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Naruto and Sai's dynamic is so funny 😂 

Excited so learn more about him!


Twin Hallow

Feel like this arc is a bit slow but its only up after


Ron caught in 4k wanting Sakura to de-robe 🤣🤣


Watching this back, Sakura and especially Naruto were not being great as far as comradery goes themselves. It was like them vs Sai. They may be biased towards Sasuke, but that doesn't make Sai wrong. Plus, most of the time Naruto was coming at Sai with hostility first. I forgot how much of a brat he still was at the beginning of Shippuden.

Khalid Arzamendi

Question, why is frieren locked for the sushi sampler?

Yoona Kim

Ron went from Sakura Hater to Sakura Lover


Yall might as well do 3 days of Naruto at this point

John Doe

To give you guys an idea of how strong Yamato is he uses wood style ninjustsu which is one of the strongest ninjutsu in the Naruto verse (go punch a tree to understand why) and up until this point the only other person to be able to use it was the first Hokage who captured all of the tail beast due to the woodstyle being effective at taming tail beast chakra which is why he was also placed on the team so if Naruto ever lost control he could be there to stop him from going all the way and transforming. Also keep in mind though Yamato's wood style pales in comparison to what Hashirama was able to do. Not even close.


I wish i had more money so i could be able to upgrade to the next patreon thingy to be up to date rip 😭😭 these videos are the highlight of my week always lookin forward to them after school

ₛ ᵢ ₚ ₚ ᵢ ᵢ 忍

Ron, your forehead is pretty much perfect, its even less than 1/3 of your face.

Juan Jose

Just saying but At this point 2 episodes ain't cutting it.


Without spoiling, what Ron is saying about Yamato is on the right idea but wrong reason. There's actually multiple reasons going on here. So Ron is close but not close. Some characters you don't even find out the reasons to their "character" until the very end and it's worth the wait.


Kakashi and Guy are the strongest out of the jonin, kinda "regular" ninjas in the village. But out of everyone in the village, the strongest are Tsunade and Jiraiya. But Tsunade is the hokage so she is not on the front lines and Jiraiya is basically half retired and only does information gathering missions outside the village and training Naruto, so he is not technically a part of the leaf village active ninja personnel and therefore is not joining on expedition missions like retrieving Gaara etc


you dont have to zoom in we all can see Ron his big forehead from miles away, joking bud mine is way bigger XD

Haidar Mashlab

I think it's fine to say "Naruto" without trying to sound Japanese, its kinda weird to switch up the accent for one word 😂. I say and hear a lot of other people say "Na-ru-toe" and it sounds fine to me


yeah, besides that's how they pronounce it in the dub anyways, so it's not necessarily wrong. Saying nah-roo-toe is more accurate than saying nuh-rudo. I can't roll my r's for shit, so I don't even try to force it, because who cares. Just don't say nah-rudo and yuh-mado and kuh-budo. I think Ron often replaces the the T's with the letter D instead, and also pronounces three syllable words with two instead.


!! ** despite contrary belief in this series you should watch the fillers it shows backstory of the characters that are part of the main story , and some episodes even show important details ** ( dont know if it this is a spoiler or not personally i do not think so please correct me otherwise ) it shows the capture of some of the other tail beasts . Filler are part of the main story it is just not part of the manga ** !!

Zenru Renari

Michelle keeps jump scaring me with this “TODOKA!” 😭😭

Brie Reia (bribri0775)

Both of you guys are screaming voluminous hair models today!! haha

Christine Copeland aka Christine's Culinary Quest

r's in japanese are a mix or an r and l sound. For ru it's like the mouth shape when saying roo but touching your tongue to the roof of your mouth like saying loo at the same time. It takes some practice but it helps to think of it as a combination like that.

Christine Copeland aka Christine's Culinary Quest

anyone else have flashbacks to the team 7 formation when Naruto was like "Why do I have to team with him?" about sai? All I could think of in that moment was when he said the exact same thing when he was put on a team with Sasuke. They drew so so many parallels.


oh god she is ripping my ears by that outro song screech... she is my enemy for life now