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Series: Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Characters: Mio, Eunie, Sena, Manana, Noah, Lanz, Taion, Riku, Ethel
Contains: Rapid weight gain, sweating, gas, light slob

Reward for SymmetryFats

The group’s arrival at colony four had proved to be troublesome. Under the control of a consul, the soldiers there attacked the group with merciless brutality. Thankfully they had been able to defeat the consul and destroy the colony’s flame clock. That returned the colony soldiers, as well as Ethel, back to their senses. Now, with the issue at hand resolved, the group could plan their next move…after they rested up.

Ethel wasn’t able to think much about it when the consul had control of her mind, but Mio, Eunie, and Sena were all excessively obese. She was surprised they could fight at all. They looked like they were ready to collapse after the day’s battles while their blubbery bodies practically produced streams of sweat.

Mio was like a massive pear with hips that stretched for more than half of her height. Fat reached out before it started to sag and formed a multitude of thick rolls. This fat sagged and threatened to roll over the girl’s thighs which would have proved too thick for a Kevesi woman like Ethel to move. Her leggings stretched over her thighs as best they could, but many holes had formed and allowed fat to poke through them. Some of the fabric had been tented in places because Mio’s thighs were not one giant lump of fat. Each had numerous two thick, sagging, flabby rolls. The top was beneath the lowest roll her hip formed while the other was just above her knees. Though it wasn’t entirely true to call the second roll ‘above’ her knees when it was large enough to roll over the joint. A similar trend formed over her lower legs. Two rolls made it impossible to wrap both hands around any area while the second roll managed to touch the ground. Mio’s boots had been altered, with a knife, so that the fat could be freed from the uncomfortable confines. Another testament to how fat the young woman’s body was was the fact that Ethel could see Mio’s butt when they faced each other. Her cheeks were so heavy that they sagged enough to be seen around the sides of her thighs. Their lowest curves were nearly level with Mio’s knees. What couldn’t be seen by Ethel was still just as ludicrously thick. A large, flat surface at the top with exposed skin that neither Mio’s skirt nor shirt could cover eventually turned and formed the back of her rump. Each cheek was a heavy, thick, and wavy mass of fat. It was a miracle that she hadn’t been thrown off balance in combat just as much as it was a miracle she could stand now. Ethel simply couldn’t fathom how one’s butt could be wider than three average soldiers.

Mio was hardly what could be called thin above the waist either. The entire mass was like a continuous sheet. The mass directly in front of her flowed over the hem of her skirt and sagged to her knees. Left or right, it continued seamlessly to the fat of her sides and into a roll of back fat. The only part that interrupted the flab was the upper roll that stopped above her belly butt. Along her sides from her underarms to the bottom of her ribs was a dollop of fat that was as large as a cantaloupe. Her breasts were sizable, larger than her head at the very least. They pushed against her top and fat bulged around the straps that held the garment up. Some fat tried to flow over the front while some sagged near her armpits. Mio’s arms had plump yet heavy upper arms. It was like they had been encased in a giant semi-melted marshmallow. Some of the fat sagged lower on the bottom while the tops near her shoulders were just thickly padded. The stretch from her elbow to her wrist was as thick as Ethel’s thighs.

Even Mio’s face looked puffy with her large, round cheeks and extra chins. One could assume that the girl had stuffed oranges into her cheeks, but the texture was too soft for the skin to merely be stretched. A close look made it undeniable that the girl just had soft, squishy cheeks. Then, what looked like a third chin, was actually the fat from around her neck.

The other two girls looked equal in weight to Mio, but the way fat distributed itself around their bodies was different. Their clothes also suffered in different ways. Sena’s shirt at least looked like it could hold her breasts instead of being on the verge of letting them flop free.

While not her biggest assets, Sena’s breasts were larger than her head just like Mio’s. Though the black fabric of her tank top stretched much more efficiently. It seemed to cradle the admirably round lumps of fat like a well-shaped meat bun. Though no one would know how well they would handle being without the support of a seemingly invincible top. Fat puffed around the straps, but they were thicker which prevented them from being overwhelmed. There wasn’t even space for fat to seep out near her armpits. Her upper arms were thicker than Mio’s with puffier and saggier fat. If she were to shrug then her padded shoulders would have been smooshed against her cheeks. Either by a comedic twist or due to the arm sleeves that Sena wore, her forearms appeared thinner than Mio’s. They were puffy around the elbow, but they thinned towards her wrists which made the joint look slightly thick. It made it easier for Sena to swing her hammer about.

