it was nowhere near suitable to counterbalance her. Eunie sighed as she tried to arch her back only to wince instead. If she could catch up with either Mio or Sena, then she would be tempted to press her chest to one of their backs. ‘It’d probably benefit us both.’ She thought and tried to glance over her shoulder. It was difficult to see her rump, but she managed to spot a curve about a foot and a half away from her. It didn’t matter though and she turned her focus forward.

Which also didn’t matter thanks to her chest blocking anything in front of her. Eunie could hypothetically hold her arms out in front of her, but nothing beneath them was visible to her. She just had to be careful and hope her thickened legs wouldn’t trip over anything in front of her.

“Oi, watch where you’re going,” Eunie grunted as Taion bumped into her side. It wasn’t her usually snappy response to anything that bothered her, but it would have been if it were anyone but one of her friends. “Y’know you should be watching in front of me too. If I fall over, then you’re the one who’s gonna be pulling me up.” She grinned and nudged Taion. It was a funny thought.

Taion just quietly adjusted his glasses before he received another surprisingly tough nudge from Eunie’s arm. “I could do my best, but I am doubtful I’d be able to so much as roll you over.” He replied which earned him a hard smack on the back from Eunie’s arm. The weight of her bingo wing nearly knocked the wind out of him as he stumbled forward.

Eunie’s feathers twitched aggressively. “Oi, you saying I’m that heavy?!” She stomped forward with an impressive bout of speed. It was short-lived as she began to wheeze and had to slow down.

“Take word of Riku, commenting of a woman’s weight is not good.” The male Nopon said as he walked by Taion.

“Meh meh!” Another Nopon spoke as a large orange mass rolled into view. “It so rude to comment on lady’s weight! Rudest most rude thing ever!” She huffed and pouted adorably. It was hard to take her seriously as she was almost a comically large Nopon. A Nopon being twice the average size wasn’t unheard of, mostly amongst wealthy ones, but Manana was visibly fat. The arm-like ears atop her head were thick and seemed to droop more often, her stubby arms and legs looked rounder too. The entire center of her mass had been smooth at first, and it could have been mistaken as her being extra fluffy. Though now when she sat down, leaned in any direction, or moved a particular way then one could see how her body wobbled. The thick roll of fat under her mouth was the same as a double chin on a person. It also happened to be thick enough to fill the palm of someone’s hand. “Taion should apologize to Eunie this instant!”

Eunie grinned as Taion immediately became flustered. “Well? You heard the lady.” She raised her eyebrows and waited.

Taion hesitated and was about to speak before someone shouted.

“Halt Ouroboros.” The voice commanded as everyone froze. They looked up at a rocky ridge to see someone standing there. “You dare approach Colony Iota? Did you not expect to deal with me then?” The woman asked. When Noah tried to speak up, she waved a hand to dismiss him. “I am Alexandria, leader of Colony Iota. From what I have heard, Ouroboros has traveled to colonies and left a trail of wreckage in their wake.”

“But that’s not-“ Mio tried to speak before being waved off.

“So be it! I accept your challenge.” Alexandria claimed but didn’t leap into battle. Instead, she started to walk along the ridge. “Proceed to the colony where we will not cross swords but instead forks. In a culinary battle that will surely leave you defeated.”

“What?” Many of the group spoke in unison. Meanwhile a sharp. “EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!” Could be heard from an excited Manana.

Manana had rolled into the kitchen as soon as the group arrived at the colony. Anyone who had been there scrambled to exit as chaos ensued. No matter how soft she appeared, Manana was a wrecking ball. It didn’t take long before a banquet table had been overburdened with food. The rotund Nopon stood next to the bounty and smiled proudly.

“Manana presents the Full-Filling Crispygrill challenge! The girls will eat until either Ouroboros or Alexandria surrender.” Manana explained. “Or explode! Whichever come first!”

“Snuff that…” Eunie murmured under her breath.

Sena leaned into the girls and whispered. “Are we actually going to do this? We could just fight. I have my hammer, I can use it!” Sena felt that if they did go through with the contest, she’d be unable to use her hammer afterward.

