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Series: RWBY
Characters: Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang
Contains: Immobility

Reward for GrumpyBoi

“We finally made it! Are you ready, Ruby?” Yang asked excitedly as she struggled to walk forward. The reason Yang, someone in peak physical condition, struggled to move was because there was a harness on her chest. This harness was connected to a wheeled cart that carried what was easily the fattest girl anyone had ever seen.

Ruby flapped her hands excitedly as she wasn’t able to move her arms. “Yeah! It’s time to meet some new people!” She exclaimed with equal intensity.

Ruby had always been adorable. It was just a simple fact. This adorableness led to her being spoiled. It was mostly in the form of food. So, Ruby was spoiled more and more which caused her to grow fatter and fatter. It was to the point that she hadn’t been able to stand or walk for quite some time. Thankfully her sister loved her so much, and she took it upon herself to pull Ruby around via the cart.

Ruby’s body was absolutely buried under her fat. Her face was thick and round with flabby cheeks, extra chins, and a neck that formed a pedestal for her face to rest on. She couldn’t turn her head more than a few centimeters, and most of her forward view was blocked by her blubber. This meant Ruby had a tremendously limited range of view. Even now she could just see her sister’s head as the blonde pulled her along.

Her shoulders were the size of sandbags while the undersides hung like curtains. They were so heavy that Ruby couldn’t move them. Her hands, which were almost completely swallowed up by her arm fat, were the only part of her body that she could move with anything close to ease.

Ruby had boobs like partially deflated yoga balls. Just giant lumps of fat that rested on her belly and took up a large chunk of her view. They were pillowy soft and wobbled as she breathed. Ruby thought all of her blubbery bits and assets were cool. Yang never really let anyone near her chest though. Something about defending her sister’s virtue or something. Ruby never heard the entire rant as she was usually busy eating.

A giant belly took up the entire front of the cart and even managed to roll over the side. It was pure blubber with rolls stacked atop even more rolls. Fat rested as large lumps or doughy mounds. All of it composed the immense belly or the love handles and rolls on Ruby’s sides. Behind her, there was a cascade of rolls that coated her back which rested atop a titanic booty. The combined mass of Ruby’s butt cheeks made up just as large a mass as her belly.

Ruby’s hips flowed over the edge of her cart, and they almost managed to drag onto the ground. Rolls from her hips squished against the bulbous mass of her thighs which had started to fold over themselves into even more rolls. These continued past her knees and to her feet which barely avoided being completely buried.

Yang felt just as excited as Ruby. It had been too long where just she doted on her younger sister. She wanted to show Ruby off to everyone so that they could see how great she was. So, Yang continued to push forward and drag her immobile blob of a sister into Beacon. People had already started to stare, but that was only the beginning.


“This can’t be possible…” Blake Belladonna murmured as she pressed her hands into Ruby’s belly fat.

“Oh, it is,” Yang assured her teammate.

Weiss was baffled as she groped at Ruby’s arms. Her fingers sank in with no resistance. “But how does someone let themselves get this…fat?!”

Ruby giggled. “I dunno. People just keep giving me snacks. It’d be mean to not eat all of them.” She explained innocently. Ruby had known that her adorable charm enchanted everyone she met. She knew that they’d just give her more and more food. It wasn’t her fault that she took advantage of it. If people wanted to feed her, rub her belly, or cater to her every whim, then that wasn’t her fault. She just loved all the attention.

Yang patted Ruby’s belly which sent a series of ripples through it. “My sis sure is great huh? Come on don’t just squeeze her. Really get up on her.” Yang grabbed Weiss by the waist and shoved her forward. This flung the slender girl up on top of Ruby. Her face fell between immense, admittedly sweaty breasts while her body sank into more blubber.

“She is sweaty though…” Weiss murmured. Despite that, she couldn’t bring herself to move. Her basic instincts should have made her repulsed, but for some reason, this giant sweaty blob of dough was the best thing she had ever seen. She opened her arms and legs as wide as they could go, and then she hugged Ruby with all the force she could. Her limbs sank in so deep that fat enveloped them. It looked as if Weiss had fallen face-first into a foot of flesh-colored snow. ‘All I want for the rest of my life is this right here…’

“Yeah, Ruby gets sweaty super easy, but we can hose her down later. Oh and don’t think I forgot about you, Blake.” Yang easily pushed Blake against Ruby’s blubber which welcomed her embrace. Though Yang lifted one of Ruby’s arms and draped it across Blake.

