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Series: Dress up Darling
Characters: Marin Kitagawa, Wakana Gojo
Contains: Female berry inflation, clothes bursting

Reward for Gardefan

Marin bounced excitedly in place as her friend Gojo had nearly finished her latest cosplay outfit. “This is gonna be so epic Gojo! The convention is gonna show the original movie, so just imagine how popular I’ll be with this special outfit!” The eager girl smacked her hands atop her friend’s shoulders. The boy jumped, startled as he sewed the final piece of fabric together.

Gojo was able to regain focus and his dexterous hands weren’t thrown off course. He lifted the completed outfit and sighed with relief. “Here you go, Kitagawa. Why don’t you go ahead and try it on so we can make sure it fits.” Gojo handed his friend, whom he referred to by her family name, and stretched his back.

“Way ahead of you!” Marin waited for Gojo to turn around before she stripped out of her clothes and slipped into the completed outfit. It was a simple pair of blue sweatpants and a hoodie to match, but Marin felt giddy as she looked at herself in the mirror. “Just need some blue face paint and I’ll look totally like Vi!”

A smile spread across Gojo’s face once he turned around. It was a simple outfit, and the source material was incredibly wacky, but he felt happy that Marin seemed excited. He used a new type of fabric that was stretchy yet breathable as it felt the closest to the source material.

Marin had gone on for hours about the comic adaptation of one of her favorite movies from her childhood. Gojo had never seen it, but the idea of a fantastical candy factory interested him. Though he felt his body freeze when he reached the part where Vi Beauregarde inflated like a giant blueberry. He thought it was supposed to be funny, but his friend seemed far more excited than merely tickled at the subject.

“I’m sorry we never figured out a way to make the suit…well.” Gojo blushed and gestured outward with his hands. “Swell. I figured the stretchy material would at least make up for it.”

Marin threw her head back and laughed. “Yeah it kinda sucks, but I can just stuff a yoga ball or something under here!” She grinned and stretched her sweater out to the limit of her arms’ reach.

Gojo suddenly remembered something. “I did find this though. Maybe it’ll help you fit into character more?” The young man pulled out a stick of gum from his pocket. “I was surprised to see this company is real. Well, they have the same name and make candy. Anyway, let’s try it now and see if you like the flavor.”

“Ooh thankies!” Marin winked and took the stick of gum. She unwrapped it and popped it into her mouth before she started to chew. “Wow, this tastes great! It’s just blueberry, but it’s so fresh!” She exclaimed and rapidly chewed on the flavorful gum. What she failed to notice was that the tip of her nose turned blue. Gojo only noticed once her entire face was a deep indigo hue.

“Uhh…Kitagawa?” Gojo slowly pointed at Marin as she looked back curiously.

“Wha?” She asked mid-chew. Gojo’s hand looked like it was trembling which made her raise an eyebrow. That was when she spotted her blue nose. She turned to the full-body mirror and realized her entire face had turned blue. A small glance confirmed her hands had changed color too along with her formerly blonde hair. She grabbed the darker locks and sniffed them. Everything smelled like fresh blueberry juice.

Her stomach started to groan a few seconds later. Marin slapped her hands to her cheeks and gasped as she noted how her stomach swelled outward. It was only as large as a basketball, but she felt it continue to grow bigger. Her lithe fingers pressed against the round orb and sank in gently. With each second she felt her stomach push back with more force.

“Oh my gosh! I’m turning into a giant berry just like Vi…THIS IS SO AWESOME!” Marin jumped into the air. Her belly sloshed noisily and wobbled as she landed. “This can’t be happening! It must be a dream…Gojo pinch me!”

Gojo was too busy being shocked as he looked on. Marin’s belly got bigger by the second, but so did her chest. The already generous cups swelled and surpassed the size of their owner’s head. “K-K-Kitagawa! This shouldn’t be happening!”

