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Series: RWBY
Characters: Reader, Glynda, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang
Contains: Second person POV, weight gain, force feeding, smothering


You had started to feel dizzy as you were carried. Thankfully you hadn’t crossed paths with another student in nearly ten minutes, but the embarrassment still burned intensely. Glynda had enjoyed her time though as she paraded your massively obese, beyond immobile body for all of Beacon to see. Most students averted their gaze while some stared. None helped you as they didn’t want to end up just like you.

“Here we are. Your new home~” Glynda cooed as the doors to her private dorm opened up. The doorway had always been as large as a hanger’s, but you knew there was no way any vehicle was stored inside. It was just made to allow a body as large as yours to squeeze through.

Glynda’s room was classy in a sense. Long red curtains and a crimson carpet shaded the room. The Burgundy colored walls were enough to make it seem darker though. Then the heat hit you. The room felt almost like a sauna as you were placed down. The door shut and Glynda waddled by your fat-coated side. She dragged her thick fingers across your fat and chuckled as she did.

“I apologize about the heat. It's hard to keep a room cool when I have so many massive blobs in it. You produce a lot of heat when you get to this size.” Glynda explained to you before you realized you weren’t alone.

Across the room were four equally obese humans. It only took a second before you recognized them as Team RWBY. Everyone knew Team RWBY hadn’t been seen since they were paraded around after their detention, and Glynda did make it known she had them in her custody. Yet you hadn’t expected to see them so soon. You blushed and looked down so that your face was squished into the thick slabs of your extra chins. With arms that were just giant lumps at your sides with hands buried under their fat, you couldn’t conceal any part of yourself. You didn’t hide your face for your sake alone. It was easy to notice that the massive members of Team RWBY were almost entirely naked. Their chests were bare, but their bellies covered themselves from the front. A quick glance confirmed each girl wore a massive pair of panties in their signature color. You were secretly glad you had a massive pair of boxer briefs stretched over your own titanic ass.

“Wake up girls. I brought us a new friend.” Glynda waddled into your view as she approached the leader of the other team. She smacked her palms on Ruby’s belly which sent waves through it. “Ruby, wake up. Come on now~” Glynda cooed and pressed her foot on the lowest roll of Ruby’s belly as if she were about to climb up. She stopped as Ruby yawned and blinked her eyes.

“Is it morning?” Ruby asked and tried to keep her eyes open. She had no way to know it was well into the afternoon. Her days had turned into blurs of food and lecherous activity ever since Glynda fattened and spirited her away.

Ruby was colossal in every sense of the word. Her body was also balanced proportionally in a sense. When one was fattened to such extreme extents, then their body lost a considerable amount of shape. Fat piled on everywhere it could and turned a normal human body into a rounded pile of blubber. Ruby’s face alone was as round as a dinner plate and twice as large. Her cheeks seamlessly merged with her additional chins and were nestled on a ring of neck fat. Fat piled high onto her shoulders before they sloped down into arms that were just piles of fat with irregular rolls and folds in them. There was no sign of elbows, and it was difficult to tell what was upper and lower arm fat. The major sign was bingo wings that sagged further than the lower arms. Ruby’s hands were deeply buried in all of the arm fat too with the only sign of where they used to be was an indent where an avalanche of wrist fat curled over them.

The girl’s front was like a wall of memory foam or marshmallows. From her belly which reached far in front of her as a sloped mass of rolls with a deep indent of her belly button. Atop it were two giant breasts larger than SUVs. Her skin was smooth and had the complexion of fresh cream. It seemed clear that Glynda ensured Ruby was well moisturized. Ruby’s front was also wide and nearly expanded outward as much as it did forward. Though the sides were composed of more rolls as fat had less area to expand and squished together.

Ruby’s hips were stretched beyond her height, and that included the extra feet she had when seated on her thick butt cheeks. There was no way to tell how deep her hips were as they were so deeply concealed by fat. The wide stature did help maintain Ruby’s upright posture. Her butt also assisted as the cheeks not only provided a comfortable seat for her, but the fat rose up to the middle of her back and acted as a sort of stopper. Ruby couldn’t fall forward, backward, or to either of her sides. Her legs, each hardly identifiable as they were just additional mounds of fat attached to her already blob-like mass, just remained tucked between hip fat and belly fat.

“Oh hey! I think I’ve seen you in class a few times!” Ruby exclaimed as she finally woke up. She blushed slightly, the color hardly visible to you. “I guess we’ll get to know each other a lot more from here on out…uh sorry I don’t know much what to say other than I hope we can be friends!”

You couldn’t blame Ruby for the awkwardness. You two were classmates only, but now you saw each other as piles of flesh. Mostly naked too.