Blake was now hit from two fronts by the softest, heaviest mass she had ever felt. Half of her face was pressed into side boob while arm fat soaked her back with sweat. With her nose pressed against one of Ruby’s rolls, she couldn’t help but breathe in. It smelled heavily of sweat, but something about the odor drove her wild. She gripped Ruby’s fat tightly and tried to lean in deeper.

Yang looked confident. “That’s two. Tomorrow we’ll get you a lot more friends, Ruby!” Yang cheered and hopped onto Ruby’s back. She used a roll as a pillow and stretched out. ‘I love my blubbery blob of a sister…’ She thought and quickly fell asleep.


The next day came quickly and Yang rushed to push Ruby out into the halls. She was eager to show her off more. Though there were class obligations that needed to be upheld. Thankfully class was the perfect place to show Ruby off.

Yang didn’t bother with the harness this morning. She instead pushed her hands against Ruby’s backside and pushed as hard as she could. Fat rolled up around her wrists and nearly to the middle of her forearms, but it was enough to push the blob of a girl through the halls at an impressive speed. It was so much that the rest of the team, which Yang had forgotten fell asleep on Ruby, were nearly thrown off in the rush. It was fine though seeing as Ruby had plenty of rolls to grip for support.

Ruby’s cart practically bashed the classroom doors open before Yang stopped and pushed her heels into the cart. The forward momentum hadn’t thrown off the passengers, but the harsh stop caused Weiss and Blake to fly forward. Yang peaked around her sister’s blobby butt to check on the commotion and almost laughed at her other teammates as they were splayed out on the floor.

The stern-looking teacher, Glynda Goodwitch had called the class to order though. Yang felt she should at least wait a week before she gets herself in trouble. She smiled and climbed onto Ruby’s side. The girl’s soft hip acted like her seat cushion while thick rolls of side fat acted as a comfy place to lean against. Weiss and Blake stared at Ruby for a moment before they too climbed up and found a comfy spot.

Class had started, but the lecture was momentarily blocked out by a long, low groan. Ruby blushed and looked around nervously. “Yang…we sort of missed breakfast.”

“Already on it,” Yang replied as she was shoulder deep in one of Ruby’s belly rolls. “We should still have some snacks packed away from the trip here. Left…no more right…got it!” Yang pulled her arm back. It was now coated in a sheen of sweat, but in her hands was a bag of chocolate chip cookies. Ruby’s eyes widened excitedly, but she couldn’t even thank Yang before a handful of cookies was stuffed into her mouth.

Ruby didn’t care though. This was the life. She finished one mouthful of cookies, opened her mouth, and was treated to an even larger fistful of cookies.

“You two wanna help? Come on, there’s snacks stashed in more places than you think.” Yang commented as she reached into Ruby’s rolls again to pull out another bag of cookies. “They’re all cookies though.”

Weiss looked hesitant, but she slowly reached into a fold of fat and pulled out a bag of cookies. ‘It shouldn’t be possible for someone to be this warm and soft…’ Weiss thought before she reached for another bag of cookies. ‘It would be better to get two bags now so I don’t have to search for another one so soon…though I could go for three now. Yes, then I won’t have to do it again at all.’ Weiss slowly reached into a new fold of flab. ‘It’s like a giant sweaty marshmallow…mixed with a balloon filled with hot water.’

Blake had received a bag of cookies and kneeled in front of Ruby’s face. She fed the girl one cookie at a time, but they were sucked from between her fingers as if the blob girl was a vacuum machine. When she started to feed more than one at a time, Ruby let out cute little sounds of happiness. Like a kitten when it was being fed a treat. This spurred Blake to stuff more cookies into Ruby’s mouth. Before she knew it, Weiss was at her side. They both stuffed Ruby under Yang’s tutelage. The lecture seemed to bleed into the background before it wasn’t heard at all.

“Excuse me!” Glynda’s voice was so stern and commanding that it snapped everyone to attention. Even Ruby’s crumb-covered face tried to peer around her teammates. “I’ll have you know that this is a classroom and not a cafeteria. Do you four truly want detention on your first day?”

Glynda strode up to where the group was seated. The girls looked nervous as the woman made her way toward the lowest roll of Ruby’s belly. Glynda prodded it with her riding crop curiously.

