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Series: Nagatoro
Characters: Nagatoro, Naoto (Senpai)
Contains: Female weight gain, height increase, teasing

Commission for PudgyProse

Naoto sat in the art room and calmly painted on a fresh canvas. The picture hadn’t quite turned into anything yet, but it was a start. He would sit here for the next few hours and see the picture come together.

Or so he thought.

The door to the art room swung open and a strange, soft material flowed through the open passage. The walls groaned as the mass attempted to force its way through. It slowly succeeded and soon enough a fat, round face poked past the threshold.

“Jeez! These doors are getting so freaking small.” Nagatoro growled as she reached two hammy arms into the art room and pressed them against the wall. More and more of her immense, obese body slowly slipped through the gap. Finally, she stumbled forward and the room shook every time her feet crashed against the ground.

Naoto had been thoroughly distracted by Nagatoro’s arrival but kept his flushed face directed at the practically empty canvas. He still noticed the thudding footsteps getting closer to him. A vast shadow had also appeared in his peripheral vision. It only took a few more seconds before something soft and heavy touched his back. The weight became increasingly intense while some fat rolled onto the top of his head while more morphed and folded around his sides.

“Hey senpai~” Nagatoro chuckled as she squished her flabby body against her comedically smaller senpai.

Nagatoro had gone through some sort of growth spurt recently. It just happened to hit her vertically and horizontally. She was taller than everyone in the school now, and her waistline expanded to something like five times that of a normal student. That meant if you lined up five students in a row, hip to hip, Nagatoro was wider than all of them combined. It was weight she wielded with effective power.

Chairs, doorways, and other people were just obstacles that could be crushed with her wide girth.  It didn’t make her cruel necessary, but she was a threat to furniture and the building’s structure while anyone who got too close would simply be bumped. Naoto had tried to be extra careful these days. It was just hard when fat piled upon itself until its weight and supple structure caused it to sag down to the middle of her thighs. Then each leg was so thickly encased in blubber that they rolled over her knees and nearly past the entirety of her shins. Instead, her shins and calves got their own sheath of blubber that rolled past her ankles and the tops of her feet.

The school didn’t have the means to create a uniform that could fit Nagatoro, so she was allowed to wear her street clothes. That consisted of a skirt Naoto could only assume was made from cloth for a dining table. It covered a fair about of her, but it had to try and accommodate a heaping mound of belly fat and two insanely fat butt cheeks. In the end, the fabric failed to cover the entirety of each asset.

Behind Nagatoro, at the bottom of a cascading stack of back fat, was a wide rump. Dense, thick butt cheeks had their tops exposed in the rift between her shirt and shirt. A plush muffin top had also taken form and rolled over the waistband of her skirt, but the fabric looked like it would hold for now. At the bottom of the skirt, Nagatoro’s butt cheeks managed to sag enough to be seen. One could say the skirt was more like a sash.

Nagatoro’s growth spurt had increased her appetite, but the sheer size of her belly meant she must have eaten enough to feed an army. It resulted in her belly transforming into a beanbag chair-sized blob of doughy fat. It was stuffed within her shirt and the front of her skirt, but it sagged far enough that it was visible past her knees. It was a thick, heavy apron-like belly that seemed to roll over itself as it extended further from Nagatoro’s torso. Like with her hips, she wielded the mass of fat with expert precision. The position she currently stood in wasn’t a unique occurrence. She pressed her gut against her senpai whenever she had the time or chance.

Above the sizable belly were two breasts that were much more than they used to be. Nagatoro had once tried to trick her senpai into touching her chest when in reality there was a mere bean bun stuffed into her shirt. If she wanted to try that type of trick again, then she would need something like a watermelon. Just one heavy boob was larger than her head, and they both together provided a challenge for her white t-shirt to contain.

However, the shirt didn’t struggle as much as the jacket she wore. The sleeves of the jacket looked ready to burst as they held pillow-sized bingo wings. That wasn’t even to mention how thick the upper side of her arms was. What used to be slender and athletic appendages now appeared so heavy that it was a mystery how they were moved so easily. Currently, they snaked around Naoto and squeezed him tightly. The skinny boy groaned at the weight on his chest and blushed as he felt himself sink back into Nagatoro.

Meanwhile, a wicked and smug grin was painted on the girl’s puffy, round face. She had cheeks as thick as softballs and two extra chins thicker than sausages. A chuckle escaped her fat-encased throat as she subjected her senpai to more of her weight.

“Senpai? Don’t you go and try to ignore me. Come on, what are you up to?” Nagatoro asked impatiently as she rocked back and forth. Her weight rested on Naoto before it receded only to shift back forward.

“I’m just practicing.” Naoto finally managed to groan out of fear he’d be crushed if Nagatoro didn’t stop.

Nagatoro thankfully leaned back and removed herself from Naoto’s back. “Pfft practicing? I’ll give you something to practice.” She laughed and waddled towards the art room couch. It was the only seat there that would hold her, but the way it groaned when she sat down cast some doubt. “Why not draw me? Make sure to get all my rolls too. If you mess up I might just sit on you so you can learn the hard way!”