Glynda rubbed her hands in wide circles over Ruby’s belly. “You two are getting along already. That’s good as you will be getting much closer very soon. Just be patient.” Glynda moved slowly to Weiss and ensured her hips bounced with each step. “Weiiiiiiss~ Wake up sweetie!”

Weiss weakly stirred in her sleep at the call of her name. She didn’t open her eyes yet and Glynda started to climb her side. Her hands, elbows, knees, and feet dug into the blob’s outer layer of fat while her belly and breasts dragged across it. She made it to Weiss’s face before the touching was enough to force one tired eye open. When the blue eye met the piercing green set of Glynda’s, Weiss quickly snapped to her senses and blushed as the older woman’s breasts were squished against her chins. “G-Glynda! I swear I didn’t hear you and…who’s that?” She asked and looked past Glynda, towards you. Her expression underwent an odd shift. Her blush deepened for a second, she frowned slightly, her lips relaxed, and she looked at Glynda curiously. It was a flash of curiosity, slight embarrassment, intrigue, jealousy, and back to curiosity.

“A new plaything. You aren’t jealous, are you?” Glynda asked and squished her hands into Weiss’s cheeks. Each was so large that Glynda could have pressed both hands into one. “I promise that you will still receive plenty of attention.”

Weiss’s blush deepened and she huffed. “Of course, I’m not jealous! I’m just upset that another student has found themselves in the same trouble as me.” She let out a snort like an agitated piglet. It just made Glynda giggle softly and turn away. As she moved, the side of her hip clapped against Weiss’s cheek before she slid down the girl’s belly.

The first thing you noticed about Weiss was her belly. It was the largest part of her body, but it also managed to stay considerably round. The only thing that disturbed the flawless curves was the deep indent of Weiss’s belly button. The skin was also an almost porcelain color which aided in its flawless image. The mass captivated you as you couldn’t stop your eyes as they moved over. Weiss’s chest was her smallest asset, but each boob was the size of a mattress whether it was stood up or lay flat. They stretched out from Weiss’s upper chest, curved, and tucked at the top of her belly which stretched outward with a far larger curve. It seemed like Weiss could even fill a backyard pool with her belly alone. It was a distant stretch to imagine Weiss filling an Olympic-sized pool, but Glynda likely wouldn’t let her roll away anytime soon.

The rest of Weiss was not too dissimilar to the others. Her arms and legs were just mounds or boulders of fat that sagged from her sides. So fat that they couldn’t move on their own while hands and feet were concealed in fat. Her hips were as wide as a city bus while her ass reached beyond the middle of her back which was now twice her original height. That was thanks to all the extra adipose that piled onto her rump. Weiss wasn’t taller because of her fat, the sheer mass of the blubber just pushed her higher when seated or lying down. Most of it still managed to be blocked from your view thanks to Weiss’s belly. There was just too much fat to see past. You hardly saw her thick, round face beyond it. What details you did make out was Weiss didn’t have numerous chins and instead had one large one. Fat was stuffed under her chin until it was as large as a beanbag chair. Beneath that, you couldn’t tell where her neck began or ended. It admittedly looked cute.

Your attention was taken by Glynda as she made her way to the next fatty in the row. Blake appeared deep in sleep, and you wondered how she would be woken up. Glynda didn’t hesitate and used her semblance to lift Blake’s ass into the air. This gave you the perfect view of two immense, squishy cheeks that looked bigger than a trailer house. The amount of space Blake’s ass took up was enough for an incredibly small family home. Weiss’s stomach had you surprised, Blake’s butt left you in disbelief.

The rump already rose higher than Blake’s head without Glynda’s help, and her body sloped down from there. Her head and the mounds of her shoulder fat that rose to be level with her cheeks. Blake’s arms were similar to Weiss's while her breasts were larger. Their shape was noticeably less rounded too. Each of Blake’s breasts spread across the surface of her lumpy belly fat like pancakes. Each was still considerably tall with how much fat was stuffed into them, but they failed to have sharp curves. Instead, they had broad, long curves that only tucked when they nearly spilled over the top of her belly.

Blake’s belly had some rolls and some expansive, curved areas. Though most of it was without a distinct pattern. Fat merely folded or mounded wherever it could. The position of Blake’s thighs also created areas where fat could rise and morph around itself like squished up jello someone haphazardly piled up.

Glynda suddenly dropped Blake’s butt and it struck the floor with enough force to jiggle everyone. Blake shot awake in an instant but was left confused. “Ah, so glad you could join us. Say hello to our newest fatty. They’re a little shy considering they were skinny a few hours ago.” Glynda gently ran her hand over Blake’s belly as she continued to the final blob.