Mio shook her head. “If we can solve something without violence, then we should. This isn’t an opportunity we’re likely to encounter again.” Mio sniffed the air. The steaks slathered with honey filled the area with a pleasant aroma, but she was wary of how it would affect their bodies. She almost got flustered as she remembered what happened at Ethel’s colony.

Alexandria wasted no time and took her seat. “I think it’s quite obvious how three of ouroboros became so Rubenesque.” She chuckled and picked up a fork. “One might look and assume this will be over quickly. I cannot promise you such an easy victory though.”

Eunie rolled her eyes. “Yeah yeah whatever, let’s just get this over with.” She dropped into her seat. It felt a little too hard of a drop as the wooden bench beneath her rump let out a startled croak. If Eunie weren’t so top-heavy, she likely would have fallen onto her back.

Mio took plenty of effort and caution when she sat down. The bench bowed beneath the weight of her posterior as her butt cheeks drooped over. If someone stood behind her, then they wouldn’t see the bench beneath her at all. “We’re ready when you are, Alexandria.”

“Hey wait a second…uh…where do I?” Sena groaned as she struggled to lift one leg over the bench. Her belly got in the way, and she had no idea how she’d stuff it under the table. In the end, she had to lean on Mio’s shoulder, place her belly on the bench, stretch one leg as far as she could, and get it under the table, then awkwardly shimmy her gut forward before she could get her other leg over and sit down. It was such a goofy sight that the entire colony silently chuckled. The only voice that didn’t muffle itself was Lanz.

“Begin!” Manana exclaimed.

The trio was surprised at first when Alexandria wasted no time and seized one of the steaks and stuffed it into her mouth. It vanished in a second before she grabbed another to repeat the process. She didn’t seem to care about the honey that stained her fingers or splattered against her clothing. Alexandria showed more determination to eat than her lithe form let on.

Though the word lithe quickly failed to describe Alexandria. Manana’s cooking worked fast and the warrior and her flat stomach started to expand and fill outward. It bloated into a pot belly that rested heavily in her lap. Though by the time her stomach reached that point, the rest of her body had already softened. Her waistline had thickened and billowed outward to encompass more of the bench. At the same time, her butt softened and grew with its round and bubbly shape maintained. Alexandria’s thighs now squished together while the fabric of her leggings started to tear. Bubbles of fat emerged from the gaps which furthered to damage the fabric. More honey splattered on her chest as her breasts expanded and took up more space. Her chest was nothing more than average at first, but the calories funneled into them boosted its size tremendously. They had already grown to the size of her head after her fifth plate. Even her sleeves were stretched over her arms with only enough space to allow a slight jiggle as she sucked honey off of her fingers.

“Well, this is a surprise. Ouroboros lagging behind despite each of you being four times my size?” Alexandria boasted as she continued to eat.

The girls wouldn’t accept defeat when their conflict had just begun. Mio increased her face and leaned forward so that her chin practically touched the plate in front of her. She gripped her steaks with both hands and tore into them with her teeth. Once her rhythm had been set, Mio only had to separate meat with her teeth before she slurped it into her mouth and swallowed it whole. Consequences be damned, Mio needed to cover more ground and keep up with Alexandria.

Sena had a steak in each hand. She tried to alternate bites between each, but that didn’t feel fast enough. So, she decided to work out her jaw and stuffed whole steaks into her mouth. She groaned and gnawed on the surprisingly tender meat before she gulped. A visible lump traveled down her throat before she pounded her chest with one fist. That stained her shirt and upper belly with honey while her body jiggled from each thump.

Eunie felt she had it the hardest as she had to reach past her breasts to grab any meat, hoist it over her chest with arms far too fat to be lifting, and then lower it to her mouth like some sort of crane game. Still, she did her best to keep up despite her arms already being sore.

It wasn’t as evident with the trio as they were already so fat, but they all continued to get fatter. Some rolls seemed thicker, a curve became a little broader, and already tortured fabric was rendered more obsolete.

