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Series: Fire Emblem x RWBY
Characters: Blake, Chrom
Contains: Male and female weight gain

Reward for LoverofRamen

Blake looked at herself in the mirror and hummed quizzically. She had figured that married life would change her in some ways, but she had not foreseen the adverse effect on her waistline. It wasn’t like she had missed the fact that her weight steadily increased, nor did she neglect the fact that her servings at dinner had gotten more calorie-dense. The only reason she marveled at it now was that she had waddled past a mirror after she had crawled out of bed.

“Just look at this,” Blake murmured under her breath as she brought both hands to her belly. Just the act of touching her gut made it wobble. The flab was so soft that it readily accepted her hands. Fingers sank into the supple surface while more fat was squished under her palms. Blake’s belly didn’t have a large fold in it so much as it just transitioned from a more round lump beneath her chest to a flabbier layer that seemed to protrude further. Attached at the sides were thick, meaty love handles that were too big for her hands to actually squeeze. A slight sideways shuffle confirmed that her back was covered in just as thick rolls. One hand slid down to grab the lowest point of her belly which managed to reach just above her knees. “That’s a lot of fat. The chefs kept telling me that smoked fish was healthier, but maybe I should have paid more attention to portion control.”

Blake’s amber eyes flicked to her rump. She couldn’t even reach the furthest curves of it. The wide, boxy booty was stuffed into her sweatpants and stretched the garments to their breaking point. Out of curiosity, she bounced in place. Her butt bounced up, fell down, clapped, and then resumed its normal position. The clap was embarrassingly loud. She had to start using a second chair at dinner, but thankfully couches had ample space for her.

She stuck one leg out to observe how thick her thighs had become. “Like an oak tree…if it was as soft as a pillow.” Her thighs had plumped and thickened to the point they were always suited together. The fat flowed and barely thinned before it rolled over her knees in a thick roll. From there, her shins and claves were a puffy cone that terminated in thick cankles before her feet touched the floor.

One part that surprised Blake was how much her chest had grown. She had never had anything bigger than a modest cup size. Now she had soft globes the size of basketballs. Whenever she looked down, most of her view fell into the valley of smooth cleavage. It didn’t stop her from seeing the curve of her belly beyond them though. Blake looked around before she groped her chest. It was incredibly soft, just like the rest of her.

Before her arms dropped back to her sides, Blake held one out. Her upper arms were thick on the top and bottom sides, but the lower side was saggier and wobbled when she moved them. “Just a big bag of blubber. It doesn’t look too bad though, right?” She asked herself and turned her face to the side. Her cheeks were puffy and connected smoothly to a thicker chin. When it came to fat distribution, she didn’t draw the short end of the stick.

“Blake, what are you up to?” Chrom asked as he stirred in bed. He slowly got up and walked over to his wife. He glanced between her and the mirror before he pieced it together. “I think you look nice.”

Blake almost chuckled at that. “Thank you. I think I look nice too.” Blake remained in front of the mirror but looked at the lower right corner. In it, she could see her husband’s stomach. Chrom was nowhere near her weight, but he had gotten chubbier. She grinned and touched the soft paunch belly. There were abs there not too long ago.

Chrom blushed. Instead of moving away, he stepped closer to Blake and wrapped an arm around her. It tucked under her left arm and squished into the fat that lined her sides. “Perhaps we should try and train a bit more? We could easily shed this weight.”

“On second thought,” Blake leaned against Chrom. Her weight made the movement more like a hip check. “I say we keep going. Is there a reason not to?”

Chrom became flustered but Blake was quite confident in her suggestion. She had spent the morning looking at how fat she had become.

Not once did she say she hated it.



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