Where Sena took the lead of her fatty friends was her belly. Her shorts upheld an unimaginable task as they held back her belly fat like a dam about to burst. A cleft in her belly revealed a single button that looked ready to burst. No one stood directly in front of her for fear that the small brass button could pop and inflict serious injury. Fat was tucked as best as it could be into the front of her shorts which made it seem like a bulbous lump. More fat tried to roll over the waistband, and it would have sagged past her knees if not for the resistant fabric. Her gut wasn’t as obviously a double belly as Mio’s, but the fat was wavy. There weren’t full rolls, but beneath her breasts, there was a slight plateau before the fat curved out more and tucked into love handles or some of the fat that threatened to fold over Sena’s shorts.

Sena’s waist stretched out much like Mio’s but it did not sag to the same degree. Again, thankfully Sena’s shorts appeared to be just as powerful as the rest of her.  The fabric also kept the fat pleasantly round and curved. Though behind her revealed her butt was not as smooth. There was plenty of exposed skin on the shelf-like top while fat bunched around the waistband with great force. Sena’s belly took up most of the room the shorts provided which left very little for her butt to take up. If her button didn’t burst and certainly injure someone, then the back would split open and injure her pride. Though one struggled to have much when they weighed so much. Still, she remained firmly on her feet. Any muscle that quivered from the burden of her weight couldn’t be seen due to how fat her legs were. There were two rolls on her thighs before two more coated her lower legs. What set her apart from Mio though was the fact that Sena’s leg rolls were smaller. She did however have an additional lump of flab on the inside of each thigh. Mio lacked that before the space there was so tightly compressed that two rolls were combined into one larger roll.

Sena tried to keep a proud smile on her face. She had done well in the fight, but her cheeks started to turn pink. A light hue started to take them before it spread across the softball-sized masses. She started to sputter before she outright panted for air. It was enough that she started to slouch which squished her third chin into her neck fat while the second chin was pressed to her lower lip.

Finally, Eunie didn’t bother to hide her exhaustion. She looked visibly agitated with everything that went on around her. If the next words out of someone’s mouth weren't about getting her off her feet, then she’d use her obese body to crush them into the dirt. The snuffing bastard would then be lucky if they didn’t end up as a seat cushion for her.

Eunie’s fat face was flushed and damp with sweat. There wasn’t much of a difference between her and the other girls here, but her cheeks seemed slightly droopier while she had a third chin like Sena. Her neck was also encased in a thick ring of fat, but most people could hardly see that with her breasts in the way.

During their meal back at the oasis, everyone on the team had experienced a large ‘growth spurt.’ That was what gave Mio and Sena some extra bump to their chests, but Eunie had already possessed ludicrously huge knockers. Now they pushed into realms beyond absurdity with being more than three times the size of her head. Melons and pumpkins were puny in comparison. Her entire outfit had to be redeveloped to handle her chest. None of the girls wore their normal jackets due to the intense heat, but Eunie’s issues went beyond that. Her entire outfit was one connected piece. She had to split the garment across her belly so that her chest had room to breathe. This removed most of the support too, so her chest sagged noticeably. The separated top of her outfit acted like a hammock or sling with much less support than Sena’s top. There wasn’t enough fabric to properly tie it to give some sort of boost. Fat rolled over the top, the bottom, bulged around the straps, and poked through any small holes. Eunie wasn’t exactly thrilled about it, but she didn’t have any other ideas. She had to be careful as is or one of her boobs would bounce out…again. That wasn’t to mention the fact her boobs seemed wider due to how gravity laterally compressed them. She had side boobs that ran from her armpits seamlessly to the very forefront of her boobs. Eunie couldn’t exactly tuck the malleable mammary tissue into any fabric though seeing as her arms were the fattest of the group. Bingo wings hung like short curtains to the point they passed her wrists. It was a struggle to move them let alone lift them. The fat rolled over her elbow like a tsunami, then a thick tube of fat rolled towards her wrists which were thick enough to almost curl into the palm of her hands.

Eunie’s belly used to be as big and round as the average Nopon, but now it was slightly larger than that. Thankfully it was still just as round as the girl couldn’t deal with much more wobbly flab or rolls. Though without her one piece intact, her gut wobbled much more when she moved. Seeing as her breasts were laid over the top of it, that meant they bounced about more too.