Mio’s hips became wider and could be visibly seen rolling and expanding across the bench if one looked closely enough. It was like a sponge that soaked up calories like they were water. The sweat droplets that ran down the blubbery mass helped the visual representation. Mio was still covered in the normal layer of sweat from traveling, but anxiety from the contest had added an extra layer to it. Stuffing herself with steak didn’t help as a third round of sweat hit her. The smell was already enough to make her eyes water, and it gave her a visible sheen. That sheen got brighter in spots thanks to the honey that splattered on her. The cat girl started to look more like a glazed pig than anything else. Despite it all, she kept eating. She filled her belly which made it and the rest of her grow larger. Centimeters added to her rolls soon turned into inches as the fat cat grew flabbier and thicker.

‘I wish we had gone with fish. I could eat that for hours…’ Mio thought as she realized it became harder and harder to swallow. The steaks were cut so thick and rested heavily in her belly. She had stopped counting after thirty, but she knew her pace had lagged. Her stomach suddenly groaned and cramped. ‘Oh no…’ A sudden frrrrrrtttt slipped out of her. It was immediately followed by a more booming PPPPBBBBBBFFFFFFFFRRRRRTTTTT. Ever since the meal at Ethel’s colony, just about any food turned Mio into a gas bag. She was smart enough to realize that the harder-to-digest red meat would make things much worse.

Sena seemed to be doing better as her pace remained rapid. It was a messier strategy and flicked honey across the table and herself. A thick stream of the sugary liquid rolled over her chin as she tried to stuff entire steaks into her mouth. She didn’t care for the sticky feeling as it started to cascade down to her chest. Some managed to drip between her breasts and roll along to her belly. That could be dealt with later. For now, Sena would eat as fast as she could to try and give her team the edge. A roll of belly fat that rested atop the table had stretched to cover more space. Some empty plates had started to be pushed aside as the blubbery roll swelled. It was just a small glimpse of her growth as the rest of her belly beneath the table started to touch the ground and roll over her thighs. Sweat and honey ran down the giant tanned glob.

‘Gotta keep going, gotta keep eating, gotta…oh my stomach.’ Sena groaned through a mouthful of steak. She squeezed her belly between her thighs which she quickly discovered was a bad move. FFFFFFRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTT! Sena had to grip the table as the gaseous explosion erupted from her rump. BBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTT!!! Sena tried to keep eating but it was difficult when she farted every few seconds. She swallowed hard and cleared her mouth only to burp. BUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPP! “Phew…are you holding up, Mio?”

Mio only replied with, FFFFFFFRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTT, at first. She then tried to smile, but it was obvious that she was full. “Just peachy…I’m sure we’ll beat Alexandria soon enough.” Mio and Sena looked at Alexandria who hadn’t slowed at all. “Or maybe we should give up?”

“No way!” Sena exclaimed and awkwardly got to her feet. She placed a hand on Mio’s shoulder which quickly squished under her thick fingers. “If you’re struggling then I can lend a hand! Just keep chewing, got it?”

“Sena, what are you talking about MFFFF?!” Mio was cut off guard as Sena stuffed a steak into her mouth. It was followed by a second which caused Mio to keep chewing. She felt that if she didn’t, then Sena would try and fit a third steak into her mouth. More bursts of gas slipped out of her as she tried to keep up. Sena’s firm hand kept Mio’s cheeks crammed full of food which certainly helped her pace but burdened her already full belly. She would occasionally kick her legs or flail her arms when Sena pushed her too hard, but she would chew faster to keep up.

Sena felt her eyes start to water. “Mio, I love you and all but you need a bath after this,” Sena said and coughed to the side. She was sure she didn’t smell like roses, but Mio’s sweat and farts combined to make an off-putting stench. Sena decided to power through and feed Mio while occasionally taking some bites herself.

The assistance Sena provided helped Mio catch up, but her body became more obese. It was strange to see how someone already morbidly obese could push on to a phase beyond that. Mio’s neck was like a thick pillow for her head, there was obvious growth to her chest, her belly had started to roll atop the table, all of her rolls were thicker, her hips took up enough space to seat another person, and her thighs had become so thick that even Lanz’s arms couldn’t wrap around them, and her butt cheeks thickened so much that her farts started to sound bassier.

“Sena…UUUURRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPP I need a break…” Mio groaned and panted as her belly groaned angrily.

Sena rubbed her chin. Mio had said that for five minutes now, but she could see that her friend’s belly was looking stuffed. “All right, then how about you Eunie?” Mio and Sena looked at Eunie who didn’t seem much bigger than when the contest started.

