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Series: RWBY
Characters: Glynda, Pyrrha
Contains: Weight gain, smothering

Reward for MinotaurSlayer

Glynda waddled to bed and sighed as she unbuttoned her blouse. She felt a wave of relief as her paunchy belly and robust chest were no longer restricted. Her pudgy fingers reached under her belly and undid the button of her skirt and slowly pulled them down over her thighs. As she bent over to do that, her plump thighs pushed her belly up where it then pressed her breasts against her second chin. Glynda was too tired to care much and kicked her skirt off and let down her hair.

It had been too long of a day to care about anything at this point. Glynda just took a few more steps and dropped herself into bed. For a moment she left her butt up in the air, thick, basketball-sized cheeks shining in some pale moonlight before the woman rolled onto her back. Despite weighing over three hundred pounds, her eyelids felt like they weighed six times that.

She felt her body sink into her soft mattress, luxurious memory foam conforming to her various curves and contours. Glynda was a few moments from drifting off to sleep before heavy footsteps sounded.

The floor groaned as a heavy figure, much heavier than Glynda, made its way to the bed. Pyrrha Nikos similarly undressed herself as Glynda. The tired and globular girl undid buttons and zippers before she let her clothes fall off of her. She struggled to pull the sleeves off of her arms, each bearing an underside that sagged with pillow-sized masses of fat. As Pyrrha tried to wiggle free there was a loud ripping noise as the back of her shirt split. She just groaned and let the fabric tear until she could pull it off of her arms.

Pyrrha paused for a moment and scratched her belly. She was barely awake and exhausted after a long day. It was natural when she had to carry almost nine hundred pounds of fat around every second of every day. Through half-lidded eyes, she saw the large slopes of her belly fat. The gargantuan gut was composed of two meaty slabs. Atop the mounds were her breasts which she stared blankly at for a moment. Lifting her arms to unhook her bra sounded too difficult, so she silently decided to leave the garment on for the night.

Removing her skirt proved easier thanks to its special design. There were no buttons and it was a zipper from top to bottom. Pyrrha needed help to put it on, but she just need to grab and pull to take it off. Her thick fingers dove between some fat rolls and pinched at the fabric. As she pulled, the garment came off and she dropped it. It was an impressive amount of fabric given this young woman had hips at least four feet wide. The fat was soft and reached outward before it sloped down with gravity. Whenever she walked these fat lumps would bounce and almost appear like they were flapping wings. It hardly compared to the motion of her butt cheeks. Just one was as large as a couch cushion and twice as thick. Someone’s hands would vanish well past their wrists if they tried to press into the broad mounds of fat.

Pyrrha started to waddle forward again. Each step made her butt bounce and her panties to vanish. The fabric slipped bit by bit until it was completely between her butt cheeks. Pyrrha was too tired to care and knew she didn’t have much strength left. Her poor, poor legs burned from so much walking. The ratio of muscle to fat was criminal for someone who used to be a world-renowned athlete. Her thighs had grown so thick that they always rubbed against each other, and their outer sides never went a day without bumping walls, chairs, or tables.

Though in a few more steps, Pyrrha wouldn’t have to care about that. In bed, she couldn’t bump anything. Except for her loving girlfriend and professor, Glynda Goodwitch. Pyrrha just didn’t see the blonde woman with the dark and her half-opened eyes.

Pyrrha dropped her heavy body onto the bed and Glynda. She laid on her belly and instantly fell asleep. In contrast, Glynda was awoken by the sudden weight dropped on her. She was a hefty woman herself, but Pyrrha was easily three times her size. The older woman was buried underneath her younger girlfriend. That normally would make her heart race, but she was far too tired for frisky activities.

“Pyrrmpha?” Glynda’s voice was muffled as one fat boob pressed against her face. She pushed her hands into the belly fat over her chest as well, but the blubber just morphed around her palms and in between her fingers. Pyrrha’s response was just a snore. ‘Of course.’ Glynda rolled her eyes and started to gently rub her girlfriend’s belly. ‘She is lucky I love her so much, but she had better be ready to spoil me tomorrow.’

Glynda closed her eyes and tried to get back to sleep. It wasn’t hard seeing as she was already tired, but Pyrrha’s softness and warmth aided the process greatly. This wasn’t the first time this happened either. Once Pyrrha woke up and rolled off of Glynda she would apologize, hug the woman, and promise to do something sweet for her. There was a reason these two ended up together after all.



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