Her hips were much smoother than the other girls. A common trend, thanks to gravity, was that they stretched out only to slope down. They avoided the multiple rolls though. Then, with how her redesigned outfit was tied around her waist, the top of her butt was covered. That didn’t hide the smooth, curved shape though. Each cheek was a little over half the size of her gut, but she would trade any of the other girls in a heartbeat. Her fat-coated back killed her with how much it had to support her breasts. Eunie couldn’t see in front of her feet, she always had to lean back, and any sharp turn threatened to pull her forward. Eunie just hoped that the next meal she ate would add more cushion to her rump so she’d have a form of counterbalance. Her thighs were thick yet smooth with thighs beyond the width of modest tree trunks. A glance made them seem equal in size to Mio or Sena, but their rolls packed away more mass than Eunie’s. Though funnily enough it was Eunie’s knees that were perfectly hidden between her thigh and shin fat. Mio’s and Sena’s were visible in a small divot between their fat rolls.

Ethel looked over the three skeptically. “Perhaps you should all go relax in the bath. You’ve had a long journey to get here.” She suggested

Eunie’s wings fluttered at the thought of getting off her feet. Meanwhile, Sena and Mio sniffed themselves to see whether they smelled. Mio’s cat ears twitched in surprise while Sena shrugged. All the latter smelled was sweat. A sudden groan from the trio’s stomachs made them all pause awkwardly.

“Maybe we could get something to eat first?” Mio suggested.

“Gotta get our priorities straight!” Sena said and pumped a fist in the air. That caused her upper arm fat to smack her cheek with a surprising amount of force.

“Bathing or eating, as long as I can sit down,” Eunie added and fanned herself with one hand. It resulted in her bingo wing bouncing off of her side boob.

“Meh meh meh!” An agitated yet high-pitched voice sounded as Manana bounced into view. The overweight Nopon wielded a large wooden spoon in one of the bulky arms attached to her head. The girls had been fattened by Manana’s cooking, but she wasn’t immune to it. While she appeared like a larger Nopon, a roll under her mouth and some puffiness to her already nub-like limbs along with her exceptionally soft texture were hints that she was fat. “Dirty girls don’t get lunch! Go take baths while Manana gets lunch ready!”

The girls whined in protest only for Manana to swing the wooden spoon. The first strike hit Eunie on her left boob. She winced and reached to try and touch the sore spot, but that almost caused the giant boob to leap from her top. Sena yelped repeatedly as a flurry of blows smacked her exposed belly fat and left red outlines across the already tanned skin. Mio had seen this and already turned, but she was too slow to avoid the hard THWAP to her right butt cheek. Manana didn’t stop until the girls waddled as quickly as they could to the bathhouse.

“Huff huff wheeze E-Eunie your puff chest!” Sena wheezed as her supply of air was demolished by the short waddle.

Eunie used both arms to scoop up as much of her breasts as she could. “Bloody hell!” She exclaimed and quickly pushed into the bathhouse.

Mio lagged behind and appeared almost too out of breath to speak. She forced the words out on her limited air out of desperation. “Sena…Eunie I’m gonna fall!” She exclaimed as her knees buckled and her body started to roll forward. The last thing everyone outside saw was the girl bumping into Sena’s back and a hint of Sena being pushed against Eunie.

The giant THUD that followed signaled that the girls had fallen.

Noah, Lanz, Taion, and Riku all glanced at each other.

The nopon spoke first. “Riku would suggest gear maintenance and light exercise.”

Noah nodded. “Yes, we can go to the baths once the girls finish up.”

“That is the most efficient way,” Taion added.

Lanz said nothing but nodded solemnly. Though he then lifted his head to hide his blush. After the swimming break in the oasis and the lunch that followed he was too nervous to be around the girls in that state.

A loud THWAK sounded as Manana struck her belly with the spoon. “Meh…meh…meh…” She glared at the four in as much of a threatening glare as she could muster. When they didn’t move, she bounced towards them and started to swing her spoon. All of the boys ran for the bath.

With everyone sent to the baths, Manana waddled over to the kitchen area and prepared to work her magic. Ethel approached the area as well and loomed curiously. “Might I ask what you do for the team?” She finally asked.

