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The first of the stories recovered from my old laptop. I hope you enjoy.


Series: Spy x Family
Characters: Yor, Anya, Loid
Contains: Female inflation

Reward for Gardefan

Yor silently slipped into her apartment and sighed in relief. She hadn’t quite returned from a mission though. Instead, the secret assassin had returned from an important visit with the head of her organization. Her higher-ups had wanted to experiment with a new form of physical augmentation.

The procedure had been simple. Yor was simply given a tablet to swallow and was sent on her way. She recalled the effects that were supposed to result. The main one was bullet resistance which she liked the sound of. She was shot at quite often, and she didn’t want a repeat of when she was shot in her butt cheek.

“The other was…what was it? Weight reduction? Light…ness?” Yor murmured and shook her head. If it was a comment on her weight, then she was slightly offended. She took a deep breath to calm herself. Yor was expressly warned not to get too worked up. “It seems like Loid is still at work, and Anya is-“

“Oh, mama is that you?!” A closet door behind Yor opened and Anya popped out.

Yor was rarely caught off guard due to her heightened instincts, but her attempt to relax caused a drop in that guard.

Basically, Anya startled her.

“EEP!” Yor squeaked in surprise before she felt a strange pressure in the put of her stomach. “Eh?” She looked down only to see her stomach look rounder almost as if she had a balloon under her dress.

A second later and her entire body bloated into a balloon shape. It was so sudden that the force lifted Yor off the ground. In an instant, her arms and legs were engulfed into her body which was now a round, air-filled sphere. Her neck was sucked into the taut shape which removed the ability to move her head. All she could do was dart her eyes around to try and gather what had happened.

Out of Yor’s sight, Anya stared in just as much shock as Yor did. Without a word, she tucked herself back into the closet she had been hiding in. “Anya will just…play Bond Man in here.”

“N-no wait Anya, sweetie? I could use some help!” Yor called out to no reply. “Oh dear…”

Yor’s entire body was nearly a perfectly round sphere. The only things that disrupted the smooth surface were her head, barely exposed feet and hands, and the curves of her breasts. She couldn’t move herself except for awkwardly bouncing or rolling until she hit something. Her body was now wider than she was tall in all directions. A flat stomach had been morphed into a vast, smooth, and broadly curved dome that melded seamlessly with her sides until it wrapped around her back. There was also an incredibly tense feeling inside of her. It felt as if she were filled with dense air, and her skin was stretched taut. Somehow her dress managed to stretch along with her which was some solace.

“That’s good…though these are…” Yor couldn’t finish her sentence as she looked down at her chest. She had a shapely figure with a modest chest before she turned into a balloon, but it looked like plenty of air had been pumped into her breasts. Just one boob was bigger than a yoga ball, but they no longer had a teardrop shape to them. Her body curved gradually until her bust started. There the curve changed direction and gradually grew sharper until they reached a peak. If not for the gap between them, Yor wouldn’t be able to see anything in front of her given that her chest was right at her chin.

Yor struggled to get herself upright as she currently teetered onto her belly. The only thing close to movement Yor could do was strain herself and try to bend her head back while her hands and feet clenched. It didn’t amount to much, and she rolled further onto her belly. This was when she saw the full-body mirror in front of her. Her blush grew darker as she saw how immensely round and inflated she was.

“Oh no, what will I do now? I’m supposed to pose as a normal housewife, but now I’m a balloon!” Yor’s face contorted into horror. “What is Loid going to think? He won’t be able to explain this to anyone either! Who would want to be married to a balloon?!” She grit her teeth in frustration before utter terror struck.

The door unlocked and opened to reveal Loid, secretly Agent Twilight. He stepped inside, hung up his coat and hat, and started to walk toward the living room. That was when he saw something odd. A giant ball made of some sort of peach-colored and black material. He approached curiously and sighed. ‘This can’t be a clue for a mission. They would never just drop this in my apartment. That means it must be a toy Anya bought. He reached out and poked one of the peach-colored areas and jumped back. The object made some sort of yelp when he touched it, and the texture was like a giant balloon.

“Whatever it is, it’s taking up too much space,” Loid grumbled and started to turn the giant balloon. He raised a curious eyebrow when he saw the two smaller bumps attached to the giant object. Then he saw something that looked like hair… “Y-Yor?!”

Loid was a trained Spy and had been in more bizarre and tense situations than the average person could imagine. This made all of those events seem trivial.

“Hello, Loid…” Yor murmured as the two looked at each other. She stared at her fake husband while he looked at a very real human balloon. “It seems I have…contracted a new disease? Perhaps you could…just help me.” Yor gave up and buried her face in her chest. She couldn’t look Loid in the eyes. She just wished her giant form would pop.

Loid slowly got to his knees and buried his face in his hands. Despite himself, he glanced through his laced fingers at Yor. She was enormous! There was no possible way to cover this up. That wasn’t to mention he was always in a perpetually stressed state that left him with stomach pain. He felt like he could keel over just looking at his fake wife. “Well…I am a doctor after all.” He eventually said and stood up. ‘I have no idea how to fix this.’

The closet door slowly creaked open, and Anya poked her head out. As much as she would normally want to help, this was too weird. Silently, she returned to the closet. ‘Good luck papa!’




Congratulations on recovering it! You've been through a lot!