Naoto slowly looked over his shoulder at Nagatoro. She met his gaze with a wickedly smug grin. She leaned back which pressed her butt and back fat against the couch. She spread her fat arms across the top and let out an exaggerated sigh. Her wide hips took up most of the couch, and her heavy butt cheeks managed to squish the cushions flat like pancakes. Belly fat lay across her lap and spilled over the sides of and between her legs.

“Did you want a specific pose? Sorry, but I think I’m pretty comfy like this.” Nagatoro chuckled, her fat throat rolling with the action.

Naoto had turned his canvas and moved his seat so he faced Nagatoro. His hand trembled before he steadied it by placing the tip of his pencil on the canvas. He started with a general outcome. After a few moments, he started to feel the process become easier. Something inside of him seemed relaxed as he sketched the smooth curves. He was able to focus more on drawing than Nagatoro herself in a way. That changed when he was started by a heavy THWAP.

Nagatoro had lazily raised a hand only to smack her belly with it. Fat wobbled wildly and rolls that had already been sketched were now somehow in different places. “Oh is this distracting senpai?” She asked teasingly and continued to jiggle her stomach. After a few seconds, she took it a step further, grabbed the sides of her belly, and lifted the weight slab of lard as best she could. It slammed down on her thighs with a loud PLAP and somehow jiggled harder than before. It didn’t stop there as she ran her hands over her belly. She poked her fingers between rolls, caressed wide expanses of pudge, and rocked her body back and forth on the couch.

“Are you thinking of something perky senpai?” Nagatoro asked as she bounced on the couch. This caused the entire room to shake and the couch sounded like it could snap in half.

Naoto looked back at the canvas. “N-not at all.”

“Thinking about how big and fat I am? How my belly jiggles?” Nagatoro got the normal wicked look in her eyes that she normally had when teasing her senpai. “Do you wanna touch it?” She asked and leaned forward to thrust her belly out in front of her. Nagatoro slowly forced her bulk back onto her feet when her senpai failed to answer her.

Naoto didn’t react in time, and Nagatoro easily grasped him by both of his wrists. She pulled her senpai’s arms above his head. Their height difference resulted in Naoto’s feet barely being able to brush the ground. “Agh Nagatoro! P-put me down!” He cried out as Nagatoro carried him towards the wall. His slender body was already pressed against her fat, blubbery belly. Now he felt his back touch the wall while an immense amount of weight was squished on him.

Nagatoro didn’t try to crush her senpai, but she did ensure she pressed a good portion of the weight on him. Her belly flowed around him like a semi-solid marshmallow. It buried everything beneath his chest except for the lower halves of his legs. Though those weren’t spared as they found themselves sandwiched between Nagatoro’s meaty thighs. “Jeez senpai, you are so hopeless sometimes. Can’t stop a big fat girl from squishing you?~” She teased and grinned wickedly. She started to lean forward more before she shifted her bulk left and right. Her belly rubbed, squished, and ground Naoto against the wall.

“N-Nagatoro! This isn’t appropriate!” He exclaimed before he tried to look Nagatoro in the eyes. This only lowered his chin enough to gently tuck itself into the fat girl’s cleavage. He saw a brief blush on her chubby cheeks before he felt his body being lowered. Now his venison was filled with the soft texture of Nagatoro’s shirt and the fat on the other side.

“Aw, I guess you really are just too short and scrawny to stop me. Eh, what can you expect?” Nagatoro shrugged and changed the pattern of her movements. She pushed her belly forward before she started to lean her shoulders forward. So Naoto felt the pressure on his chest increase before it was slowly transferred up to where Nagatoro’s breasts smooshed against his face. She was right in the fact that Naoto couldn’t do anything but be smothered while his heart threatened to leap out of his chest.

‘This is pretty fun but jeez my arms are getting tired. This is the longest I’ve held them up in at least a month.’ Nagatoro thought to herself. Her arms were significantly thicker than they used to be. It was a far cry from the lithe yet powerful swimmer’s arms she had trained. Now they were too blubbery for much sustained activity. ‘Meh he can’t do anything so might as well.’ She released her senpai’s wrists and focused more on pressing her gut against him. “Y’know if you can’t get out of this, then I might just have to turn around and smother you with my butt next!” She laughed. This left her guard open, however.

With his arms free, Naoto started to push back against Nagatoro. Somehow his scrawny arms managed to reach around her belly and pinch a set of very delicate rolls on her sides. It startled Nagatoro, provoked a yelp from her, and proved enough to make her leap back. Thankfully the room quacked before Naoto landed roughly on his butt. He looked up at Nagatoro and managed to see a rather displeased look on her face. Though it was mostly sharply slanted eyebrows and glaring eyes before her chest blocked the rest. “Um…sorry?”

“Senpai, you pervert.” Nagatoro murmured as she stepped back. A thick finger launched out and harshly poked Naoto. This drew a yelp from him before she started to poke him all around his flat stomach or sides. “Perv, perv, perv, perv.” She repeated throughout the barrage.

