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Sorry for the late post! Did any of y'all watch the Super Bowl?!



Still team eren


Still #teamEren


ahh and now you have gotten to the most decisive part of AOT, in which you have edgy teens on one side who have an inability to understand anything past surface level writing, and call themselves "jaegerists", shitting on any form of written resistance to eren... even going as far as shitting on the creator isayama himself. Then you have the idiots on the other side who hate on eren like their life depends on it... also sending isayama death threats... And then theres the normal viewers who understand this is a geopolitical war drama, with many layers below the surface level. Understanding that not choosing a side and experiencing the story from a neutral perspective is the best way to view a story like this, viewing all sides from a point of empathy bc they all have their reasons... and also understanding genocide is never the answer, something isayama clearly displays with the "cringevengers". And before any of the idiots come over here talking about marley started it, I can go ahead and say eldia started it. Its a typical cycle of hatred. erens idea of breaking the cycle is to kill everyone with hate, mikasas teams idea is to talk it out, let everyone understand each other through empathy. At the end of the day, time and time again you see shows like this start to garner a ton of hate towards the end... examples being any geopolitical thriller or multifaceted series known to man in which the focus isnt just on one main person or group, but different people in different settings... Game of thrones, house of the dragon, etc. One thing they all have in common is that they grow to huge popularity and take a drastic dump towards the end and the other similarity is the simple minded people choose sides. So when one side eventually is successful or there is a conclusion that favors the other... one side is left angry. I understand AOT was very simple Survival/mystery show at the start and your typical shounen kids made up a lot of the fanbase but it was never meant to stay like that, isayama didn't write the story for you to pick a side. He wrote a story that delves into harsh, real themes, that make you think about what it means to be an empathetic human, what reasons you have for hatred, and many many more. Anyways this message won't change anything, just letting you know why you will see so much hate in the comments from here on out.


Honnestly, the comment section is literally scary. Its like you people are watching AOT only because you are fangirling over Eren. I think some of you missed so many message the writter is trying to tell with his story.


it's honestly just anime fans, even though I consider myself one, there are countless toxic anime fans in literally every fandom that exist within this community. It's sad because we all clearly enjoy the medium, but for some reason everyone's opinion is more important than everyone having a good time. Like the good ol' fashion debate Saitama vs Goku (Saitama wins btw) that has literally ruined some people's friendships lmfaooo. Some people need to remember its fiction and take it a little bit less seriously when it becomes a straight up argument.

Phil K

Mahomes is the Levi of the NFL.

Tyler Lacy



Didn't use MLA format so i will not be reading this essay.


The burned ashes of the bones Jean was reffering to was a callback to all the comrades they lost along the way, including Marco who died back in season 1. He simply couldnt live his easy life doing nothing. He had to move on because he felt like he owned it to all the dead ones and Marco. And to all the people who dont like the ending, or are still all on Erens and the Jeagerists side, you all are missing the most important part of the damn show. There is so much Isayama is telling with season 4. I kinda agree it might feel a little rushed, but you gotta consider he worked mostly alone on the Manga for 10 years+.


Am I the only one that’s not the biggest fan of the background music during the outro discussion?

Tyler Lacy

No but fr that was such a good game. I’m glad we managed to pull through. Broncos get a new hc and could be dangerous 👀

Michelle Lam

No i dont like it too much either. Doesnt fit the mood or theme of the show/episode. We let our editor know already. Appreciate the feedback! Def agree with you


kinda want to see how the titans trampling the world lol it's been long overdue

Galaxy Shogun

And here is a ending defender...Foolish as always (You will also be seeing this a lot going forward.) The ending is very controversial and criticized this person is trying to sway your opinion, but I think the conclusion will be very cut and dry for most people with a Brain... Lets see what you think of the next few episodes LMFAO. Lelouch, you would have to be blind to not see why Annie reappearing and being instantly forgiven after all the people she killed is odd to say the least. This alliance to stop Eren actually makes 0 sense. This is the reason people criticize Isayama; We are supposed to believe that Armin is "Smart"? He helped Eren achieve the rumbling then claims he didn't know that was going to happen LOL? Real smart there Armin, isn't Eren your best friend? Weren't you warned of the potential of the rumbling yet somehow he didn't think Eren might do that? Objectively bad writing. Does Zeke's plan sound so cruel in comparison now? I could go on for days but the point is people can criticize all they want. You don't control anyone. You sound super immature, sorry that your beloved series fell so hard from grace. Buckle up its about to get worse and you know it.


“Revolutions rarely result in the people that started them taking power”