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Series: RWBY
Characters: Weiss, Yang
Contains: Air inflation

Commission for Anonymous

Yang was nearing her wit's end. Weiss had found a way to micromanage and nag her over every little thing when it came to setting up Beacon’s dance. The color of the tablecloths didn’t perfectly match, the placement of the snack table wasn’t right, there weren’t enough chairs, and how the chandelier wasn’t shiny enough. Still, Yang tried to remain calm and organize things. Some of the issues could be fixed very easily.

That didn’t make Weiss any less annoying. Yang’s eye twitched as Weiss went on her latest tirade. One more word and she would lose her cool.

“Yang, are you listening?! I said there aren’t enough balloons!” Weiss stomped her foot and placed her hands on her hips. The mistake that Weiss made aside from constantly yelling at Yang was that she chose to do it while standing next to the blonde.

Yang easily spun on her heels and grabbed Weiss’s shoulder with one hand. “Not enough balloons? Fine, let me fix that!” She used her spare hand to stuff an air hose into her friend’s mouth. The hose was connected to a pump which was quickly turned on.

Weiss’s eyes shot open as she felt the air push down her throat. A sudden fullness assailed her as her belly bloated outward. It inflated like a balloon before her eyes and went from flat to as round as a basketball. Her sash belt felt tight for a moment before the knot that tied it came undone. It slowly fluttered to the ground and out of sight as her belly became large enough to obscure it.

“Mfff!” Weiss let out a muffled protest as she watched her belly balloon. She tried to pull the hose from her mouth, but Yang’s hold was too powerful to break. Still in need of desperate use, Weiss used to hands to touch her belly. The fabric of her dress was smooth and it conformed to the new shape of her stomach. Her cheeks turned bright pink as embarrassment slammed into her. Weiss had taken such great care of her figure, and now she started to look like a balloon or some sort of inflatable toy. She felt the strange light sensation inside of her become more intense. The air made her body lighter, but the pressure increased and made her stomach feel more dense. Weiss also didn’t care for how her skin creaked and groaned as it stretched.

Yang tried not to laugh. As much as this was done out of retaliation for Weiss annoying her, it also happened to be very funny. “You’re filling out pretty well! I didn’t even know if this would work.” Yang continued to hold the tube in Weiss’s mouth, but she used her other hand to smack her friend’s inflated belly. It let out a pleasant THUN noise which managed to make Yang laugh. “Yeah, we can keep going.”

Once Weiss’s belly had become as large as a beach ball, the air pressure pushed air into other areas. First, her sides started to slowly stretch out. Little by little they appeared more curved. Soon Weiss’s back also started to gain an outward curve, making her entire abdomen appear like a lopsided sphere. More squeaks and groans emitted from her skin as it stretched further while Weiss’s entire body became bigger and rounder. She looked at her body nervously, and she struggled to find some sort of detachment. She wanted to believe that there was no way her perfectly trained and maintained body could be turned into a giant balloon.

Weiss’s eyes widened as she noticed her chest expand. Her breasts had been petite in the past, but now they appeared as large as Yang’s. Air had started to seep into them, and they both bloated into near-perfectly rounded spheres. Weiss couldn’t find any enjoyment in this though as she wasn’t excited about being forcefully filled with air. She just watched as her breasts became as large as volleyballs and slowly continued to grow larger. Perhaps there would be some solace if they happened to cover up her belly. Yet sadly, they did not. Weiss could see the curve of her belly from beyond her breasts. It meant she could watch both expand at the same time. More of her vision was dominated by the trio of orbs with every passing second.

A sudden FWOMP and BWOMPH made Weiss look over her shoulder as best she could. Past the curve of her back, she spotted two bulbous protrusions covered in a small amount of white fabric. Weiss was already embarrassed, but now she was utterly mortified. Her butt cheeks had suddenly decided to catch up with the rest of her. Suddenly they had made a greater leap than her chest and were now as big as a pair of yoga balls. Yang roughly smacked one of them, making Weiss wince and glare at her.

“Oh come on ice queen, this can’t be THAT bad, right?” Yang asked teasingly as she poked, prodded, or lightly smacked parts of Weiss’s inflated body. “And we aren’t done yet. You keep growing, so there’s got to be more room in you.”

Yang had a point. Weiss had continued to grow at a steady rate. There was no sign of slowing down, and she didn’t look like she would pop or anything. So, Yang kept the air hose stuffed into her friend’s mouth and watched her balloon further.

Weiss’s thighs became thicker, her upper arms puffier, and all four started to jut out from her sides. They weren’t that large yet, but it was difficult to move them. Air filled Weiss’s joints and kept her arms and legs outstretched. They inflated like long balloons and became wider by the second. At one point, with a loud FWOMP Weiss’s upper and lower arms were united into single, dome-shaped bumps on her widened sides. Now it seemed like Weiss was a perfect sphere with four little bumps where her arms and legs were and four large bumps for her butt cheeks and boobs.

