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Series: My Hero Academia

Characters: Reader, Mirko

Contains: Female weight gain, Reader POV


You fidgeted nervously as you waited on the street corner. A simple dare from your friends had really backfired this time. You had made a social media post asking a professional hero out on a date. To your utter horror, she accepted. Now you had a date with the one and only Mirko.

So you stood at the spot she told you to meet her at, and you waited for the time to come. A nervous feeling swelled in your chest. You honestly hoped there would be a reason for her to not show, but when could you leave if she was late? Standing up a hero is far worse than being stood up by one.


Something landed behind you, and you hesitated before you turned around. Unsurprisingly, Mirko stood in front of you. She looked much shorter in person, but the tall rabbit ears that twitched above her head somehow made up for it. There was another thing though.

The fact that the professional hero was incredibly obese. Fat heroes weren’t outright impossible, but this particular rabbit’s weight was a recent issue. A new diet, a sponsorship, speculations ran wild about how Mirko had gotten so overweight, but not even other heroes were bold enough to ask her about it.

Her hips were easily three times wider than your waist, and you would struggle to wrap your arms around only one of her thighs. You could hardly see her legs though thanks to the giant, round belly in front of them. Mirko’s stomach sagged to her knees and maintained a round shape thanks to her dangerously tight hero outfit. The same could be said for her chest which didn’t seem totally proportional with the rest of her, but they were larger than any woman you had ever met in person.

“Yeah, you’re the one.” Mirko looked you up and down before she smiled. “The bold bastard who asked me out for Valentine’s day.” An arm shot out and wrapped around you faster than you could react. It was so large, thick, and soft yet surprisingly powerful. You felt yourself being squished between the thick arm and the unimaginable softness of Mirko’s side.

Her belly, fat rolls, the side of her chest, they all felt like giant warm marshmallows. No pillow, mattress, or cushion could compare to the woman when it came to softness. You were only brought out of your thoughts when Mirko hoisted her phone up with a free hand.

“Gotta make the start of the date official. Smile for me, would ya?” Mirko chuckled and flashed a toothy grin before she snapped a picture. You barely managed to smile nervously before she took the picture. “So, where did you plan on taking me?” She asked as her arm remained around your waist. A moment of silence passed before she laughed. “Don’t act so nervous! I could smell the anxiety through that message you posted.”

Mirko suddenly pulled your head down to be level with hers. She got so close that you could feel her lips on your ear.

“Listen, believe it or not, but I haven’t ever been asked out on a date before. For some reason, people get nervous around a woman who can kick a telephone pole in half.” Mirko ran her finger under your chin. “But you did the hard part for me, so we’re gonna hit up my favorite spots. I’ll even foot the bill to sweeten the deal.”

Mirko let you stand up again and playfully bumped you with her hip. What was playful for her was strong enough to knock you off balance. Thankfully, her hand grasped yours before you fell flat on your ass. Of course, she didn’t just let go after that. Mirko started to waddle and pulled you along.

Mirko wore her emotions on her sleeve. Bunny ears twitched, there was a bounce in her step, and she hadn’t lost her smile. “Look at me. Cute date, holding hands, and about to stuff my face. I bet people are gonna go nuts over this.”

You finally managed to work a sound past your dry throat. It was a short, nervous laugh, but Mirko responded with a heartier chuckle. It seemed like she couldn’t stop laughing as well as smiling. “I’m excited to see how this goes.” You murmured.

“Ooh, so he speaks huh?” Mirko asked and stepped closer. She wasn’t blind to the fact you tried to make some distance between the two of you. Now she was close enough that her hip rubbed against yours. “And the same goes for me. Even better since we’re finally here.”

Mirko guided you into a humble little restaurant and wordlessly waved to someone behind the counter. An employee silently nodded back as you were guided to the corner booth. She let go of your hand only to bump you onto the soft seat with her softer gut. You took that as a sign to keep moving in before Mirko scooted in after you.