Ruby blushed. “Sorry Professor Goodwitch…it’s just that I missed breakfast and I got super hungry.” It looked like Ruby’s face tried to shrink back almost as if her neck fat were a turtle’s shell that could protect her from embarrassment. Unfortunately, her cheeks just looked puffier while her extra chins became more pronounced.

“Is that so?” Glynda asked with a raised eyebrow. She poked Ruby’s belly once more and sighed. “Very well. I will let it pass just this once. However, I assure you that if you skip a meal again, then I’ll be sure you’re stuffed like you never have been before.” Glynda turned and returned to the front of the class.

“Wait…did she say if you skipped a meal? I thought this was about eating in class.” Weiss whispered.

“I just have that charm on people,” Ruby whispered and winked. The words were so smug, but the mannerisms made Weiss feel like her heart was about to leap out of her chest. Before she knew it, she stuffed more cookies into Ruby’s mouth.

“Fank ou!” Ruby giggled as she chewed.


“Oh my gosh the cafeteria food is so good here…” Ruby mumbled with closed eyes. She was so stuffed and tired that she could hardly stay awake. “The courses just kept coming and coming and uuuuurrrrrpppp…”

Blake rotated one arm as her shoulders were sore. She had fed Ruby for hours when it felt like mere minutes. “Well, people kept bringing more food. Every time we tried to leave, someone had something new they wanted to feed you.”

“Was that really her burp? It was so quiet.” Weiss asked aloud.

“BOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRPPP!” The belch that ripped past Ruby’s lips was enough to make her belly wobble while Weiss and Blake covered their ears.

Yang nodded. “That’s a real one. The first was just a tremor.” She patted Ruby on her belly. “Anyways let’s get you changed into your pajamas! Your uniform is too sweaty to sleep in.”

Yang climbed on top of Ruby and started to undo buttons. It was easy as the buttons were eager to be released from their burden. A simple pinch caused them to fly open while fat surged outward. Ruby just sighed contently at the relief.

Weiss and Blake had gotten to the point where they knew to help. Weiss pulled Ruby’s utterly immense school jacket off. There was enough fabric to cover her entire body possibly eight times over. Still, she did her best to fold it up. By the time she did that, she was ready to pull off the equally large vest and button-up blouse. The white fabric had been so coated with sweat that it was transparent.

Yang pulled Ruby’s tank top over her head and ensured the girl’s chest was covered. The fabric didn’t conceal any of her belly beyond that, but it was fine for pajamas. With her task done, Yang flopped between Ruby’s breasts and kicked her feet up. “You two seem pretty eager to help. I guess my little sis is just that great huh?” Yang asked smugly.

Weiss blushed. “Well, she somehow managed to become our team leader. I’m merely doing my part to help the team.” She replied despite eyeing Ruby’s back fat. She slowly climbed over Ruby’s butt. While on her knees, fat swelled and bulged around the joints. It wasn’t very stable, and so Weiss flopped forward onto Ruby’s back fat. Thankfully that was her target, and she started to grope at the thick, sweaty, and still a little smelly blubber. “Though I plan to give our team leader a bath at the end of the week.”

That comment earned a tired, “Boo,” from Ruby.

Blake hadn’t been heard for a few minutes as she had taken the task to remove Ruby’s skirt. To do this she had to crawl under the immensity heavy belly and squirm her way between the girl’s titanic thighs. It was difficult, and she chastised herself for allowing the team to position the button for Ruby’s skirt under her belly. They should have stretched the fabric so Ruby’s belly fat flowed into the skirt. “I’ll bring that up in the morning.” Blake tried to say only for her words to be muffled by the fat pressed against her face. As she squeezed her way along, she groped and felt up the fat around her. It was a reward for the difficult task she had to undertake. She felt the tremors go through Ruby as the girl twitched in surprise.

The girl reached one arm out as far as it could and thankfully hit the button for Ruby’s skirt. She flipped it open, but the skirt didn’t move at all. She would have to crawl out and pull the fabric free. That could wait. Someone could complain that the garment was soaked with the sweat of the night sometime in the morning. Blake believed she found the place she would sleep, and thankfully she was so exhausted that the state took her quickly.

This was just the first day for Ruby, and there were sure to be many more. So many friends to meet, so many hands to feed and grope her. The center of attention smiled at the thought before she fell asleep. “This is going to be…so awesome…” She murmured and drifted off.



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