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Progress is progress and I've made a whole lot of it!

It's been so amazing and fun to get back into writing, like I've genuinely loved getting back into it and I finally finished off that scene I mentioned last week. The friendship scenes are done, and I'm super excited to share them with you guys. You're able to develop your friendships with the ros, and you get to do that one on one in a supernatural setting.

Each scene for each ro ended up being over 2k words, and there are a few branches to read through so I think the replayability works really well. Next, it's ro pov scenes! They're my favourite to write. I love delving into the ros' mind and their reaction to the fake dating (or friend route), and... you get to see their conversation with Zillah Arryn (*cough* tragic backstories here we go *cough*).

I think, so far, this has been my favourite chapter to write. I usually say this about every new chapter I write, but I truly do like this one and I hope it's going to be an enjoyable read for you all. 

I'm probably about halfway through, or just over that so we're in a good position to get an update out extremely soon!


A fake chortle escapes the vampire. "Because there's no better pair than Zillah Arryn and a good-ass secret," K mutters sarcastically.

Word count: 339.5k (+17.4k — pat on the back for writing 17 thousand words in 10 days!)



Oh dang that's a super lot of progress in a short time, you're flying!! Glad that you're enjoying it Mila thanks for all your hard work and all you do! 🤗