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Series: RWBY
Characters: Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Kali
Contains: Weight gain

Reward for Axios

Three hefty forms started to stir in a large, shared bed as they heard muffled voices. Ruby, Weiss, and Yang slowly opened their eyes, but none of them had the strength to sit up yet. They merely lay on the unnaturally soft mattress and waited.

“Mom, we talked about you. You can’t just overfeed all of my friends!” Blake’s voice sounded from outside the room.

“Oh, sweetie you worry too much!” Kali’s voice responded with a giggle. “I’m just making sure my kittens are well-fed. Plus you four were so skinny when you arrived. How could I not put some meat on their bones?”

Blake groaned. “That’s another thing. They aren’t kittens? You haven’t even called me that since I was a kid!”

“Oh is someone a little jealo-OW!” Kali was cut off as Blake roughly pinched a roll of her belly fat.

Loud stomps that were powerful enough to shake the walls sounded before the bedroom door creaked open. That allowed the girls to see Blake overflow the frame with her obese form. Part of her belly easily filled the gap, but the sides of her gut were squished against the sides. Her chest also passed through the gap easily despite how each orb was larger than her head. Yet, Blake didn’t move forward any further. She groaned and leaned forward, but her body didn’t get past the doorframe. Her belly blocked the sight of how her thick hips were wider than the door. She maneuvered her puffy arms so that they could push or pull to little effect. An annoyed groan escaped her lips as she peeked over her padded shoulders. The sight of her butt was embarrassing, especially as it was only covered in small, black athletic shorts. Her butt reached out so far that her hands couldn’t grip the back of the cheeks. Their weight was enough to make them sag slightly too. Worst of all was the way they jiggled without end. Just a step or simple turn made them wobble about. “Come on, Blake…” She murmured to herself and pressed her feet into the floor. Thighs thicker than oak trees pushed with all their might, which was hardly enough to keep her standing. Slowly and with an extreme amount of groans of creaks from the doorframe and walls, Blake managed to squeeze the rest of her belly, hips, and fat ass through the door. More loud thuds sounded as she stumbled forward. Each heavy footfall made her body jiggle as she struggled to get her balance back. When that was achieved, she tugged her shorts and tank top down so more skin could be covered.

“Oh, you’re awake now?” Blake asked as she noticed her teammates staring at her.

“It was hard not to.” Weiss huffed as she tried to sit up. Her large, round belly foiled every attempt. She tried pivoting her legs off the bed, which caused her head to bump against Yang. “I can’t get up…” A sigh escaped her as she looked over her barely padded chest at the beanbag chair-sized belly. Her butt sank into the mattress while her legs dangled over the bed. Her feet didn’t even reach the floor.

“Then at least get off of me.” Yang groaned as she tried to stay asleep. It was hard to when Weiss’s head sank deep into her fat gut. The mass of fat already sagged well past her knees and felt like it weighed a ton. While laying down it laid over her like a weighted blanket, and it also managed to bury her thighs. If Yang wanted to get up, then she’d either have to roll left or right and she had two fatties in the way. Moving onto her side sounded nice because her breasts, two nearly beachball-sized mounds of fat, didn’t know where they wanted gravity to take them. Occasionally they rested on her next and felt like they were about to choke her out.

Ruby didn’t say anything other than an indecipherable mumble as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She then groaned and leaned forward with all her might. A flabby belly slid across her lap and past her knees as she underwent the world’s most difficult sit-up. Soon she was met with success mainly thanks to the fact her butt was on the thicker side of the team’s like Blake. It acted as a wedge that prevented her from flopping onto her back. “Blake, I’m pretty certain your mom is just awesome and loves us a ton. There’s no reason to get mad at her.” She murmured and scratched her belly.

Blake waddled over to Ruby and stopped in front of her. She was so close that her belly lay on top of the seated girl’s. Ruby was understandably caught off guard and lifted her heavy arms defensively. Though when she tried to gently nudge Blake back, her hands merely sank into soft blubber. Blake reached over Ruby and pulled a pair of fake cat ears off of her head. She leaned forward and saw the hint of a fake tail attached to her pajama pants too. Curious, she looked at her other friends and saw they also wore fake cat ears. It was safe to assume they also had fake tails.

The door suddenly opened and Kali strutted in with a rolling cart that held what looked like an oil drum. “Breakfast is ready! You can think of it like oatmeal because it’s all blended up, but I can guarantee it's super tasty and has all the nutrients four growing girls need! Should I get some feeding tubes or do you want to use spoons?” She asked and looked at Blake who seemed even angrier than their first little argument. “What’s wrong sweetie?”

Blake’s frown became stronger as she held up the fat cat ears. The sight made Kali visibly sweat.

“O-oh how did those get there? My isn’t that silly I think they…” Kali quickly hopped through the doorway. She knew Blake couldn’t get her then. “You girls enjoy breakfast, and I’ll get to work on your ten o’clock snacks!”

“I can’t believe she’s trying this.” Blake groaned as Ruby gently took the fake cat ears back and put them on. “And you three aren’t helping!”

Yang simply grinned. “I dunno Blake. I think it’s nyat a big problem.”

The room went silent until Blake sighed into the palm of her hand. “Let’s just eat already…”



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