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Series: RWBY
Characters: Blake, Sun
Contains: Female weight gain

Reward for Nick

The night was dark and covered in a heavy fog. The only thing that illuminated the grey streets were the yellow street lights that flickered and buzzed. They were like the light of justice being snuffed out by grime and corruption. Someday they very well might go off forever and plunge the world into utter darkness.

Through the dull light, a man in a long overcoat and hat walked down the street. His face was barely lit by the cigarette in his mouth. Though he extinguished the meager flame under his boot before he stepped into an apartment building. He quietly made his way down the hall and ensured the gun at his waist was fastened. The man winced as the apartment door creaked when he opened it. After a brief pause, he pushed through the threshold only to immediately be grabbed by a figure in the dark.

The shorter, yet sturdy, body pivoted and slammed the man into the wall. One hand gripped him by his jacket while the other lifted a blade to his neck.

“Wait…is that a plastic knife?” The man asked, perplexed as he squinted slightly. Even as a Faunus, he was not gifted with perfect night vision. He still knew what a plastic knife from the nearby takeout joint felt like.

The assailant paused before they stepped back. “Sorry, I didn’t know it was you.” A female voice murmured, heavy with embarrassment. “You took much longer to get back tonight…I thought something happened, Sun.” The figure continued and turned around before she walked over to a lamp. The light flicked on to reveal a cat Faunus with long, black hair and cat ears.

“Nah, not dead.” Sun smiled and hung up his hat and jacket. “Chief Glynda just had me late. Chewed my ear off for the last expense report. Our food budget needs a serious reworking.”

Blake crossed her arms and huffed. The arms weren’t as slender as they were when Sun had met her. Now they were covered in a thin layer of fat. It was thicker on her upper arms, enough to make them jiggle slightly but not sag excessively. The posture she took also supported her breasts. Sun didn’t stare too long, it would be ungentlemanly, but he noted that they too seemed larger. All of the young woman seemed to grow the longer she was in hiding.

Blake Belladonna was a striking beauty, but she held a dark secret from most of the world. She was one of the only Faunus to escape the clutches of the White Fang as well as being one of their higher-ranking members. She held an incredible wealth of knowledge, but a number of assassins would do anything and everything to take her down. That was how the femme fatal had found herself in witness protection, and for some reason, under the same roof as Detective Sun.

Now that she knew the man at the door wasn’t an intruder, Blake slowly made her way back to the couch and sat down. It only took a few more seconds before she picked up a burger from the table and took a bite. Being on the run with your life in constant danger proved stressful, so Blake coped with food whenever she could. That was the reason her stomach had gone from flat to a soft, round mass that rested in her lap. Her shirt covered most of it, but a small portion managed to expose itself. Only half of her lap was occupied by her stomach, but that was a large jump from when the two had met.

Sun slowly crossed his living room to the couch Blake sat on. He glanced at the table and saw it was covered in food and discarded wrappers. A receipt showed the food was ordered at 11:37 am which meant Blake had likely been eating since then. Possibly earlier if she had already discarded of the remains from breakfast. He was honest when he said the chief of police chewed him out for the alarmingly high expenses for the case. Most, if not all of the money, was used to feed Blake.

Sun couldn’t blame her though. She had to remain cooped up inside all day. She hadn’t left his home since she arrived nearly five months ago. Though he had one thing that might cheer her up. Sun reached into his jacket and pulled something out. “Hey, I managed to find that book you had wanted!” He handed the book to Blake who grasped it with one, lightly grease-stained, hand.

“Thank you, Sun.” Blake glanced a the book before she placed it aside. She had wanted the book for a long time, but it had sold out immediately. Blake had a profound love of reading, but her hunger had overpowered that desire for a while now.

Sun looked a little dejected. He had run all over town looking through every bookstore for it. It was fine though. He’d do whatever it took to make Blake happy. For the rest of the evening, however, he would let himself just be exhausted. He dropped onto the couch next to Blake and kicked his feet up.

Blake kept her face turned slightly away to hide a blush. She was very aware of her weight, and she didn’t want her hips to accidentally bump Sun’s. The couch was made for two people, but Blake took up enough space to seat one and a half people. She even pivoted her plush legs to the side. Her thighs had become thick enough that she no longer had a thigh gap, and the leggings she often wore felt almost uncomfortably tight. ‘I should ask if he can get me new clothes.’ Blake thought to herself and sighed. There was no telling how much bigger she would get if she kept eating as she did. She rubbed her extra chin nervously and wondered if she should resist her cravings. A quick sniff of the remaining food in front of her was enough to dispel that though.

Blake gulped nervously before she took another bite of her burger.






I just hope that slight grease doesn't stain that book she wanted for so long. But I do hope that she'll soon be able to fill for two people on the couch or maybe even better a third person