Manana’s chest, and belly, swelled with pride. “Manana is excellent chef. Manana and friends’ journey is to help her make food with ingredients from all around the world!”

Ethel’s eyebrow raised curiously. “Isn’t the defeat of the consuls and Moebius the more important goal?”

The nopon paused. “No, that secondary objective!” The two remained in silence for a few moments. “May Manana demonstrate?”


“Ooouuugh…” Ethel groaned as she clutched her belly. Her mouth was stuffed with food and she used sheer willpower to force her jaw to chew. The food in her mouth wasn’t difficult to eat, nor was it unpalatable. It was her stomach that groaned in protest. ‘I can’t eat anymore…but I must.’ She thought and forced herself to swallow before she crammed another sandwich into her mouth. The chicken was so juicy and tender that it felt like she didn’t need to chew, the lettuce and cucumbers were a refreshing touch, and the sauce made her tongue tingle with its spicy kick. Ethel pushed the sandwich into her mouth until her fingers nearly passed her lips.

Ethel had lost track of time. Manana had food plated in front of the warrior only five minutes after she offered. The time that passed after that was a blur. Ethel had stuffed her face with reckless abandon after the first bite enchanted her. She had to open her coat as her belly now filled her lap. It was as stuffed and round as a fully inflated basketball at first, but now it was flabby and soft. It reached her knees and spilled over the side of her thighs. Her hips had flared out so she took up enough space to seat one and a half people while her butt looked more plush as it stressed her pants. The undersides of her arms looked slightly more plush as her chest had seen a notable increase in mass.

Suddenly the woman’s belly groaned. This wasn’t a groan to stop, but a more ominous groan she hadn’t heard yet. “BUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRPPPPPPP! E-excuse me.” She murmured only for a loud, “FFFFFRRRRRRRTTTTTTTT!” To follow. She blushed and glanced at Manana.

“Light lunch needs KICK! The kick is secret spicy sauce!” Manana replied and seemed very pleased with herself.

Ethel looked at the food. Everything had the secret spicy sauce on it. More sandwiches, flatbread pizzas, pasta, and meat cutlets. They all looked delicious. Ethel clenched her fist, but the hand quickly opened and leaped towards more food. “I can’t mfff stop myself mmm~ It’s all so good!” Her colony had been demoted to dirt rank for so long. She had craved anything that tasted good. Manana’s arrival would doom her waistline for certain.

So Ethel ate and ate and ate. She stuffed food into her mouth and licked every ounce of sauce off of her fingers. She devoured everything so quickly that small pieces, crumbs, and drops of sauce started to litter and stain her clothes. Her belly grew fatter, her hips wider, her arms and legs thicker, her breasts more robust, and her face rounder. Ethel never wanted the food to end. Thankfully it never seemed like it would. All the while she only stopped to expel large burps while farts occasionally trumpeted from her butt.

Part of her was baffled as to how she got so fat so fast, but then she remembered the girls off in the bathhouse. Ethel wasn’t stuck in a trance. She knew that she would be just as large as them if she didn’t stop. She was fine with that. There was no secret desire to lay down her swords and embrace the life of a human-pig. Ethel just wanted to glut on delicious food until her belly could hold no more. She could train to lose weight, or she would be fine with being able to fight while obese. As long as she could eat.

Ethel’s growth could be witnessed with ease. Every swallow seemed to make her larger. The food metabolized within her belly as if by magic. Pounds appeared on her frame as her outfit stretched and started to rip apart. The belts across her belly snapped ad her gut surged forward. It had gotten so big that it pushed past her knees and rolled over her thighs until her legs appeared mostly buried. Fat pressed against the table in front of her as a meaty roll was forced atop the flat surface. The pressure applied to her gut made gas blow out of her faster. It was a mass twice as large as a beanbag chair and stuffed with adipose. It was a wide, thick, and round belly. Thankfully it served as an adequate perch for her breasts. They were almost as large as Eunie’s yet retained a rounder shape. That didn’t stop them from folding over the round ball of her belly. It would still be enough to keep them from sagging though.

Her face, stained with crumbs and sauce, was perfectly round. Cheeks seamlessly melded with her chin and there was only a line for where her chin was. “BOOOOUUUUURRRRRPPPP…Need…more…” Ethel reached out with her hands. Her arms felt too heavy, and they were sore from how much they had worked to feed her. This simple reach caused her sleeves to split open and reveal pale, doughy arm fat.