“I can’t get past my boobs and-“ A piece of steak slipped out from between Eunie’s fingers and dove between her breasts. “Ah snuffin hell!” She cursed and groaned in annoyance. There was no way she could reach into her cleavage and fetch the meat. Though the visual search bought enough time for Mio and Sena to get up and stand at her sides. “What?”

“Don’t worry, Eunie! We can lend a hand.” Sena said cheerfully. Even if she was stuffed, she managed to keep her energy up.

Mio had forced herself to stand only in the hopes it would make some room in her belly. If she helped Sena, then it would also buy time for her gut to digest. “Just relax for a moment. We’ve all go to work together if we want to win this.” Mio picked up a steak in one hand and placed the other on Eunie’s shoulder.

Eunie grimaced. “I don’t think I like what’s going on here…but let’s do it. No way we can fight like this, so it’s our only hope.”

“That’s the spirit!” Sena cheered and stuffed the first steak into Eunie’s mouth. It was quickly followed by one from Mio. The pattern was set, but the pace only escalated.

Eunie’s belly swelled as she was fed. The mostly round mass rolled across her thighs and further past her knees. The blubber spilled over the sides of her thick legs until they couched the bench. The upper side of the mass squished against the underside of the table and when the harder material did not give, it further increased the pressure her weight applied to her seat. It was like a reverse vice, and the pressure only became more intense.

Her arms were too heavy and tired to move, so Eunie left them at her sides. She had to focus on eating if the group wanted to win. Hopefully, she could fulfill her role and the girls would take it from there. Eunie was aware that she had been the weakest link due to how hard it was to feed herself. The sentiment quickly started to dissipate after she began to feel full. There was a point she could power through to, but when that passed and she was still being fed it became simply too much. Her body softened further, expanded outward, and became even heavier.

The most prominent area of growth was her breasts. Eunie’s already immense melons pushed across the top of her belly and onto the top of the table. Despite her belly’s growth, Eunie’s gut wasn’t large enough to fully support her breasts. Fat drooped over the sides like a lopsided stack of pancakes. Fabric started to audibly tear and more of the ample fat was exposed. First as little bubbles through holes, then rolls that emerged from larger tears, and a final SHRRRRRPPP resulted in the entire top being torn down the middle. Thankfully her sweat caused enough fabric to cling to her so that her nipples were covered.

“You’re doing great Eunie!” Sena cheered as she messily stuffed two steaks into Eunie’s mouth. She had to use the palms of her hand to cram it all into the other girl’s cheeks which bulged like a chipmunk’s. “Just keep it up! I think we’ve got a solid lead now!”

Mio nodded and waited for Eunie to swallow before she fed her the next steak. “Just a few more and then I should be ready to eat again too.” Mio grimaced as her stomach groaned. She was still full but she at least felt some room for more. Another loud FFFFFRRRRRRRTTTTTT sounded as her stomach was squished against Eunie’s side.

The pressure in Eunie’s stomach increased until she couldn’t hold her gas back either. Most erupted from her backside in the form of noisy farts, but a few burps managed to escape her stuffed mouth. Eventually, she felt so stuffed that she worked up the strength to lift her arms and block Mio and Sena’s hands.

“HOOOOOUUUUUUURRRRRRRRPPPPPP!!!” Eunie belched and panted heavily. “Knock it off before I snuffin explode!” She exclaimed as her belly groaned angrily. “OOOOUUUUUURRRRRRRPPPPPPP ugh I know we eat a lot FFFFRRRRRRRRRTTTTT but this is UUUUUURRRRRRRPPPPPP too much…I give u-“

Mio and Sena slapped their hands over Eunie’s mouth. That caused honey to splatter and some managed to stain the girl’s wings. Eunie honestly thought about biting their fat fingers over that. Instead, she just groaned in fullness and annoyance.

Sena leaned in and whispered. “If you say we buuuuuurrrrppp give up then we PBBBFFFFTTTT lose!” The words were mostly drowned out by the gassy expulsions. “Come on, just a few more. We can all handle a bit more!”

Eunie was spared more stuffing at the hands of her friends. Despite that, she reached forward for more. Sena was right. They had gone too far to give up. ‘I swear I’m gonna use that woman’s face as a seat cushion for suggesting this contest.’ She thought and glared at Alexandria.

