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The squad teaming up against the troupe is sick!

Also wondering how Hisoka's plan is going to work out! ⭐—_—💧


Prateek Sridhar

hahaha love you guys using the ⭐—_—💧 xD


My assumption about why they didn't have Pakunoda read Hisoka's mind would be that if he allowed her to, that would be considered the same as him giving up the information which would trigger the hypothetical "Sword of Law" and kill Hisoka.


To resolve the confusion around Kurapika's nen dagger. Gon wanted to let Kurapika put a nen dagger with the condition that if Gon were to give away info to the troupe Gon would die, because it would put Kurapika at ease. The reason Kurapika said he wouldn't is because if Gon, Killua or Leorio got caught he wants them to have the info as a bartering chip to possibly save their lives. Kurapika respects his friends resolve but doesnt want them to die when they may have been able to get away. At this point the only life he's willing to give up in pursuit of beating the troupe is his own. I'm not sure where the idea that Leorio is helpless or useless comes from, neither Killua or Gon would win in a straight up fight vs the troupe at this point which puts Leorio in a similar position as them. Leorio is a big part of how they made money from all the stuff they found in the market and he helps a ton with the research and planning that has gone into what Killua and Gon have been up to this arc. Just because someone isn't a strong fighter doesn't make them useless or helpless. Its funny that you think he wouldn't be a healer since his stated goal is to become a doctor XD.

dmc 1219

So excited for more, you guys are the best!


Coming back to comment because I think I have a decent analogy XD. If you were planning a road trip with 4 friends, who you love spending time with, and 1 of the friends couldn't drive would you consider them useless or inherently helpless? to take it further and in line with Leorio's contribution to this endeavor, what if that friend who couldn't drive planned out the route, helped with navigation, planned for bathroom breaks and places to stay the night. If the goal of the road trip is to enjoy the time spent then just the presence of a friend who I enjoy being around would make them far from "useless" towards that goal. In Leorios case its similar, he brings insight and the ability to help balance peoples decisions as well as all the backend work that doesn't directly involve combat. Towards the goal of defeating the Spiders I wouldn't consider that type of contribution useless. Also just to clarify, I'm not trying to impose an opinion on you guys I'm just trying to maybe reshape the way you view "useless" and "useful" characters. While I understand how exciting it is to root for characters to fight, taking into consideration what those characters fighting would mean holistically for the narrative and on an individual character level is also very important. Fighting ability (yes, even in shounen XD) is not the only quality to look for in characters, sometimes the characters who convince stronger characters that violence isn't the only way are the most useful of all.


I just wrote out a little explanation of this before i even saw your comment so deleted my original. You explained it much better lol.


Omg ChocoBoshi, I so agree with your analogy. Each person has their role. Many people just like characters that are OP(overpowered) and when there is a character that does not seem to contribute much they are deemed useless. And I am referring to another female character.

Michelle Lam

I think everything said here is correct. I also will say however, the show has specifically put WAY more focus and emphasis on Killua, Gon and Kurapika training and fighting, and has not given much time to Leorio at all. So as first time viewers, the writer has created this for us. So I dont think there is a "right" or "wrong" way of viewing him or any character for that matter. BUT, up until now, he has def contributed like you have mentioned, but is also the biggest liability in the group, in regards to the world and situation they are in facing the troupe.


yo what happened to death note?

Chris Mullen

Always love watching you guys through the HunterxHunter journey. I love the whole series, but I honestly can't wait for you guys to get a bit further in. One of the future arcs is just one of my all-time favorites in anime!

Chris Mullen

Also! Sorry for commenting twice but I have a video recommendation I think you and your community would enjoy. I see a lot of people talking about the potential of the One Piece anime or Live Action in your comments. There is a video on YouTube called "The Breathtaking World of One Piece" Posted by StrawHat V. It's a great spoiler-free video that I think you guys would really enjoy. Gives you an idea of the world you would be entering and some of the concepts behind it. Plus it's just pretty :)


Gon is imo the biggest liability. He is the one who got himself involved with the troupe again, when he asked to help Kurapika. Killua is way better at judging a situation and the opponents strength then Gon, thats why Killua wanted Kurapika to decline, bc he knows they cant win a fight against them.


Finally got back into my account I've been so bored without watching you guys 😭


Totally, he may not be the biggest contributor but he's still a contributing member of the team. Wasn't trying to correct your thoughts just wanted to give him a fair shake in your minds 👍

Justin Moore

Yea I recommened it awhile ago and Mods said there was spoilers. Guess since they already know general things about the story from the LA it'd be fine now.

Yoona Kim (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-02 06:54:45 haha wait so what have you been watching?
2023-10-02 06:54:45 haha wait so what have you been watching?
2023-10-02 06:54:45 haha wait so what have you been watching?
2023-10-02 06:54:45 haha wait so what have you been watching?
2023-10-02 06:54:45 haha wait so what have you been watching?
2023-10-02 06:54:45 haha wait so what have you been watching?
2023-10-02 06:54:45 haha wait so what have you been watching?
2023-10-02 04:23:53 haha wait so what have you been watching?

haha wait so what have you been watching?


Michelle sniffing Teddy in the beginning lmaooo relatable