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Light just found is new L to play with...


Devante Vickers

People get annoyed after L dies. Its nothing wrong with Near and Mello. People were just too attached to L.

Devante Vickers

And sprinkling flashbacks would have probably ruined the show.

Yoona Kim

Always gonna be on Lights side for this


Most people who have watched Death Note do stop after L's death. It was definitely a bizarre decision to make knowing they still had 10 episodes or more left that they were going to release. They did a poor job on allowing the audience to really connect and care about Near or Mello. They were just like hey L died here is now 2 random people in which one will remind you of L to keep you hooked enough. Terrible decision IMO. Also, the only reason I personally kept watching it was to see if Light ever gets caught or if he truly gets away with everything. I personally feel this series should have ended a lot sooner. The momentum was gone for me.


I miss L a lot too, he was my favorite character after all, but I don't think the part of the show after L's death is not that good just because he isn't there anymore. I think Mello and Near are very cool too and a perfect replacement for L. And a little fun fact: Even the writer of Death Note regretted letting L die afterwards 😅 Everyone just loves L!

Ben Stephenson

'At least they're playing fair.' Minus the part where Mello killed like 70% of the people working with Near :'(

Zafar Ali

wish we got a reaction from misa to Rems death. I wonder what she thinks even happened. Im sure even though she loves Light so much, that she wouldnt be cool with him setting up her death


tbh, the ending is much better in the movie(the Japanese one). the anime did a good job in the beginning but how they continued after L's dead is kinda... :))))


Your guys thoughts on the series after L is justified. A lot of death note fans feel the same way. Its funny in addition to death note the writer wrote another manga called platinum end which has an anime too, this one dealing with angels… its not bad but its not great either… Point im trying to make is the L and light dynamic writing was epic, everything after was just good or decent at best

Lenni Bunny

post L felt like a drag! i binged because i just wanted to see how it finally ends but i def lost interest lol

Healthy Truth

Who was the person to mislead them with "theres 4 notebooks" lmao and nearly died. bro if you dont know the facts, then try harder to infer with consciousness. Or even better, read some comments that resonate with your brain. I loved L from the very first time I watched this(2014 approx) and still appreciate how he made me idolise deduction reasoning and solving through drastic measures when necessary.