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Series: RWBY
Characters: Yang, Weiss
Contains: Weight gain

Reward for TheMaximumCalibur

Light filled the room and one pesky beam managed to hit Yang Xiao Long in one eye. She groaned and slowly opened her eyes. The annoyance of her sudden awakening was trumped by the sight before her. She grinned and tried to scoot forward. It wasn’t possible as she was already squished against the figure in front of her. Instead, she reached her soft, heavy arms around the fatter woman who lay next to her. She leaned in and kissed Weiss on her squishy cheeks and allowed her hands to roam about. Thick fingers teased thicker rolls as they traced their curves or wriggled the digits between them.

This touching caused Weiss to stir and open her eyes. She looked at Yang’s large grin with an unamused expression. Her expression changed to a soft smile once Yang leaned in and kissed her on the lips. That would spare the blonde from having Weiss roll on top of her.

Weiss slowly tried to get up with visible difficulty. The girl was over eight hundred pounds, so it had become harder for her to move much these days. There were also the lingering effects of the previous night’s drinking which had begun to make itself noticed. Her head felt heavy, but she wasn’t terribly hung over. As she got up, the blankets fell off of her to expose her bare chest. Pale cheeks turned pink when she realized this and more memories of the night seeped in. A bar crawl, lots of drinking, and plenty of food too. ‘I’m only a little hung over because of just how much I ate.’ Weiss thought and patted her belly once she sat up.

Yang managed to get up with more ease. She was seventy pounds smaller than Weiss, but she also still had muscle deep under her fat. Weiss was a dough ball through and through. Yang leaned against Weiss, wrapped one arm as far around her waist as she could, and groped as much fat as her hands would hold. “Morning ice queen~ How are you feeling?” She asked and used her free hand to rub the fatter girl’s belly.

“I’m still a little groggy,” Weiss replied as she leaned against Yang. The side of her belly squished against and nearly rolled atop Yang’s left side. “And I can see you feel bold. You ate     quite a lot last night, so I suppose I can let this slide.”

Yang quickly started to blush and glanced away. Her and Weiss’s relationship had a distinct pattern. Weiss indulged constantly and ended up massively obese. Yang was very into that and wanted to help the girl get bigger. However, Weiss had other plans. The heiress had no issues making herself bigger, but what she truly wanted was for someone else to be bigger. That was how these two had started dating. Weiss spoiled Yang, fattened her up, showed her off, and never missed the chance to proclaim how happy she’d be when Yang managed to be a bigger fat ass than her. The goal was so close that she could taste it.

Yang was a firecracker with the moxie to spare, but as her body got bigger she was easily made submissive by her fatter girlfriend. One second she’s teasing Weiss about her loveseat-smothering ass or big smooth belly, and then Weiss would simply point out how Yang’s breasts were so much bigger than hers or how she wanted more of the blonde’s assets to surpass her own.

“I don’t want to get out of bed yet.” Weiss turned towards Yang and her belly rolled further onto the smaller double belly. “I think you’ve gotten bigger lately. Good, I want you to be bigger by summer.” She grinned. “Oh, I can see you now. A beautiful sundress, flowers in your hair, and hundreds of burgers to stuff into your fat face. You’ll be wobbly, doughy, and so, so fat.” Weiss leaned more of her weight onto Yang with each word. Soon enough Yang flopped back with Weiss on top of her.

“Ok, there’s no way you’re feeling groggy anymore!” Yang exclaimed and blushed as Weiss kissed her thick neck. She also felt her meaty legs being sandwiched between the marshmallow pillar of Weiss’s thighs. “Man I forgot you’re as soft as a marshmallow but as heavy as a boulder…ok maybe we can chill out a little longer…”

Weiss chuckled. “Good girl. I’ll make sure to order an extra large breakfast for you later too…or maybe lunch depending on how long we take.” With a lusty smile, Weiss reached out and fondled Yang’s breasts. Just like Yang had taken the chance to gently fondle Weiss, she too ensured to gently caress her partner…for a few seconds. Then she started to grope more roughly. It was fun to be the one in charge.



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