You and Blake looked at each other. She offered a small nod as you both knew there wasn’t much to say. The two of you were hardly acquaintances and the only thing you had in common was that you were immobile.

Yang had started to stir from her slumber. Glynda had yet to reach the blob before she yawned loudly and looked around. You had no way to see that though. Only the top of Yang’s blonde head was visible to you. The reason behind this was that her breasts were her largest asset. They were two giant mounds that rested atop her stomach. All of the space on the top of her belly was used to support them. At the sides were more flabby shapes while the tops were like round domes. The belly beneath it was hardly small by comparison. Weiss held the title of biggest belly, but Yang’s was at least second. The fat was smooth and reached out far in front of her, well past her feet. You could see her belly button which was a deep, dark hole near the middle of her gut. It was so large that Glynda could have fit her entire arm into it.

Arms were another thing Yang had that was the biggest amongst her team. The undersides had fat that would have sagged down to her hips if not for how the rolls on her sides had thickened to the point they could dam a small river. Everything from her elbow to her wrist was encased in a heavy ring of fat that rolled over to bury her hands. Her legs were similar with two massive rolls that overtook every muscle and morphed the limbs into a shape that made it obvious they would never move. That was unless someone aside from Yang wobbled the blubber.

Yang wasn’t an utter behemoth compared to her friends though. While her belly and bust claimed the majority of her mass, her butt was the smallest of the group. It rose only to the middle of her back and was boxier as opposed to how the other girls had long, smooth curves and soft mounds of fat.

“Hmm? Oh hey, we got someone new! They’re pretty big too.” Yang grinned from behind her breasts. She managed to see part of you through the valley of her breasts. What she did see, she liked. The view was blocked when Glynda slipped between her breasts. Glynda was also a nice sight for Yang.

The woman got onto her knees which put her belly rolls on Yang’s chins. Yang’s face was fat and round with gelatinous cheeks, extra chins, and a ring of neck fat so thick that it was like a pedestal for her entire head.

“Yes, Yang. They are big indeed.” Glynda replied and squeezed a handful of Yang’s cheeks. “Hmm, your face has gotten much fatter as of late. That gives me an idea for how you can get to know our newest friend.” Glynda stood up and activated her semblance. She dragged Yang across the ground. The blob slid across the ground with the grace of an overburdened parade float. She didn’t stop until she was in the center of the room which was close enough to make her belly push against yours.

Glynda leaped from Yang’s body to yours. The jiggle carried through you in a wave so intense that your chins nearly slapped you in the face. Glynda ran her hands along your chest before she sat at your chins. Her panty line was clearly visible, and she leaned back so that her butt cheeks rolled over your thick chins. “I haven’t done this in quite a while, and this game is quite fun.”

You felt the familiar weightlessness hit you. Glynda lifted you into the air and started to move you. You subconsciously tried to flair your arms and legs to balance yourself, but the muscles in charge of such movements were far too buried to do anything. You were rotated in the air, but your head remained level. There was no way to tell what was beneath you, but you felt yourself being lowered. A blush covered your face when you were placed on something incredibly soft. A crippling wave of embarrassment hit you when you felt breaths on your butt.

Glynda chuckled and squeezed your right cheek with what felt like affection. “Is something the matter? Isn’t Yang quite soft? If she isn’t soft enough, then I can work on that later.” Glynda turned and flopped on top of you. Her breasts were almost over your mouth while her belly sank into chin and neck fat. “The girls have all made their peace with this arrangement in one way or another. Yang is just particularly eager for things like this.”

Yang felt softer than any chair, cushion, or mattress that you had ever encountered. Her body was uneven though, so you felt like you had to struggle for balance. Glynda slowly shifted your body about to try and find the sweet spot. It didn’t help that you felt Yang’s head squish into your flab. You swore she even gently bit you once or twice.

“There, that should do it.” Glynda felt your body stabilize. You had been placed so that your Butt rested atop Yang’s while your belly flowed forward along with hers. Given that your butt was much larger than the girl beneath you, her head still managed to be sandwiched between your cheeks. Her breasts were so large that they managed to be partially between your legs while there was still enough fat to be outside of them. Having so much fat that wasn’t your own between your legs made any movement Glynda made incredibly awkward. Any words Yang said were another strange sensation while none of her words reached you.

“She’s complimenting you,” Glynda said and smiled knowingly. “Trust me, I can decipher the most muffled of words from my lovely blobs. She stood up and walked forward. “Now for the next one.

Your eyes widened as Ruby was lifted up. Her shadow fell over you as you gulped nervously. You glanced at Glynda and she just smiled as she slid down your belly and out of your sight. Seconds later and Ruby started to lower over you. There was no way to move as her obese form got closer and closer until it was on top of you.