Mio and Sena also returned to feeding themselves. They were a group of three, and there should be no way they could lose. Their bellies were stuffed to their limits and they still tried to find more room. However, Alexandria hadn’t paused or shown any sign of throwing in the towel.

Alexandria’s body had changed drastically since the start of the contest. She had been as slender as a reed, just gently curved in figure with some more plushness to her posterior. Now she was as fat and bloated as the girls of Ouroboros. Soaked in honey and sweat, Alexandria continued to feed herself steaks in an efficient manner. She easily fit one steak into her mouth at a time, chewed the minimum amount, and then swallowed. Her outfit was a ripped, stained mess that exposed more fat than it covered. Above all, she hadn’t suffered any issues with gas too.

Alexandria’s face had gone from angular to one dominated by puffy cheeks that formed flabby jowls. Her chin had given rise to three rolls while her neck swelled outward into a thick, soft support that looked more like it surrounded her head rather than supported it.

The commander’s chest had started more petite than modest, but now it surged to become one of her biggest assets. Two heavy, ovular masses stretched her top to its limit. The open area near her underarms became a place for some of her breasts to ooze out and escape the tight confines of the fabric. More attempted to rise and billow out of the collar of her uniform while the majority pushed forward in the hopes it would soon break the fabric that restricted it. Alexandria’s breasts were not on the stupendous level of Eunie’s, but they easily surpassed Mio and Sena’s. If Alexandria were not so focused on feeding herself, she could extend her arms to their full length and be able to curl them around the furthest points of her breasts. Though it would take more than that to bring her hands together across her chest.

The sleeves of Alexandria’s uniforms had already burst at their seams. From them, supple, pillowy arm fat hung free in sweaty masses that sagged nearly to the bottom of Alexandria’s ribs. These heaving clumps of fat wobbled and bounced against her sides as she put great yet elegant effort into feeding herself. Without any signs of tiring, Alexandria scooped up steaks, lifted them over her breasts, and stuffed them into her mouth. Each movement had a purpose and radiated grace that many still attributed to their commander despite her now morbidly obese stature.

The fabric had been stretched to its ultimate limit and eventually split open over Alexandria’s belly. At the center was a deep naval surrounded by an almost perfectly rounded gut. The upper curve served as a place for her breasts to rest while the sides turned into her love handles. The bottom rested comfortably upon her lap in a bowl-shaped indent caused by her thighs being squished together. Sweat ran down the mass in beads while it rumbled fiercely. Yet no matter how loud or insistent the groans became, Alexandria didn’t let loose a burst of gas like the girls of Ouroboros did. She remained composed and stuffed more food into her belly which in turn made the rest of her grow larger.

Alexandria’s body flared out at her hips, contributing to her heavy hourglass shape. Their entire width was more than half of her height and they were stacked higher with fat. They were so perfectly curved that one could think they were sculpted from clay. Their growth was also visually elegant as they rose like bread dough. This slowly caused the skin-tight fabric over her lower body to stretch and tear open. Fat bubbled through the gaps and exacerbated the damage until small tears turned into large, long slits. Almost seamlessly attached to the curves of her hips was an ass abundant in mass and softness. There was no fabric that managed to cover the bodacious cheeks. The bench didn’t have nearly enough room to support the cheeks either, so they sagged and nearly touched the ground. They added extremely to her waistline with a full circumference that exceeded her arm’s width by almost three times. Part of Alexandria wondered if there would be any upsized clothing that could cover her lower body, and another part was eager to see how her hips would sway or how her ass would bounce when she moved. That could be thoroughly tested later.

The two red ropes around each of Alexandria’s thighs had long since snapped. Before their limit was reached, they sank deeper into her billowing thighs. When they did break, Alexandria’s legs jiggled. Each leg was like a living pillar that radiated heat. They became thicker with each steak Alexandria ate. They squished together and inched across the bench which now visibly bowed beneath her weight. Just one leg was twice as thick as her former waistline which now seemed so puny compared to her current, opulent state. Like the rest of her, Alexandria’s thighs were pleasantly smooth despite their mass. So much thick, dense blubber retained long stretching curves that tucked in and led into the next. Her tall boots had been stretched to the point they rolled or peeled back. They couldn’t stretch around her ever-thickening legs, and the sweat that built on the commander was enough to merely let them slip off.

