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Wow I did not expect so much support after just 2 weeks! Thank you so much!

Now its time to continue where we left off last week. Spiderlings grow up so fast.... Some  do seem a bit impatient though.

I hope to make this a weekly thing. Let's see if I can keep that up. 

I like to do the with/without spiders variants, since the spiders tend hide a lot of nice slimy rendering. What do you think? Are you interested in seeing the different versions (and if yes, what kind of variants?) or just the main image?




Yes please, different versions would be awesome! One thing I really liked about the first post was the various stages of webbing on the girls; obviously they would get more cocooned over time, but it would also be cool to show less webbing or even none as a sort of 'x-ray' vision where we can tell who is who, as well as convey the girl's emotions throughout thier ordeal. For instance I would love to see how the first Adventurer has coped with such a long captivity compared to the other two. After all, it's been a long time since we've seen her face! And, of course, to see what her lovely, bred body looks like under that heavy webbing!


You deserve your fast growth, it was said before, your skill at lighting, anatomy and image layouts are all great. With and without are good since the spiders act like a censor. Also if you haven't locked in your good ending how about they get rescued but then give birth back in society, opening the door to a follow up.

Matt (not that one)

Excellent work! This viewing angle feels like a return to form almost, but it feels darker and creepier (less light from the upper right, for instance). If you feel like taking this weekly, go right ahead, but don't feel obligated on our account. I'm personally supporting you for your quality--and you continue to impress!


Thanks! I really appreciate that. Yeah the angle is similar to that in part 15. I think with having them in such a confined space for such a long time, I don't have many options for new viewing angles left.


Thanks man! That is a great idea. I am reconsidering what the canon ending is going to be. Maybe they will get out somehow. I was thinking of having a next story take place in a type of bio research facility, maybe that would be a nice way to link that to this

Matt (not that one)

Actually I was about to comment that the return to that angle is good for keeping these images in line with the Pixiv/DA releases (if you're planning on releasing one or both of them there; I haven't checked). It's still really evocative, though! Maintaining the same angles gives us a good sense of how events are progressing over time as well, so don't fret about that. As far as variants go, your discretion. I really like the idea of with/without critters, but you're the one with the imagination! (forcing myself to stop commenting before I'm tempted to get into my "good ending" head canon)


Glad I was able to support your decision from Pivix, and I certainly will do so from here. You deserve your growth and success 100%. PS. Don't forget the cutey in the bodysuit :D


I'm happy that you started a patreon! I always wanted to support you ever since I saw the Monster Hunter series. Looking forward to more of your work and see what other creatures are reproductively compatible with these ladies!!!


Take your time zG, you are obviously very busy! But yes, a good ending where the rescued soldiers are brought to a research facility to monitor thier unnatural pregnancies sounds awesome!


I like the with/without spiders variants, your attention to detail is too good to miss. I will also say that you do an amazing job on facial expressions. I really like that we can see the faces of the two new additions. Excellent job on this one!


Another lovely image. These are some varocious spiders, it's no wonder these ladies got knocked up so quickly. Even if they somehow escape, there bound to be carrying some spider babies wherever they go next.

James Gavin

The slimy rendering is very nice, but the scene makes a lot more sense with the spiders - which I guess is a long-winded way of saying please keep doing the with and without variants please. While fully cocooned is probably more accurate I prefer seeing the beautiful captive's faces - even if their tears are a bit hard to handle. The image is amazing - I think the only extra I'd like you to add (if I'm being greedy) is to let the spiders use their venom to maybe quieten down their distressed captives. But maybe paralyzed and webbed is overkill.


I’m sure there are a lot of pretty scientist ladies who could benefit from the opportunity to study these life forms up close.

Matt (not that one)

What's funny is, there's an early pic in the Pest Control series where it looks like the main spider is biting the adventurer, so I've always assumed "tranquilizer venom" is what zG was going for.


The knife - now seen in both recent postings - may be a clue to their way out...whatever that may be.


Thanks! I certainly did not forget about her. Still thinking of exactly what is going to happen to her. Suggestions are always welcome

Matt (not that one)

In the "good ending" timeline, maybe she rescues our current 3 heroines from the spider cave? (This would also help loop everything more fully into the "zeroGravitas Cinematic Universe.")


That's a good idea. I was wondering if I should have them escape by themselves (I put the knife there in case I wanted them to cut their way out somehow), or if they would get outside help. Bodysuit girl can help them in that case, yes


Mmm yeah, it is only a few inches from brunette girl's hand... maybe she will notice it and desperately try to reach for it before the big spider mounts her again?


Other variants I that come to mind are: a) Fully exposed bodies to see what’s happening to the girls b) X-ray to (1) see the girls getting seeded (2) see the spiders develop


Followed you from Pixiv to here! Howdy again, hey Zero you should DM me! I'd love to promote your stuff sometime too. Also love this stuff, looks like the girls have a shot of freedom there with that knife... gonna enjoy watching them in the meantime


Hi Zero! Love your stuff, happy to be here supporting you! It's always great seeing the girls getting pleasured by the spiders - could you do more full body total enclosure like that poor first girl?