“Manana is here to assist!” The nopon cheered and used the same spoon that she assaulted her team with to stuff Ethel. The movement was far more nimble than Ethel’s hands were capable of, but the swift movement still caused her clothes to become more stained.

Relief instantly hit Ethel as she resumed her feast. Part of her brain began to question how this was a light lunch while simultaneously wondering what a standard dinner would look like. Perhaps there was a part of her mind that longed for this despite her earlier thoughts on the contrary.

Beneath the table, and out of sight, Ethel’s legs became thicker and thicker. The legs of her combat pants ripped while her high boots were stretched more and more. Her cankles rolled over the side of her feet while everything from there to her knee was encased in a growing cone of fat. Her thighs were broad and round like barrels that squished together with enough force to push her feet apart. The more relaxed and widened state caused the seat of her pants to rip open. Ethel’s butt wasn’t her fattest asset, but she currently took up enough space to seat three people.

And Manana didn’t seem like she was done feeding Ethel.

“Ugh, I feel more tired after all that.” Eunie groaned as she waddled out of the bath with Sena and Mio behind her.

Sena nodded. “We’ve got a lot of rolls to clean between. Though I still think we didn’t smell that bad.”

“Well,” Mio hummed. “It has been a few days since the oasis. Let’s just get something to…eat…” She trailed off as she saw Ethel. The entire trio seemed stunned.

“Woah…” Sena was the first to speak before she leaned against Mio. Their fat rolls almost fit together like puzzle pieces. “I didn’t think Ethel was the type to get so big. She sounded super strict.” She whispered as Mio nodded.

“Pfffttt hahaha!” Eunie started to laugh. Her belly rolled with the boisterous noise which in turn made her breasts bounce and slap loudly against her gut. “Ethel, are you serious? We left you alone for what? Half an hour? Manana did some quick work on you.” She continued to laugh.

The noise snapped Ethel out of her daze. “This mfff ishn’t what it phmmff rooks like!” She tried to speak as Manana continued to feed her. Soon enough her words were far too interrupted with belches to even be coherent. “UUUURRRRRRPPPPP FRRRRRRTTTTTT I think I’m getting full PHHHHHHFFFFFFRRRRTTTTTT!”

“What about now? Manana thinks that made room!”

“Please wait,” Ethel said only to get a mouthful of pasta. “So good FRRRRRTTTTT!”

While Ethel was now being subjected to what could only be called willing force-feeding, the girls looked over the table and started to drool while their bellies rumbled. They were familiar with Manana’s ‘light lunches.’ Though the fried meat cutlets were a new addition.

“Are fried foods part of a new ‘light’ menu,” Mio asked, emphasizing light.

Manana paused and shook her head. “Nope nope! Those are leftovers.”

Eunie recoiled in shock. “Leftovers? Since when have we left those?” She asked and shook her head.

Meanwhile, Sena clenched her fists. “I knew I had forgotten something at dinner last night!” She groaned and slammed the fist against her belly which rolled in response.

Mio said nothing. She was already seated and stuffing cutlets into her mouth with her bare hands. Grease and sauce stained the corners of her mouth while crumbs littered her chins. “Showwy.”

Sena and Eunie glanced at each other before they took the seats at the side of her friend. They had worked hard for this meal, and they would eat until they were satisfied. They were like pigs around a trough. Their hips bumped against each other while side rolls intermingled. Their bellies bounced as they occasionally made quick forward leans to grab something just beyond reach. Sometimes their chests rested upon the tabletop so they could shorten the distance it took to stuff their faces.

Eunie’s wings fluttered. “Something about these tastes better today! UUUURRRRRRRPPPP! I wonder what it is?”

Sena nodded as her eyes were squeezed shut and a smile framed her face. “Mhm! Is it the sauce? I can’t get enough of it!”

“I could drink a whole bottle of this stuff.” Mio agreed and was startled when Manana flung a bottle at her as she winked. With her natural strength, Mio ripped the top of the bottle up and put it to her lips. She moaned ecstatically while the creamy sauce ran down the sides of her mouth and chin before it dripped onto her chest.

Manana giggled at the sight. “These girls such good eaters. You too Ethel!”