Even though she started thin and was purely on her own, Alexandria had caught up to the other girls. She had also eaten more than the three combined. She was the obvious victor as Mio, Sena, and Eunie appeared at their limit.

Though something strange happened. Alexandria pushed the plates in front of her away. “I concede.” She spoke and slowly got to her feet. The movement lacked her former elegance, and the table and bench groaned loudly as she moved. One heavy leg awkwardly moved over her seat before the other followed. Sweat ran down her body and visibly dripped from the precipice of her curves. “I can eat no longer”

“W-OOUUUUURRRRRRP-hat?” Mio exclaimed in disbelief. She was thankful for the surprising surrender but confused nonetheless. “You had the fffrrrrrttt lead though! You were uuurrrpppp about to win!”

Eunie said nothing and only face-planted into her breasts. A groan escaped her mouth as a long FFFFFFRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrbbbbBBBBBBFFFFFFFFrrrrrrrrRRRRRTTTTTTttttt…PFFRT ripped from her backside. She didn’t want to eat anything ever again.

“Yay!” Sena tried to be happy. She almost jumped, but her body was too heavy. Her belly crashed down on the table, smashed through it, and then dragged her down. Eunie flopped onto the ground beside her. “Sorry…”

Alexandria was handed a napkin by one of her subordinates which she used to wipe the honey from her face. She had barely covered a fraction of the sticky substance before the napkin was saturated in it. “I cannot blame you for being surprised, Ouroboros. This was all a part of my plan.” Alexandria spoke confidently from a face with fat, squishy cheeks, and two extra chins. “We have wanted to be freed from our flame clock, but the will of the Consuls is hard to resist. Though why resist when we are of no use to them?” A very confident smile crossed the commander’s face as she rubbed her belly.

She had a point. Her body was far too obese for combat. How would someone like her be able to take to the battlefield, to cut through the enemy lines? Alexandria possessed a body that was more suited to cutting cakes.

The girls all stared in disbelief. Mio tried to stand, but she toppled into the pile of her other fat friends. Her weight on top of them drew an annoyed groan from Eunie and a soft chuckle from Sena. Bursts of gas erupted from all three as well.

“You could have just tried to say something…” Eunie murmured with one cheek squished against the dirt. ‘This position is feeling all too familiar.’

“But where’s the fun in that?!” Sena asked and reached out to poke Eunie. She couldn’t see exactly where her fat friend was as she was stuck on her back. Her neck felt so fat that moving it seemed too tiring. The small noises she heard as she poked some large mass of fat hinted that it was likely Mio she groped.

Mio watched Alexandria waddle toward her tent. “I guess you are as great a tactician as they say. By taking this method, you avoided all conflict.” She watched the commander go before her cat ears picked up on something. It was subtle, but the groans from Alexandria’s body began to intensify. She hadn’t let out one bit of gas during the entire fight. Meanwhile, Mio, Eunie, and Sena had never stopped. “Wait a minute…”

“Yes, it was all a part of my plan. Feel free to deal with the flame clock whenever you please. I will retire to my room in the meantime.” Alexandria began to sweat nervously. She was already slick with sweat, but the new anxious perspiration was easily detectable by smell. Her belly groaned and she stopped in her tracks.


Everyone was silent.


Alexandria turned beet red as a loud fart burst from her. “I had done so well…” She murmured. It had been incredibly difficult to stuff herself and hold back all the resulting gas. Especially as she tried to maintain her elegant and sophisticated exterior. She thought she could salvage this, but a loud belch came out as her mouth opened. “HOOOOOOOUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRPPPPPP!” One step caused her to relax some of her muscles which caused more farts to rip from her backside. It was something she couldn’t control and any effort to try merely made things worse. In the end, she was just stuck where she stood, burping and farting uncontrollably.

A sudden, excited hum began to sound. Manana bounced forward with a cart loaded with desserts in front of her. “Ah, friends are all done! Excellent as Manana has dessert ready!”

A loud groan sounded from all of the stuffed girls.


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