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- Ma'am, drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited here

- Um... I... I know and I don't... I don't drink. That's not mine. Oh... I'll explain everything to you now, officer

- Please try to explain, but first of all put the bottles on the ground

- Oh... I don't think this will work.

- What do you have in mind!? Just put the bottles down and we'll continue our conversation.

- I can't. Damn... Here. Look!

The young sexy woman opened her palms to see another surprised face.

- What kind of trick is this? What the hell... Did you glue the bottles? But why?

- I didn't do it! This is all my ex's curse! Every Friday at 21-00 pm I turn into... into this! Just... Just let me go. I'm almost home, please. I need to go home urgently before I... just let me go and that’s it, okay? I didn't do anything like that

Chuck didn’t want to tell the officer this until the last moment, but he didn’t see any other way out. He needed to return home and wait out the next transformation into the “slutty Miranda”, which he turned into every Friday after he cheated on his ex who turned out to be a witch. She cast this spell on him a long time ago and Chuck usually spent the weekend (from 21:00 on Friday to 21:00 on Sunday) at home until he turned into himself again.

Today Chuck missed getting home a little, having forgotten about the time and been late at the bar with his friends from work, and now he regretted it.

- Your documents, miss

- Oh... The documents must be... oh, exactly! Right here! In your purse! Now... Damn (Chuck felt the curse begin to take effect further and his mind became drunk as if he had already drunk quite a lot of alcohol) Oh... Officer... How... handsome you are!

Chuck said unexpectedly, not knowing how strong the curse was since he had never been next to a man at these moments. His body literally burned with desire the moment he looked at the officer, and taking into account the effects of alcohol, this was simply an unimaginably strong effect.

- What do you have in mind?

- I... Let me please you

Chuck said, squatting with a smile, starting to unzip the fly of the officer's trousers and somehow placing the bottles on the asphalt... This will truly be an unforgettable weekend for Chuck



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