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Series: Akame ga Kill

Characters: Leone, Akame, Mine, Francesca (OC)

Contains: Weight gain


A path was cut out before the three girls. Wherever they walked, the people around them created a wide berth. That wasn’t because the three girls were assassins from Night Raid though. It was because one of the girls was so impossibly fat that anyone who didn’t move out of the way would just be bounced off of her tremendously fat belly.

That woman was Leone, the self-appointed big sister of the team. She had a reputation for being an incredibly strong brawler, but she was well-loved by the people in the slums. Even now she grinned and waved at those she passed by and recognized. The wide, toothy smile looked different with the softball-sized cheeks that wobbled on the side of her face. Arms that could punch hard enough to break bone had sagging bingo wings that reached the middle of her ribs. A fat roll formed at her elbow before her forearms slimmed to puffy wrists thicker than some support beams at the tented shops. Finally, her fingers appeared so thick and round that Leone could never hope to make a fist.

“Seems like people are happy to see us today huh?” Leone grinned and looked to her sides. Two of her fellow assassins, Akame and Mine, had been tasked to follow her on their latest mission. Unlike Leone, they were both skinny.

Mine grit her teeth. “They aren’t EXCITED. They’re moving so that you don’t bump into or crush them.” She growled and pinched some of Leone’s blubber hard. If it had hurt the fat blonde, she didn’t reveal it. Instead, Leone patted Mine on her head and played with her bright pink hair. That ended when Mine angrily swiped her hands at Leone’s.

“Nah I don’t think that’s it. If someone ran into me, then they’d likely just bounce off. I won’t crush anyone.” Leone chuckled. The laughter caused her chest to bounce chaotically. She always had a generous bust, but ever since her weight she had gained breasts far beyond anything imaginable. Just one globe of fat was twice the size of her head. Even her up-sized outfit struggled to contain them, especially as she laughed. The black tube top had stretch fabric, but it failed to match the supple texture of Leone’s breasts. They wobbled as if they were jello and threatened to spill out of the garment.

“You crushed Tatsumi.” Akame butted in before she took a large step away from Leone. The dodge was timed perfectly as Leone turned and her heavy belly swung towards the black-haired girl.

“That wasn’t my fault! I tripped on that one spot in the floor. Everyone trips on it at least once, and Tatsumi just happened to be right in front of me!” The group was silent for a moment. “I’m pretty sure he’s ok by now.” Leone’s stomach was like a giant fleshy wrecking ball. It was divided into an upper and lower roll, but their combined mass and weight could seriously damage anything they struck. Most of the gut reached further in front of Leone than what her arms could reach. Her imperial arms, the belt Lionel, only managed to stretch across her circumference in the divot between her belly rolls. The belt’s buckle covered her belly button like a manhole or cork in a wine bottle.

Mine seemed even more agitated now. “None of this would have happened if you hadn’t gorged yourself last month. It’s because you’re a giant blubbery land whale that we have to escort you on a simple delivery mission!”

“Land whale?!” Leone exclaimed and felt a spark of anger in her chest. “Oh, I get it. You’re just jealous you don’t have luxurious curves like me! It must suck to have a flat chest and ass!”

“You call those meat bags luxurious, and hell no I don’t want an ass that breaks a damn doorframe!” Mine shot back as the two stopped and bumped against each other confrontationally. It was a comical sight as Mine sank deep into Leone’s belly back. The only reason the far shorter and more petite girl wasn’t thrown back was that the gap between her heels and the sole of her shoes was hooked on the edge of the sidewalk. Her back still strained to not crumple over Leone’s weight which exceeded her own by at least five or six times.

Akame had also stopped and watched the two girls squabble. She partially believed Leone and wanted to fully believe her friend. It was shocking how she showed up this weight and naked when she had left base clothed and thin on the same night. Though Akame would be in line with Mine if not for the Imperial Arms Leone had returned with. The story of a crazed chef was made plausible with it.

It seemed to be a short apron with loopholes for cooking knives. No one at Night Raid was compatible with it, and so their leader, Najenda, had sent the three to deliver it to an informant in the revolutionary army who would find someone who could use it. Akame and Mine were selected as protective detail for Leone as no one was sure if she could waddle the entire way.

As Mine and Leone continued to argue, Akame couldn’t help but look at Leone’s back. She had gotten wider from her shoulders to her hips. Far rolls were stacked on her back and many of them continued to expand across her sides. They admittedly made Akame think of pancakes and thus cause her stomach to growl.

Leone was widest at her hips with a girth more than twice that of a standard doorway. She had nearly destroyed all of the doorways back at their hideout in a single day. Ones that were widened or repaired only ended up destroyed again. That wasn’t to mention furniture crushed beneath her egregiously fat butt cheeks or walls when she turned and bumped someone through a wall. Given that Leone’s choice of pants were black panties made of the same material as her top and ass-less chaps, she showed off most of her butt. Two massive, blubbery, fat, doughy, bouncy, crushing cheeks bounced erratically with Leone’s smallest movement. As she waddled down the road, her hips swayed enough to strike some people who had previously moved out of the way. If her belly were a wrecking ball, then her butt cheeks were weapons of mass destruction.

Two thick legs somehow managed to carry all of Leone’s bulk through they brushed against each other with every step. Her legs were thickest at her thighs and consisted of numerous rolls laid atop each other. The final roll ended at a broad knee, also bigger than Leone’s head, and everything below was a puffy cylinder that ended at a wide cankle. Whatever had happened, it made Leone so fat that she likely would never be thin again.



Vincenzo Alma

Can't wait for part 2!

Vincenzo Alma

Any idea on a timeliness for part 2?