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Happy Death Note Sunday! 


Prateek Sridhar

Nice catch Ron, I didn't notice Light referring to L in 3rd person during the call either. What I'm thinking is, Light either slipped and forgot he was pretending to be L for a split second, or in that part of the call he was talking from an objective standpoint about what would be a better choice for them, so there was no "I" in that part of the call :p.


Oh yeah a reason of why L eats so much sweets and thus looks like the way he looks, a really good theory suggests that L has anemia.

Matheus Zucchetti

i think the thing with L and the sugar are like the way he sits, just some kind of mania or something like that

Gee Games

I think I read something a while back saying L eats a lot of sugar because he uses so much brain power

Prateek Sridhar

For the discussion at the end of the video, here's my take on it. When Light had the death note, the way he was towards Misa and I think other people too was very manipulative and calculating or cunning. I think getting the death note made him that way, but he was more innocent, straightforward, honest and yet had the same intelligence level before. When he lost memories of the death note, he returned to the kind of personality he had before getting the death note but he didn't lose memories of things other than the death note (like working with L and getting into a relationship with Misa - even if Kira didn't treat it like a proper relationship). Since the fact that Light and Misa were in a relationship didn't change after losing memories of death note, it became a proper relationship coz the real "pre-death note" Light would care about his girlfriend and treat her right :p. That's how things seemed to me atleast :p. So, I'm leaving towards Michelle's take on it more.


I think what you read was about his brain burning enough calories to offset the amount of sweets he consumes. I could be wrong but I thought the sweets was to keep himself stimulated even though he lacks sleep.

Naruto Uzumaki

Light figuring out what L thinks and revealing his "plan" to him subconsciously (unaware this is what his Kira self wants) is a top 10 moment for sure. If that plan is what light is cooking up, Light was thinking 3 steps ahead with the current plan. He literally gambles on an innocent version of himself.

Yoona Kim

kinda hoping for x2 episodes :(

Yoona Kim

i also noticed that when Light was talking his side of himself looked different didnt show his eyes all whatever

Lamlamu Tserriednich

Minute 11:30 ron you tripping and here's why , light lost his memories therefore no and also it makes perfect sense to speak in 3rd party when explaining something like that it makes it easier to understand, here you can even try this if you want try to say what light said in ur head in 2 diffrent ways 1 "if i win" 2 if L wins" you'll notice the former has a bit of a stop in its rythem(maybe im tripping on this tho)

Lamlamu Tserriednich

Ok but whats ur point tho, light has lost all his memories , ron pointed it out as if light's alter ego is at play here kinda like eren dropping the ball zeke threw at him signaling eren doesn't align/agree with zeke but except in light's case light doesn't have any memories


was kinda waiting for 3 episodes today as you hadnt uploaded for a week, are you not gonna catch up to schedule when you¨ve been sick?


oh damn did they skip the new opening..?


Light is just worried about Misa in general, he's not worried about her now because he developed feelings for her. Light just pretends to be with her and have feelings for her the whole time because L asked him to do that. And I wouldn't say the Death Note changed him. Light was already a sociopath before, because some people are just born with this inclination. I mean, even before he got the Death Note, he was complaining about how "rotten", like he said, the world and people are and that something has to change. The Death Note simply gave him this opportunity to change the world and express his strong sense of justice, and it was this opportunity, this power, that caused him to develop such a big god complex and in his opinion, the right to kill everyone he considers evil and doesn't fit into his worldview.

Uchiha With Some Gas

ron, ur tripping on 11:30, u can talk in 3rd, especially when ur explaining things

Devante Vickers

Wrong, light was never a sociopath before. He has his way's of thinking, and almost everyone in the world think the same thing he does. Humans are shit or blah blah blah. But when he got the death note, he got a God complex which will actually make you a sociopath. Believing everyone is under you and your just pawns too him.

Devante Vickers

Light had empathy before the death note, one of the reasons why he is loves justice so much. You're not born a sociopath, you become one. The death note was the trigger for him.

Devante Vickers

It was the God Complex that made him "different". I'd imagine anyone using the death note would become different in some way no matter who. For light he wanted to be a god, so why would you see humans as anything equal?


Gotta keep in mind that right now Light is still missing his memories of the Death Note. So technically he's not "acting" innocent. He really believes that he's innocent and is genuinely trying to solve the Kira case. Same goes for Misa


His sense of justice has absolutely nothing to do with empathy. For him, justice is only what he has noticed and learned from his father, who is a police officer. I mean, if he had anything like empathy, he probably wouldn't have started using the Death Note so actively in the first place. After realizing it worked, he would have regretted using it and thrown it away. But no, he immediately started killing people without any scruples, and that's because he has no empathy for such people, i.e. criminals. He differentiates very rationally between "good" and "bad", and empathy is just what lies in between, and that's what he lacks. In his opinion, it is fair to kill a person just because that person also killed someone. So you can't exactly call that emphatic. And I never said that you are born a sociopath, only that you are born with a certain disposition. I mean, every child is like a sociopath, because you have to learn empathy first while you are growing up. And Light probably had big problems to learn empathy because of his high IQ and rationality. The Death Note was nothing more to him than an opportunity to put his thoughts about making the world a better place into action. Before the Death Note, these thoughts were just thoughts

Joise Cepeda

Well they are on vacation, they shouldn’t even have to upload 3 episodes even if they were sick. Plus they are leaving today or tomorrow to head back to the states. So catching up won’t happen until they get back (mods)

Mr. Tiger

I agree how Light caring about Misa is weird without the memories, but the way I see it is this: Light with Death Note agreed to be Misa's BF to use her, but post memory wipe all Light remembers is I am Misa's BF, and he seems to go along with it out of his own strict moral code. Light without memories is implied heavily to be an upright model citizen like his dad before the Death Note, so such a person wouldn't just break up without a good reason is the author showing his own opinion of what a model citizen would do IMO.

Ihsan Nurul Iman

11:30 it's way more common to say third person rather than first person in Japanese culture... it's about the culture nothing wrong with it. Misa always says "Misa Misa" instead of "I", and so on. In fact, some says saying "I" instead of name is impolite