Matt (not that one)

Come to think of it, we haven't seen the raven-haired woman from the Gastropod Ambush series in a while, either. You know, the one we've seen actually defeat one of Planet ZG's horrible monsters in a fair fight?


Interesting. I do wonder if that actually turns out to be bodysuit girl. She did need a change of clothes after the gastropod encounter


I don’t know that we need to see exactly how they are rescued. It might be sufficient for them to just wake up in a lab a few months later, their whole experience like a bad dream. Until one of them gives birth, of course, starting the cycle over again.


Maybe set to set that the spider silk is soaked in tears or saliva for a long time, causing the spider silk to lose stickiness? Moreover, I think variants can be made into incompletely wrapped spider silk, just like the spider CG in Kagura Gensoutan.


I also like the design (weapons, uniforms, vehicles), that's stuff you may also post/find on Artstation (may bring more attention to this site here).

Matt (not that one)

I don't know, it seems like that would be missing an opportunity for a tense, action-packed escape sequence. There's no reason Chekhov's Knife and Bodysuit Lady With Gun can't both figure into helping our heroines escape the spiders (for now)...


Yeah I'm actually sketching out a short escape sequence involving the knife at the moment, and have another showing what happens when they fail


Yeah designing those things is fun. Artstation for the SFW stuff I do occasionally, there's an idea


I'm just excited to see how big this giant spider will make their bellies


Very interested in seeing a “happy” ending for all the creatures in your universe who are just trying to breed and grow their species.

Josh Foster

They could use the knife to escape and then give birth back in the base's science lab. A cute blonde girl with glasses and lab coat would make a wonderful new mother. I think that was Sam Smith's idea - so maybe the lab/doctor girl could be called "Samantha."

Josh Foster

I love Snake's idea of being able to see the first girl's facial expressions after all this time. Maybe a dazed kinda pleasured smile -- showing that her mind has kind of broken and that she's now accepted her role as broodmother? She'll need some therapy when the rescuers get her out of there.


Your ability to handle reflections are incredible, would love to see more like ”seedbed or dragged to a slimy breeding cave” you really capture the shiny atmosphere of it, almost looks 3d

Josh Foster

Which image, Matt? Just wondering if I'm guessing correctly. (Is it #8, where it looks like she gets tears for the first time? or #13 or #14 when she's mostly webbed up?)


Josh Foster, what about finding a whole group of labtech girls, maybe hanging out in the break room? I’m imagining the rescued girls giving birth unseen in the lab, and a half dozen ladies in lab coats having coffee until a horde of spiders bust through the only door…

Josh Foster

How about dragged inside a slimy breeding worm for the "Another Monster Hunter" ? I agree that ZG can depict slime, stickiness, shiny, webbing better than any other artist currently on pixiv or DA. I prefer it over 3d because of a ... "softness?" the artwork is given by the analog creation. It's just better than anything else out there -- my first patreon subscription.

Matt (not that one)

#11, the 2-frame image. It's the first one where the spider has knocked her down. That first frame looked a bit like the spider was biting her forehead; the next frame was from the opposite side, and then entry #12 had her face covered, so I may have just been misreading it. (There's no blood or anything, which I'm fine with.)

Matt (not that one)

Yeah, the tech design really helps put these works over the top! It reminds me a bit of Mass Effect or some of the corporate tech in Prometheus/Alien Covenant (which is a bit more appropriate to the subject matter).


You've been teasing the blonde girl for 3 years, she needs to reeeallly get it good.


Hey now, eagle5, let's not get too ahead of ourselves! ;-)


Thank you Josh Foster! Although, I was kinda thinking that she would have a more content but resigned 'this is my life now, might as well get used to it' expression, as well as looking curiously in the direction of the new girls wondering who they are and why they got trapped with her, since she can't see them but can still hear and feel them.


Yes, seeing with absolute proof the zygotes dividing inside the girls' uterus', without them even knowing (!), would be the most awesome thing to see from zG!


Thanks! I have been thinking about the ordeal of bodysuit girl, I think I will go for some slimy sticky tentacle action for her, in a story separate from rescue party (still set in the same world ).


ooh yeah that would be so cool! Looking foward to any of your work. And if its just sketches im sure it would be good just as much, have a nice weekend!


Your art caught my interest because of the gorgeous character models and outfits/gun design. The peril and potential 'bad ends', hinted or actual, captured my attention. Kinda remind me of a western style version of 'fan no hitori' but in sci-fi style which i really dig. Look forward to seeing your future art!


If you (already) have an artstation-account, please post it ;-)))


yes please more variants =) i love your spider , very awesome =) maybe the little spiders feed on their mothers and they lose body weight