Entering the booth wasn’t so simple for the overweight woman. She lifted her gut and dropped it on the table. That allowed her to fit and slowly bounce and scoot her way in. Mirko didn’t stop until she was pressed against your side. Her arm laid across your shoulder, and she even decided to lean against you. A surge of belly fat spilled into your lap while an enormously thick leg and padded hip pressed against yours.

“What? Too heavy?” Mirko cocked an eyebrow. “I’ve seen all sorts of shows and junk that have girls lean on guys like this. So, put up with it for a bit, k?”

You felt your cheeks burn as you nodded. Mirko was incredibly heavy, but at the same time, she was still so soft! You didn’t have the strength, physical or emotional, to force her off of you. Your arm just slowly slid around Mirko, and admittedly struggled to get between her back fat and the booth’s backrest. “Heavy? Not at all!” You tried to play it cool.

Mirko just snorted and looked as the food arrived. Multiple waiters started to cover the table with burgers and fries. You saw that each had three beef patties and an excessive amount of cheese. Suddenly Mirko’s weight gain was no longer surprising. Mirko dug in without any delay. “Hey, scrawny. You’re free to dig in, or just let your hands do whatever feels natural.” She said and dipped her head down.

You followed the direction her second chin pointed and blushed. “Well…don’t mind if I do.” You murmured as your left hand squished a handful of Mirko’s back fat. The hand slowly slid down and caressed her fat ass. Meanwhile, your other hand reached across Mirko’s belly and squeezed as much as it could. The warm blubber seemed to eagerly accept the palm of your hands. Both palms sank into its surface while more bulged between your fingers. ‘I never knew I’d be into this but dammit it’s the best thing ever!’ You thought to yourself and continued to squeeze the blubbery bunny hero.

Mirko didn’t mind at all. Her eating hadn’t even slowed. She sank her teeth into her second burger before she stuffed a handful of fries into her mouth. It was all washed down with a few large gulps of soda before the process repeated. She had found this restaurant after a villain’s attack had thrown her through the window. Through an odd trajectory, she ended up taking a bite from a burger. The energy given from the grease-soaked sandwich gave her the strength to pummel the villain before she took an early lunch break. She first told herself she’d visit once a week for a cheat day on her regulated diet. Then she visited on the weekends.

It didn’t take long before Mirko started to visit multiple times daily.

Suddenly Mirko started to shift her body from side to side. Her fat shifted away from you only to flow back and press against you. The fat would recede only to squish you once more. You quickly began to notice that more and more of your lap was covered by Mirko’s hip. Soon enough you had somehow been moved to the middle of the seat with Mirko atop your lap.

“I think this is way comfier. Plus you didn’t seem too interested in the food.” Mirko leaned back and squished you against the backrest. Her butt cheeks rose and covered your stomach while back fat pressed against your chest. You felt her silky smooth hair tickle your chin while her rabbit ears framed the sides of your head. “Keep up the belly rub, and I’ll make this even comfier~”

You continued to grope Mirko’s belly. Your hands glided across her doughy midsection before they reached the rolls at the side. Fat sagged as you tried to lift it, and it wobbled once you dropped the mass of flesh. Mirko seemed to enjoy this because she pressed her hips back against you. Her fat butt squished against you before she started to bounce. The weight was intense as it slammed against your lap, but you withstood the shock through sheer willpower.

Once Mirko had stopped her bouncing, she leaned back and wrapped one arm around your shoulders. This squished your face between one of her breasts and the thick meat of her bingo wings. After she finished what seemed to be the last burger on the table, she spoke. “Y’know I think I kinda like you. You’re definitely more bold than you let on.” She pushed all of her weight back against you. “So what do you say we head back to my place?” A grin spread across her fat face.

You gulped nervously and pulled out all of your courage. “Sure…”



That Guy

The way this ends I would say a part 2 is needed