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A bit of a two-in-one update. One, I'm done with university! I did three all-nighters in a row to get my assignments done, and now it's all over for the year — so, my summer sort of officially starts today. 

It's been a very difficult academic year, but knowing I still had this story gave me a lot of comfort, so thank you for supporting me still on here when I know I haven't been the most active.

Now uni is over and done with, I'm immersed in the Golden universe fully. I'm onto the ros' pov of their conversation with Zillah, and the tragic backstories are coming out! I've finished off K's already, and I'm over halfway through B's. I can't wait for you guys to read these scenes, I think some of the ros' reactions will be surprising, but I'm also excited to put the ros in a... vulnerable position. You know, the mc's been through a lot in eight/nine chapters, so time for the tables to turn. 

I also think this chapter is going to show a bit of platonic soulmates/found-family, or I'm hoping it will.

I really am enjoying writing this chapter, even when self-doubt about my writing and this story has often crept up, especially recently, so I'm trying to keep thinking about the fun you can have with writing. 

I can't give a definite date for the update, but I'd love for it to be in May, so that's what I'm going to push for.


"Say what you like." Zillah moves to stand directly in front of [redacted]. She lifts up a manicured finger and points to their chest. "I know I've hurt you."



Congrats on finishing up Mila!!!! 🥳


OMG CONGRATULATIONS MILA!!! 🤍🎉 I’m really happy for you!