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Dennis Falconetti looked in the mirror. He'd been in this body almost three weeks but it still felt wrong, not only being in another body, but a woman's body at that. Sure this wasn't the first body he'd skipped into, but he hadn't been in any of the others more than a few days. And more importantly they'd all been guys.

He hadn't really believed the warlock who said he could spring Dennis from prison by slipping his consciousness into another body, but given Dennis was serving thirty years for murder, and was sixty years old, he figured he didn't have much to lose. The warlock wanted a million dollars, which was practically all the money Dennis had squirreled away, but it wasn't like a million bucks would be much use to a ninety year old, even if Dennis didn't die before he was freed.

Step one was the hardest. Dennis had to start a fight with a specific guard, Cooper. Cooper was baton happy, and responded with violence. As the blows rained down on him Dennis knew he'd been tricked. a million dollars and all he got for his trouble was a beating. But then in the moment before he passed out he discovered he was the one doing the beating! It worked!

Jason (with Dennis inhabiting his body) was sent home, while Dennis (who was now Jason) was sent to the infirmary. It'd be days before he regained consciousness and Dennis was long gone by then, skipping to the body of a 45 year old trucker named Lou.

And so it went, body to body, never staying in one more than a few days  and it was uncontrollable. Until with a shock he arrived in the body of 34 year old Julia Hernando (at now Smith), a waitress living in a small town in Wyoming.

Worse was that Julia was married to a 40 year old guy named Jerry, an unemployed plumber. He was a lazy, good for nothing who it seemed liked nothing more than watching TV all day, drinking with his buds and living off his wife's hard work. Oh, and he liked fucking her on a regular basis as well.

Figuring he was only going to be in her body a few days, Dennis fended off Jerry's advances, saying he was too tired or had a headache. At first this worked, but after three days Jerry had had enough of missing out on his conjugal rights and Dennis found himself in a situation where saying no wasn't an option. Jerry was quick at least, which was something. It still wasn't exactly a pleasant experience for Dennis with Jerry's tongue slobbering in his mouth and his cock pounding in and out of Julia's pussy.

Three weeks now, three weeks of long shifts on his feet in the diner, being groped or sworn at by the truck drivers who made up most of the diner's clientele. Three weeks of going home to a husband who demanded dinner on the table and sex in bed, who routinely woke his wife by popping his cock in her mouth. Dennis eventually began taking some pleasure in the sex, however brief it was, but he didn't think he could ever get to enjoy having Jerry cum in his mouth. He's tried calling the warlock but to no avail. He doesn't know what scares him more, the police turning up on his door, or the idea that this is now it, that he'll be Julia for the rest of her life.



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