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Series: RWBY
Characters: Velvet, Coco
Contains: Stuffing, weight gain

Reward for Nick

Coco walked through one of Beacon’s communal kitchens late at night. Earlier that day, plenty of students had been working together to make chocolate, and she had a sneaking suspicion she’d find something scandalous. Her teammate Velvet had stepped out for a “nighttime job.” Coco had not bought it for a second. That being said, she waited a few hours, and then went on the prowl.

The kitchen up ahead had its lights on, and there was a faint groan emanating from within. Coco clicked her tongue and stepped in to see the place was quite a mess. Wrappers and chocolate strain were practically everywhere, and she spotted one leg poking out from behind the island counter. When she walked around she saw exactly what she had expected.

Velvet Scarlatina lay there with chocolate all over her face and fingers. That wasn’t to mention how bloated her belly was. The bunny faunus was so deep in her food daze that she missed Coco’s presence. At least until Coco roughly nudged the bunny’s belly with her shoe.

“EEP!” Velvet jumped slightly before her weight pulled her right back to the floor. She jiggled and blushed as she looked around frantically. “O-oh Coco! I was just uh…There was a…Mmm well I…Would you believe me if I said there was a chocolate Grimm?”

“No, no I would not, Velvet.” Coco crossed her arms and tapped her foot impatiently. “You should also realize it's a few months until Easter, so you can’t claim to be the Easter Bunny either.”

Velvet’s tall bunny ears drooped, and she slowly pulled herself to her feet. The state of the girl wasn’t a surprise to Coco. Both had known she was fat for a while, but it was easier to see when Velvet stood.

The most notable part was her belly. A festive sweater now rode up to expose a pale, round belly slightly smaller than a beach ball. The soft texture also made it seem too deflated to be the playful, inflated toy. There were some stripes from where a chocolate-coated hand rubbed it. Above the blubbery belly were two substantial sweater puppies. Not all of Velvet’s waist went to her breasts, but the girl had gained an enviable bump to her bust. Many girls envied and desired cantaloupe-sized breasts, and Velvet surely made them look cute. Added to the guilty pout on her round face, she could get away with almost anything. Almost as the chocolate stains corners of her lips, on her puffy cheeks, and her second chin made her undeniably guilty.

“I said I wouldn’t put you on a diet if you could control yourself, but here we are.” Coco shook her head and paced around Velvet who fiddled with her chocolate-stained fingers nervously.

The pace around was an excuse to see Velvet’s butt. This along with her hips was where fat distribution was the most generous. Round, bubbly cheeks that stuffed her black leggings to the point of near transparency were a great asset to have. The cheeks could wobble as Velvet walked, cushion her where she sat, and draw many eyes. Paired with wide hips that had just enough sway and thighs thicker than the standard Beacon student’s waist and she had a rocking lower body. Coco could admire that, but she wouldn’t spoil it.

“Seeing as this is the holidays,” Coco started. “I’m willing to let this slide, but you’re going on an exercise routine after. Got it?”

Velvet nodded. “Yes, Coco.” She murmured and sounded like she understood her team leader.

“Good girl. Now march that butt back to our room. This bunny is ready to hibernate.” Coco swiftly smacked Velvet’s butt. It produced a loud THWAP and EEP from Velvet who quickly waddled away. Once the girl was gone, Coco grasped her wrist and sucked her teeth. “Dammit, that hurt!”

Coco’s wrist vibrated and her palm stung, but she managed to play off the tough act long enough. She prepared to start after Velvet yet stopped. There was one piece of chocolate still on the table. Once she made sure no one was looking, she snagged it. ‘A girl can treat herself a little bit.’ She thought and went on her way.



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