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Two weeks have already passed since the “Town” experiment was launched. According to the agreements, all participants were placed in the living conditions that the computer randomly selected for them, and of course, their bodies and some basic knowledge were adapted for these conditions. All this was important so that each of the participants could quickly adapt to the new role. And it was a truly large-scale social experiment.

Frank hated himself for agreeing to participate in this moronic experiment, as he, or rather she, now called it. And Frank hated that she now had to answer to the name "Magdalena." Even the organizers of this experiment now addressed her only by the name “Magdalena.” And for Frank it was like participating in some kind of freak show. Despite the fact that everyone tried to pretend that they were different people, Frank still understood that this was not the case.

In two weeks, however, a lot has changed. Frank, although she had not completely adapted to the new role of a waitress, nevertheless noticed that everything around her had become similar to the ordinary life of an ordinary city. More than a thousand people who decided to take part in this experiment now truly seemed to have settled into their new lives and roles.

And this also scared her. Frank really was now living like an ordinary immigrant waitress in an ordinary American city. Despite the fact that she retained her main facial features due to the peculiarities of the transformation procedure, she nevertheless became much darker, her face became more feminine, given the fact that she wore makeup, she completely ceased to look like him Frank, who she was a couple of weeks ago and probably one of her business partners would now recognize her. In addition, her knowledge of English now left much to be desired. It was now easier for her to think and speak in Spanish.

Soon it was impossible not to notice how people who until recently had been different and who at the beginning of the experiment treated her just as sympathetically, now, having gotten used to the role, changed their attitude and saw in her only a second-rate immigrant who did not understand their conversations and trashed them I eat in a cheap cafe. Even her boss, a fat and smelly lout, now fully lived up to this role and periodically grabbed her ass. She complained to the organizers about this, but they just shrugged their shoulders and said that this was not a violation of the rules and that “Magdalena” should contact the human rights agency or the court if she wants to prove something.

And of course, no one knew that “Magdalena” was one of the richest people in the United States, Frank Verdinant, who, for the sake of argument, agreed to participate in this experiment as an ordinary volunteer and now terribly regretted this decision and waited for it all to finally end



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