Marin grinned from ear to ear and walked towards Gojo with a bounce in her step. “Is that so? You’re the one who got the gum, so maybe this was all a part of your plan?” She teased and thrust her body forward. Three points of contact struck Gojo’s chest. Marine’s belly and breasts thumped him with a surprisingly firm feel. They sloshed and bounced as a result while he dropped to the floor. “Nah I know you wouldn’t pull something like this. It’s just my lucky day!” She proclaimed and began to rub her belly.

More juice filled Marin and the swelling spread to her hips. It didn’t take long before the width of her hips doubled while her butt cheeks thickened and became more bubbly. She was overjoyed that a surprise secret fetish came to fruition as well as the fact her outfit remained intact. Her fists instinctively clenched as her heart fluttered. ‘I’m just like Vi! This is the best day ever!’

Marin loved to dress up in cosplay. To dress like a character and become them in a way. This however was so much more than that. She got to experience what that character went through. Her body started to become rounder as her entire torso filled with juice. It would only take minutes before she would turn into a giant, juicy berry!

Her sides stretched outward, her back curved in a broad arch, her belly distended further, and her breasts got bigger AND bouncier. At this point, her entire torso was a sphere that made her almost as wide as she was tall. As that continued to swell, her arms and legs appeared shorter. In reality, her round body just grew so much that the limbs were being pulled in. Marin struggled to turn in front of the mirror to see herself.

“Urrrgh…can’t see over my shoulder anymore. My butt doesn’t look crazy round. Guess it’s just all of my body and then my boobs. OH! Gojo, take some pictures!” Marin called out as she watched the last of her arms sink into her body. She felt the round area that expanded from her pelvis squish against the tops of her feet and the floor. That was a good sign that her legs had gotten swallowed up too.

Marin felt giddy. Her body felt stretched and bloated, but she couldn’t stop smiling. She bounced excitedly which caused a cacophony of sloshes to sound. “Look at me! A big helpless berry! I bet I can still make it to the convention if someone can just roll me around. Ooh, it’ll be like the end of the scene!”

The outfit somehow managed to hold on. Gojo had designed it to stretch, but he had no clue it could go this far. He never expected it would have to. Marin’s body became taller as well as wider. It got to the point that she was ten feet from one end to another no matter where you measured. This caused a gap to form as her hoodie and sweatpants failed to meet. This exposed deeply blue-colored skin. It was vibrant and quite beautiful though. Gojo felt strange emotions as he watched Marin grow until her bloated shoulders touched the roof of his bedroom. Something about her fully rounded body and massive curves set off a fire inside of him. The fact that her breasts were bigger than his body also made him feel very strange.

At this point, Marin’s joy turned into a slightly hotter sensation. She panted softly from a mixture of arousal and breathlessness from her constant laughter. Her eyes squeezed shut as she simply basked in her immense size. It was an intense sensation to have her skin stretched so far while juice filled every bit of space it could inside of her. She felt things couldn’t get any better until she heard a rip. Marin’s eyes opened as wide as they could as she felt the seat of her pants rip. The split carried through to the front and exposed her panties. Her cheeks became flushed purple as her hoodie zipper shot across the room and the outfit splayed open to show a miraculously intact bra. The release of the zipper didn’t stop the back of the outfit from being ripped though. “Oh no! Gojo, the outfit!”

“Kitagawa your…everything!” Gojo covered his eyes and stumbled blindly for the door. The outfit being destroyed hurt a little, but the young man was more embarrassed about the display of underwear and full meters of exposed skin. In his blind walk, Gojo bumped into Marin’s belly. It felt much firmer than earlier, but there was enough springiness to bounce him off. He opened his eyes and made a break for the exit while Marin called out for him.

“W-wait up a second! You can’t just leave me like this…I need someone to juice me.” Marin murmured the last part under her breath and looked down at the valley of blue cleavage in front of her and the curvy belly beyond them. “This would make a great photo too…” She pouted.



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