“Agh, Nagatoro! Stop that!” Naoto exclaimed and tried to move away. Nagatoro just followed him around. She poked at him, bumped him with her belly, and even started to hip-check him. Any bash from her belly or hips was enough to launch Naoto off of his feet. The surprisingly rapid movements from Nagatoro also caused the room to shake. Things started to fall off of shelves and then bounced and clattered across the floor with each of Nagatoro’s heavy footsteps.

“Senpai, you acted all meek, but I bet you were super excited to get squished by me. Yeah, I bet that’s exactly what you wanted.” Nagatoro teasingly accused in her normal fashion. She had been shocked at the squeeze earlier, but now she had her momentum back. The exceptionally obese girl intended to keep it. What her senpai didn’t know was that he was being directed toward the couch. One strong bump from her belly caused him to land perfectly in the middle, seated upright. Then, with agility she shouldn’t have hand, Nagatoro spun on her heels and dropped onto Naoto’s lap.

Naoto blushed and stuttered uncontrollably at the weight and softness that dropped onto him. His legs were completely buried and unable to move while Nagatoro’s rump was so thick that it managed to squish against half of his torso. “N-Nagatoro!” He exclaimed.

“I said I would squish you with my butt next, Senpai~”  Nagatoro drew out the last word and grinned wickedly as she bounced on top of her senpai’s lap. “Consider it punishment for being a pervert.” She chuckled and rocked her body from side to side. “Though maybe I would let you get away with squishing and squeezing me just a bit. Painting is so 2D. You need to get into sculpting. So consider this a time to gain firsthand knowledge of what I feel like. As payment, you can make me a life-size statue.”

“LIFE SIZE?!” Naoto exclaimed in disbelief. He knew Nagatoro was teasing him, but this was an absurd proposal. Yet part of his mind was enticed to try. His hands trembled as they got closer to Nagatoro’s body. A few seconds later and it gently made contact. Just as he remembered, Nagatoro was warm and soft. Her fat had a supple texture and felt pleasant to squeeze. Each squeeze caused a twitch from the globular girl, but she didn’t stop him.

Nagatoro was glad she faced away from her senpai. Her face was as red as a tomato, and the only reason she didn’t gasp was because she had mentally fortified herself. It was fun to squish her senpai, but something about being touched back was equally exciting. ‘As long as he’s just squeezing my sides, it should be fine.’ She thought to herself before she felt Naoto lean against her back, reach his arms as far around as she could, and squeezed the sides of her belly. ‘I’m gonna smash him into this couch!’

Nagatoro lifted herself only to drop down. She landed with enough force to bounce and jiggles carried through her body. It caused her senpai to groan which excited her again. “Going right for my belly? I knew you were a pervert. I’ve just got all this blubber so you can’t help but touch it. I bet you’d even try to convince me to get fatter.” She teased and leaned back. This squished Naoto against the backrest of the couch. He managed to sink into the cushions and the fat of Nagatoro’s back. He couldn’t get any words out with Nagatoro’s shoulder pressed against his mouth. “Heh, I think I’ll leave you like this for a bit…”


“So I sat on his lap for a while until I got bored. I managed to get up, and then he went on about how his legs had fallen asleep!” Nagatoro burst into laughter and smacked her gut. It caused the mass of fat to wobble and smack against the table she sat at.

Nagatoro’s friends laughed along with her. Gamo, Yosshii, and Sakura occasionally teased Naoto as well, but Nagatoro often shut them down when they tried. So, enjoying her stories was what they had to settle for most of the time.

“I’m surprised you didn’t just outright crush him,” Gamo replied and grinned.

Yosshii nodded rapidly. “Yeah, you’re so big! You could probably do it so easy!”

“Nah, if you crush him, you can’t have as much fun,” Sakura added and shook her head. “With all that fluff, Nagatoro could just cuddle him…Although with how she is she would just smother him.”

The group laughed except for Nagatoro. Her eye twitched as she slowly got up. Her friend looked curiously as they fell into her massive shadow. “What are you all talking about? I won’t crush my senpai just because I’m so big. I mean sure I have bigger boobs and a huge butt compared to all of you, but I won’t get that carried away.” Both of her arms launched out and gripped Gamo and Yosshii. Each girl was stuffed under one arm, their protests muffled into arm fat or side boob. They attempted to smack their giant friend, but their hands only sank into or bounced off of her fat. Nagatoro looked down at Sakura who started to laugh nervously. “You really have your mind the gutter huh? Well, maybe I can help you with that?”

A quick hip check caused Sakura to splay across on her back. The girl looked up only to see Nagatoro’s rump rush toward her. Then everything became dark as Nagatoro sat on top of her. Her entire body, head to feet, was buried. Meanwhile, Gamo and Yosshii were still being squeezed tightly.

Nagatoro sighed in relief. “Maybe that’ll teach them.” She murmured and looked off into the distance. ‘Any maybe I could try to snuggle up with Senpai next time?”



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