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Series: My Hero Academia
Characters: Mirko
Contains: Spherical bloating, rubberification

Reward for Axios

Mirko ground her teeth as she was jostled around. She didn’t intend for her hero career to lead to something like this. Currently, the rabbit hero was stuffed into a basket as a rabbit VILLAIN happily bounced around the halls of UA Academy.

Hopping Mad, as she called herself, had surprised Mirko. Her quirk made quick of the heroine and transformed her athletic, powerful body into a bloated, colorful orb. To add insult to injury, it also shrunk her to the size of an easter egg. Mirko recalls how she was lifted and squeezed in the villain's hand. Her body felt as if it had been turned into rubber. Hopping Mad had then stuffed Mirko into a basket with the female students and teachers. They all bounced against each other until they would suddenly stop. The basket would open and then a hand would lower in to take one of them out. In the brief flash of light, Mirko could see that their clothes had been changed into much more colorful palettes.

Mirko couldn’t do anything but lament her situation. Her body was almost a perfect sphere if not for her head, hands, feet, and her bunny tail. She was as wide as she was tall no matter what angle that could be measured. It didn’t feel like she was full of a liquid or air though. Her body just felt thick and dense as if she had been turned into rubber.

The curves of her belly were broad and melded seamlessly with her sides and then to her back. When the heroine looked down, she could see the curve of her belly but it was mostly obscured by her breasts. Mirko’s cheeks felt hot as she looked at her breasts. Proportionally it was as if she had two yoga balls attached to her chest though in reality someone could put their thumb over one. Her naturally curvy rump was not noticeably increased in size. The curves followed the rest of her body almost seamlessly. There was just a slight broadening of the curve where her butt cheeks were, and a noticeable area where her leotard gave her a wedgie.

The girls inside the basket were jostled around. Their skin squeaked when rubbed against each other which served as another way to prove they were rubbery balls being ferried around for who knows what reason. Though Mirko felt like she would discover it soon as the basket opened and the hand selected her this time. In the brief moment she looked around, she could see the other girls tucked away.

One was tucked near the edge of the couch, one placed on a shelf, another in a fruit bowl on the coffee table, and one placed on the head of an All Might statue. Hopping Mad squeezed Mirko in her palm and giggled at how easily her fingers sank into the rotund heroine. It was almost as impressive as how quickly her body sprinted back out when the pressure was relieved.

“Just a few more to hide, and then then everything will be ready for Easter!” Hopping Mad cheered as she leaped into the air. Mirko groaned in the villain’s hand as the felt weightless for the moment when she practically floated in the woman’s palm. True to her villain nature, Hopping Mad wasn’t necessarily gentle with her vanquished foe. It wasn’t like Mirko could be hurt in her state. She was meant to be a cute decoration, something for the other remaining students to search out on a sort of Easter egg hunt.

Hopping Mad appeared deep in focus. She rolled Mirko in her hands as she thought to herself. “Where do I put this one? As a fellow rabbit, I need to make something special. Hmm not too hard to find though.” She murmured and thumped her food on the ground.

Mirko was squished under all of Hopping Mad’s fingers, had a thumb rightly rub against her belly, and she was even tossed back and forth between hands a few times. Mirko groaned as she felt her belly or butt being squished and felt a strange sense of disconnection at how any touched area could easily sink in. It was like this wasn’t her body, or more accurately that it couldn’t be her body.

“Aha!” The villain exclaimed and looked up at a shiny clock on the wall. “That’s perfect!” She cheered and tossed Mirko into the air. Mirko wasn’t thrown at the clock though. She felt her round body plummet until it made contact with her opponent’s foot. She was momentarily deformed before she was thrown back into the air. Ripples traveled through her as she soared over Hopping Mad’s head. The villain turned and thrust her hips back just in time for Mirko to bounce off of them with a THUMP.

Mirko was used to leaping through the air with the use of her quirk, but to be bounced and tossed around wasn’t a good feeling. Thankfully she came to a stop when she landed atop the clock. The aerial view let her look over where all the other girls had been hidden away. It also let her see Hopping Mad give a smug grin and a wink before she hopped away.

All Mirko could do was go back to grinding her teeth as she tried to keep her round body balanced.



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