The weight was intense and you felt your blobby frame being squished flat. It was like a lump of clay being softly squished down upon. You felt yourself press harder on Yang whose breath seemed to increase in intensity. The hot air didn’t help you relax as you tried to not think about Ruby’s titanic ass being on your face. The fat being dragged across your face made your heart beat rapidly. The girls still had panties on, but that was far too little fabric to cover everything. As Glynda tried to balance Ruby, there were almost full minutes where your face was squished against bare fat or covered fat.

Ruby couldn’t help but giggle. “It kind of tickles.” She murmured. Ruby’s rump rested atop your belly, and the two giant cheeks sank into the fat of your stomach. Her belly rolled forward and rested atop your butt. The two of you being placed in opposite orientations was so that your bodies would level out. This improved the balance and allowed Glynda to prepare her next fatty.

“Are you ready Ruby, Blake?” Glynda asked as the obese faunas was lifted. Both girls seemed nervous yet notably excited. A series of cute giggles slipped out of Ruby’s mouth as she was undeniably giddy.

“Yeah, I’m ready!” Ruby cheered and took a deep breath. This was more to prepare herself instead of the need to save oxygen. She tried to keep her eyes shut for a moment, but she couldn’t stop herself from staring at her teammate as she was lowered.

Blake tried to keep a calm face, but a bright blush and the occasional twitch from her cat ears revealed her true emotions. She mewled quietly as she was placed on top of Ruby. More weight was added to the stack. Ruby’s body was squished flat just as yours and Yang’s had been. Though the extra weight squished your body more and caused fat to spread out further. It didn’t feel like you were being crushed, however. Your body was so fat that nothing could be crushed. Fat was just compressed or squished outward. The same happened with Yang who now had three fatties of equal size on top of her. You felt her heavy breath on you as she seemed very excited about the tons upon tons of fatties on them. You couldn’t blame her as you also panted uncontrollably into whatever part of Ruby your face was squished against.

Glynda had made her way up the tower. She carefully gripped onto rolls while her feet tucked into any place they would be supported. It was a treacherous climb, but she eventually made it to Blake’s face. She waddled toward the girl’s face. Each step caused her feet to sink until blubber rolled over her ankles. “Is something wrong Blake? You seem a little more quiet than usual.” Glynda chuckled and teasingly played with one of Blake’s cat ears.

Blake blushed brighter. “It’s nothing…”

Glynda nudged Blake’s cheek with her foot. She continued to poke at the fat until it started to squish against the girl’s lips. “Is that so? It would be a shame if a certain blobby cat girl was lying to me.”

“I might have wanted to be on top of the new fatty,” Blake admitted apprehensively. “Like right on top of them.” Blake twitched when Glynda started to laugh. She even watched as the woman wiped a tear from her eye.

“Aw Blake, that is too cute. I’m surprised to see you so eager to meet a new friend.” Glynda playfully pinched Blake’s cheek. “I promise you’ll have plenty of fun with them later. For now, let me finish the tower.” Glynda walked to the edge of Blake and jumped. She fell an impressive height before she landed on Weiss. There was enough force to bounce her five feet in the air before she came back down.

Weiss had been caught off guard and let out a loud, unflattering “EEP!” Before she realized it was Glynda splayed across her belly. The girl blushed as her professor crawled towards her. An anxious smile danced and twitched on her face as Glynda dragged her breasts and belly across her. “H-hello Miss Goodwitch…oh you’re getting quite close a-and…” Weiss stopped talking as Glynda didn’t stop until her breasts squished against the girl’s face.

“You are also acting strange. Where’s the Weiss who called me mommy once or twice?~” Glynda cooed and played with Weiss’s hair as the girl turned into a mushy mess of awkward stuttering and mumbling. “Didn’t I promise that you would still get plenty of attention? One extra fatty won’t cause you to lose out on anything.”

Glynda started to lift Weiss and placed her atop the tower. Her belly smothered Blake’s face and flowed over the girl’s rump with enough extra mass to fold over the edge of the giant cheeks. Glynda was careful atop her perch as the ceiling was almost directly above her. These towers were fun to make, but she would need to move her fatties outside if she wanted to recreate this with an additional blob. “Actually, if any of you get much fatter, then I would need to do this outside regardless.” Glynda rolled onto her back and relaxed. “You all could use the sun though. We’ll get there when the time comes. For now, just enjoy the sensation of squishing and being squished.

None of Glynda’s words made it to you, and even if they did you were too distracted. Yang had started to nuzzle her face into you, and her golden hair tickled a number of delicate areas. It was enough to make your massively immobile body tremble. That in turn caused Ruby to jiggle atop you. What with the weight of two other blobs on her, the jiggles were mostly restricted. They only moved in a series of slow, heavy waves.


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