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William didn't understand what had happened. Some time ago he was sitting in his office as a general manager and executive in a large company in 2023 and everything was fine, then he blinked and suddenly realized that he was somewhere else, and more shockingly he was someone else!

And when he decided to ask a question to the gentleman standing next to him, he realized that it was not a deception. Even before this, he realized that his body was somehow... strange. Unusual, uncomfortable clothes and this incomprehensible volume in the chest area and the fabric of a tight corset. Everything became obvious when William uttered his question, asking where he was and noticing that his voice sounded somehow too unnaturally high and feminine. In response, he received a rude answer that “a woman should not behave like that,” without even understanding what he did wrong.

It soon became apparent to him that he had traveled back in time and ended up in the body of Charlotte Fiennes. Although it seemed unreal, everything indicated that it was true.

Unfortunately, William will never know why he is and how he ended up in the past. But he will know for sure that his life as a 38-year-old successful man from 2023 is now over. He will discover that the year is 1864 and that he is now 30 year old Charlotte Fiennes, the wife ofa 55 year old factory owner in England named Charles.

Slowly but surely William will learn to speak and act like a 19th Century woman, which means learning when to hold her tongue, and being subservient to her husband in all things, and while William will never learn to love Charles, he will learn to tolerate his advances, and even derive some pleasure from them on the occasion and he will love the two sons Charlotte will eventually give birth to.



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