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The dissertation is done and handed in! After three more assignments, I can fully delve into Golden's fictional world!

I've written another few hundred words. I've finally started the scene that's been playing on my mind, I'm glad it's finally started because it's been difficult to get going. However, the first choice options of that have been written up. I'm onto the second choice options, though I've realised that I've given myself a bit of work to do as I added in both a fake-dating route (romance) and the friend route—so I have to write 8 different scenarios for one choice which can get a bit repetitive, but I'm hoping it's fun to read. Especially as the choice is quite new to the game, it's an [in denial] choice to romance in game. I was thinking that if the ros can be in denial to the mc and any feelings, the mc should be able to act the same way at times—so fingers crossed that comes off well.

Additionally, I literally just had a cute idea for a P and mc drabble, it's not part of the 'Don't discount my feelings' series, it's just one I randomly came up with after seeing a reel. It involves art, unsaid feelings, and a slightly flustered P... so if you're interested in reading a drabble like that, let me know. 

Lastly, thanks again for your support. I often find it difficult and feel like I'm not giving enough on here, as much as I try to.

Word count: 322k (+ 900)


"Besides, who knows, maybe that's the whole point — you need a change sometimes. Look at Cillian, lost his heart to a supernatural, and now he's engaged."


Skippy Hugo

I'm always up for P and MC.