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Series: Original
Characters: Reader, Witch
Contains: 2nd person POV, weight gain

Reward for Axios

You didn’t remember how long you were lost in the forest. It had been weeks at least. You had lost track of a hiking trail, wandered deeper into the woods, and had not seen another living thing in a while. Streams provided you with water, but you felt like you were about to starve. That was until you stumbled across a berry bush. There were so many colorful berries that you couldn’t see any leaves or stems. It was practically a pile of fruit. Each was plump and as large as a grape. You felt relieved as your survival was assured, and you started to stuff the berries into your mouth.

Each bite caused them to explode with juice. It was so much that it dripped from the corners of your mouth. Without a care in the world or worry about the berries being poisonous, you stuffed your face faster.

Soon your stomach started to thicken with pudge and stretch outward. Your shirt rode up to expose smooth skin stretching to accommodate the fat beneath it. It didn’t take long before your stomach was a thick, round mass of fat that curled over the waistband of your jeans. Eventually, your pants button popped and your belly surged forward. The zipper was forced down by the small avalanche of fat. Meanwhile, love handles became meaty rolls that formed a muffin top as your pants struggled to stretch around your growing waistline. The seat of the pants was stretched taut over two fat butt cheeks that grew so fast they appeared like inflating balloons.

You couldn’t stop eating, and you felt a heavy fog take over your mind. It was like each point was stolen from your IQ and repurposed into ten pounds on your body. You gasped for air between mouthfuls of juicy berries. Soon you dropped to your knees which caused your fatter belly to splay over your thickened thighs. A loud rip sounded as the seat of your pants was torn open. Numerous smaller tears covered the legs of your jeans as your entire lower body puffed outward. You just sat there and gorged with your fat belly looking like a deflated, flesh-colored yoga ball.

Some special change took place on your chest. It bulged out into two fat mounds that sloshed as if they were filled with milk. Your nipples tingled intensely and the fabric of your shirt felt as if it rubbed and teased them. Stains appeared on the fabric as you began to lactate, but your mind was too far gone to notice. Your chest only continued to swell until your udder-like breasts were bigger than watermelons.

You groaned and lowered yourself to your hands and knees with your belly squished between them and the ground. In this hunched poster your butt was free to waggle and wobble behind you. Your hips were more expansive than a single doorway at this point and your pants were a shredded memory. The breeze on your exposed fat felt enchanting and you involuntarily wiggled your hips.

It was good that your stomach was so thick with fat that your arms hardly had to support you. Both of your pals were pressed into the dirt and you ate without them. Your shoulders were topped with a layer of fat as thick as a pillow while your underarms sagged like a woman’s purse. The fat continued past your elbows, and wrists, and didn’t end until your fingertips.

Your fat cheeks and chins were stained with juice as you ate like a pig while your body became as fat as a cow. You tried to lean further into the bush but your belly was so heavy that you couldn’t lift it off the ground. You just awkwardly wobbled on the ground before something groped your butt.

“My my, look at you~” The voice cooed. You felt a hand trace up your body and over newly developed rolls of back fat. They drifted and squeezed one of your udders which caused it to spray milk. You let out a shameless moo as the mysterious woman did it. When she crouched beside your fat face you saw a voluptuous woman with green skin wrapped up in a purple dress. “I know it must be hard to stop eating, but perhaps you’re ready to come back to my farm. I’ll be sure to feed you plenty. It’ll be a nice cozy forever home for you.”

You hesitated. It felt so hard to listen as you had the urge to eat more berries. Her words also took longer to make it through your brain which was more or less a fat lump like the rest of you. You mooed again when the witch groped you.

“Come now, up your fat little cow.” The woman looped her arms under you and yanked. Your body was suddenly pulled back and you sat upright. Even though your intelligence had been robbed from you, you could see just how fat you were. Your belly reached past your feet, your legs were thicker than some of the trees around you, your chest had two giant leaking breasts the size of pumpkins, your arms were too heavy to be lifted, and your peripheral vision was filled with your cheeks and chins. Your thick neck couldn’t move and allow you a sight of your hips, but you felt as if the witch had sat upon your fat butt. That meant each cheek had to at least be as large or larger as a sofa cushion. “Good cow~” The witch cooed before you felt terribly sleepy. You were still hungry, but you couldn’t avoid your nap. “When you wake up, you’ll be at a happy farm. You’ll eat and get fatter and fatter all while making sweet milk. Yes, sleep well my cow~”



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