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Series: RWBY
Characters: Reader, Blake
Contains: 2nd person POV, female weight gain

Reward for TheMaximumCaliber

You had spent more than a week with Blake at the beach. Through that time you had seen her eat enough fish to feed an army, and she didn’t seem ready to stop anytime soon. That was long term though. For now, Blake had finished her dinner. You witnessed her devour five whole tuns, ten baskets of fish sticks, and a gallon-sized bucket full of shrimp. That caused her outfit to be torn asunder and left her in only a black bikini.

Blake’s bikini top was stretched obscenely taut across her chest. It dug into the fat which caused some blubber to sag under or flow over the cups. Just one of her breasts was twice the size of her head. Her thick neck sagged until it rested atop her breasts while her extra chins were lined like a row of sausages.

Surprisingly. Blake’s upper body was her thinnest part. Without the extra width, her broad shoulders face her it was less than half the width of her hips. Beneath her chest were two wing-like rolls with a meaty dollop of fat between them. Her love handles were pushed up by her hips and led into the large slope of her belly. The fat continued to roll and flow downward until it passed her knees. This mass of fat alone was larger than your entire body and weighed three times as much as you.

If you laid on the ground horizontally, then Blake’s hips would still be two heads longer than your body. You wouldn’t have been able to see her bikini bottom if not for where the strings were tied together. The strings narrowly managed to poke out from her blubber-coated hips. The butt that these hips supported was capable of crushing a couch and swallowing up whatever splintered fragments remained.

Her thighs were mostly giant lumps beneath her hips and at the side of her belly. A roll formed above her knee like a thick slab before the mostly buried joint could be seen. Beneath that fat billowed outward before it curved inward and folded over her ankles. This lower portion of her leg, the thinnest part of Blake’s legs, managed to be as wide as your waist.

It was obvious to state that Blake had become excessively obese. Though you were happy that she seemed happy. Also, it was impossible to get a woman like her to stop eating. Blake loved fish more than anything on the planet, and she would eat it until she physically had to stop.

You felt a heavy weight and softness hit your side. When you turned your head you saw Blake had leaned against you. Your body sank into her side and was overwhelmed by the warmth of her body. You couldn’t move away or Blake would flop over on top of you, but you felt like it would happen either way if you had to support Blake much longer.

“Thanks for the trip,” Blake murmured and yawned. One of her arms rested on your lap. The fat of her bingo wing smothered your thigh while her pudgy fingers gripped your knee affectionately. She looked at you and smiled. Suddenly she leaned more of her weight onto you. You fell back and she flopped down beside you. The impact of Blake’s mighty weight on the ground caused you to bounce off the ground. Blake bounced purely because of how blubbery she was. Ripples and wave-like jiggles carried through her. It took minutes for them to subside, and at that point, Blake had already rested her soft chin on your chest while the rest of your lower body was buried under her.

Blake sighed contently and nuzzled against you. “Hope you’re comfy because I think I could use a nap after lunch. I’ll be sure to wake up before dinner. Don’t go anywhere, got it?” She asked smugly and chuckled softly.

You blushed and smiled before you reached your arms around Blake’s shoulders. Your hands settled on some back fat which you kneaded idly. Despite how heavy Blake’s body was it was also very warm and relaxing. You started to feel tired and dozed off. Within minutes you and Blake were fast asleep and nothing but the biological timer in her stomach would wake you.



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