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Series: RWBY
Characters: Jaune, Yang, Coco, Pyrrha, Velvet
Contains: Female weight gain, mini giantess, giantess

Reward for TheMinotaurSlayer

Being the only normal-sized person in Beacon was hard. You always had to be careful to not get knocked over or squished by the much taller classmates. Though no amount of caution would help when the large students wanted to encounter you.

That was how Jaune found himself backed up against with Yang Xiao Long and Coco Adel towering over him. He only came up a little above Yang’s shoulder and his head barely managed to be above Coco’s belly. Every path of egress was cut off due to how fat the two girls were too. To put it plainly, Jaune was trapped.

Yang was more top-heavy. Each of her breasts was larger than his entire torso. Her belly was round but mostly kept in the shadow of her breasts. The blonde girl was still built like a wall, and she blocked Jaune front the left. A thick, fat arm leaned against the wall while the other rubbed her blubber-stuffed belly.

Coco was two feet taller than Yang and very bottom-heavy. It was to the point that her hips were as wide as she was tall. The fat was so thick and heavy that it curved down and sagged to the middle of her thighs. Her legs were composed of two segments. The upper segment was of her thighs and rolled over her knees. The thickest area was at least four feet wide and both legs were squished firmly together. Beneath her knees were still thick and round almost like her shins and calves had been surrounded by flesh-colored yoga balls. There was hardly a sign of her feet due to how the blubber rolled over her ankles. Behind her was an ass larger than a car. Bulbous butt cheeks were crammed into her pants while the tops were exposed like a giant shelf-top.

The girls scooted in closer so their bodies pressed together while Jaune had only a sliver of space between them. The giant girls leaned forward so they could peer down at Jaune from over their chests. Both of them grinned.

“Hey little man~” Yang cooed and moved her right arm behind Jaune’s back. She easily pushed him forward so that he would be squished against her and Coco. “You dipped out of class real quick back there. Don’t tell me you’re trying to avoid us?”

Coco pushed her bulk forward. Her belly hit Jaune like a soft wall while part of her breasts pressed against his face. “We might be big girls, but we have feelings. Shouldn’t a gentleman strive to make a lady happy?” She chuckled and made sure to squish the small boy into her fat.

While this seemed like odd schoolyard bullying, Yang and Coco actually intended their remarks to come off as flirtation. They were massive and obese, so why wouldn’t they physically use their assets to captivate Jaune?

Two others didn’t see it as that. The ground shook as they approached and the sun seemed to be blocked out as two other students arrived. It only got worse when Coco realized she only came up to the shorter girl’s knee.

Pyrrha Nikos and Velvet Scarlatina looked down with scowls on their giant faces. Yang and Coco were categorized as mini-giantesses. They were taller than the majority of people, but they were minuscule when compared to true giants like due that towered over them.

Pyrrha was shorter than Velvet, but this left her at thirty-five feet tall. Her belly sagged until it rested on the top of her feet while her hips were stretched as wide as some of the lecture halls. She was easily the most gentle of giants, but the scowl she wore sent a shiver up Yang and Coco’s spines. Her hands reached out and picked up the girls like they were no more than dolls and hoisted them high into the air. “Honestly, bullying a fellow student? I’ll have to take you to Professor Goodwitch for this. Let’s see if you two will be bullies once she’s done with you.”

Coco and Yang didn’t try to fight back, mainly because of the fall, but the idea of detention didn’t sit well. Everyone knew that detention with Glynda only ended with a sorely stuffed belly and that you’d be lucky to be able to waddle away.

Velvet, who stood at a mind-boggling eighty-three feet tall, reached down and lifted Jaune. He easily fitted in the palm of her hand. The simple act of her having lifted her flat palm to be level with her face subjected Jaune to multiple Gs. “There you go.” She smiled and looked at Jaune. “Coco and Yang are never careful with you. They could easily hurt you if they aren’t careful!” Velvet paused and looked around frantically. Pyrrha had already started to waddle away. The giant girl glance back at Jaune before she nuzzled her cheek against him. His entire body was squished between the fat glob and the soft palm of the giant hand. It was like being rubbed against a marshmallow the size of the fatties that had just had him cornered.  “I’ll take you back to my dorm where you’ll be nice and safe! Pyrrha will meet us there, and we’ll…study. Yes, that’s what we’ll do.”

Jaune felt as if the entire world shifted around him as Velvet moved her hand over her belly button and gently tucked Jaune inside. Now he was tightly wrapped up in blubber as Velvet waddled away. “I just traded two fatties for an even bigger one,” Jaune murmured to himself as Velvet’s belly quaked around him as she moved. He found comfort in the fact he knew Velvet would be more gentle than Yang and Coco.



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