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Series: Kill la Kill
Characters: Ryuko
Contains: Berry inflation

Reward for Axios

Ryuko could hardly think straight. Her last coherent thought was when she challenged the school vineyard club. Unfortunately, that fight hadn’t gone her way and she had passed out after the melee turned into a drinking game. Now her eyes had opened, but she couldn’t quite make sense of her surroundings.

The walls were lined with massive barrels. Based on the view across the room, she was placed somewhere high on the wall too. For some reason though, she couldn’t turn her head. She couldn’t seem to move anything for that matter. A very short-lived thought popped into her head. The walls were lined with massive wine barrels tucked into square wooden shelves. Ryuko could only assume she was stuffed into the same type of box.

Though that didn’t make sense to her. She should be much smaller than the wine barrels.

Ryuko was not dazed from battle or fatigue. Her brain was in a drunken haze after what the vineyard club had done. The defeated Ryuko had been force-fed their finest blueberries, plenty of water, and yeast. Those would mingle with her natural flair and attitude which would hopefully result in a full-figured wine. The club members then placed her in her current position so that she could have time to ferment and grow. She would of course be fine, but she would be inebriated and immobile for the entire process.

Over time her body had become engorged and bloated like a massive berry. Her skin became a deep blue as the juice swelled within her. Her body had changed from slender to massive and round. Her body had grown outward to the point that her arms and legs were swallowed up by her blue form. It was to the point only her hands and feet managed to avoid being overwhelmed, but that wouldn’t be the truth forever.

There was still plenty of time for Ryuko to grow, and she was already huge compared to her former lithe figure. Most of her body was just the large curves of her inflated self, but the smoothness was almost a work of art itself. Her belly was broadly curved as it was what pushed down against the wooden floor. The weight of all the juice caused it to be squished flatter while the curves on her sides were pushed up against the side walls. That caused a slight change to their curves, but there was still some space to grow. Her back reached the ceiling panel above her, and it would be more squished against the surface as she bloated further.

When Ryuko looked down, she mostly saw the area that should have been between her collar bones curved and extended out well past her chin. It mostly blocked the view of her breasts which had swelled massively compared to their petite size. Now they were heavy, swollen, and tautly stretched orbs that hung from the edge of her perch. While of her body seemed to tingle with strange pleasure, the sensation in her chest was far more intense with the focal point being at her nipples. Yet despite how full she was, not a single drop of fresh wine dripped from them.

“Ugh…this pressure is driving me crazy. I can’t…think straight.” Ryuko managed to groan before a moan slipped from her. Her body gurgled and swelled outward. The walls groaned around her as she panted and bit her lip. These surges hit her occasionally, but the intensity and frequency had risen lately. It was almost enough to drive her crazy. It embarrassed her to mutter to herself, but the words leaped off her tongue as if they were a diving board.

“I want to be squeezed…I want to be juiced…ugh, I need to relieve the pressure…fuuuaaagh it feels so good but I can’t get any damn relief!” Ryuko growled as her body swelled and pushed more against her confinements. Juice built up more and more as the pressure only continued to increase. It was like she was being teased with some reward of pleasure, but it never came to her. It felt so natural to want to be juiced, but she couldn’t so much as force a dribble out. She was just stuck in a drunken, barely lucid state as she waited for some form of relief.

Unfortunately, her wine wouldn’t be ready until the next semester. Until then she would sit, ferment, and swell further. The poor berry would have to wait in suspense until it was time to harvest.



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