Ethel looked up at Manna who had taken a seat atop her belly a while ago. In her extra arms were two bottles of the sauce she had developed for this very meal. “W-wait please no. I truly am full now.” She tried to insist only for her belly to rumble. As if on cue, Manana sprayed both sauce bottles into Ethel’s mouth. The bench groaned beneath her weight as her ass flowed off the back of it while her hips stretched wider over it. ‘I’m fine with being obese, but I still need to be able to move!’ She thought.

Food was no longer being consumed at the moment. Everyone at the table was busy guzzling down the sauce. It was amazing when put on the various food items, but there was some strange sense of joy brought by chugging it.

Manana was proud that everyone liked it. ‘The Eagus Wilderness is quite hot and very arid! People want a nice refreshing snack to help beat the heat, but to neglect the natural flare around them is a waste! Manana’s secret spicy sauce uses local ingredients to offer a spicy touch atop of a refreshing condiment!’ She felt so proud and treated herself to a sandwich. This was only the first new recipe she’d develop on her quest!

Ethel, Mio, Eunie, and Sena’s bellies all rumbled. This was the strongest one yet. It was followed by a tightness in the pits of their stomachs which they all recognized.


All four experienced powerful bursts of gas from their rumps as the influx of sauce reacted chaotically with the food they had devoured. Everyone had experienced gas before. Mio, Eunie, and Sena had certainly experienced a rise in it since they started to get fat. That however was the largest expulsion of gas that they had ever had though.

Mio didn’t seem too embarrassed, more so surprised that something so loud came from her. She patted her belly which offered a smaller groan. “That was something.”

Sena instantly burst into laughter and smacked her belly.

Eunie couldn’t avoid a chuckle either. “Honestly makes me feel a little empty after all that pressure got released.” She stuffed a cutlet into a sandwich and tore into it. “Maybe Manana can use more of this stuff at dinner…and maybe we can eat in the tent.”

“That does sound nice. As hungry as I am, I’m tired too.” Mio replied and one-upped Eunie by putting a cutlet in a sandwich before she topped it with pasta and rolled it in a flatbread pizza.

A creaking noise started to sound before Ethel fell onto her back. Manana rolled off the woman who now lay splayed on the ground. Ethel looked up and saw her breasts which squished against her face and the curve of her belly beyond it. She felt too heavy to get up, but she wasn’t immobile. At least not yet. “UUUURRRRRRRPPPPPP! Need…break…”

“Need bake? Ooh, Manana knows lots of baked things! Wait right there!” She bounced back to the kitchen as Ethel groaned in defeat.

A sudden weight pressed against Ethel’s belly which forced a long fart from her. She tried to look around the curve of her gut and barely made out a feathered wing. Eunie had her legs splayed open in a rather unladylike posture while her hands massaged her belly.

“You heard them girls. Short bake before snack time.” Eunie said and yawned.

Ethel noticed a shadow fall over her from the left. She looked up to see Mio and Sena. Both appeared nervous.

Sena waved. “Hiya! So, we did just meet recently, and y’know we fought for the other side…but uh…can we lay down too? She asked with her usual innocent yet bubbly disposition.  

Mio smiled and shrugged. “It has been a long day.”

Ethel could see that they were covered with bits of food and the sauce which she could only guess was created by some sort of wicked food devil. “I…will allow it,” Ethel replied. She was far too stuffed to protest. There was also the hope that Manana would have other mouths to focus on feeding instead of exclusively hers. ‘I do want to see what she concocts next. Just please let me be able to walk after it.’ A food coma swept Ethel away before Mio and Sena had laid down to use her belly and left boob as a pillow.

On the other side of the camp, the boys had finished in the bath and looked at the sight before them. It was exactly what they expected.

“Snuff that.” Lanz groaned.

“Riku will begin weapon and power frame maintenance.” The nopon started to walk away.

Noah rubbed the back of his head. “I’ll help.” He followed along despite his eyes staying on the heap of fat women.

Taion felt his head start to throb. “If Ethel is going to travel with us, then I will need to completely redo our rationing system.”

Manana hummed excitedly while her favorite food receptacles napped away behind her. It would be so easy to test new recipes with four mouths to feed. Even if Ethel didn’t travel with them, she would likely be too fat to anyways, Manana could test plenty of recipes before they left. “Meh meh, a girl too fat to leave the kitchen is a mouth that can always be fed!” She giggled at the thought of the four girls behind her being too fat to ever leave.

Perhaps one day.



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