Weiss couldn’t stand at this point and remained somewhat balanced on what she thought was her lower belly. It could have also been her pelvis for all she knew. Normal anatomy was out the window as Weiss was now a human balloon. The only thing that kept her steady was Yang whose hands remained on her.

Weiss occasionally tried to struggle. It only made her body shake awkwardly. Her hands could still move, but her arms were useless. She didn’t get anything from kicking her feet either. Any attempted movement only made her body groan or bounce. Yang found both hilarious.

Yang laughed as she saw Weiss glare at her. Bloated body aside, she wasn’t intimidating with her puffy face. At one point, some of the air had managed to reach her cheeks. They were cute and puffy like a chipmunk’s. Yang just pinched one as Weiss groaned. “You aren’t as floaty as I thought you would be,” Yang said and moved one hand beneath Weiss’s chest. Weiss was almost as light as a feather, but her large size made it hard to lift her. Weiss flailed about when she felt her body leave the floor. She slowly floated down and bounced a few times.

“MMMPFFFF!” Weiss shouted around the hose as Yang bounced her again. By this point, she was as large as a human-sized hamster ball. That just accounted for the larger sphere of her body and not the extra surface area attributed to her bust and butt. There was also the fact that she continued to swell. With each second, she became larger. Her dress managed to cover her chest and a decent portion of her belly. That still left plenty of skin exposed as well as her panties.

Weiss’s hands and feet were slowly being overtaken by the puffy domes her arms and legs had become. Her entire body had become wider throughout her inflation, but now she seemed slightly taller too. It was partially due to how she had her entire body outstretched. Yet when the air continued to flow, her curves broadened and she managed to stretch further. She couldn’t move her head at this point as her neck was sucked into her body. She could just look forward, towards Yang. The blonde had moved Weiss onto her belly as it kept the balloon girl at a perfect height to remain nearly face level with Yang. The hose still had to be held in place after all.

Above and behind her, Weiss’s butt continued to grow larger. Each cheek was wider, taller, and had more broad curves to it. The curves paled in comparison to that of her torso. It was as if her body just had two speed bumps on her. Her breasts had made impressive progress, and both nearly touched the ground in front of her. They would occasionally brush or bump the surface as Yang adjusted her position.

“At this point, I’m just impressed!” Yang exclaimed. She didn’t think Weiss would get this far. At first, she thought she could leave her friend with a bloated midsection, but when the heiress managed to take in more air, Yang decided to see how far things would go. She had no idea that Weiss would become a balloon more than five times her normal size. Though Weiss’s growth had started to slow, and her skin creaked much louder and more frequently now. So, Yang retracted the hose. In its place, she stuffed a bottle cork.

Weiss tried to scream at her friend, but only muffled noises came past the cork. It was much easier on Yang’s ears. She could work with this.

“Much better. Now you stay like this for a while. I’ll get back to planning for the dance.” Yang said and hip-checked Weiss. This caused the balloon girl to roll out of control and bump into a wall. Thanks to how bouncy her inflated body was, she rolled right back and toppled into Yang. Weiss felt some satisfaction as she rolled over her teammate, but her momentum still carried her into another wall. Once more, she bounced back and settled atop Yang again.

All of the jostling about disrupted the air inside Weiss. She groaned before a sudden, small POP sounded. The balloon girl was fine, but her innie belly button now looked more like an outie. A few seconds passed and Yang rolled the blimp off of her. She dusted herself off and pretended like nothing happened.

Yang pulled out her scroll and cleared her throat. What she was about to do totally wasn’t a bit of petty frustration at being knocked over by what was essentially a small, living parade float. “Hey Jaune, yeah it’s Yang. I just wanted to give you a call and say you might want to find another person to ask to the dance.” Yang looked toward Weiss. “Mhm, ice queen doesn’t seem like she’s in the mood for another proposal. You could say she’ll be aROUND for the dance though.”

There was a pause. Weiss quietly groaned. She didn’t hear anything from the other side of the phone. She was quite certain that no one would laugh even if they knew the context of her pun. Although Weiss didn’t like how it implied she would be stuck like this for a while.

“So, I do know a certain someone else who needs a date for the dance. How about it Jauney?” Yang asked and grinned as she looked at Weiss. “Great to hear, wear something nice for me~” Yang hung up her scroll and slowly walked to the exit. “I’ll get back to planning later, Weiss. You just take a load off and I’ll check on you later.” With a final wave, the blonde stepped out of the ballroom.

Now alone, Weiss could just sit there. She was precariously balanced on her bloated belly, and there was no way she could deflate herself. That was fine though. Weiss was a patient and meticulous girl. She’d use this time to plan her vengeance. Yang did this with access only to an air pump. Weiss however had access to more dust than anyone could possibly hope to obtain. She smirked as best she could around the cork in her mouth. It was only a matter of time.




Looks a sequel with Yang might be planned to happen