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Happy Monday y'all!! Let's get it :D



Hey, little trivia about the tournaments: - There are 2 tournaments per year so this is the first one but they'll have another one later that year. - Only the first spot for the Miyagi Prefecture will go to nationals. Tokyo has two spots since they have a higher number of teams competing in their region. - The prefecture that hosts the national tournament has a bonus qualifying slot. - You probably noticed this but Nekoma is in the Toyko prefecture so they won't face Karasuno unless both teams go to nationals and are lucky enough to be in the same side of the tournament tree (donno if i'm clear here ahah). That's also why there's never been an official game Karasuno vs Nekoma. If I forgot something don't hesitate to correct me and i'll modify / add it !


Your first point is a spoiler, how do we know the third years will still stick around?

Prateek Sridhar

Teddy is the "Cheesana kyojin" (little giant) xD

Prateek Sridhar

Date isn't pronounced like the fruit or the calendar date. It's pronounced like how they're pronouncing dateko, excluding the ko part.

Prateek Sridhar

Michelle is right about the ref hand signals in volleyball. Pointing in means in, pointing out means out. Whichever team he points his arm to gets the point. If he shows his hands like hes touching the net, it was a net touch.


my bad, I tried to avoid those and completely forgot that point. It's modified !

storm (kasey) !

the tournaments are so hype im so excited for the dateko match :D


飛べ is imperative form conjugated from the verb 飛ぶ which means "to fly" but also "to jump" which is why they use it for the banner as they jump and fly on the court and crows fly as well. Here's dictionary definition of the word for your tattoo reference https://jisho.org/search/%E9%A3%9B%E3%81%B6


Also crows will have much significance for a Naruto character you are yet to meet and that I think Ron will like

Dylan Gardner

If you guys continue watching sports anime I highly recommend Ace of Diamond. It is full of amazing characters and is a good watch even if you don't know a lot about baseball.


omg i cant wait to see how the tattoo is gonna turn out to be


How about the "fly high" and sparrow and also add a single falling crow feather too? Like have fly high with a falling crow feather beneath the writing and then the sparrow next to it?